Chapter 196 Ambush
Gao Fei observed with binoculars from the top of the mountain. Four Japanese trucks were rushing along the road at the foot of the mountain.There is also an infantry squadron behind.

Krupp found a more suitable position on the side of the hill, and arranged the six accompanying mortars and four anti-aircraft guns.

Although there is no time to build a bunker for concealment, a relatively complete firepower network has been formed quickly, firmly blocking the road at the foot of the mountain.

The devils who came this time had only one squadron, and they marched lightly, without heavy firepower such as cannons. With the current combat effectiveness of the advance regiment, the third battalion was enough to deal with it.

Yao Madai's third battalion was ready for an ambush. Seeing four trucks galloping towards the foot of the mountain, he immediately shouted, "Fight!"

All of a sudden, rifles, light machine guns, and heavy machine guns fired together, and the bullets rained down on the devils.

The windshield on the truck was instantly shattered.

The ghost driver who was driving was beaten into a sieve before he even had time to step on the brakes.

The truck lost control, veered off the road, and crashed into a tree on the side of the road.

A dozen or so Japanese soldiers in the rear compartment were knocked over and overturned.

"Get off! Get off! (Japanese)"

Before the little devil got out of the car, Krupp had already aimed a mortar, and it hit the truck with a blast.

The truck and the little devil were all killed.

The second truck following behind suddenly slammed on the brakes.

The three mortars had already been aimed, and the three artillery pieces were booming.

The devil sitting in the truck was killed before he could jump out of the car.

The two trucks behind, seeing being ambushed, realized they had encountered the main force of the enemy.

A dozen devils jumped out of the third truck and tried to resist with the [-] cover in their hands.

"Rush forward, a quick battle!"

Yao Ma gave an order, and the vanguard had already rushed down the hill, sweeping across with the submachine guns in their hands.

The devils had no time to shoot and resist, so they shot and killed them all.

Because the fourth truck was driving at the back, it was a little farther away from the ambush circle. After turning around, it slammed on the accelerator and fled.

But on the side of the truck, a bazooka had taken aim.


Mixed with a rocket fired, a huge ball of fire rose from the truck.

A fourth truck was also destroyed.

Yao Ma shouted: "Hurry up and clean up the battlefield, block the road with trucks!"

Not long after the battle here ended, the devil infantry squadron behind arrived.

Looking at the four trucks blocking the road in a haphazard manner in the distance, the squadron leader Dohi Hiroyo immediately ordered the squadron to stop advancing far away.

The trucks in front of the road were all dead, and now the destroyed trucks were lying across the road, completely blocking the road.

Doi Pingyang first telegraphed the joint leader Yamazaki Shiro and reported the situation here.

After Shiro Yamazaki received the news, he panicked a lot. The bridge was bombed, and now the road is blocked again. It may be difficult for heavy weapons to be transported across the river again!
He called back immediately and told Doi Pingyang to get the road open first at all costs.

"You guys, go up and try the enemy's firepower!"


A small team leader commanded a small team, screaming and rushing towards the hill.

Just 500 meters away from the top of the mountain, the sniper rifle on the top of the mountain rang.


A charging devil suddenly had a blood hole in his forehead, and fell down in response.

"Sniper! (Japanese)"

"Caution! (Japanese)"

The soldiers behind were startled and screamed and screamed.

"Slap" was another shot.

This shot directly killed the chattering team leader, killing him with one shot.

The sniper team ambushing on the mountain immediately opened fire.

Most of the squad that the Japanese rushed up to died in a short while.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Doi Pingyang.

The appearance of snipers made them bear tremendous pressure in their hearts.

Because everyone knows that snipers are absolutely terrifying existences on the battlefield, and they are often killed by one shot.

Cao Chang, who had just escaped back, explained to Doi Hirohiro in order to shirk responsibility: "Report to the squadron leader, the enemy's firepower is very strong, and there are snipers, it is difficult to get close to the mountain, and the squad leader was also shot!"

Such a result shocked Doi Pingyang.

He picked up the binoculars and looked at the hill from a distance.

This hill is not too high, the highest point is only 100 meters.

However, the slope is relatively steep, and the trees on the mountain are relatively lush, so it is basically impossible to see the enemy's arrangement on the mountain.

Judging from the trucks destroyed on the road and the test just now, he already knew that this was an extremely capable enemy with strong firepower.

He quickly got in touch with the captain.

So Yamazaki Shiro told him the information sent back by the bridge defense team.

Doi Pingyang was shocked again: "Nani?! The other party still has tanks? Captain, do you know the number of this unit?"

Yamazaki Shiro quickly called back: "It seems to be the enemy's advance group!"

The advance group has now almost become a nightmare for the Japanese army, which shows that the advance group has cast them out of the shadow of their hearts.

So immediately telegraphed Okamura: "Don't attack blindly, retreat to a safe place first, and wait patiently for the confluence of large forces."

Yamazaki Shiro is very aware of the importance of the Gongga Bridge for the retreat of the 55th Wing.

Once the bridge is blown up, the 55th Wing will no longer be able to withdraw to Nankan.

Now the new army behind is constantly increasing its troops, biting his wing tightly.

The most urgent task is to quickly find a way to withdraw to Nankan. If he is blocked on the north bank of the Ruili River, he will be completely surrounded by the enemy.
Now Yamazaki Shiro has deeply realized that the new army in front of him is no longer the army of the past.

Now it is well-equipped, even surpassing their Japanese army.

It seems that the food is good, the soldiers have high physical fitness, and their combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the newly recruited soldiers.

While retreating and fighting back, Yamazaki Shiro led the 55th Regiment and finally joined the vanguard in front.

"Baga! At all costs, we must capture the hill ahead before tomorrow morning!"


Doi Pingyang's squadron took on the task of frontal main attack.

According to the intelligence analysis obtained so far, this group of enemies has a regiment, and many of the weapons in the hands of the soldiers are also advanced American equipment.

However, the only powerful firepower weapons his squadron can use are four grenadiers and two ninety-two heavy machines, which has no advantage in firepower at all.

And he has already observed that that hill is very unfavorable for attacking.

The enemy is condescending, they look up and attack.

It is conceivable that this battle will be very tragic, and his squadron will definitely pay a heavy price!
After conveying the order, Doi Hiroyo said to the squad leaders in a deep voice: "Everyone knows the importance of the hill in front of them. Failure means the entire army is wiped out! If you succeed, you will escape! Therefore, Only succeed, not fail!"

The small captains put their legs together, bowed their heads and said, "Hi!"

Half an hour later, Doi Pingyang led his squadron to attack the mountain.

"Kill it!"

During the period before the Japanese attack, all the soldiers of the advance regiment swung their engineering shovels and desperately dug bunkers and trenches.

There are many rocks on the mountain, but most of the places are still dominated by sandy soil, which is relatively easy to dig.

A Yi led the soldiers to dig out a trench, and attached individual bunkers.

Due to time constraints, it is not allowed to build stronger fortifications, so it can only be done for the time being.

Just when the soldiers stopped to eat something to replenish their strength, the reconnaissance battalion outside sent a warning.

A Japanese squadron has already attacked the hill along the woods on both sides of the road!

Gao Fei took out a biscuit and ate two bites. After receiving the telegram from Milong, he grabbed the 98K rifle beside him and shouted to his subordinates: "Brothers, the little devils are here, copy the guys!"

A group of brothers immediately stuffed what they were eating into their mouths, and some hurriedly dug open cans into their mouths a few times, and pulled the bolt to reload while chewing, ready to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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