Chapter 200 annihilate all
Yamazaki's crazy style of play seriously damaged the advance team's position, and even caused a lot of damage to the second team who picked up the airdrop.

Gao Fei finished firing five rounds and was reloading when he suddenly saw a devil jumping up from behind a rock more than ten meters away on the right, holding a bundle of grenades in each hand, howling and rushing towards him over here.


Sangmenxing reacted quickly, kicked the little devil, and then with this force, he hugged Gao Fei and fell out.


The bomb exploded, and a big hole was blown out, and the devil was also blown into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

The huge impact pushed Sangmen Xing and Gao Fei far away.

Sangmen Xing almost took the impact of the blast wave for Gao Fei, and his back was bloody.

Fortunately, this kick kicked the devil a long way, and then saved a certain distance, the impact of the explosion was not strong anymore.

The severe pain made Sangmen Xing couldn't help but groan and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Medical soldiers!" Gao Fei shouted.

The veterinarian ran over with Xiao Zui.

"Skin trauma, it doesn't matter."

Xiao Zui first gave Sangmen Xing an injection of morphine to relieve the pain, and then quickly carried him onto the stretcher.Take him to a back location for healing.

Meng Annoyed couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it! The little devil is really insane!"

Not spicy with the second battalion has snatched back the airdrop.

Doubing is taking the transport troops to transport ammunition to various positions.

Gao Fei has always chosen to defend on the mountain instead of taking the initiative to attack, and left a small hole in the second battalion.

Surrounding three and leaving one like this is because the devils are afraid of jumping over the wall in a hurry, and use the game of killing fish and breaking nets.

Now he could finally see that, except for the Devil Squadron attacking the First Battalion, the captain of the 55th Wing had no intention of breaking through at all.

Hearing that Sangmen Xing was injured, he wanted numb and non-spicy all over.

Kang Ya's chariot company has been sticking to the river bank, using tank guns to stop the boats and rafts crossing the river.

Now that there are Allied bombers, they are no longer needed, so Kang Ya came to support the mountain with a tank company.

After Milong provided Krupp with directions, he led the reconnaissance battalion to completely destroy the Japanese artillery positions, and rushed back overnight.

"Tuan Zuo, do you want to make a counterattack?!"

Hearing that Sangmen Xing was injured, all these familiar faces felt a fire in their hearts.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's do it!"

Gao Fei finally made a decision, the little devil's desperate move was too damaging, even if he attacked now, he had to wipe out all the stubborn enemies in one go!

"It's annoying, tell the brothers, put on the bayonet!"

"Go on the bayonet!"

Meng Fan troubled to follow up and shouted loudly.

The soldiers of the advance regiment with rifles inserted their bayonets in unison, and those with submachine guns prepared their magazines.

"Come on!"

The advance group rushed down from the mountain in a dense crowd.

When the two armies meet, the brave wins!

These soldiers of the advance group are all elite fighters tempered by blood and fire.

Although the devils were a group of desperadoes who were forced to attack with jade fragments, when it came time to fight for courage, Huaxia's soldiers were ten times, or even a hundred times braver than them!
Yamazaki Shiro was caught off guard by the sudden attack of the advance group.

He has already made up his mind to take this hill, even if it means paying a huge price!

In addition to the idea of ​​leading the troops to withdraw to Nankan, there is also a certain amount of selfishness in it. He hated the advance regiment and the Huaxia army in front of him.

He knew very well in his heart that with their current situation, northern Myanmar might not be able to hold on anymore, and it was only a matter of time before Nankan was lost.

Facing the new army with ten times more troops, and the baby army who has been trying to pick up the leaks, their Great Japanese Empire is no longer able to send reinforcements to northern Burma.

Failure is a certainty.

He didn't think anyone else was capable of turning the tide. Even if the United Team escaped to Nankan by chance, they would probably die there in the end.

Now that we have encountered the enemy's advance group, we are called the trump card of the trump card!

So he wants to become famous in one battle, even if he dies, he still has to fight against the advance team!

This kind of thinking made him intensify, without considering the consequences at all, and devoted all the remaining vitality to the battlefield without hesitation.

Groups of devils were ordered to attack the advance group one after another.

The two sides launched a hand-to-hand battle at the foot of the mountain!

For a moment, there was a flash of swords and guns, and the shouts of killing shook the sky.

The collision of guns, the sound of bayonets piercing flesh, and the screams and cursing of people who were injured were mixed together.

The soldiers on both sides, like beasts, bit each other, using bullets, grenades, bayonets, even fists and teeth, trying to put each other to death!

The two sides were completely entangled, the machine guns on the side and the top of the mountain were completely useless, and the bearded machine gun company was afraid of accidentally injuring its own people, so it dared not shoot easily again.

So, the bearded man simply grabbed a big knife and shouted wildly: "Brothers, don't be dazed! The group seats are already on, why are we still lying here? Follow the group seats!"

These machine gunners, those with big knives, jumped out of the position with the big knives.

Those who had pistols grabbed them, and those who didn't have anything else rushed out of the machine gun position with their engineering shovels.

A group of machine gunners roared and rushed towards the devils in front.

He plunged into the battle group and fought desperately with the devils.

Gao Fei emptied the bullets in the pistol, picked up a bayonet, and rushed forward to continue fighting.

The blood stained the earth and the uniforms red!
At this moment, a shout came from a distance: "Come on~!"

Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering cry, and countless Chinese soldiers surrounded them from all directions.

The new 30th Division of the New First Army, including the 88th, 89th, and 90th regiments under its jurisdiction, has finally arrived!

The 55th Regiment of Yamazaki Shiro had less than 300 people left at this time, and was surrounded by Chinese soldiers all over the mountains and plains.

The rest of the devils held their weapons and backed away from each other, and Sanba Dagai was out of bullets.

As for the grenades, there were less than a dozen of them together, not even enough for suicide.

Holding a samurai sword, Yamazaki looked at the Huaxia soldiers who were gradually approaching around him.

Time passed by every minute and every second in the dullness. Yamazaki Shiro knew that the moment of death was coming, and shouted: "Onboard!!"

Commanded the remaining soldiers to launch the last wave of charge.

However, this is of no use.

Seeing that the situation was over, Doi Pingyang led a hundred or so men to break out of the siege, but was finally caught by the first battalion of Bula.

These devils were afraid of death, so they raised their hands and surrendered instead of choosing the broken jade.

When the battle was completely over, Gao Fei felt a burst of exhaustion hit him.

This battle was the most dangerous one he had fought so far. With only one regiment of the advance regiment, he finally wiped out all of the 55th Regiment here.

After the 55th Wing was crippled by the Indian Army, it retreated to Nankan to replenish its source of troops, with a total of more than 2000 soldiers.

Now, more than a thousand died at the hands of the advance regiment, and the rest were artillerymen, transport troops, engineers, and those who blocked the new 30th division.

Gao Fei stood on the top of the hill, lit a cigarette, and looked at the tragic battlefield, tears suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes...

It will be a success!

The advance regiment lost 430 nine soldiers in this battle, many of them were killed directly by shells or explosives, and there were no bones left!
These are life and death brothers who followed him all the way from the Nu River, and the longer they get along, the stronger the bond.

Tang Shouzhi, the commander of the new 30th division, hurried here.

After watching it, I couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Because the scene on this mountain is too tragic.

The battlefield was almost covered with the corpses of devils, and the craters from the shells were next to each other.

There used to be many trees on the flanks, all of which had been knocked down and charred by the bombs.

What is even more shocking is that the soil in many places is bleeding brown.

Tang Shouzhi, who was used to seeing the battlefield, could tell at a glance that it was soil soaked in human blood!
(End of this chapter)

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