Wearing dramas starts from Changjin Lake

Chapter 257 1 Paper Transfer Order

Chapter 257 A Transfer Order

After the New First Army captured Xinwei, the next target was Lashio.

According to the information collected, the total strength of the Japanese army in Lashio currently does not exceed 2000, and they are scattered around Lashio.

But such a defense arrangement, in the hands of the New First Army, is nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg!
Just look at the designation of the Japanese army to know how "powerful" the Japanese army's combat effectiveness is.

Based on the remnants of the 56th Division, the remnants of the No.18 Division, the defeated soldiers of the Second Division, a small number of new recruits, and part of the No.40 Ninth Division were added.

These remnants of the defeated generals were temporarily put together by the Japanese No. 30 and formed a regiment of less than 2000 people.

Even though Lashio had hoarded a lot of strategic materials and there was no shortage of food and ammunition, the Japanese army no longer had many artillery and other heavy weapons. Facing the new army with more fierce firepower, Gao Fei firmly believed that the Japanese army would not be able to defend Lashio at all.

As for the next move of the advance team, Gao Fei predicted that Sun Liren might continue to let them take the lead, and set off to the Lashio area for reconnaissance first.

Such a task was easy for the advance team, and Gao Fei felt that there was no problem.

Over the past three days, the advance team ate well and slept well, enjoying a rare vacation.This is already a very rare leisure time for the soldiers.

According to the regulations of the Mi Army, after each mission, the soldiers of the bad country will be given a long time to retreat to the rear to rest.

For example, the liaison officers of the United States (excluding McLuhan and others from the advance group) often take time off after performing tasks for a period of time.

Lieutenant General Merrill's Mei detachment also received this kind of treatment.

In fact, after participating in the Battle of Myitkyina, Stilwell was transferred back to Liedo for rest due to the relatively large casualties and low morale.

After the rest, the Mei detachment did not participate in large-scale battles, but was only responsible for obtaining information and other tasks.

Historically, the Mei Detachment has been exaggerated to a certain extent. In fact, the Mei Detachment is not considered a special force in the true sense. Because many of them are veterans, they deliberately took sick leave in order not to go to the battlefield.

Generally speaking, the treatment enjoyed by the soldiers of the rice army during the war is quite good compared with other participating countries, and even some officers from the bad countries can spend weekends.

It is impossible for Huaxia soldiers to enjoy this kind of treatment, and it can be said that it is the only one like the advance group.

In the past, some people looked at the treatment of the advance regiment and said some bitter words, saying that the advance regiment was raised by the mothers of the New First Army, and the other troops were raised by stepmothers. Good supplies are also given first, and the advance team will have whatever they want.

Such a situation really makes people jealous, so it is inevitable that some people will complain and be dissatisfied.

This kind of words naturally reached Gao Fei's ears, and it would also reach the ears of Sun Liren and Jia Youhui. After hearing the complaints of some people below, he would inevitably lose his temper.

Jia Youhui once heard some of her subordinates talking in private, talking nonsense.

He was originally a good-tempered person, and he was very kind to his subordinates, but when he heard that the words were too serious, he became angry, called these people in front of him, and criticized them head-on and face-to-face.

Jia Youhui counted the battles and achievements of the advance group in the past two years.

To one of the school officials who spread the rumors, he said: "You only saw that the advance group has better equipment and more supplies than you, do you know why the advance group can get such treatment?

Tell me, how many devils have you killed on the battlefield?How many battles have you won?Don't you think it's fair?Then you also go to make a few great contributions, and I will give you special approval for this treatment! "

The school officer was scolded, and he lowered his head to admit his mistake: "The military seat, the deputy military seat, it's all my fault, I shouldn't chew my tongue."

Sun Liren said: "Okay, this matter is over, the treatment enjoyed by the advance team is in exchange for their lives. If anyone has any complaints, let him talk to me in person!"


Those spreading rumors nodded yes.

At this time, the intelligence officer brought over a secret message.

After Sun Liren read it, his face suddenly turned livid. He shook the telegram and asked angrily, "Who gave this order? It must have been done by Du Yuming! Now our new army is preparing to attack Lashio. When employing people, how can we transfer the advance team back? No, no one can say no!"

At this time, Jia Youhui's face was also very ugly, and she said: "It's really hard to say whether Du Yuming did it, I heard that the New Sixth Army will be stationed in the Qujing area after returning to China, and the next step may be to move to Yunnan and Guizhou.

Liao Junzuo never forgot about the advance group, but it is very likely that Liao Junzuo lobbied the principal and asked the military command to ask for someone directly from our general headquarters! "

Sun Liren angrily threw down the telegram, turned around and grabbed a pack of cigarettes on the table, lit one, and took a deep puff: "It must be someone surnamed Du, it can't be someone else! This old Du, actually Playing behind the scenes. Speaking of which, the advance regiment belongs to the sequence of the Western Yunnan Front Army, so why does he want people now?"

Li Hong couldn't bear it at this time, and said angrily, "That's right! The advance regiment has repeatedly made great achievements here. How can he put the advance regiment under the name of the New Sixth Army? This is absolutely impossible. !"

Even Tang Shouzhi, who is usually gentle and doesn't lose his temper very much, has a look of displeasure on his face: "No matter who did this, we can't easily agree to it. Now it's time to use troops, and the advance team can't just leave.

Military seat, do you want to communicate with Chief Zheng and wait until Lashio is captured before leaving?In addition, how about keeping the advance group in our new army? "

Sun Liren finished smoking a cigarette, put the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on his foot, and immediately said: "I plan to send a telegram to Deputy Commander Zheng and tell him that our army is now at the critical moment of attacking Lashio. Vanguard, when you are using your troops, you cannot easily transfer them away, otherwise it will affect the overall situation of future attacks!

Other!The advance regiment has been battling repeatedly, and its strength has been greatly depleted. It needs to be supplemented at present, and it is not appropriate to use it too much!Furthermore, the advance regiment was formed based on the New First Army, and I think it is better to keep it in the New First Army!Deputy Commander Zheng please consider carefully!Please ask the military command to keep it in the new army sequence! "

Sun Liren narrated, Jia Youhui took notes in writing, and modified Sun Liren's words, and soon formed a telegram, and ordered the telegraph operator to send the telegram to Zheng Dongguo.

After Sun Liren finished sending the telegram, he said to his subordinates: "It is not appropriate to spread this information beforehand. Don't tell Gao Fei just now, in case the advance regiment's morale is fluctuated! I regret it. If I had requested that the advance regiment also belong to me Jun, then there won’t be such a thing now! Lao Du has always liked Gao Fei, which led to the current situation. If you are careless, we are all careless!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

I thought that after Zheng Dongguo received the telegram, he would definitely find a way to mediate and try to keep the advance group in the new army sequence.

But unexpectedly that afternoon, Zheng Dongguo replied to Sun Liren. The telegram was very brief, and the general content was that this order was signed by the principal himself.

In fact, the principal has been paying attention to Gao Fei for a long time, otherwise he would not have let the military command investigate his background files.

And this order was signed by General Du Yuming, allowing the [-]st Advance Regiment to be assigned to the New Sixth Army. This matter is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed!
Zheng Dongguo also added a sentence at the end, this is the meaning of the principal's promotion, and there is nothing he can do!

(End of this chapter)

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