Chapter 173 Hunting Time
Qixiong Tachibana was sitting in the command car, looking at the very quiet city gate with the observation mirror.

Because of the fear of the power of the tank company, the Japanese tanks did not dare to swagger and form a line to attack.

The four tanks spread out, one at 9 o'clock, two at 12 o'clock, and one at 3 o'clock, coming from different directions.

At the same time, the artillery units in the distance also cooperated with the bombardment, and the shells fell on the left and right sides of the city wall.

"Boom boom boom...!"

Qixiong Tachibana was also ruthless enough, and directly ordered the artillery to carry out a base artillery coverage.

After the bombing was completed, the Japanese army continued the same routine as before. The tanks opened the way in front, and the infantry followed behind to charge.

After continuous shelling, most of the city wall had collapsed, and the soldiers of the advance regiment could only lie on the ruins or shoot behind the remnant wall.

"Your Excellency, no enemy tanks have been found so far."

"Yaoxi! The enemy must have caught the trick and moved all the chariots to the south gate. Now I order, advance at full speed and take the north gate!"


The Japanese infantry began to rush up from behind the tank.

The tanks turned their barrels and mounted machine guns, firing at the soldiers hiding behind the ruins of the city wall.

Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang installed the bazooka again and bombarded the tank.

The tanks spotted them, turned their gun barrels, and fired back at them.

"Bang bang" shells exploded on the surrounding bunkers.

Zhang Lixian was accidentally hit on the arm by flying shrapnel, and his uniform was stained red with blood.

"Don't kill you!" Milong pulled him back quickly.

All the firepower on both sides began to emit sparks, and countless soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

Now the Japanese army still has four intact chariots, and Tachibana Qixiong directly ordered to continue the lightning assault in the direction of the main gate.

In order to prevent the little devil's tank from escaping, this time Kang Ya deliberately shot closer.

At this time, the devil's four tanks were about to approach within 200 meters of the city wall.

"Hit!" Kang Ya ordered.

Six Sherman tanks hidden among the rubble emerged.

The first two shots hit the two bean tanks accurately.

"All vehicles attack!"

The huge roar of the tank engine, mixed with the shouts of the soldiers of the advance regiment following the tank, was earth-shattering!

The two sides completely fought together.

Milong fired a machine gun magazine and directed the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion to rush up.

Bura took a bunch of grenades and stuffed them directly under the tracks of a tank: "Third Battalion, follow me! The tank blows up the tracks, and it becomes an immobile iron bastard!"

"Baga, Lu! Crushed him to death!"

The commander of this tank ordered the driver to crush Bu Lai to death.

A soldier immediately took the explosive package, ignited it and stuffed it directly under the track on the other side.

With two consecutive "booms", the tracks on both sides of the tank were completely broken, and it stopped in place and could not move.

The little devil inside could only turn the muzzle and shoot.

"Fuck him!"

The soldiers threw grenades into the barrel of the tank one after another.

Facing the devil's crouching tank, all the soldiers rushed up together.

Qixiong Tachibana was stunned by the scene in front of him. Isn't the fighting power of this Huaxia army too fierce? !

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and he was the only command vehicle left at the scene.

However, what surprised him even more was that in the dark night, a group of people suddenly appeared. This group of people did not look like a regular army, because few of them were wearing regular military uniforms, and there were all kinds of weapons in their hands. Broadsword.

They are like ghosts emerging from the mountains.Into his rear, in the artillery.

"Beep beep beep beep...!"

The charge horn sounded.

Very familiar melody.

Gao Fei was a little excited when he heard it.

Not Spicy, Milong, Snake Butt, and Kang Ya all lost their minds for a short while.

Because they saw a person rushing to the front, an acquaintance who could not be considered acquaintance, it was the little bookworm who shouted slogans loudly with enthusiasm!

The little bookworm charged fiercely, the Hanyang made in his hand ran out of bullets, and before he had time to change the bullets, he took out a small knife and continued to charge.

These sudden red armed forces came out from behind the Japanese army, killing the Japanese army by surprise.

"United Captain...we are surrounded!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Qixiong Tachibana hurriedly let the infantry brigade behind cover his command vehicle to retreat.

However, these red weapons were even more fierce, directly holding grenades and stuffing them into the barrel of the tank, and some even hit the shell of the tank with the butt of the gun.

The devil's old driver drove the tank, trying to break out of the encirclement, but those people seemed not afraid of death at all. After igniting the explosive package, they waited until the fuse was almost burnt out before stuffing it under the rolling track.

They bombed in this way so that the tank would not be crushed before the explosive package exploded.

"Boom" explosions.

The command vehicle could no longer move, and none of them slipped through the net, and all the tracks on both sides were blown off.

Many red-armed soldiers took homemade Molotov cocktails and stuffed them into the barrel of the tank.

Many Japanese soldiers were burned to death in tanks.

Qixiong Tachibana's command car also suffered the same treatment, but he was unwilling to be burned to death, opened the hatch, and was finally captured alive.

Except for those who refused to surrender, the rest of the Japanese soldiers were all captured.

Gao Fei looked at the little bookworm whom he hadn't seen for a long time.Since the last time they crossed the cable bridge together, they separated, and the little bookworm said that he was going to find the big army and report the situation here.

The little bookworm is still the same as before, high-spirited, and today, he is wearing a clean military uniform, looking very energetic.

In front of him, there is another person.He has a friendly complexion, is strong, and is also standing straight in military uniform.

The little bookworm introduced: "This is the leader of our independent group, Yang Dongsheng."

Yang Dongsheng stretched out his hand and shook Gao Fei's hand: "United Anti-Japanese War, our independent regiment has received an order to recover the cymbals with you."

At this time, the battle was almost over, and Long Wenwen also came to the north gate.

He Shuguang went up to shake hands with Yang Dongsheng, while Zhang Lixian just nodded without any expression on his face, acting as if he refused to be seen thousands of miles away.

Yang Dongsheng can also understand, after all, the camps are different and the beliefs are different.

The rest is to clean up the battlefield, Tachibana Qixiong is a big fish, Tang Ji was so happy from ear to ear after receiving the news, he was going to send heavy troops to escort him directly to the military headquarters.

As for the credit, it is natural that Master Yu and the 200th Division split half and half.

The 404th Regiment of the Japanese Army was annihilated, and the leader of the Tachibana Qikai Regiment was captured. The victory report was reported to the headquarters.

Ren Mutaguchi also found out about this very quickly. He never expected that an ace alliance would be wiped out so quickly.

The room leak happened to rain overnight, and his plan for the black number also encountered many difficulties.

Three divisions with nearly 10 horses drove cattle and sheep to conquer Imphal in India. Unexpectedly, the rainy season encountered on the way, and diseases and leeches took the lives of many soldiers.

The current situation has completely reversed, and the counties around Tongba have basically fallen into the hands of the expeditionary army.

So now Tongba must be captured.

After Gao Fei received the order to attack the cymbal, he left half of his troops to guard Longling, and then went straight to the cymbal.

On the way, Meng got annoyed and began to babble again: "Break the copper cymbal within five days, or you will be responsible for the consequences. Commander, tell me, is there any reason for this? The entire group army has been besieging the copper cymbal for more than a month, big and small The small attack lasted dozens of times, but none of them succeeded. It’s not that we didn’t work hard, but the city is too strong. Five days, why didn’t Shangfeng say one day? This way you can die more quickly.”

Not spicy: "Annoying, are you annoyed again? You suddenly started talking more."

"I'm just annoyed. Although it may not be our Sichuan Army or the 86th Division as the main attack task, but you think, in such a tight time, there is only one way to break through the cymbals, and that is to hit those city walls with your head, what? There is a big hole when you hit it, and you get in when you hit it. A word from the top, but there are a lot of bones below!"

Long Wenwen shouted: "It's annoying, don't make your words too clear, spread the word carefully, and you will be convicted of disturbing the morale of the army."

"My little grandfather likes to complain when he has nothing to do. Who dares to report my small report when he has nothing to do? Is it you, Ah Yi?"

Ah Yi was immersed in the world of flowers and plants on the roadside, when she heard Meng Fanle call him suddenly, she collected herself and said, "Fanla, don't wrong a good person."

(End of this chapter)

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