Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 234 Thorn Pulling Plan

Chapter 234 Thorn Pulling Plan
Shinichi Tanaka glanced at the stabbing plan in his hand: "This plan is to lure the advance regiment to go deep alone, and our army will dispatch the main force to encircle and eat up the regiment in one fell swoop, isn't it?"

Tsuji Masanobu admitted: "The general has clearly explained the core of this plan. The special high class has learned that our army's information about the hidden armored units in Xinwei has been bought by the intelligence personnel of the New First Army. If the general is willing to give up this armored unit , then, we will use it to lure the advance group to take the bait!"

Tanaka Shinichi hesitated at this time, since the ace second search unit in northern Myanmar was destroyed, they have not had many tanks and armored vehicles left.

The armored vehicles hidden in Xinwei were all temporarily refitted with car chassis.

There is a layer of iron sheet on it, which is actually far worse than a real armored vehicle.

As shabby as it was, it was the last armor in his hands.

Tsuji Masanobu could see the worry in the general's heart, and persuaded: "General, there is an old saying in China, which says that you can't bear to let children be caught by wolves! If you can't completely pull out the poisonous sting of the advance group, Xinwei behind, including La Shu and Mandalay, I am afraid it is also very dangerous! I hope the general will make a decision as soon as possible!"

Tanaka Shinichi gritted his teeth, and finally made up his mind, saying: "Okay, I agree to implement this plan, and I will report to the base camp and ask for their approval."


Sun Liren did not have any selfish intentions for the advance regiment to carry out this task of blocking the enemy, nor did he intend to consume the advance regiment. Instead, he judged the situation and made such an arrangement.

Most of the troops of the New First Army don't have much experience in fighting hard-shelled monsters like armored combat vehicles.

During the Battle of Mengguan, the New 22nd Division had an exchange of fire between infantry and Devil tanks, and accumulated some experience of infantry fighting tanks.

Later, the New 38th Division also encountered the "iron barrel array" set up by the Devil Tanks in Bhamo, but the number of direct firefights with the tanks was very small. They were beaten into "iron coffins" one by one.

The New Thirty Division, which was in charge of the main attack this time, had no experience in fighting tanks at all.

This time, the devils who learned about Xinwei might use chariot troops to reinforce Guijie, and the advance regiment happened to have a chariot company that was resting, and they would step up and coordinate tactics.

Therefore, it is very suitable for the advance group to carry out this mission.

After Sun Liren thought about it, only the advance team was the most suitable, so this task fell on Gao Fei's head again.

After Gao Fei received the order, he immediately led the dispatch team to set off, bypassing the small town of Guijie, and headed for the middle area between Guijie and Xinwei.

When the day and night passed, when it was dawn, the advance group stopped advancing.

Gao Fei rushed to various positions and conducted inspections. The three battalions each occupied a high ground, and the selected terrain was very conducive to defense.

Moreover, the positions of the three battalions form an angle with each other, and they can support each other when necessary.

More importantly, these three positions happened to be on the only way for the devils to come, guarding the Guixin Highway.

Of course, the devil's infantry can bypass these places, but armored vehicles and tanks cannot maneuver in the grass or swamps, so they can only rely on the road and advance towards Gui Street along the road.

As long as the devil's armored troops arrive here, they will be hit head-on, and it will be difficult to block them here!

According to intelligence, the devil's armored force has ten armored vehicles and ten tanks.

Gao Fei didn't expect to kill all the armored troops of the Devils, as long as he could destroy the few vehicles in front and block the road so that the armored troops of the Devils could no longer send reinforcements to Guijie.

It took Gao Fei half a day to inspect the three positions, and the mud egg followed him around.

The positions of the first and third battalions are relatively forward, the second battalion is slightly behind, and the three battalions form an inverted triangle.

As a reserve team, the second battalion was responsible for providing fire reinforcements to the first and third battalions in addition to preventing the devils from infiltrating the past.

Moreover, Gao Fei divided the bearded machine gun company into several groups and sent them to the positions of the first and third battalions to strengthen the frontal firepower of the two battalions.

Regarding the positions of the three battalions, Gao Fei put forward some suggestions. All in all, there was only one purpose, which was to preserve his own safety as much as possible while eliminating the devils.

Originally, Gao Fei thought that the devil might arrive here tomorrow.

But what surprised him was that he had just inspected the defensive positions of the three battalions here. In less than half a day, at the end of the road, he went out of the reconnaissance post and sent back news that he had spotted the devil's scout troops.

At present, Gao Fei does not know how many devils have been reinforced from Xinwei, but he believes that with the strength of the current advance group, they can completely stop this group of devils.

He even had a little expectation, eager to prepare for a big fight, as long as he played well, if the devil didn't have armored troops, he would be a soft persimmon.

Relying on the assault capability of the chariot company, the advance group can go directly to Xinwei, and the devils who beat Xinwei are caught off guard!
Just as the advance team was actively preparing for the battle, the devil's scout troops soon appeared within the field of vision.

The devil's scouts also quickly noticed the existence of the advance group because of the intelligence support, and found the camouflaged positions stuck on both sides of the road.

So the devil's scout troops immediately stopped advancing and scattered to both sides of the road.

After a while, a four-wheeled armored vehicle finally appeared at the end of the road.

Some devil infantry followed closely behind and began to drive towards the positions of the first and third battalions.

Gao Fei held up the binoculars to observe this Devil armored vehicle, but he couldn't tell what model it was. It had an open machine gun turret equipped with two light machine guns, not even a heavy machine gun.

This is also the normal state of the devils. In the late World War II, due to the huge consumption, resulting in a shortage of resources, coupled with the limitation of industrial production capacity, the devils were not capable of manufacturing armored vehicles.

The number of armored vehicles equipped by the Devils is very limited, most of them are used in the Huaxia battlefield, and some are deployed on the railway line to protect important transportation lines.

The terrain in northern Myanmar is complex, with many mountains and jungles, and the devils are equipped with fewer armored vehicles. The armored vehicle that appeared in front of them did not look like a standard armored vehicle, but more like a temporary modified car.

In Gao Fei's eyes, the armored vehicle temporarily modified by the devil is basically a kind of tin can.

If the guess is correct, the iron sheet used in this armored vehicle is not carburized armor or alloy armor, but probably an ordinary steel plate.

And it seems that the power is insufficient, and the speed is not fast enough, and it is moving slowly on the dirt road.

Looking at the oncoming armored vehicles, Gao Fei picked up the walkie-talkie and called out to the battalions, especially the bearded heavy machine gun team: "Attention all battalions, don't rush to fight, let the armored vehicles and the infantry behind come over!" , Get closer and fight again! The heavy machine gun team has all ammunition belts ready, wait for my order, and give the little devil a generous meeting gift!"

"Received! Received! Received!..." Soon all battalions replied.

Knowing in advance that the devils might send tanks or armored vehicles, each heavy machine gun team carried an M-type heavy machine gun before departure.

The full name of the M heavy machine gun is the M-type Browning large-caliber heavy machine gun, which is an enlarged version of the M1917 type.

Air-cooled, 1.7mm bullets.

This thing is very powerful, and it is one of the world's famous large-caliber machine guns.

The Devil's armored car has a thin skin and thick stuffing, which is similar to a tin can. Even without the bazooka and anti-aircraft guns, the M heavy machine gun alone is enough to penetrate its armor.

(End of this chapter)

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