Chapter 244 Bloody Battle

The six tanks began to fire to cover the charge. Although the artillery fire was not too violent, the devils still couldn't stand it, and the position was bombed with bullet holes everywhere.

The incendiary bombs ignited some wooden fortifications, igniting a raging fire, and the hot flames raised the surrounding temperature a lot.

Thick smoke was billowing, almost covering the sky and the sun, making it difficult for people to see the situation on the distant positions clearly.

The devils at the forefront finally couldn't bear it anymore, because they had never encountered such a fierce attack before!

Not only that, but the opponent's sharpshooter almost hits every shot.

Suddenly, he was shot in the head, and fell down in the bunker.

Tanks bombarded all the time.

The few light and heavy machine guns that were originally there were completely suppressed and misfired at this time.

And now the fight is getting poorer and poorer, there is not even a single anti-tank gun, only two [-]-step guns for appearance.

Miyamoto's steel helmet has been lost somewhere.

Just now a shell fell just near him, and a piece of shrapnel hit his helmet.

Although he saved his life, the steel helmet was blown away by the blast.

Miyamoto felt pain in his cervical spine. The steel helmet blocked the stray bullets, but the impact sprained his neck.

He is struggling to even turn his head now, and can only continue to observe the situation in front of the position by turning his body slightly.

His face was blackened by gunpowder smoke and fire, and his face was almost unrecognizable.

He watched desperately that the advance regiment was getting closer and closer to the defense line, but Tanaka Shinichi in the city did not send him a single reinforcement.

This is Xinwei's forward position. All the troops of his brigade have been mobilized, but they still cannot stop the advance group's attack.

Especially those six tanks drove over resolutely, and the machine guns on the tanks kept spitting out flames, strafing the devil soldiers.

The advance regiment soldiers following the tanks often poked their heads out and shot forward to cover the tanks' advance.

"Where's the artillery, give me concentrated firepower to hit the tank!"

Miyamoto roared hysterically.

Several artillerymen got the order, lying behind the hill, operating two [-] infantry guns and began to shoot at the tank company that had approached the hill.

A grenade landed next to the tank, blowing up a cloud of dirt.

The mud and gravel knocked on the armor of the tank, making a clanging sound. Apart from knocking off some paint, it had no effect on the Sherman's thick armor.

But another shot hit a Sherman tank rushing to the front, and it stopped in place smoking smoke.

The remaining five vehicles started rumbling and did not listen at all, and continued to charge towards the top of the hill.

A few devil soldiers hid in some bomb craters in front of the position, looking out carefully, with a look of determination in their eyes.

Now, they have no way out, now that they have reached the present, they can only die!
Therefore, they anxiously waited for the six tanks to approach, holding the explosive packs, their faces covered with sweat.

Kang Ya's command tank finally approached a trench. A devil's death squad hiding inside took a peek and found that the tank had approached more than 20 meters away and was about to drive over on his left side.

He gritted his teeth, grabbed a cantaloupe grenade and knocked on his helmet, then jumped up suddenly, raised his arms and threw the grenade out.

At the same time, he pulled the fuse of the explosive package on his body, screamed and rushed towards Kang Ya's command vehicle.

Kang Ya was in the car with the driver, gunner, and machine gunner. He was always focused on the position in front of the devils, and he didn't even notice that a desperado was rushing towards their tank.

At this time, several infantrymen following the tank discovered the devil who had jumped out of a nearby crater.

They first saw a melon grenade thrown out, and immediately threw themselves to avoid it.

After the grenade exploded, they didn't hurt them, but the devil was rushing towards the tank under the cover of the mud raised by the grenade explosion.

The sharp-eyed soldier suddenly saw the explosive bag in the devil's arms, and immediately exclaimed: "The explosive bag! The little devil wants to blow up the tank!"

A veteran with quick hands and quick eyes immediately picked up his rifle and fired a shot.

The devil actually ran away to avoid it, and then used all his strength to charge forward.

Seeing that the devil was about to rush to the side of the tank, a squad leader with a submachine gun reacted, picked up the submachine gun and pulled the trigger, sweeping out all the bullets in the magazine in one go.

"Da da da……!"

The devil finally failed to jump to the side of the tank, and was knocked to the ground five or six meters away from the tank.

After killing the devil, the squad leader made another warning sound of "down", and the soldiers behind him fell to the ground again.

There was a loud bang, and the devil who was beaten to death just now was blown up by several kilograms of high explosives, leaving no bones left, and turned into a cloud of blood mist!
The shock wave generated by the huge explosion hit the tank, and even the tank shook violently, which shocked Kang Ya and others in the car.

"What happened? Is it the devil's heavy artillery?"

Kang Ya hurriedly went to the observation hole to look out, and saw gunpowder smoke filled the outside of the car, and a shallow crater was blown out five or six meters away.

Some people inside and outside the car were so shocked that their ears were buzzing, and they couldn't hear anything for a while.

It wasn't until this time that Kang Ya realized that it wasn't the devil's heavy artillery shell that exploded not far from the car.

In the case of heavy artillery shells, even if they are separated by a few meters, the fragments of the shells may cause serious damage to the tank.

One of the gunners in the car, no longer caring about the danger, opened the hatch and got out, showing his head, and shouted at the brothers behind the car, "What happened just now?"

A brother who was lying behind the car shouted angrily: "His grandma, the little devil is crazy, trying to blow up our tank with a body bomb!"

The squad leader just reminded: "The little devil's marksmanship is accurate, quickly retract your head!"

While speaking, several bullets flew over immediately and hit the hatch of the tank, almost killing him.

The gunner was taken aback and quickly retreated into the car.

When Kang Ya heard that it was the devil's death squad, she was so angry that she wanted to scold her mother, this little devil is really omnipotent.

After this little devil failed to blow up the tank command vehicle, another devil jumped out from a crater in front, threw a grenade again, and then howled and blew the explosive package on his chest.

The devil just missed a hit, which has attracted the attention of the soldiers who followed the tank attack, and now they are opening their eyes and carefully searching the situation around the tank.

As soon as the devil jumped out, he was immediately discovered.

The soldiers following the tank immediately raised their heads and shot fiercely at the devil.

This devil is not as good as the one just now, just after jumping out and running a few steps, a blood mist rose from his body.

Another violent explosion followed.

The sound of violent explosions echoed on the battlefield.

Miyamoto closed his eyes in pain, there were nine explosions in total, and a soldier was killed by a machine gun before he even had time to pull the explosives.

The group of dead soldiers he organized have all died by now.

But the five enemy tanks were unscathed and continued to advance.

The soldiers of the advance regiment were very angry when they saw that the devils used suicide bombing to blow up the remaining five tanks.

At this time, they were already very close to the top of the mountain, shouting and rushing towards the devil's defense line one by one.

The soldiers of the advance group rushed into the devil's position with bayonet-mounted rifles, and started a melee fight with the devil.

They are like wolves and tigers, and the assassination techniques they usually train are now perfectly reflected.

Even one-on-one, the little devil can't do it.This is something the devil has never encountered before.

Miyamoto raised his head, looking desperately at the swarming advance team.

At this time, he knew that this high ground could no longer be held.

If he continues to defend, he can only let his brigade be completely wiped out here!

He roared sharply, "Retreat!"

At this time, the ghost soldiers had been killed by the advance group, and they were timid. Seeing the Huaxia soldiers who were killed in front of them, they had no intention of fighting, and fled towards Xinwei City behind.

(End of this chapter)

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