Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 243 Attacking Highland 105

Chapter 243 Attacking Highland 105
Continue to go forward, not far ahead, there is a stronghold relying on the road.

Relying on the fortifications, the devils blocked the advance group for two hours.

There was a full squad of devils stationed in the stronghold. None of these devils survived, and all of them were killed by the advance group.

Because the devils occupied a favorable terrain and used human bombs to resist, the casualties in this battle were not small, which made Gao Fei very angry.

Although an armored squadron of the devils suffered a disastrous defeat and eventually broke up and fled, the devils in Xinwei did not completely give up resistance.

On the outer outposts, the devils stubbornly carried out Tanaka Shinichi's death order, desperately blocking the advance group's attack.

It took nearly a day for the advance team to walk and fight for a short distance of five kilometers.

Xinwei City is at the foot of the hill in front, as long as you climb over the hill in front, you can attack from a commanding height!
However, it is not an easy task to capture the mountain ahead.

The soldiers chased all night last night, and today they walked all the way and fought all the way, and they were tired all day long.

At this time, the soldiers of the advance regiment were already exhausted, and each of them was a little shaky when walking, so they had to take a rest.

As night fell, Gao Fei ordered to rest in place.

At dawn the next day, Milong's scouts sent back news.

"Tuan Zuo, the devil's scouting troops were discovered in the east and west at the same time."

Gao Fei, Silaisi, and Meng Fanle were all taken aback, how could there be devil scouts around?
Is it...

Thinking that something terrible was about to happen, the few of them couldn't help being shocked.

Not long after, the scouts sent news one after another that large groups of devils appeared in all directions at the same time, and the total number reached 3000.

In the end, it was concluded that they were surrounded by a division of the Devils!
Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and instantly knew that he had underestimated the enemy.

These devils were transferred from Lashio and other places, and they were directed at his advance group!
The matter has come to this point, it is too late to regret, and we must find a way to get out of the predicament in front of us.

Gao Fei thought about it, and there are currently three options:
One is to quickly break through from a weak direction; the other is to stick to the spot and wait for reinforcements; the third is to attack the top of the mountain at any cost, using the front hill as a defensive position, and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

The incident happened suddenly, and the devils were forming a siege for the time being, and did not choose to attack.

He immediately calmed down, called the backbone of the battalion company to hold an emergency meeting, and said three options for everyone to discuss.

Not spicy: "It's easy to break through. Xiao Dongyang hasn't formed an encirclement yet, so he can rush out with one charge."

Mi Long immediately retorted: "Breakout is easy now, but if you want to get rid of the pursuers around you, you must discard heavy weapons and supplies, otherwise you will be killed! I would rather fight than be chased by devils again." Run away with your ass!"

Two years ago, they were chased all over the mountain by devils. It was a shame for the soldiers, and it was also an unforgettable grief!

No one wants to repeat the same mistakes now.

Meng annoyed and said: "The first method won't work, so the second method won't work either. There is no danger to defend here. If you are surrounded by devils, you will only die."

Milong said: "Then choose the third option. The reconnaissance battalion is willing to charge, and they must take down the 105 Heights ahead!"

Bu La scrambled: "Your reconnaissance battalion is only responsible for reconnaissance, and we should leave it to our second battalion for the task of attacking the fortifications."

Yao Ma patted his chest: "There is still our third battalion!"

Li Liansheng said: "My first battalion can no longer be a counselor, regiment, the main attack task will be handed over to our first battalion!"

Looking at these people around, they were still so calm and calm in the face of the siege.

Because he cared too much, Gao Fei himself panicked first, after all, there are so many brothers behind his back.

These group of veterans who were once chased by devils finally grew up and became the core of the advance group!
With these people, what else is he afraid of?The advance group cannot be defeated, and there is no difficulty that the advance group cannot overcome!

Gao Fei was infected by the support of these people, and said to McLuhan: "Master Mai, please call the military seat immediately, saying that my advance group is besieged by devils and is going to storm the hill outside Xinwei City. Stand by and wait for help! Please the New First Army quickly take down Guijie and come closer to me!"


After speaking, he ordered again: "According to the old method, the first battalion is on the left, the third battalion is on the right, and the second battalion is feinting from the front! We must quickly take down the hill ahead!"


Bu Lai, Yao Ma, Mi Long and others took orders to go.

"Kang Ya, the six tanks of the chariot company are providing artillery support in the rear!"


Kang Ya also immediately went down to make arrangements.

After Sun Liren and Tang Shouzhi received the news that the advance group was besieged, they were also taken aback.

Tang Shouzhi was quite annoyed, and slammed the table: "Gao Fei is not fooling around! How can you lead a regiment and want to attack Xinwei, at least wait for the army to arrive? Now that you are surrounded, what should you do?"

After Sun Liren heard this, he was not angry, but worried: "That kid Gao Fei is so confident recently that he actually wants to take down Xinwei with the strength of the advance team alone.

The advance regiment has consumed a lot in the past few months, and the casualty ratio has exceeded [-]% and has not been replenished.I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it. "

Jia Youhui, Deputy Commander, said: "This kid is always uneasy about playing cards. The devil who wants to beat Xinwei is a surprise. However, judging from the devil's posture, Tanaka Shinichi obviously set such a trick for the advance group." , no wonder Gao Fei would be fooled, if it were me who disabled an armored squadron of the devils, he would also mistakenly think that the defenders of Xinwei must have insufficient defense, and he would also fall into the trap!"

Li Hong said: "It's a blessing in disguise! I really think this is an opportunity. Since Tanaka Shinichi transferred the Japanese defenders from Lashio, Xingwei, Mengyang and other places to Xinwei, these places must be weakly defended at this time." !"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Liren's eyes lit up. Yes, the devils in northern Myanmar have a serious shortage of troops.

Tanaka Shinichi dared to use a force equivalent to a division to target the advance regiment. It can be said that he hated this flesh very much.

Sun Liren thought for a moment, and immediately ordered: "The New 30th Division will continue to attack Guijie without hesitation! The New 38th Division will follow the route of the advance regiment and go to rescue the advance regiment first!"

"In addition, the whole army is attacking, and all personnel are in action. After taking Guijie, they will rush to Xinwei."

"Please call the nearby 50th Division to move quickly towards Lashio and Mandalay, waiting for an opportunity to attack the city, so as to force the devils to come back!"

One order after another was issued quickly.

The New First Army took action, because of this incident, Tanaka Shinichi never expected that Sun Liren dispatched an army to save the advance regiment!
And the battle of Xinwei became the last desperate contest between the advance group and the devils in northern Burma!
After researching and deciding, Gao Fei decided to capture the 105 Heights in front, and then use this place to stand by for help!

The highland in front is only more than 100 meters, not a hill, but a hill at best.

The slope was very gentle, with an elevation angle of about [-] degrees. Gao Fei estimated that the tank could rush directly to the top of the mountain.

After getting ready, Gao Fei gave the order to attack.

Of the eight tanks, there are only six left, the engine roaring, and the tracks making the sound of metal rubbing against the road, driving towards the Japanese position.

In order to match the infantry, the speed of the tank is not fast.

At the same time, Kang Ya was very smart, commanding the tanks under her seat to maneuver back and forth, and did not give the Japanese artillery a chance to aim directly.

The three attacking battalions accelerated and launched an offensive towards the Japanese positions on both wings.

On the Japanese positions, there were not enough troops at this time, so the firepower was naturally insufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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