Chapter 195
Gao Fei used the binoculars to carefully observe the Japanese position on the bridgehead.

The Japanese army built some fortifications and bunkers at the bridgeheads on the north and south sides, mostly using wood and sandbags collected nearby, and the defensive firepower was relatively complete.

Although it is not a permanent fortification, it still looks quite solid.

From the firing, it can be seen that on the north bank, that is, on the bridgehead on this bank, the Japanese army deployed two [-] heavy machines, all of which were hidden in hidden bunkers.

Near the bridgehead is a large open field with a wide shooting range, which is difficult for the attacking advance regiment to approach.

But this is not a problem for the advance regiment with tanks.

The eight tanks on the front quickly rushed towards the bridgehead, and aimed their artillery at the heavy fire points on these bridgeheads.

"Boom boom boom!"

Eight shells were fired at the same time and landed on the bunker at the head of the bridge. The devils hiding inside were blown away together with the heavy machine guns.

Then a chariot accelerated forward, broke into the bridgehead position directly, rampaged, and crushed all the way.

The infantry behind the chariot rushed up quickly to seize the bridgehead position on the north bank of the Ruili River.

Under the rapid assault of the advance regiment, the Japanese army guarding the bridge couldn't bear it at all, so they had to abandon their positions and retreated across the bridge to the south bank.

Gao Fei was worried that the devils would blow up the bridge in a hurry, and the chariots were extremely precious, so he decisively ordered the chariot company not to pursue and exit the bridge.

After successfully occupying the bridgehead position on the north bank, Long Wenwen shouted: "Li Liansheng, the first battalion is solid defense! Solid defense position!"

Bula looked at the bridge in front of him and asked Gao Fei: "This bridge is only 20 kilometers away from Nankan, and the devil's reinforcements will arrive soon. How should we defend it, or blow up the bridge?"

Gao Fei said: "Don't worry, the devils here haven't withdrawn yet. Unless we storm the south bank, the little devils are still reluctant to blow up the bridge for the time being. First install the explosives and detonating devices on the bridge on this bank." Next, if the little devil dares to send troops over, we will bomb together with the little devil."

"Okay!" Bula smiled, and immediately led the people there.

Yao Ma asked: "Tuan Zuo, what is the mission of our third battalion?"

After Gao Fei observed the surrounding terrain, he pointed.

Yao Ma followed his fingers and saw a hill about 300 meters away from the bridge head.

The vegetation on it is dense, and the Nanba Highway passes through the foot of the mountain after crossing the bridge.

Gao Fei said: "You lead the third battalion to guard the hill, and I'll let the second battalion respond from the side. The little devils must go this way to retreat. Let's make an ambush first!"

"Okay, Tuan Zuo, I'll go over there and wait for the little devil to come to my door!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Yao Ma immediately left with Sanying.

"It's not spicy, you take the second battalion to ambush in the woods on the left wing. Don't expose it unless it is absolutely necessary."


Gao Fei ordered Douban to lead the transportation company to deliver ammunition to the top of the mountain.

Then he ordered Milong: "Send a few people to check the situation and investigate if there is another way to bypass the bridge. Then don't let the little devil sneak away!"

Milong immediately dispersed with the reconnaissance battalion, and started the mission of reconnaissance and vigilance to the surrounding area.

McLuhan contacted the Allied Command through the radio station, and made a brief report on the situation here.

The Allied forces replied that the New First Army was stepping up its attack on Bhamo City, and that an Allied aviation formation was flying towards the bridge to let the advance regiment temporarily hold the north bank.

Tanaka Shinichi, who is in command of Nankan, has received the news from the bridge defenders, and he is very anxious after learning that the bridgehead position on the north side has been captured.

He is very clear that the Gongga Bridge is the only way to retreat from Kartike Mountain to Nankan. Once the enemy is to strangle this place, the 55th Regiment that crosses the bridge is likely to be besieged by the enemy, and then all wipe out!
There are less than [-] troops stationed in Nankan now, and it will be really stretched to face the attack of the new army in the future.

So Shinichi Tanaka immediately decided not to worry about Ba Mo, and asked the 55th Wing to withdraw to Nankan as quickly as possible.

At least the combination of the two forces cannot be said to be able to defend Nankan, at least it can be held for a while, waiting for the reinforcements from Yangon to arrive.

After receiving the order, Shiro Yamazaki, the commander of the 55th Regiment, immediately dispatched a full squad, mobilized four trucks, and rushed along the road to the Gongga Bridge at full speed in an attempt to support the guards on the bridge as quickly as possible. military.

Then he felt that the troops were not enough, so he sent another infantry squadron to follow the runners.

The rest fought and retreated under his leadership, blocking the new 30th division while retreating at a distance.

At the same time, Suzuki Ichiro, the squadron leader of the bridge defense team, was telegraphed to regain the position on the north shore at all costs.

Suzuki Ichiro could only bite the bullet and formed a death squad, ready to retake the North Shore.

However, five bombers suddenly flew from the sky, carrying aerial bombs, and threw them towards the bridge.

When these devil recruits saw the bomber, they immediately yelled and ran into the artillery holes in the position to hide.

The bomber flew at a height that even an anti-aircraft gun could not hit, and it was simply too difficult to directly hit the seven-meter-wide stone bridge.

Except for a few lucky bombs that landed on the bridge, the rest of the bombs deviated from the bridge one after another and all fell into the river.

Groups of huge waves were blown up, which looked as if the momentum was amazing, but the effect was extremely poor.

Dozens of tons of bombs were dropped, but they still failed to blow up the cement-reinforced stone bridge.

The Third Battalion of Yaoma had seized the hill at this time.

This small hill was less than 50 meters high, so the devils did not send troops to garrison it. They only arranged two sentries, who were also rushed up and killed by the soldiers of the third battalion.

After occupying the top of the hill, Gao Fei established a headquarters on the back slope.

Meng Fanle lay down on the rock and observed with a telescope. Looking at the dilapidated bridge, he shook his head and sighed: "The accuracy of this ally's bombing is really impressive. When dozens of tons of bombs were dropped, only one of them was blown up." A coat of fur from Stone Bridge!"

A Yi turned his head and looked at McLuhan who was playing with the radio: "Master Mai, the Allied bombers' accuracy is too bad, and they failed to blow up the stone bridge. What do you think we should do now?"

McLuhan sat on a big rock, rolled his eyes and said, "None of my business! I'm just a liaison officer, you don't plan to let me blow up bridges, do you?!"

Gao Fei smiled and said: "Master Mai, what are you thinking? I will only let you call the air support of the Allied forces. Things like this kind of charge are still left to my soldiers. However, when the little devil attacks, I hope Allied air support is available!"

After McLuhan heard this, he quickly said: "Oh, my lord, don't worry, I will keep in touch with the air forces of the allied countries at any time!"


After waiting for the bombing to end, Suzuki Ichiro immediately ordered a small team to charge.

Bu Lai used the walkie-talkie to ask for instructions: "Tuan Zuo, the little devils have sent reinforcements from the bridge, will the bridge be blown up or not?"


Gao Fei watched the approaching Japanese squad with binoculars, and ordered the bridge to be blown up in order to reduce unnecessary casualties.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A series of explosions sounded.

The stone bridge, which was already crumbling, could no longer withstand the explosion of the explosive package, and collapsed with a bang.

Even if the devil squad on the bridge was not killed by the bomb, they fell into the river and were washed away and drowned.

This time Gao Fei was completely relieved, the bridge exploded, and the devils who crossed the bridge would have no way out.

Although it is possible to swim across the river from other places, the heavy weapons such as cannons carried cannot be transported across the river.

If the devils wanted to cross the river, they had no choice but to give up their heavy weapons, but without their heavy weapons, it would be a problem to defend Nankan later.

At this time, Milong contacted through the walkie-talkie: "Tuan Zuo, I found a little devil in the southeast! There are four trucks, about 60 people, and it is a full-stack team."

"Okay, I see. The reconnaissance battalion will continue to hide, and the devils will be handed over to the third battalion."

"Yes, group seat!"

Gao Fei then used the walkie-talkie to order Ma: "Let the devils get closer to fight, and never let any one go!"

"Yes, group seat!"

(End of this chapter)

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