Chapter 174
The advance group marched rapidly all the way, and the outline of Tongcymbal City gradually appeared in front of them.

The dozen or so regiments that had been surrounding the spot for reinforcements had already launched a fierce attack on the cymbals in accordance with Shangfeng's order.

All the officers were supervising the battle from the rear of the attacking troops. They were really scared. This order was issued from the top. If the task is really not completed, not to mention the skin on the body, I am afraid they will not even be able to keep their heads.

It is layer upon layer, the division commander urges the regiment leader, the regiment commander urges the battalion commander, the battalion commander urges the company commander, the company commander urges the platoon leader, the platoon leader urges the squad leader, the squad leader urges the soldiers, and if there is no soldier, you can only bite the bullet rush forward.

Bullets spewed out, and one soldier after another fell under the enemy's guns.

Outside Tongcymbal City, the corpses of the expeditionary soldiers were already piled up at this time.

The advance team watched silently, maybe the commander-in-chief didn't urge their Dai Shizuo, and Dai Shizuo didn't urge their regiment seat, so they didn't have to charge their heads with machine gun bullets.

The bombers of the allies of the United States roared in the air, and heavy bombs and incendiary bombs kept dropping down. The cymbal city wall and many buildings in the city were already burned and collapsed.

The Japanese army knew that their doomsday had come, so they fought with all their might.

Now the main forces of the Yu Division and the 200th Division have also come, and all the divisions have tacitly suspended their attacks. They are waiting, waiting for these two divisions to bring out a miracle.

McLuhan wore his radio on his back, earphones on his ears, and held an antenna in one hand to monitor the radio signal.

Now he is still the liaison officer between the expeditionary force and the American side, and is responsible for the connection between the advance group and the allied forces.

Soon, the telegram came.

The whole people's assistance immediately translated it with a code book, and the content can be known without reading it. Now it is the turn of the advance group.

Ah Yi asked: "Tuan Zuo, how should we fight this battle?"

Gao Fei was silent, thinking, facing such a strong city, he really had no good way.

Meng was annoyed and said: "How else can we fight? The Japanese army deliberately left a clean shooting area outside the city wall. If they want to rush up, they have to use their foreheads to catch the bullets."

Gao Fei looked at the people around him, took a deep breath and said, "Don't be reckless! It's a good thing to be brave in battle, but you also need to use your brains, and you can't make fearless sacrifices."

He turned his head and said, "Master Mai, immediately contact the aviation brigade of the country and ask them to cooperate with the bombing of the south corner of the city. I have observed that the Japanese army's firepower in that place is relatively weak. As long as a gap is opened, everything will be fine."

McLuhan nodded: "This method is feasible. We have a lot of bombs in the U.S. Aviation Brigade, and they will definitely be able to blow up the city wall."

He quickly got in touch with the Allied Army headquarters and sent the message.

The 14th Air Group immediately started bombing preparations after receiving the order from the Allied headquarters.

A team member Jack said: "Captain, we use high-altitude bombing like this, and we can't accurately bomb the target below. What the expeditionary force needs is for us to blow up the city wall, and it's a corner!"

Captain Bill knew in his heart that he didn't know that the high-altitude bomber had a very big flaw. It flew at a height that an anti-aircraft gun could not hit, and dropped the bomb from a height of thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters in order to accurately hit the ground. The goal on the road is the first very difficult thing, and most of the time it only depends on luck.

"Captain, why don't you let me try dive bombing?"

Dive bombing is different from other bombing methods, and has certain special requirements for the airframe and pilot.

The bomber can fly vertically downward, and when it is very close to the target, it can hit the target very accurately by dropping the bomb.

At this time, the pilot needs to quickly pull up the bomber, otherwise, the bomber will plunge headlong into the ground.

This has extremely high requirements on the psychological quality of the pilot, as well as the proficient control of the aircraft and the timing of the bomb's release.

Bill asked, "Jack, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, captain! We must do our best and not hide at a height that cannot be reached by an anti-aircraft gun."

Bill nodded in agreement: "Okay, I agree with you. I'll let your team go with you."

"Captain, is this true?" Jack was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Bill said with a smile: "Seeing the blood of you young people, I always feel that I am old, but I still yearn for the sky in my heart. I think that during the naval battle of Midway Island, I also drove a bomber and swooped down under the enemy's bullets." And what a thrill it is when the bombs fall on the enemy's deck! Come on, Jack!"

"Captain, I will definitely return in triumph!"

Jack quickly started the engine, and a bomber formation quickly took off from the airport.

The sound of the bomber "buzzing" came again.

On the Japanese wall position, watching the high-altitude bombers flying overhead, the Japanese commander of a certain anti-aircraft artillery squadron cursed loudly: "Ba Ga, a group of cowards, come down if you have the ability!"

As if in response to his shameless request, a bomber actually flew over the southern corner of the city, and then headed down towards the city wall below at a nearly vertical angle!
"Kill it!" The Japanese commander immediately ordered the anti-aircraft guns to fire.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Shells exploded around the bomber.

Jack didn't panic at all, and controlled the fuselage to keep diving.

"Two thousand feet... fifteen hundred feet... a thousand feet..."

The co-pilot sitting in the back provides accurate data on whereabouts.

Just as the bomber dived to a very low altitude, Jack yanked the control stick with his hand.

The bomber almost approached the city wall at a height of less than tens of meters, and then the bomb it carried was accurately dropped on the city wall!
With a bang, the high-explosive bomb exploded.

A certain city wall in the south corner of the city, together with the Japanese troops stationed on it, were all killed, the fortifications were also blown down, and a 10-meter-wide gap was blown into the city wall!
The expeditionary force was slightly shocked when they saw the sharp operation of the bomber.

At this time, the bomber rose to a height that even an anti-aircraft gun could not hit.

In the eyes of the Japanese army, this is definitely a mockery of showing off its might.

Looking at the gap that was finally blown out on the city wall, Gao Fei shouted: "Advance group, go!"

Not only the advance regiment, but the main force regiment of the Yu division, including other regiments around, as well as the guerrillas of the joint resistance war, all launched the most courageous charge to the gap.

This 10-meter-wide gap is like a torrent finally finding a vent, completely igniting the fighting passion of the soldiers.

The soldiers of the expeditionary force rushed in fiercely through this gap, and had a face-to-face fight with the Japanese army.

Zangzhong Kangmei received the news that the city wall was bombed, and immediately brought a security team to support.

However, all the soldiers of the expeditionary army had high morale and were unstoppable at this time. They fought hand-to-hand with the enemy. After some bloody battles, they finally wiped out half of the enemy.

Zangzhong Kangmei retreated into the alleys in the city with only the remaining 500 people.

Like Zenda, the alleys of copper cymbals extend in all directions, with many forks in the road.

After entering the street fighting, you can no longer rush forward in a swarm. Not only is it not conducive to the soldiers behind to shoot and fight, but it is also difficult to avoid the Japanese grenades and small hand cannons.

The best way is to divide into several groups, preferably three or four people, or take a class as a unit, with more than a dozen people working together to continue the search.

The Japanese army had expected such a day long ago, so they built fortifications with sandbags at the entrances of various streets and lanes in advance.

As the towns around Tongbo were gradually cleared, and the various Japanese blockades on the Yunnan-Burma Highway were also cleared, the artillery units and tank armored divisions of the Western Yunnan Expeditionary Army gradually arrived, bypassing Tongcymbal from the east road, and set up On Laifeng Mountain in the southwest.

Cannonballs rained down on the city, and the explosion sounded like thunder.

The air was filled with thick smoke, which severely limited long-range aiming.

Soon the advance regiment received an order from the division headquarters to clear the remnants of the enemy along the left alleyway towards the center of the city, and provided coordinates and orientation to the artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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