Chapter 213
Just when Oda Nobunao put all his attention and troops on the west mountain pass, Gao Fei was leading the advance team to rush through the jungle and go around the back of Taniguchi.

This section of the road is not easy to walk, you need to climb over two mountain ridges.

In addition, you have to go through a large area of ​​​​very dense jungle.

It took Gao Fei four hours of forced marching to reach the other end of the valley.

At this time, even if it was far away, you could hear the rumbling gunfire and intensive gunfire from the west direction.

However, Gao Fei was not in a hurry.

Once there, he ordered the advance to be halted.

Everyone took a breath, ate something, and replenished their strength.

Such a raid would require surprise and a swift attack.

You can't use up too much physical strength, and when it's time to actually do it, you must attack quickly.

Night gradually fell, and the temperature dropped to more than ten degrees at this time.

This temperature makes the soldiers feel very comfortable.

It's not like in summer, when you move a little, you will be sweating profusely, and your clothes will stick to your body and it's uncomfortable.

It will feel cooler now.

So after drinking some water and eating some portable food, the soldiers regained their physical strength quickly.

Gao Fei looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Only then did they bring everyone along a small path towards Taniguchi.

Milong dispersed the scouts of the scout battalion and walked to a distance of two to 300 meters in front of the team to make way for the people behind.

However, no matter how careful they were, they would inevitably disturb some birds in the forest.

When a group of people entered the jungle, a group of sleeping birds flew up, singing and circling in the air.

Generally, such a situation in the jungle means that there may be beasts or pedestrians in the forest.

This can't help but make Gao Fei a little worried, for fear of alarming the Japanese army in the valley.

But his worries were obviously a little unnecessary, and there were not many devils left in the mountain pass to the east at this time.

Basically all the troops of the Japanese army were transferred to the western position, leaving only the artillery on the reverse slope.

The second battalion, which launched a feint attack from the west, almost attracted all the attention of the Japanese army.

Two hours later, around ten o'clock in the evening.

Gao Fei led his troops to the selected raid location.

Before approaching, the reconnaissance battalion immediately spotted the devil's dark sentry ahead.

The soldiers immediately stepped up their concealment and switched to night combat mode.

Slowing down, he moved forward little by little.

When they turned over a mountain ridge in front of them, they finally saw the valley mouth in front of them.

There are two Japanese sentry posts here, one of which is Miyamoto.

Because of what happened last night, the Japanese squad leader specially sent an additional person——Kojima.

With Miyamoto and Kojima as companions, there is no need to be afraid, and they can also take turns to rest.

Gao Fei waved his hand, signaling to kill the two sentinels first.

Not far ahead, Miyamoto and Kojima did not realize that the danger was approaching.

Milong and Sangmenxing pulled out their sabers and held them in their mouths, like two wolves, one left and one right, quietly crawled towards the post.

Seeing the action of the two of them, Dead Dead Dead picked up a small stone, clicked it, and threw it into the original woods.

Miyamoto was terrified, thinking that this place is really evil, and immediately said to Kojima, "Did you hear any movement over there?"

Kojima didn't take it seriously: "Miyamoto-kun, aren't you too timid? There are mice, snakes, squirrels and other small animals in the woods. Isn't it normal for a little movement?"

Miyamoto became more courageous when he heard the words, and walked towards the grove with the [-] cover.

At this moment, Sangmen Xing, who was hiding in the grove, suddenly jumped up, like a preying cheetah, leaping out of the grass like lightning.

Without waiting for any reaction from Miyamoto, the strike was like a lightning bolt, swung the big knife, and slashed across Miyamoto's neck with a horizontal slash!
"Pfft" sounded.

Blood spurted out.

Miyamoto couldn't even cry out, and his neck was cut off with a knife.

The whole head fell off the neck.

It's too late to say it, and Milong's speed is not slow.

At the same time that Sangmenxing jumped up, he also jumped up together.

However, he held a sharp machete in his hand.

At the same time as he jumped up, the light of the knife flashed, and before Xiao Dao could react, he slammed into Xiao Dao's heart fiercely.

Mudan hurried up and covered the devil's mouth and nose tightly with both hands from behind to prevent him from making any sound.

The cooperation of the three people is perfect, all of them are clean and neat, and they can control the enemy with one move.

Gao Fei waved his hand, signaling the team behind to enter the valley.

At this time, there were not many little devils in the camp in the back of the valley, only two sentries were left guarding next to the ammunition depot.

Milong led the reconnaissance battalion to quickly pull out all these bright and dark whistles.

Gao Fei led the large army without being blocked at all.

At this time, more than 60 devil artillerymen were busy on the ground.

According to Oda's request, six 75mm mountain guns were used to continuously fire towards the front of the position at the western mountain pass.

The four heavy artillery have not been used yet, they are covered with rain cloth and camouflaged with trees.

This is Sato's last trump card, just waiting for the new army to attack.

The Devil artillery thought it was safe to hide here, because they could hit the infantry outside Taniguchi, but the infantry outside could not pose a threat to them.

But none of them noticed that a troop had already touched in behind their buttocks.

Gao Fei personally led the team, and with the help of the cover of trees in the valley, quickly launched a surprise attack on the artillery position on the reverse slope.

A ghost carrying shells accidentally found a shaking figure in the nearby forest.

The devil's eyes widened suddenly, and he threw away the cannonball he was holding with a bang in disbelief. He turned his head and shouted hysterically: "Enemy attack! (Japanese)"

Before the words fell, gunshots like popping beans rang out on the artillery position.

Sato placed high hopes on this heavy artillery unit and ordered Oda to protect it.

So, Oda left a squadron plus a machine gun to keep the heavy artillery safe.

Suddenly, there was a burst of rattling machine guns.

Milong jumped forward and fell to the ground.

A row of bullets flew over the head immediately, this kind of gunshot is the unique rhythm of the crooked handle.

Taking advantage of the time when the devils were changing magazines, Milong jumped up and rushed forward a few steps.

One rolled over and hid behind a low bush.

Gao Fei waved his hand: "Bazooka on!"

Die, die, immediately rushed up with a bazooka, found a thicker tree and hid behind it.

Die Die shouted to the soldiers following him: "Reload!"

A soldier immediately unloaded the ammunition bag he was carrying from his back and took out a rocket from it.

Then it was neatly filled into the bazooka.

After the preparations were completed, he turned over and rolled to an area where the exhaust flame of the rocket launcher could not be sprayed.

Gao Fei yelled at Milong in front of him: "Milong, cover!"

Milong understood, and threw a grenade in the direction of the devil's bunker.

This is not to blow up the front bunker, but to blow up dust to block the sight of the Devil's machine gunner.

Others shot at the devil's machine gun bunker one after another, so that the devil inside did not dare to shoot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dead Dead made a decisive probe, carried the bazooka at the machine gun bunker, and then pulled the trigger of the bazooka.


A flame several meters long sprayed out, and the armor-piercing projectile flew directly towards the machine gun bunker.

The little devil's machine gunner happened to see the rocket flying through the lookout.

His eyes widened suddenly, and an extremely desperate "ah~" came out of his mouth.

Then there was a roar.

A large group of flames rose from the bunker.

The cement at the entrance of the bunker was blown into countless pieces, and the two machine gun shooters inside were also killed on the spot, and the bodies were never found.

After killing the machine gun blocking the way, Gao Fei waved his hand: "Come on!"

The third battalion of Yaoma rushed to the front, with dozens of Thomsons sweeping away.

In the distance, Meng Chao led a sniper team to deal with the grenadiers of the little devils.

As for the bazooka team led by Si La Si La, all the bazookas were loaded with explosive bombs, and they quickly pulled out the surrounding machine guns and other heavy fire points.

(End of this chapter)

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