Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 199 Yamazaki's Last Madness

Chapter 199 Yamazaki's Last Madness

It was approaching dawn.

Ah Yi took the binoculars and shouted: "Tuan Zuo, the little devil is coming up again!"

All immediately opened fire.

He Shuguang held a flamethrower and led a fire-breathing team in the trench.

The Japanese army in front of the position charged closer and closer, and he yelled: "Spray!"

With a whoosh, the fire-breathing team immediately stood up, and sprayed at the devils who rushed over.

With scorching heat, ten fire dragons directly burned the dozen or so devils who rushed to the front to death.

The clothes on the devil's body were ignited, and turned into burning men rolling down the mountain one by one.


Facing the flamethrower, Captain Guizi could only choose to retreat again.

The advance group and the Japanese army had been fighting fiercely all night, and ammunition consumption was very serious, and a shortage of ammunition began to appear.

McLuhan could only use the radio to call the Allied Command, hoping to arrange for transport planes to drop ammunition and supplies.

Gao Fei also reported the battle situation here to Sun Liren: "Junzuo, the 55th Regiment has been blocked by the advance regiment on the north bank of the Gongga Bridge, unable to retreat to Nankan. hill!
The situation of the advance group is not optimistic, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and the ammunition was also in short supply, so please come as soon as possible to pinch the Japanese army back and forth! "

Sun Liren received the telegram and realized the seriousness of the problem. After conquering Bhamo, he immediately ordered the New 38th Division and the New 30th Division to rush to the Gongga Bridge overnight.

A large number of main forces of the new army, all marching lightly, carrying only a small amount of food and light weapons and ammunition, began to run forward.

However, there were still some Japanese troops blocking the pursuit of the New 30th Division along the way, and the two sides began to exchange fire again before dawn.

This is a death order given by Yamazaki Shiro to a small team in the rear, asking them to stop the enemy's pursuers at all costs, even if they die in battle!
In fact, to put it bluntly, these queens have been regarded as abandoned sons and abandoned by Yamazaki Shiro.

The sun rose and the sky gradually became brighter, exposing the devils who attacked again to the dim light of the morning light.


Gao Fei gave the order, and all kinds of rifles, machine guns, and submachine guns fired.

The soldiers of the advance regiment were already red-eyed at this time, and they didn't care about saving, so they shot all the bullets in their hands.

This wave of devils had just rushed up the hill at a distance of 10 meters, and once again tasted the great power of Thomson and M3 submachine guns.

The devil rolled down the mountain once again.

Seeing Tian's offensive repelled again, Yamazaki Shiro had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

At this time, there was a huge roar of an aircraft engine in the sky.

A large group of planes appeared in the sky.

More than 20 planes swarmed in.

There are both bombers and fighters, as well as two C47 transport planes.

The bombers rushed directly to the Japanese positions on the south bank of the Ruili River.

The transport plane dropped ammunition and other supplies to the rear of the hill.

The fighter jets swooped and circled, shooting at the devils on the ground with machine guns.

The devils can only use the three-eight cover to shoot into the sky, but these fighter jets are all P40, with rough skin and thick flesh. Unless they hit vital parts such as fuel tanks, they will not be shot down by one or two bullets.

"Your Excellency, if you don't break through, you really have no chance!"

Doi Pingyang was really scared and worried.

"No! Mr. Tusheng, can't you see it? I have no intention of escaping at all! The Japanese Empire has lost one after another in northern Burma, so what's the use of fleeing back to Nankan?"

"Your Majesty..." Hirohiro Doi was shocked, and the team leader went crazy!
"Now the enemy is at the end of their battles. As long as we form a commando and launch the last jade broken charge, we can completely take down the mountain in front of us, and maybe we can use this mountain to kill more enemies!"

Yamazaki Shiro believes that the enemy's ammunition has been exhausted overnight.

He has seen many Huaxia soldiers put bayonets on their rifles.

Next, as long as we continue to attack, sooner or later this group of enemy troops will be exhausted!

But that hope was dashed when he saw a transport plane in the sky drop two airdrops towards the top of the hill.

He finally understands how terrible it is to lose air supremacy!

If the enemy on the mountain got the airdrop and the ammunition supply, then his alliance would be finished.

So, be sure to organize the enemy to get the airdrop!

Holding the binoculars, he observed the slowly falling airdrop, and laughed wildly.

Then he put down the binoculars and said loudly to his subordinates:

"Warriors, don't be discouraged, because our empire is invincible! This failure is nothing at all. Are we afraid? If you are afraid, then you are a disgrace to the empire!

We can't just give up now and wait for the enemy's pursuers to catch up and surround us!We must choose to attack until we take down the hill ahead!As long as we take down this mountain, then we can rely on geography to deal a heavier blow to the enemy!

I need to form a commando to launch a smashing charge against the enemy, and use the courage of the empire to completely kill these damned Chinese people. Do you volunteer to stand up and sign up? "

At this time, morale was very low, but after listening to his encouragement, it improved somewhat.

But for the matter of voluntarily signing up for the commando, they are all hesitant, and there are very few soldiers who stand up directly.

At this time, Doi Hiroyo stood up with a face of indignation.

And loudly reprimanded these soldiers: "You damned cowards! Now is the critical moment of life and death, but you are greedy for life and afraid of death! How can the empire raise you cowards? Your Excellency, I am willing to lead my squadron to fight Jade Fragment charge!"


Yamazaki Shiro was very happy when he heard it. Doi Heiyang's actions made him very pleased, and he felt that he saw the dawn of victory again.

Doi Pingyang said again: "Your Majesty, the enemy's frontal defense is too tight, and the charge may not be successful. I have a suggestion. It is better for my squadron to go around from the flanks. In addition, you send another army with explosives to come from the front. It may be feasible to charge forward and cooperate with each other!"

Yamazaki Shiro nodded in agreement: "Yukishi! Doi-kun, you are indeed the hope of the empire!"

He looked around with his stomach upright, and when he saw any soldier who was unwilling to go with his head down, he picked that one.

Therefore, another hundred "cowardly" soldiers were selected to form a group of commandos.

"Long live the Empire! Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

Yamazaki Shiro shouted a slogan, pulled out his command knife, swung it violently towards the top of the mountain, and let out a hysterical roar: "Kill it!..."

They were forced to pick out those commandos, all of whom were ashen-faced and carried explosive packs.

Like a puppet, he recklessly charged towards the top of the mountain.

The last madness broke out completely.

Those devils with explosive packs crawled forward first, and once they got close to the top of the mountain, they slammed the explosive packs and rushed up.

Some of them went down with the knife as soon as they stood up.

Some charged halfway and were hit by bullets, and then the ignited explosives also exploded.

Boom boom boom!
Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the scene was tragic.

No matter how fierce the firepower of the advance group is, there will always be devils who can rush close.

This frenzied method of warfare caused a lot of casualties to the advance group.

After Gao Fei emptied a magazine again, he looked around while changing the bullets.

On the first line of defense in the forward position, the No. 150 Battalion suffered at least half of the casualties, more than [-] people.

Some of them were directly killed by the explosive package.

Some of them were injured and rescued, sent to a safer place behind, and handed over to medical soldiers for treatment.

The devil's offensive remained unabated, he only paused for a moment, and then rushed up again screaming.

Doi Hiroyo led his second squadron around to the side, and suddenly charged at the first battalion defending the river bank.

This move not only made Gao Fei feel that something was wrong, but also surprised Shiro Yamazaki. How does it look like a breakout? !
Indeed, this is Doi Pingyang's plan, he doesn't want to die here, he wants to lead the Second Squadron to break through!
Shiro Yamazaki really wanted to call him back, but he couldn't care less, because the large army of the New First Army was coming soon!
He must take down the hill as soon as possible, otherwise, the alliance will die if they attack back and forth!

(End of this chapter)

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