Chapter 233
When the advance team arrived around Guijie, Wu Weiwei immediately used the agreed code to get in touch with the spies in the small town of Guijie.

According to inquiries, the devils have gathered a total of more than 2000 troops in Guijie area this time.

The composition of the designation number is very complicated, and it is basically pieced together from various ministries.

Most of these devils were remnants who had been defeated before. After they withdrew to Xinwei, they were collected by the 33rd Army and reorganized.

This time the devils divided the defense focus in Guijie into two stages. The first stage was the open land in the north. A total of more than 1000 troops were deployed, three lines of defense were set up, and field fortifications were built.

Moreover, an artillery squadron was deployed in the ravine in front, protected by two infantry squadrons. Unfortunately, just yesterday, one artillery squadron and two infantry squadrons were taken over by the advance regiment.

The destruction of the artillery unit has dealt a severe blow to the morale of the devils, and it has also brought Guijie's defense plan to the brink of bankruptcy.

After losing the support of the artillery, the devil basically lost the ability of long-range support.

Gao Fei could predict that the New Thirty Division would definitely break through the devil's third line of defense faster than in history.

The second stage is to deploy seven or eight hundred troops for defense in the small town of Guijie.

After losing consecutive battles, the devils lost a lot of weapons. This made the devils completely lose their ability to attack, and their defense was also stretched. Even the heavy weapons of infantry such as the [-] heavy machine were not much.

Now the devils defending Guijie only have a very small number of [-] heavy machines, and the rest use [-]-type light machine guns or crooked light machine guns to make up the number, but the firepower of light machine guns is incomparable with heavy machine guns.

On the whole, as long as the New Thirty Division takes down the third line of defense in the open land in the north, Guijie is nothing to worry about.

However, Wu Weiwei also obtained an important piece of information. The devils also hid an armored force in Xinwei, including tanks and armored vehicles.

There are about 20 vehicles, including about ten tanks. The specific model is unknown. The spies only saw two Japanese Type [-] tanks driving on the street.

Gao Fei knew that due to the long-distance assault some time ago, when the two tank battalions were marching, many tanks had serious breakdowns and needed a long repair and maintenance.

In addition, this is a swampy environment, so the two tank battalions did not join the sequence of attacking Guijie, and temporarily returned to Nankan for rest.

Because Xinwei is not far from Guijie, the devils can command chariot troops to attack from Xinwei in a short period of time. In that case, it will cause great casualties to the Chinese infantry.

Gao Fei knew how important this information was, and immediately communicated with Sun Liren, hoping to confirm the authenticity of this information through spies.

Sun Liren attached great importance to his suggestion, and verified this information through the spies who broke into Xinwei.

The final result is true, there is really a devil armored team in Xinwei.

Now, both Sun Liren and Gao Fei were worried, worried that before the main force of the New [-]th Division failed to capture Guijie, if Xinwei's devil armored troops came to reinforce them, it would be very detrimental to the attack of the New First Army.

The best way is to immediately transfer the New First Army to the chariot battalion in Nankan.

But this takes time.

Now, he had to send an elite force to bypass Guijie, rush in the direction of Xinwei, and block it halfway before the Japanese armored forces arrived, buying time for the main force to take Guijie.

Among the troops of the New First Army who have arrived at the front line, none of the main force is suitable for such a task.

In the end, the burden of this task could only fall on Gao Fei's shoulders again.

Sun Liren also heard some gossip about Gao Fei. He asked Dai Anlan to verify whether it was true, but Dai Anlan's answer was also ambiguous.

He absolutely believed in Gao Fei's desire to serve the country.

But he also knows what he thinks.

He doesn't want to go back and wants to stay in northern Myanmar, but this is not a good thing.

He knew that Gao Fei hated certain internal phenomena, and now there were some rumors and many bad things were said.

This worries him.

He values ​​Gao Fei very much, and the more he does this, the more he cherishes him.

For this reason, he also had an interview with the deputy army commander Jia Youhui, but Jia Youhui knew the personal grievances between Gao Fei and Tang Ji, and felt that these rumors were nothing more than deliberate framing by a villain, which was not credible.

Besides, the military command has already investigated in detail, and Gao Fei's resume is very clean.

Although I had contact with the red armed forces in some places, it was very short and there were no outrageous remarks.

Besides, his father, Gundam, runs a trading company and has donated a lot of money and made a lot of contributions to them over the years.

In the end, the conclusion given by the military command is that it is groundless and non-existent.

Sun Liren temporarily put this matter aside, kept it in his heart, and put all his energy into the current battle.

If Lashio is not captured, the shame of the defeat two years ago cannot be washed away. He will not be reconciled!
As for the advance regiment, Dai Anlan no longer directly dispatched and issued combat missions. Although it was still under the name of the 200th Division in name, it was basically handed over to him to command.

He was secretly happy about this.

He has always wanted to take Gao Fei's advance regiment under his banner of the New First Army, so that the New First Army will have a sharp edge.

But he also knew that Liao Yaoxiang had always been thinking about Gao Fei.

Now the New Sixth Army has started to go north by train, but Liao Yaoxiang has much more energy in the army than him. It is uncertain whether Liao Yaoxiang will make some personnel transfers through connections.

When he saw Zheng Dongguo during this period, he signaled to him that he wanted to transfer the advance group to the new army, so that Gao Fei would be his.

But what surprised him was that Zheng Dongguo never gave an answer and did not agree to help him.

Gao Fei naturally also heard about someone trying to frame him.

He understood that this must be the trick of that despicable villain Tang Ji.

This kind of person is not good at fighting, and they use dirty tricks behind their backs one after another.

Sun Liren comforted: "Okay, don't be angry. It's over and they haven't found anything, which just proves your excellence. The most important thing is that this is northern Myanmar. No matter how long their hands are, they can't catch them." , dare not force it.”

Gao Fei suppressed the anger in his heart: "This kind of villain is the most annoying. He can do whatever he wants, and he has his own way!"

Sun Liren patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, let's get down to business now. The devil has an armored unit in Xinwei, and this information has been confirmed by our intelligence personnel. Our army needs to stop this armored unit of the devil. The arrival of the car camp and delaying time for the main force to take down Guijie."

Hearing what Sun Liren said, Gao Fei immediately understood what it meant, and said confidently: "Don't worry, the military seat, the advance team promises to complete the task!"


Lashio Japanese Army Headquarters.

The information that the artillery unit in Guijie was taken away has been reported. Facing the pressing force of the new army, Tanaka Shinichi became more and more disturbed.

The only thing we can count on now is that the situation in western Yunnan has changed again, forcing the new army to withdraw.

At that time, it may be possible to get a chance to counterattack.

The most important thing at the moment is to slow down the attack of the New Army and try our best to keep Lashio and Mandela.

However, several failures made him realize clearly that the enemy has an army. Although it is not the main attacking army in each battle, it plays a crucial role.

Every shot of the advance team hastened their failure!
Such a surprise soldier was ignored before, but now it seems that this is a sharp poisonous thorn!

No matter what, this poisonous thorn must be pulled out completely to vent his hatred!
Tanaka Shinichi clenched his fists and hammered the table hard.

Chief of Staff Tsuji Masanobu walked to his side, adjusted his glasses on his nose, and said, "General, this is my plan for removing the thorns to eliminate the advance group. Please have a look."

Shinichi Tanaka reached out, opened the folder, looked carefully, and said, "Masa-kun Tsuji, how sure are you of this plan?"

Tsuji Masanobu showed a secretive look, and said: "I have carefully studied the combat style of the advance regiment. It moves quickly and uses soldiers like ghosts. The regiment leader is Liu Feihu. His favorite tactic is to penetrate deep, attacking our army's artillery units or Heavy fire."

Speaking, he handed some information about the advance group to Shinichi Tanaka.

After Tanaka took a look, he had a deeper understanding of the advance group: "So, this person has a very unique vision!"

"That's right, this person likes to take the edge of the sword, and the soldiers are dangerous!"

Masanobu Tsuji had to admit that this was an opponent who was restless.

(End of this chapter)

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