Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 235 The Huge Power of Heavy Machine Guns

Chapter 235 The Huge Power of Heavy Machine Guns
Therefore, all the battalions were quiet on the ground, and there was no rush to fire. The heavy machine guns had been pulled and loaded, ready to attack.

The devil has also been observing the enemy blocking the way.

A group of Japanese infantrymen, holding their [-] caps, hid behind the deformed armored vehicle like a tortoise, and slowly walked towards the position of the first battalion along the road.

Some soldiers, along both sides of the road, also pushed towards the position of the first battalion with the help of the ditch and trees on the side of the road.

However, the devil's scouts are not too many, and it seems that there are only a hundred or so in total.

After observing for a while, Gao Fei told his subordinates on the field: "Don't hit too hard, take it easy and hide some firepower!"

Everyone understood what he meant, because they were afraid that the strength of the advance group would be exposed all of a sudden, and the devils would get their hands on them.

It's best to take your time and fight, because you can't figure out the real firepower of the opponent, so that the devils won't overwhelm all the troops at once.

The devil's armored vehicle was equipped with two light machine guns, and it slowly approached on the road.

At this time, the devils began to fire in the distance, and the shells roared and hit the position of the first battalion, raising pieces of mud and gravel, and splashing down.

Some time ago, because the devils lost a lot of cannons one after another, the shelling intensity was not great, and the shells fell sparsely on the position of the first battalion. Only two soldiers were unlucky and killed by the shells.

Everyone was lying in the temporarily dug bunker, bearing the baptism of the mud, they were all veterans, and after seeing too much life and death, they became numb, and no one showed a trace of nervousness.

Gao Fei glanced at the soldiers on the ground, and nodded in satisfaction. These people have now become a group of iron-blooded soldiers, and there is nothing to make them feel afraid anymore.

When the devils entered about 500 meters, the machine guns on the armored vehicles began to ring.

Hearing the sound of the machine gun, Gao Fei almost laughed out loud.

The armored vehicle created by the devils was not even willing to install the [-]-type machine gun with a thirty-round magazine, but only two crooked machine guns.

As we all know, the reloading of crooked sub-machine guns is so difficult that an additional loader must be equipped in addition to the machine gunner.

When loading, you need to open the pressure lever above the hopper, fill in 6 magazines (five rounds per clip, [-] rounds at a time), and then use the pressure lever to press the bullet.

Such a design determines that there will be a pause every five rounds, and the magazine needs to be replaced every thirty rounds. The changer can only change the ammunition continuously. This is an armored vehicle. I peed laughing.

With the shelling and the firing of the crooked sub-machine gun, the Devil's armored vehicle began to accelerate, and the Devil's infantry following it began to run forward.

In addition, the Devil's machine gunner team on both sides of the road found a terrain they could rely on, and fought towards the position to suppress firepower.

After all, the number of Devil's machine guns is limited, and they are all crooked light machine guns, so the firepower density is naturally not much higher.

Bullets swishing overhead, that is, to frighten recruits. For veterans of the advance regiment who have experienced the baptism of war, it is commonplace. Cats just don't show their heads in the trenches.

With the cover of the machine gun, the Devil's armored vehicle quickly entered the position at a distance of 300 meters. At this time, Gao Fei gave the order: "Fight!"

All the soldiers immediately came forward and fired.

The heavy machine gunner who had been waiting on the machine gun position immediately pressed the trigger, and the M heavy machine gun shot out a burst of flames, and the bullets left the chamber.

At a distance of 300 meters, the accuracy of the M heavy machine gun is very high, not to mention hitting such a large target as an armored vehicle, it is simply a piece of cake to hit.

Dozens of bullets immediately opened densely packed holes in front of the armored vehicle, and the armored vehicle stopped abruptly and stopped immediately.

The two crooked handles on the car counterattacked at the position of the heavy machine gun where the bearded man was.

Although the crooked sub-machine gun cannot shoot continuously, it has good stability.

The heavy gunner was hit immediately and fell.

When the beard saw it, he immediately replaced it, pulled the trigger, and swept towards the machine gunner on the armored vehicle.

"Da da da……!"

At such a short distance, the heavy machine gun bullets directly knocked out the two crooked sub-machine guns, and the machine gunner who hid in the car was too crushed to lift his head.

Using the binoculars, Gao Fei finally saw that this armored car was obviously modified by the devils with some kind of iron sheet, and it had a certain bulletproof ability.

It is estimated that the thickness is up to 10mm, which is good for preventing 7.6mm rifle bullets, let alone blocking 1.7mm heavy machine gun bullets.

The bearded man is an old machine gunner, and he shoots steadily.

Holes were constantly being punched out of the armored vehicles.

The spread is not large, basically all hits!

After hitting continuously, the bullet penetrated the armored vehicle and hit the devil infantry hiding behind.

From the binoculars, Gao Fei could observe the blood mist rising from behind the armored vehicle, and there was a burst of screams and screams.

Heavy machine guns can fire 1.7mm caliber bullets, including ordinary bullets, armor-piercing bullets, incendiary bullets, tracer bullets, and so on.

The armored vehicle in the distance was powered by a gasoline engine, and tracer rounds from proof shots ignited the fuel tank inside the vehicle.

There was a burst of flames in an instant, and then the door opened, and several devils jumped out of the car in a panic and ran for their lives.

At this time, the soldiers of the first battalion immediately opened fire.

However, the light machine gunners obeyed Gao Fei's order to hide their firepower, and did not fire collectively, which showed that the firepower density was not very high.

But even so, more than 300 center-point rifles and more than 100 large eight-grain rifles fired together, and the firepower was also fierce.

The Japanese soldiers who had escaped from the two armored vehicles just jumped out of the vehicle and had no time to run behind the vehicle. They were immediately beaten into a ball of colanders, spraying blood and rolling on the ground.

The gasoline in the armored vehicle caught fire and caused an explosion. With a bang, it exploded into a ball of fire.

Flames shot up to Lao Gao, and tongues of flame sprayed out from the inside of the car, and the two light machine gunners inside who hadn't escaped were instantly cooked.

The ammunition stored in the armored vehicle couldn't withstand the high temperature, and it exploded inside the vehicle, like firecrackers in an iron barrel, and the explosion was crackling.

Zhao Jun was carrying a bazooka, and the cat was in the position, so he didn't have a chance to make a move.

After the armored vehicle ignited, dozens of devil soldiers following the vehicle were also frightened by the heavy firepower of the advance regiment, and fled to the jungle below the road.

This time he became a living target.

The bearded man couldn't stop thinking about it. After changing the ammunition belt, he simply turned the gun and started shooting at the devils. Thick bullets flew across the crowd of devils.

Visible to the naked eye, a devil soldier was hit in the middle and was torn into two pieces on the spot. The two halves of the body fell on the ground, with internal organs and blood splattered everywhere.

Another devil soldier was running away, one leg was amputated directly after being shot, his body was still running, but one calf was already behind him, and then he fell to the ground, holding his broken leg, howling like ghosts and wolves. cry.

There was also a devil soldier who was directly hit in the head by a heavy machine gun bullet.

The whole head with the helmet looked like a watermelon, and it was opened on the spot.

Red and white splashed everywhere, and the headless corpse fell to the ground, its limbs still twitching violently.

This kind of scene is very frightening, and it is absolutely different from the killing effect caused by ordinary rifle bullets or submachine gun bullets hitting the human body.

If an ordinary rifle bullet hits a human body, it will not tear the whole person apart.

But if he was hit by a bullet from such a heavy machine gun, he basically had no chance of surviving, and his entire torso was completely torn apart by the huge kinetic energy on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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