Chapter 236 Tank Showdown
The horror scene caused by heavy machine guns was extremely bloody. Even the veterans of the advance regiment felt horrified when they looked at it from a distance, let alone the Japanese soldiers who were on the scene.

Those devils were frightened into madness, and they ran away crying and howling, and ran desperately towards the bushes on both sides of the road.

Some seemed to be recruits, who were overwhelmed by the shocking scene. They simply turned around and ran back along the road. After breaking away from the cover of the armored vehicle, their figures were exposed under the guns.

The snipers held their guns one after another, chasing after the figures of the devil soldiers and shooting.

I saw that one by one was thrown to the ground.

Some were headshot, some were hit to the point, struggling and rolling on the ground in pain, screaming shrillly.

A light machine gun team, two devils hid behind a dirt bag on the side of the road, finally set up a light machine gun and fired towards the high ground.

The bullet hit the front of the bunker with a puff, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

The bearded man replaced the belt of the armor-piercing projectile again, aimed it there, and fired in bursts.

In an instant, the two main and deputy shooters disappeared, and the devil's light machine gun fell silent.

It turned out that the armor-piercing bullets of the heavy machine gun penetrated the thick soil layer, and directly smashed the two light machine gun shooters to pieces, and the flesh pieces flew up mixed with blood.

The devil's scout troops suffered such a tragic blow, and immediately collapsed.

More than 100 devils left the burning armored vehicles and more than 30 corpses and fled into the jungle on both sides of the road.

Then began to flee frantically towards the back.

"Stop shooting, save bullets!"

After Gao Fei saw the devils retreating, he immediately ordered to stop shooting, saving these guys from wasting bullets.

The heavy machine gun team also immediately transferred.

The heavy machine gun was served by a large group of people, carried it to another bunker and set it up.

The power and accuracy of the heavy machine gun are very good, but there is one problem, this thing is too heavy.

The weight of the tripod has reached more than 60 kilograms, which does not include the weight of the ammunition box.

When transferring, more than a dozen soldiers are required to carry it together.

On the battlefield, mobility and survivability are relatively poor.

However, this thin-skinned armored vehicle used to deal with the devils is simply too cool.

It's just that after firing, the position will be exposed immediately. If you don't move quickly, you may be knocked out by the devil's artillery fire.

This was coming out of nowhere, Gao Fei didn't want to lose such a weapon in the first place, so he quickly asked someone to move the machine gun position.

"Dodge the gun, dodge the gun!"

Dead, dead, yelling, ordering the troops to hide and avoid the artillery immediately.

The soldiers withdrew from the position one after another, ran to the cat ear holes dug out behind the position, and hugged their heads.

Sure enough, after the devil's scouting troops were repelled, there was the sound of cannonballs in the distance, and the devil's shells flew over, focusing their firepower on the first battalion's position.

Especially the positions of heavy machine guns and snipers just now received special "care".

This time, the devil's artillery fire was much more intense. The smoke was filled with smoke and dust, and some trees were broken by the shells.

The shrapnel whistled and flew in all directions on the ground, cutting any objects.

After the shelling, tanks appeared again at the end of the road, and this time, two tanks came down at once, and drove towards the advance regiment's position one after the other.

Gao Fei held up the binoculars on the ground, watching the two devil tanks approaching from a distance through the gunpowder smoke.

The first tank is very familiar, it is a Type 47 tank, equipped with only a small [-]mm gun with a short barrel.

These tanks are called medium tanks. In fact, the weight of the tanks is only fourteen tons, which is similar to the American Stuart light tanks at most.

However, this is currently the best tank that the Devils can afford. Compared with the three-ton bean tank, the armor has improved a lot.

After Gao Fei finished watching, he turned his gaze to another tank that had just emerged on the road behind.

When he saw the model of the tank clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and an angry look appeared on his face.

This tank is not a Type [-] tank, its style is quite different from that of the Type [-] tank, and it doesn't look very tall.

After judgment, this is a 6-ton Soviet-made T6 light tank!

The tank is equipped with a radio communication device.

From the appearance point of view, the biggest feature is the ring antenna around the turret.

This kind of tank was donated to China from the Soviet Union in the name of aid. Because of the incompetence of some people, it fell into the hands of the devils intact.

Now it was driven by the devils, but turned around and called the advance group.

Now the devils painted a plaster flag on the turret of the tank, but the word "assault" originally written in Chinese has not been erased.

The devil's taking out such a T6 tank is undoubtedly a humiliation to the advance group!
Gritting his teeth, Gao Fei made up his mind that these two tanks must be killed.

Especially this T6 tank, let alone let it go back alive.

To deal with these two tanks of the Devils, the heavy machine gun seemed a bit powerless.

Gao Fei said to the bearded man through the walkie-talkie: "Don't shoot heavy machine guns, save bullets, and mainly deal with infantry and machine gunners! These two tanks will be handed over to the Bazooka team!"

"Understood, Tuanzao!" The bearded man replied.

Because the mission of the advance group was to intersect and intercept in depth, it was also marching all the way in a hurry. It was the limit of the heavy machine gun team to be able to carry three heavy machine guns. Even so, the heavy machine guns did not carry much ammunition.

Originally, Gao Fei wanted to bring the artillery battalion over.

But the anti-war artillery must at least be towed by a tractor, and its maneuverability is not good.

After all, there are grasslands and swamps here, and it is simply unrealistic to march with anti-aircraft guns.

Therefore, the Artillery Battalion stayed where it was and cooperated with the New Thirty Division to attack Guijie.

Now the main anti-armor weapons are only heavy machine guns and bazooka.

The bazooka is powerful enough, but the range is too short.Various models basically have a direct range of about 100m, an effective range of about 140m, and a maximum range of 70m to 460m.

If you want to hit a tank, it's best to be close to the effective range to be sure of the hit.

If it is at a distance of 100 meters, the devil's marksmanship is very accurate, which is undoubtedly suicide for the bazooka shooter.

Gao Fei immediately ordered into the walkie-talkie: "Zhao Jun, don't expose the Bazooka team, spread out to find a suitable location, and wait for the opportunity!"

"Understood!" Zhao Jun took the bazooka team into action immediately.

Gao Fei contacted Zhang Lixian again: "The chariot company is ready, knock out those two tanks first, especially the T6, we must not let them run away!"


Zhang Lixian sat in the command car and immediately ordered: "Car No. [-], Car No. [-], you all get on!"

"Car No. [-] received! Car No. [-] received!"


Accompanied by two shelling shots, the two tanks camouflaged in the grass suddenly started their engines and fired two shots at the Devil tank opposite.

The cannon of the No. 6 vehicle was shot crookedly and missed the T6 tank, but the T[-] tank was frightened and started to turn, not daring to go straight all the way.

The No. [-] vehicle hit the Type [-] tank, but only damaged one track, but did not completely destroy it.

The ghosts in the Type [-] tank were stunned for a while, and began to turn the turret, aiming at the two Sherman tanks whose positions were exposed.

At the same time, the shelling of the devils also started, this is the rhythm of a wave of charge!

In addition to the two tanks that were responsible for opening the way, the devils sent more infantry this time, and about two small groups of soldiers followed the tanks.

There is also a small group of devil soldiers who have dispersed to both sides of the road and approached the position of the third battalion through outflanking tactics.

The devil infantry following the Type [-] tank panicked when they saw the tank's tracks were blown off.

But under the command of a sergeant, trying to get past the tank, a charge was launched.

Gao Fei hurriedly shouted: "Suppress the infantry behind the tank, don't let them rush over!"


"Da da da……"

The heavy machine guns on the ground fired violently again.

In just a split second, the devil was pushed back by the powerful firepower.

The Type [-] tank also counterattacked, firing a shot, and the shell landed next to the No. [-] tank, raising a cloud of mud.

(End of this chapter)

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