Chapter 258 Promotion
After Sun Liren received the telegram, he couldn't help being furious, and almost tore up the telegram on the spot, but fortunately, Jia Youhui stopped it in time.

"Okay! Good job Du Yuming, I really have you, but you actually gave me such a trick!" Sun Liren was really angry, and his hands were shaking a little.

Sun Liren is well aware of the value of the advance regiment. To an army, its importance even surpasses the value of a regiment. He would rather replace a mountain artillery regiment of the New First Army now than transfer the advance regiment. Walk.

He understands best that whoever owns the advance team will have an extra pair of eyes in the future.

Because the advance regiment has extremely strong long-range reconnaissance capabilities, it can touch the rear of the enemy without anyone noticing and carry out comprehensive and careful reconnaissance, so that the commander can have stronger perception and judgment on the battlefield.

This will play a vital role in the correct command and mobilization of troops and the rational use of troops.

This time, Liao Yaoxiang organized the advance regiment into the sequence of the New Sixth Army through lobbying or activities up and down.

In the frontline headquarters of the New First Army, everyone knew about this incident, and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressed.

Sun Liren lost his temper for a while, but still felt that he couldn't accept the result. After thinking about it, he said to Jia Youhui, "No, I'm going to Myitkyina to meet with Deputy Commander Zheng in person. We can't just let it go!"

When Jia Youhui and the others heard this, they were slightly taken aback, and said: "Now? Now we are deploying a plan to attack Lashio, you leave now...isn't it good?"

Sun Liren said to the crowd in an unquestionable tone: "There is nothing wrong with it! Lashio has only a few troops, without the advance regiment, and our New First Army has three divisions. The deployment of the Japanese army has also been roughly grasped." It's clear, if you can't fight like this, it's too embarrassing!

The affairs here will be handed over to Jia Xiong for the time being, and I will come back as soon as I go, for a maximum of two days.

Here, you just need to make a battle plan and don't stop mobilizing troops. This time the attack on Lashio will still use the New 38th Division as the main force, and the New [-]th Division as the reserve team. You can arrange the specific plan yourself!Come on, prepare a plane for me, I will fly back to Myitkyina immediately! "

Sun Liren left the front line and flew back to Myitkyina to meet Zheng Dongguo to meet Zheng Dongguo for the sake of leaving the advance group. This kind of thing had never happened before.

If it were someone else, even Sun Liren would not do it no matter how reluctant he was.

But it's different when it's Gao Fei, it's like poaching his heart, it's really unacceptable to him.

Sun Liren harbored the dream of strengthening the country and the army, not for the purpose of personal desire.

He tried his best to keep Gao Fei in the New First Army. His motive was very simple, that is, he hoped that the advance regiment could stay, play a greater role, and train more strong soldiers!

But Du Yuming played tricks behind his back, and suddenly received such a transfer order, which really made him very angry.

He and Liao Yaoxiang got along quite happily before, and the cooperation was quite good, but there are still differences between the New First Army and the New Sixth Army in essence.

Because he and Liao Yaoxiang have different backgrounds.

He was not from the Whampoa lineage, let alone from the principal's direct lineage.

The predecessor of the new 38th Division was the tax police group, which was a private armed force of Song Ziwen.

Later, the Tax Police Corps was merged into the fruit army sequence. Although its combat effectiveness was quite good, it did not really gain the trust of the principal.

During the first expedition, Sun Liren even disobeyed the principal's order and did not retreat with the Fifth Army. Instead, he obeyed Stilwell's order and prepared to retreat to India.

This incident aroused the principal's dissatisfaction even more.

Liao Yaoxiang is different from him.

Liao Yaoxiang was born in the Whampoa Department of Zheng'er Bajing, and was later appointed by the principal to study in France.

Previously served as Du Yuming's deputy, first as the deputy division commander of the New 22nd Division, then promoted to division commander, and finally to the commander of the New Sixth Army.

So Liao Yaoxiang's identity is different from him.

In the eyes of the principal, Liao Yaoxiang belongs to the absolute lineage, which is probably the reason why the New Sixth Army was transferred first.

Liao Yaoxiang also has an old boss like Du Yuming, whose mobility must have surpassed him.

What happened this time was probably due to Du Yuming's use of some connections, which led to the direct intervention of the principal, who transferred the advance team back and put it under the banner of the New Sixth Army.

Sun Liren roughly guessed the ins and outs.

So, he was very angry and took a plane that day and flew directly back to Myitkyina.

That night he met Commander Zheng at the headquarters.

Zheng Dongguo was a little surprised by Sun Liren's sudden visit, but he immediately figured out the reason.

He didn't blame Sun Liren for ignoring the battle at the front and flew back to Myitkyina to meet him, but smiled wryly.

Seeing that it was time for dinner, he asked someone to arrange meals and asked Sun Liren to talk while eating.

Sun Liren was not in the mood to eat at all, and he didn't care too much about etiquette, so he said bluntly: "Commander, leave the advance team behind! If it's not possible, at least leave head Liu (Gao Fei) alone."

Zheng Dongguo is the deputy commander-in-chief of the Indian Army, and these officers under him like to call him Commander in private.

Zheng Dongguo retreated the adjutants and guards, closed the door and said to Sun Liren: "Fumin, please be safe, I know the purpose of your coming to see me is to miss a genius like Commander Liu!

But, it's not that I don't want to speak for you, but that this matter involves a lot. It's the principal's personal order, and I can't interfere!

Who wouldn't like a military genius like Gao Fei?Even the headmaster couldn't help but praise him when he knew about his achievements here.

What happened this time was that we only focused on the war in northern Myanmar and ignored the personnel transfer.The last time the 50th Division was assigned to the New First Army, Du Yuming didn't fight for it, probably for this purpose long ago. "

Although Sun Liren held his breath, he knew the truth after hearing Zheng Dongguo's words.

Du Yuming's little move this time probably even bypassed Zheng Dongguo, fearing that the news would leak out and be blocked by him.

Now that the military order is issued, this matter is actually a done deal.

No matter how powerful Zheng Dongguo is, he is no better than the principal.

Since it is said that there is no room for maneuver, then this matter must be hopeless.

Sun Liren was so depressed that he looked at the food on the table without appetite, and finally lamented: "What a careless Jingzhou, I really didn't expect that Du Yuming would do such a trick. If I knew it, I should have sent the advance The formation of the regiment has reached our new first army, and it will not become like this now... Alas, it is too late to regret!"

Zheng Dongguo comforted: "This is the principal's idea. He has taken a fancy to Liu Feihu's military talent and wants to expand the advance team. This is to promote him!"

"It's really a piece of fragrant steamed bun. The headmaster has taken a fancy to him. It seems that this is the only way to go."

Sun Liren was really reluctant to part with it. During the time he and Gao Fei were dating, the two had long since become friends.

(End of this chapter)

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