Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 201 The Heroic Soul Lives Forever!

Chapter 201 The Heroic Soul Lives Forever!

Tang Shouzhi stood on the top of the mountain, sighing slightly.

If you don’t look carefully, it’s really easy to overlook. The place standing at your feet used to be a trench, and the bunker here has been completely destroyed by the Japanese artillery fire and explosives.

Today, there are gravel and mud everywhere under our feet, as well as stumps and dead bodies of Japanese soldiers.

Tang Shouzhi couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Have the statistical results come out? How about the casualties of the advance group?"

Bura immediately replied: "Report to the officer! A total of 430 and nine brothers were sacrificed. Dong Dao, the company commander of the guard company, was seriously injured and unconscious in order to save the regiment leader. The rest of the brothers were almost all injured!"

Looking at the tragic situation on the top of the hill, Tang Shouzhi couldn't help but feel guilty, and walked towards Gao Fei (Liu Feihu) who was standing on the top of the hill: "Commander Liu, the advance team is really an iron army! No wonder you have such a great reputation. , Tang Mou is deeply admired! Tang Mou came late and made you suffer!"

Gao Fei was really dissatisfied with the late arrival of the new 30th Division.

Tang Shouzhi also knew that the performance of the new 30th division this time was indeed not satisfactory.

If they could have come one day earlier, the advance team probably wouldn't have fought so badly, and he didn't blame Gao Fei for complaining about him in his heart.

Then he said sincerely: "This time, it can be said that relying on the strength of the advance regiment, we successfully wiped out the 55th Regiment of the Japanese Army. Such a great military exploit really makes Tang admire!"

Gao Fei didn't know Tang Shouzhi very well. Sometimes he went to the headquarters of the military department and only met a few times, and he didn't talk much.

Of course, Gao Fei is not narrow-minded. Tang Shouzhi's support was indeed a bit late, but he speculated that Tang Shouzhi would not delay on purpose. He believed that Sun Liren and even Zheng Dongguo were watching behind him. Even if he gave ten courage, Tang Shouzhi would never dare to do that Do.

What's more, Tang Shouzhi has no personal grievances with him, so there is no need to deceive him deliberately.

So after hearing these words, Gao Fei immediately said: "I believe that Master Tang came late because he was blocked on the road. Fortunately, the soldiers of the advance regiment did not disgrace their orders, and finally blocked these devils After arriving here, the next battle of Nankan will depend on the new 30th Division, and my advance group may need to rest for a few days."

Tang Shouzhi nodded and said: "In this case, Tang owes you a favor this time. Next, the advance team will take a good rest and attack Nankan and hand it over to our new 30th division!"

"Okay." Goofy nodded.

"By the way, where is Yamazaki Shiro?"

Speaking of Shiro Yamazaki, Tang Shouzhi was full of hatred, because in the mountains of Katik, he had been deflated by Shiro Yamazaki.

During the confrontation, Shiro Yamazaki attacked the artillery camp of the New 30th Division by surprise, and was caught off guard.

Although Tang Shouzhi ordered his death afterwards to take back the artillery position.

However, Shiro Yamazaki took ten of the artillery pieces, and damaged a lot, almost destroying the division's artillery battalion.

This greatly damaged the strength of the new 30th division, and it was also an important reason for his late arrival.

This incident made Sun Liren very angry, and he was reprimanded for it, which made Tang Shouzhi very embarrassed, so now he wants to try the executioner himself.

As soon as Gao Fei heard it, he immediately waved to Meng Fan: "Bring Yamazaki over here!"

After a while, two soldiers ran over carrying a stretcher and put the stretcher in front of Tang Shouzhi.

Tang Shouzhi leaned down, lifted the white cloth covering the stretcher, and immediately saw a face that had been blown to pieces.

So he frowned and asked, "This is Shiro Yamazaki, the commander of the 55th Regiment?"

Gao Fei nodded: "Master Tang, there is no need to doubt, I will not do that kind of deceitful thing. This guy is really stubborn. He chose to commit suicide with a grenade at the last moment, and his chest and face were blown to pieces! But , there is no need to doubt his identity, because there is a command knife to testify."

Meng Fan stretched out his hand and handed over a command knife.

"Tang Shizuo, please look, this is Yamazaki's command knife, with his name on it!"

Meng Annoyed said, and handed the knife to Tang Shouzhi.

Tang Shouzhi took it, reached out and pulled out the knife.

Looking down again, I saw the name "Yamazaki Shiro" engraved on the end of the blade.

He put the samurai sword back into the scabbard, and said: "The advance regiment beheaded a Japanese army commander, this is a great achievement!"

After speaking, he returned the knife to Meng Fanle.

Gao Fei said: "Tang Shizuo, I think this knife should be preserved, and it can be used as a memorial and criminal evidence in the future!"

Tang Shouzhi nodded: "Well, you should keep this knife safe."

Afterwards, Gao Fei gave Sun Liren a detailed report on the battle situation and losses.

Hearing that more than 400 soldiers had been killed in the advance regiment, Sun Liren rushed over immediately with Li Hong, the commander of the new 38th Division.

In the open space outside the temporary relief station, there are still neatly arranged the remains of dozens of soldiers who died in the advance regiment.

Sun Liren walked over, stood in front of the corpses of dozens of officers and soldiers who died in battle, took off his military cap, and bowed deeply three times respectfully.

Gao Fei saluted Sun Liren: "Army seat!"

Sun Liren said with emotion: "You blocked a regiment of devils for our army and completely wiped out the 55th regiment of the Japanese army here! It saved a lot of effort for our army to attack Nankan, and Sun expressed his deep gratitude! You are the motherland My good son Lang is a hero who kills devils, please accept my gift!"

Sun Liren saluted the soldiers of the advance regiment around him.


Gao Fei immediately returned a military salute with all the soldiers.

Then, Sun Liren said loudly to the newly piled tombs on the hill: "The heroic souls will live on forever, and their hearts are fierce! They are all heroes who killed devils, and now their bones are buried in a foreign land. Please be respected by Sun!"

Watching this scene, many soldiers couldn't help crying.

Afterwards, Sun Liren went to visit the wounded, especially the seriously injured Sangmen Xing, and received his personal condolences and care.

After Sun Liren walked out of the ambulance station, he ordered the adjutant to immediately mobilize military doctors and medical soldiers to treat the seriously wounded with all their strength.

The New 30th Division immediately searched for a nearby place where light transport aircraft could take off and land, and cleared a simple runway.

Call the transport plane sent from the rear, first send Dong Dao and several critically wounded to the rear field hospital with better conditions for treatment.

Some soldiers died in battle, because the bones could not be retrieved, and because there were too few transport planes, etc., it was difficult to bring the remains back to their hometowns, so they had to choose to bury them on the spot.

Only when the conditions of certain fighters were met, the remains were cremated, and the bones were collected and sent back.

Today, Sun Liren ordered a transport plane that was about to fly back to the country to carry the ashes of these heroes, so that the dozens of soldiers who could find the remains could return to their hometowns, which moved the soldiers of the advance group.

In addition to doing these things, Sun Liren also ordered the troops of the new 30th Division to take over the defense of the hills and bridges where the advance regiment was stationed, and all the soldiers of the advance regiment who stayed here were withdrawn, and ordered the cooking squad to treat them well and give them the best tents and give them the best food.

Now that Bhamo has been conquered, and the reinforcements of the 55th Regiment have also been wiped out, the Battle of Bhamo has come to a successful conclusion.

The road from Bhamo to Gongga Bridge has been repaired. Although the road condition is very poor, it can be opened to traffic at any rate. A supply convoy then rushed up and provided a large amount of supplies for the advance group and the new 30th division.

After the New 38th Regiment conquered Bhamo, the [-]st Battalion and [-]nd Battalion of Chariots and artillery units also rushed to the Qiaotou area to assemble.

The 50th Division on the flank, except for a company of troops stationed in Mansi, the rest continued to go south to block the Japanese army in Mandalay and prevent the Japanese army from deploying troops northward to reinforce Nankan.

At present, the Japanese army in Nankan can only rely on the Ruili River in front for defense.

Of course, the advance team contributed the most and suffered the most losses this time.

So Sun Liren finally handed over the task of attacking Nankan to the New 30th Division, and asked the advance group to rest and reorganize in the camp on the north bank of the Ruili River.

The advance group rested for a day in the newly built barracks, and forty or fifty captives who were frightened were detained in the barracks.

Not everyone in the Japanese army was like Shiro Yamazaki, and there were still many soldiers who were afraid and did not want to die.

When these devils launched the Yusha charge, they were preparing to break out from the other side, and the leader was the squadron leader Dohi Hirohiro.

However, they failed and were eventually captured and tied to a post in front of the barracks, awaiting trial.

These devils have already been dying, and the feeling of torture made them regret that they should not choose to surrender.

Especially Hirohiro Doi, as the squadron leader, naturally received special "entertainment".

He really couldn't stand this kind of physical torture, and couldn't help yelling: "Baga! Kill me if you have the ability, and don't try to get any valuable information out of my mouth!"

With a punch, Milong hit him hard in the lower abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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