Chapter 212 Raid
Dead dead and Muddan slowly crawled forward from the bushes, cats at a place not far from the sentry post.

Then, Dead Dead threw a small stone towards the forest that made the noise just now.

The sound of "click" once again caught Miyamoto Takeken's attention.

Because he had just reported a false alarm, he was slapped and scolded by the team leader.

At this moment, Wujian Miyamoto was in an extremely bad mood.

In addition, now he also thinks that it is only the small animals in the forest that are causing trouble.

So he yelled "Ba Ga Ya Lu" and didn't care about being afraid anymore. He picked up the [-] cap in his hand and rushed into the woods angrily.

Gritting his teeth and cursing in a low voice, he stabbed everywhere with his bayonet, venting the anger in his heart that had nowhere to vent.

Si, Si, and Ni Dan took this opportunity to sneak out of Taniguchi.

Dead dead dead and Muddy completed their investigation, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning when they returned to the camp.

Die Die Die gathered all kinds of information and analyzed them, unfolded the map, carefully drew a few circles with a pencil, and marked all the positions of the enemy's heavy artillery.

He also drew the route of attack, and then he put down his pen with some satisfaction.

After breakfast, Gao Fei sat in the regiment headquarters in a daze.

Meng Fan asked curiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Gao Fei lit a cigarette: "If Nankan is taken down this time, the road will be repaired. The people of Yingguo will not let us help fight the central and southern regions, so I think this battle is coming to an end. !"

Meng Fan heard it and immediately said: "Didn't you say that the little devil is a grasshopper after autumn, and he will not be able to jump for a few days. It would be better if the war is over. The brothers have long wanted to go back to China."

Gao Fei knew the general historical process, so he was worried. After the battle of Nankan, their advance group would probably return to China with the army from the west of Yunnan.

It is now the first month of 45 years, and there are only eight months left before the surrender of the Japanese army. He has to think about the future in advance.

Suddenly, he began to feel a little dazed.

There are too many worries now, and the most worrying thing is these brothers in front of me.

Since these people joined the advance group, they entrusted their lives to him.

No matter at any time, as long as he gave an order, these brothers would follow him through life and death without hesitation.

From the establishment of the advance group to the present, more than 2000 people have joined him.

Many brothers shed their blood in this foreign land for the sake of the country and the nation.

Even the bones are left on this land forever.

In addition, there are many brothers who are lucky to survive.

But some were disabled, and returned to their hometown with their crippled bodies.

When these brothers left, Gao Fei paid a considerable amount of relocation allowance to each of them, and also distributed a pension to the family members of each brother who died in battle.

What worries him the most now are the remaining brothers. For these people, they all long to go back, all long to go home.

But after Little Japan surrendered, it was not all calm.

Even if Hong is added in the end, there will still be a series of turmoil in the future.

Especially those with "backgrounds" like them will definitely be affected.

What should these brothers do in the future has become the most tangled issue for him.

He had thought a long time ago that hiding here should be a good way out.

At this time, he gradually had an idea in his heart: if it doesn't work, just look for an opportunity, stay here, and develop a world!
Due to too many things recently, I was worried about dying last night, so I didn't sleep well.

Before I knew it, I lay down on the table and fell asleep again.

As the saying goes, he thinks every day and dreams at night, and when he fell asleep, he had a strange dream.

He dreamed that the brothers from the advance group appeared on the battlefield with him, and the opponent was no longer a little devil.

Cannonballs fell on the battlefield one after another, and countless soldiers rushed towards his advance regiment shouting and killing, and the brothers around him fell in a pool of blood one by one...

Dead, dead, annoying, not spicy, snake butt, Yaoma, Kang Ya, bean cakes, mud eggs...


He suddenly yelled, and then woke up from his sleep with a jerk.

His exclamation woke up the people outside.

Meng got annoyed, Ah Yi and the others knew that the group seat was very tired recently, so they consciously went outside to talk.

Hearing his yell, everyone immediately turned over and jumped up on a conditioned reflex, quickly grabbed the weapons around them, and then immediately looked for cover and took a posture ready to fight.

Yangdanzi hurried in and asked in a low voice, "Tuan Zuo, what's the matter?"

After waking up, Gao Fei was in a daze for a while, and then realized where he was now, and said awkwardly: "It's okay, I just had a nightmare. What time is it?"

Meng Fan took a look at his watch and said, "It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's still early to get dark. Let's not sleep for a while."

Gao Fei had lost sleepiness at this time, and asked Mi Long, "Have you all rested well, brothers?"

Mi Long said: "The advance team is already fully equipped and waiting for orders!"

"Okay, bury the pot and make a meal, and set off immediately after dark!"


Everyone acted immediately, filling their stomachs full first, and then loading their ammunition.

Wait for it to get dark and set off towards the predetermined location.

Gao Fei divided the team into two groups based on the intelligence detected last night.

The first route is composed of the No. [-] Battalion and the No. [-] Battalion, which are responsible for harassment and feigned attacks on Taniguchi in the west.

On the second route, Milong led the reconnaissance battalion, Meng Fanle led the special warfare company, and Li Liansheng's first battalion formed a large force, detoured and launched a sneak attack from the rear.

Die, die, already marked the positions of several firepower points on the map, Gao Fei and several battalion and company backbones discussed the plan of attacking forward and backward.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, but the stars were very bright today.

According to the plan, the second battalion of Bula took the lead in launching a sudden attack towards the western mountain pass.

Yaoma's third battalion did not choose to attack immediately, but covered and guarded on the flanks.

As soon as the second battalion approached the mountain pass, it was discovered by Japanese sentries.

Then shells flew from the reverse slope on the side of the valley, and launched the first round of shelling on them.

The Second Battalion did not insist on a strong attack, and once it was shelled, it pretended to be confused and withdrew.

Wait for the cannon to stop, and start attacking again after a while.

On the surface, the offensive firepower is fierce, but not resolute, a bit tentative.

At the same time, he also showed a little timidity, and his offense was very dependent on heavy fire suppression.

Often they only rely on the cover of heavy machine guns to launch an attack. Once they are bombarded by the Japanese army, they will immediately retreat.

This kind of performance made the tense Japanese army relax a little, and began to despise it.

They all thought that the Huaxia Army was not as powerful as imagined, their combat effectiveness was very poor, and most of them were greedy for life and afraid of death.

"These Chinese people are so cowardly, they deserve to be called the sick men of East Asia!"

The commander who sits here is called Noda Nao Oda.

Seeing such a situation with a telescope, he couldn't help but become arrogant, and personally commanded the battle on the ground.

In short, the second battalion's offensive was not violent.

The Japanese used the mountain artillery on the reverse slope of the valley to repel their attacks several times.

This made the Japanese army in Yamaguchi more confident, and even organized troops to countercharge.

However, the effect of this counter charge was not good, because Nobunao Oda still underestimated the machine gun firepower of the advance regiment a bit.

As soon as he rushed out of the Taniguchi position, he was shot back by a burst of machine guns ambushing in the distance.

The small group of Japanese troops rushing out of the position received a burst of machine gun fire on their foreheads.

23 people were killed or injured on the spot, and the rest were blasted back by violent machine gun bullets.

At this time, the Japanese army gradually realized that the Chinese army in front of them was actually not as bad as imagined, at least the heavy firepower was much stronger than theirs.

"Nani? Eighteen light machine guns, four heavy machine guns, and ten grenades! Why does this Chinese army have such powerful firepower?"

After receiving the scout's report, Nobunao Oda, who was a little arrogant just now, regretted his rashness.

It seems that the information obtained before is inaccurate, and the new army should not be underestimated!
But he doesn't know now that what he is facing is not the new army, but the advance regiment, the ace regiment of the 200th division!
(End of this chapter)

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