Chapter 256 Winning Xinwei
Sun Liren judged that the material warehouse in the city was burned, and then he would fall into a dilemma of running out of ammunition and food.

"Pass down the order, the whole army will attack, and take Xinwei for me in one go!"

Looking at the red night sky in the west of the city, the morale of the New First Army was high, shouting to kill and charging bravely.

On the other hand, the Japanese army, looking at the red fire, knew that the enemy had sneaked into the city and set the granary on fire, and the morale of the army immediately became chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the New First Army was in full swing, and the New 38th Division and the New [-]th Division launched round after round of fierce offensives against the Japanese troops in the city.

As dawn approached, most of Xinwei's area was captured by the New First Army.

Miyamoto had to shrink his troops, and all retreated into a temple to continue to resist.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Sun Liren immediately issued an order among the frontline troops to commend the commandos, and at the same time gave encouragement and affirmation to all the troops that participated in the battle that night.

The Xinwei battle was very fierce, but the Sichuan Army Corps never participated, but was approved by Sun Liren to take a three-day long vacation.

Sun Liren really cared for Gao Fei. He was worried about the safety of the commandos. After receiving the news that the Japanese warehouse had been burned, he immediately dispatched the 89th regiment to the west of the city to respond to the return of the commandos.

In this regard, some soldiers felt that they had been robbed of credit, and thought that they had finally broken into the city, and it was time to attack the center of the city, but they sent friendly troops out to pick peaches, which made them a little annoyed.

Gao Fei understood why Sun Liren did this, and was very grateful in his heart. When he led his troops out of the city, he heard some complaints from the people below, and immediately scolded: "We burned the granary in the city, the enemy He hates us so much, and if he continues to stay in the city, it's inevitable that the little devil won't be in a hurry to jump over the wall and fight us to the death!
The military seat was worried about our safety, so he ordered the commandos to withdraw from the city ahead of time.You don't want to bite Lu Dongbin like a dog, you don't know a good heart. "

A group of people were extremely ashamed and fell silent.

Gao Fei warned them: "If you have any opinions, you can ask me. It's best not to talk about it behind your back! My style is to praise what should be praised and criticize what should be criticized. All members of the commando team performed well this time. Commander The ministry issued an order to reward, and I will also promote some people."

Therefore, in the next period of time, the Sichuan Army Corps became a melon-eating crowd watching the theater, and Sun Liren stopped mobilizing them and let the Sichuan Army Corps take a good rest outside the city.

After a night of fierce fighting, only about [-] Japanese soldiers were left in Xinwei City, and some teams were beaten down to only three or four people.

When Miyamoto collected the remnants and retreated to the temple, plus the 300 people brought by Isamu Haruyama, there were only more than [-] people left.

The Japanese army line was squeezed by the New First Army and kept retreating towards the center of the city. At this time, it had been compressed to only 200 meters away from the temple.

Since the intensity of the battle exceeded Miyamoto's expectations, and a large amount of ammunition in the warehouse was destroyed, after a night of fighting, the ammunition reserve was basically exhausted.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers hadn't had breakfast yet, and they were starving, so they could only use the short intervals between battles to collect some canned food from the dead bodies to wrap their stomachs.

Xinwei's Japanese army is now out of ammunition and food.

But as the imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire, it is absolutely impossible for Miyamoto to surrender.

"Warriors of the Empire, the Great Japanese Empire cannot fail, let us make a final charge this afternoon!"

Miyamoto's voice was hoarse. At this time, he didn't have much energy to say some words to boost morale. He just issued an order to order these soldiers without bullets to launch a death charge.

The Japanese officers and non-commissioned officers all looked listless, their faces were blackened by gunpowder, and their numb expressions seemed to have lost their souls.

Miyamoto glanced at Isamu Haruyama. At this time, Isamu Haruyama was also very embarrassed, just like other soldiers.

He slowly walked up to Chun Shanyong, bowed, and said, "Mr. Chun Shan, you have worked hard these two days!"

Isamu Haruyama rolled his eyes dully, his eyes recovered somewhat, and said: "Miyamoto-kun, you are welcome, this may be my end point! Originally I should have died in Guijie, but I escaped, but in the end I was sent here by General Tanaka to make amends, so let me die here, I believe my soul will return to my hometown!"

Miyamoto nodded solemnly and said: "I will definitely. It is the glory of the empire to have a warrior like you!"


In the afternoon, the attack of the New First Army continued, and the gunfire on the Japanese positions had completely faded away.

Sun Liren judged that the Japanese army had no ammunition, and ordered the troops to carry out the final fight.

The Japanese soldiers have now completely turned into walking corpses, one by one leaning against the bunker with their rifles without bullets, their eyes blank.

They knew in their hearts that it was the last moment.

In fact, when they retreated to the core area, their fate was already doomed, because there was no retreat option here.Except in fighting to the death, either surrender or be killed.

But the word surrender is shameful in the minds of many Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese army's long-term brainwashing propaganda made Japanese soldiers seldom choose to surrender, because it was considered an extremely shameful act, which would damage their own reputation and implicate their families.

Therefore, many times the Japanese army would not choose to surrender.

After receiving the order to launch a counter-charge, some Japanese soldiers knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of their hometown.

Some people found a seam of thousands of people and wrapped it around their waists.

This kind of seam was sewed by relatives asking for help when they were on the battlefield. Wrapping it around the waist is a kind of nostalgia for their hometown.

Others cut off their fingernails, or cut some hair, wrapped it up, and wrote their names on it.

They hope that after death, these relics can one day be transported back to their hometown and given to their families...

In the end, many soldiers took off their helmets, found some white cloth strips and strangled them on their foreheads.

This practice is called wiping the forehead, which is a tradition of Bushido, and it also represents the imminent launch of the Jade Fragment Charge.

Miyamoto sent the last telegram to the 33rd Army headquarters in the headquarters.

The content of the telegram was very brief, and it read: "Our army has run out of ammunition and food, and there is no possibility of holding on. I will lead the army to launch the final charge immediately to show my loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor! May my empire be endless!"

After sending the telegram, Miyamoto ordered the radio station to be destroyed.

All documents and maps in the headquarters were burned, and the military flag was also burned.

After doing all this, Miyamoto took his command knife, turned his head to look at the grassroots officers in the headquarters, and issued orders to these people.

In the field hospital outside the temple, there was a burst of gunfire or the sound of grenades exploding. It was the seriously wounded Japanese soldiers who began to commit suicide.

These seriously wounded are unable to participate in the charge, so they have no value. Whether they want to or not, they can only choose to commit suicide.

If there are those who really don't want to die, then someone will complete the "suicide" for them.

In just ten minutes, nearly a hundred of the seriously wounded Japanese soldiers in the field ambulance all paid their allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor.

Some lightly wounded were ordered to enter the position with the remaining explosives and make a human bomb.

At the same time, the Japanese army gathered the last remaining bullets and handed them over to machine gunners and marksmen.

Two in the afternoon.

Suddenly, the firepower on the Japanese position became extremely fierce. The machine guns, rifles, and grenade grenades were fully fired, and the attacking New [-]th Division was forcibly suppressed.

However, the duration of the Japanese army's firepower was very short, and it was completely misfired in just a few minutes.

The first wave of nearly [-] Japanese soldiers jumped up from various positions, uttering strange howls, and rushed towards the Huaxia soldiers howling like a group of vicious dogs.

Then came the second wave led by Miyamoto, and finally the third wave led by Isamu Haruyama.

At four o'clock in the afternoon that day, the battle in Xinwei City was completely over.

The Japanese army held on for only two days. Nearly 43 Japanese soldiers were annihilated in Xinwei, and [-] were captured after the war.

In this battle of Xinwei, the New First Army suffered more than 400 casualties, of which 200 were killed in battle, and about [-] were lightly or severely wounded. The loss was much less than that of the Japanese army.

This has a lot to do with the commando burning the enemy's granary.

The granary was burned, and the morale of the army was unstable. Sometimes in war, it was all about fighting for one breath, and when you were discouraged, you were not far from failure.

(End of this chapter)

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