Chapter 237 Attack
A bazooka team has already sneaked up to the vicinity of the Type [-] tank from the left with the help of bushes, and the visual distance is close to the effective range.

The foreshooter immediately picked up the bazooka and shouted to the second-shooter, "Reload!"

The deputy shooter immediately pulled out a rocket, stuffed it into the gun barrel from behind Bazooka's buttocks, and skillfully connected the ignition wire, reached out and patted the helmet of the shooter.

The direct shooter used the simple sight on the bazooka to aim at the side of the Type [-] tank.

When the trigger was pulled, Bazooka's chrysanthemum spewed out a burst of flames and made a muffled hissing sound.

The rocket flew out of the muzzle, pulling a long tail flame and heading straight for the Type [-] tank.

The track of the Type [-] tank was blown off, and it could no longer move. It was a living target.

Just hearing a loud "boom", a burst of flames burst out from the side of the Type [-] tank, and the shaking turret stopped immediately.

The bazooka rocket launcher was designed to dry tanks. The armor-piercing projectile was like chopsticks poking tofu, tearing through the armor of the Type [-] tank and getting in.

The armor-piercing shell knocked out the engine and tore the driver and gunner to pieces!
The devil hiding behind the tank did not expect the enemy on the opposite side to have such a ferocious weapon as the bazooka.

After making a strange cry, under the order of an officer, they shot at the location of the bazooka team.

In order to succeed in one fell swoop, the two main and deputy shooters touched a position 100 meters away from the tank. At this distance, for the devil infantry with accurate marksmanship, they could not run at all. After being fired for a while, the two Bazu The card shooter made a heroic sacrifice!
Another T6 tank, the driver of which was startled by the ferocious fire of the bazooka, immediately started to back up and tried to escape.

At this time, the heavy machine guns from the third battalion also started to fight, and the bullets hit the armor of the T6 tank with a bang, making a series of jingling sounds.

It's a pity that this heavy machine gun is equipped with ordinary bullets, which are not enough to penetrate the 6 mm armor thickness of the T15 tank.

"Damn, this tortoise shell is quite strong!" The snake skin can't help cursing angrily.

Kang Ya sat in the command car, and immediately ordered: "There is an order from the group seat, don't let it run away, all fire!"

"Boom boom boom...!"

The remaining six chariots didn't bother to continue hiding, and launched a round of concentrated fire.

Kang Ya will never allow this T6 tank to run away, this is the devil's demonstration and ridicule to them!

Facing shells coming from all directions, although the driver of the T6 tank was an old driver, he still had no way to avoid it. He was hit by a shell and stopped immediately with smoke.

When the infantry squad saw that the two tanks were lying on the ground, they immediately dispersed, running faster than rabbits.

The commander responsible for the devil's reinforcements to Guijie this time was named Hideaki Oda, who turned out to be a squadron leader.

He has only one tactic, and that is to attack, attack, and attack again.

Because a few months ago on the Huaxia battlefield, facing the local armed forces that were engaged in mobile warfare, his troops fell into the encirclement after chasing him, and finally broke through with a few soldiers before being sent here.

Before setting off, he was full of confidence and prepared to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds.

Because according to intelligence, the chariot battalion of the New First Army did not appear in Guijie, and they were all infantry, so he was relieved.

The base camp transferred a batch of tanks and armored vehicles to the 33rd Army. Although the number is limited, they are basically modified by adding steel plates to the chassis of trucks according to local conditions.

It looks a bit shabby, but these things are enough to give the enemy a taste of fiasco!
When he was on the Huaxia battlefield before, he had commanded a squadron of chariots.

In the face of the torrent of steel, Huaxia's army has no resistance at all.

At that time, he was basically commanding small bean tanks or Type [-] light tanks with thin armor.

But even so, these chariots are galloping on the battlefield of Huaxia, and they are still in the land of no one.

Of course, in the end, he encountered a group of super capable guerrilla armed forces, and he insisted on using crowd tactics and body bombs to destroy his tank squadron.

Only his command car escaped by chance, but it was inevitable that he would not be punished.

Now Tanaka Shinichi admires him very much, otherwise he would not have given this armored force to him to command.

This armored force has three Type 6 tanks, two captured T[-] tanks, five bean tanks, and nine newly refitted armored vehicles.

There is also an infantry squadron synergy.

Such a "powerful" chariot force, in his eyes, is already an invincible force.

After receiving the order to reinforce Guijie, he excitedly assembled his soldiers and horses, took the oil tank truck and ammunition truck and set off.

Not long after leading the troops out of Xinwei, the vanguard reported that they encountered the enemy's obstruction.

He thought that he could easily defeat it with only one armored vehicle and a small amount of infantry.

But what I didn't expect was that the armored vehicle hadn't survived in front of the enemy's position for 3 minutes before it was smashed into a ball of sieves by an M heavy machine gun.

The first wave of attack became a joke.

This pissed him off, and he vowed to make the enemies who blocked the way pay the price.

Don't they have heavy machine guns?Then send out Type [-] medium tanks to let them see how powerful the imperial army is!

At the same time, he sent a T6 tank to cover the flank and communicate with him by radio.

The result surprised him again. The enemy had a bazooka rocket launcher in his hand, and an armor-piercing projectile wiped out the Type [-] tank.

What surprised him even more was that the fate of the T6 tank was also very tragic. The enemy actually ambushed eight Sherman tanks, and a round of concentrated artillery bombardment also paralyzed them.

Through the tentative attack just now, Xiaotian already knew that the group of enemies blocking the way ahead had strong firepower, and they didn't show any fear at all when they saw the armored vehicles, and successfully killed two of his tanks and one armored vehicle.

This fully shows that the group of enemies blocking the way ahead is definitely an extremely capable elite!

This made him couldn't help putting away his contempt, and began to pay attention to the current situation, and suddenly found that the terrain here was very unfavorable for his chariot.

The enemy seems to have been waiting for them a long time ago, and they chose to block this position, which happened to be a very difficult terrain to deploy.

There are mountains and jungles on both sides of the road. Tanks and armored vehicles cannot be deployed at all. They can only attack the enemy along this road. The advantage in the number of tanks cannot be brought into play at all.

Moreover, the enemy is condescending. Although the position is not very high, it has a certain slope and an elevation angle that is easy to roll over. It is impossible for the tank to charge straight up.

Oda, who has studied tank tactics to some extent, is very clear that such a geographical environment is not suitable for tank battles, and will seriously limit the mobility and assault capabilities of tanks.

The chariot can't rush to the front of the enemy's position at all. Even if it does, the large-caliber heavy machine gun and the terrible bazooka in the enemy's hands cannot maneuver in a large range, and the tank will die if it rushes over.

This shows that the enemy had already known in advance that they would send chariot troops to reinforce Guijie, and had already prepared for it, and deliberately chose such a place as the blocking location.

This is troublesome!

Although he has quite a few chariots, he is staring blankly at not being able to display the fighting power that he should have. Then, how should he fight next?

He immediately summoned his officers and staff officers to have a discussion, asking them to make suggestions and discuss how to attack next.

These devil officers and staff officers expressed their opinions and put forward many reasonable suggestions.

In the end, Oda summed up everyone's opinions and decided to change his tactics. Instead of letting tanks and armored vehicles be the main attack, he let the infantry charge in front, and the tanks were placed behind, providing fire cover for the infantry's charge, and relying on the infantry to clear the way forward. .

After making a decision, the devil started to act again.

It is still the old-fashioned tactic of artillery bombardment and infantry charging. First, artillery fire was used to bombard, and then infantry followed tanks to launch a wave of charge.

(End of this chapter)

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