Chapter 175 Street Fighting
After research, it was decided that the 200th Division and Yu Division would be responsible for this search mission.

They were divided into several action groups and spread out in the lane.

There are burned buildings all over the city.

Houses, factories, and other structures were devastated, save for windows and walls.Many houses have lost their roofs or have been razed to the ground.

Milong's reconnaissance battalion search is at the forefront to scout the way.

Covering the flanks are the No. [-] Battalion, which is not spicy, and the No. [-] Battalion, which is spicy.

Li Liansheng's first battalion stayed behind as a support force.

These people have now fully entered the role of a commander, directing the soldiers under them to search forward step by step.

Gao Fei's regiment headquarters followed these search teams and was considered safe.

Dead, dead, Zhang Lixian, He Shuguang, and a dozen soldiers from the Sichuan Legion have not returned to Yu Division until now, and are guarding the surroundings.

According to the words of dead, dead, this is called a joint operation of the two divisions.

The division headquarters of the 200th Division and Yu Division did not follow in. Before the remnants of the enemy were completely wiped out, the city was still in danger. For safety reasons, Dai Anlan and Yu Xiaoqing set up the headquarters outside the city.

"Report to the group, a heavy machine gun position has been found ahead." The herald Yang Danzi also got busy.

Because the artillery battalion moved slowly and needed to replenish ammunition, they stayed in Longling, guarding and resting at the same time, and did not come with them.

Gao Fei said: "Master Mai, immediately contact the Allied artillery unit and blow it up directly."

"Yes!" McLuhan immediately sent a report to the artillery, providing accurate coordinates.

Then a Japanese [-] machine gun position was hit directly by a shell.

The few Japanese soldiers guarding the position were blown to pieces, body parts and sandbags were scattered everywhere, and their foxhole seemed like a wide-open crater.

The search team stopped and went, constantly clearing the surrounding obstacles.

During the third pause, Milong saw several houses in front of him. The doors and windows were sealed with bricks.


He was vigilant and shouted, and the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion behind quickly sought cover to hide.

The one in front immediately got down, took out a few grenades and threw them out.

With a few bangs, several holes were blasted into the walls of the house, and then the soldiers behind Milong threw a few more grenades.

The house collapsed completely, and the Japanese soldiers inside were either killed by bombing or crushed to death by the ruins of the house.

These devils are crazy enough to hide inside the house, and then use bricks to close the windows and doors, leaving only a small gap for observation. If you don't search carefully, passing through here is likely to cause casualties.

They had already searched a small two-story building in front of them just now, and there were no devils hiding, but suddenly a row of [-] large buildings protruded from the windows of the house.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Several soldiers behind Milong fell down, and a bullet hit his arm.

He grunted, gritted his teeth, raised the light machine gun in his hand, and fired a bang at the window of the house, then raised his legs and ran, running behind a broken wall.

"You bastard, peek-a-boo? Where are they hiding?"

The reconnaissance battalion said: "No matter where they come from, throw a grenade! Blow up these bastards!"

More than a dozen grenades were thrown out again.

Bu La, who was in charge of covering the flank, rushed over with his people immediately after hearing the gunshots.

The submachine gun in his hand aimed at the devil in the side window and quickly pulled the trigger.

There was a burst of shooting, and a big [-] cover could be seen falling, and the devil's body also fell out of the window.

The rest of the soldiers also quickly suppressed the fire with submachine guns.

Milong took this opportunity to escape from the dangerous area.

Gao Fei led the troops behind to meet him, and asked, "What's going on?"

Not spicy: "The bastard is a little Dongyang, playing hide-and-seek with us, and he doesn't know where to hide and shoot coldly."

Milong's arm was bubbling with blood, and the medical soldiers had already begun to treat him. They gritted their teeth and said, "A dozen or so people heard the gunfire, probably a detachment of devils. They have cleared the building just now, and these devils are very It may have been drilled in from a tunnel."

At present, only this kind of explanation is the most reasonable.

Gao Fei looked at the two-story building in front of him, and immediately ordered: "Stop the search first, the artillery is already in place, let the mortar bombard him first."

Soon several mortar teams set up 80mm mortars and fired at the houses occupied by the enemy.

In just a short moment, the walls of the two-story building collapsed.

Accompanied by a series of roaring sounds, the house was bombed and collapsed, and the entrance to the tunnel inside the building was buried.

Enemies who have not been killed by the bomb can't run away and can only shoot from the door or window through the broken wall.

At this time, the heavy machine guns of the advance regiment began to fire violently.

Meng Fanle took a 98K and shot it through the throat of a devil who was loading a [-] heavy machine.

The devil fell down clutching his bleeding neck, and then fell out of the window, blood spraying all over the wall.

After the house where the devils were hiding was razed to the ground, the gunfire gradually subsided.

The city is full of killed Japanese soldiers, all of whom were killed in the overnight shelling.

In addition, there were some comfort women and Chinese people who were killed, and even some locals who were captured by the Japanese army.

With the bombardment by planes and artillery, as well as heavy firepower such as heavy machine guns and mortars, the search went smoothly. When it was about to approach the center of the city, it was getting dark.

At this time, Gao Fei sensed that something was wrong. According to the usual pattern, the search area was getting wider and wider, and the hiding place of the Japanese army was getting smaller and smaller. It was already at the critical point of life and death. He would definitely counterattack violently, but the Japanese army remained silent. Only a few soldiers remained to resist.

Long Wenwen also noticed it: "Could there be any tricks here?"

Gao Fei said: "Immediately order the various search teams to withdraw and gather together!"


Before Yangdanzi could pass on the order, a Japanese army team appeared behind them.

Gao Fei looked at the Japanese soldiers who were gradually crawling out of the sewer behind him, and shouted loudly: "Meet the enemy!"

All muzzles were immediately turned behind and around.

In the Japanese army headquarters, Zang Zhongkangmei held a sword in his hand: "Order the whole army, all rush forward, and take back the lost positions!"


From all directions, like mice, the Japanese army came out of the dug sewer, entangled and fought with the expeditionary army.

At this time, I was worried about accidental injury, and the artillery and bombers of the expeditionary force could not be used.

Only hand to hand, only bayonet!

The war is about to start.

Countless Japanese soldiers rushed up shouting and killing.

Under the command of Gao Fei, the advance team supported each other and slowly gathered together.

Fortunately, there are few devils, so they can only carry out sneak attacks on a small scale.

And the number of expeditionary forces is large, even if it is three for one or five for one, the little devil can't stand it at all.

Blood stained the entire cymbal, and people on both sides kept falling.

The expeditionary force bravely killed the enemy and never retreated
The Japanese army was even more of a battle of trapped beasts, knowing that they couldn't survive, so the two stabbed each other, and finally died together!
This little devil's style of play is simply sinister and vicious.

It was slowly getting dark.

The Japanese army wanted to drive the expeditionary force out of the copper cymbal, but failed, and they encountered extremely sharp resistance.

The orders from Shangfeng to persevere were conveyed one after another.

This sudden sneak attack caused the expeditionary force to lose nearly 2000 people, and the Japanese army also lost more than 500 troops.

The two armies confronted each other near the city wall, and there were less than 1000 people left in Zangzhong Kangmei's wing. They were afraid of being ambushed and dared not continue to pursue, so they had to retreat temporarily.

Gao Fei looked at the retreating soldiers of the advance regiment, each and every one of them was covered with paint on their bodies and faces, especially their morale was very low, and the Japanese attack hit them hard.

Long Wenwen poked his waist and said, "Tell me a few words, morale is most likely to lose at this time, and we need to be encouraged."

Gao Fei nodded, and said to Yangdanzi: "Command: Battalion, company and platoon leaders come here if they are free, and I will have a few words with you."

Commanders at several battalion and company levels, including a dozen or so platoon leaders, gathered together. Gao Fei asked the cooking team to distribute the dry food, and said while eating bread, "I know, everyone has never fought this kind of battle. I didn't fight either. When I was fighting Nantianmen, I knew that Takeuchi liked to dig holes, but I didn't expect that the devils here also like to dig holes.

Today's command was my mistake.Fighting the Japanese army, especially the mortal Japanese army, how could it not want to do everything possible to fight against the beast?
I didn’t find the tunnel. This is my mistake, and it’s also the mistake of you backbones. The Japanese army was hiding in the sewer, and you didn’t find it, which shows that the search was not careful enough. "

The men were silent, reflecting.

(End of this chapter)

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