Chapter 107 Match point?

When a team, even its own internal members decide to prepare for the next round of competition.

It can be said that this game is basically cool.

To know a player's personal will on the field, as well as the mental outlook of the entire team, largely determines whether the game has a chance to come back.

Like the current EDG, it's not that they don't want to make a comeback.

But in his heart, he felt helpless with the RNG in front of him.

Think about it, for an opponent who is stronger or not inferior to his Fen players in almost all positions, and whose teamwork is even stronger than himself, it is normal for him to feel a little shaken and frustrated.

Therefore, everyone on the scene could feel the rhythm of EDG and suddenly relax.

"EDG doesn't want to fight anymore??"

"But there is no way, the equipment is so poor, and the economy is so backward, how can we turn it over?"

"Maybe, by Iboy??"

"Forget it, the level of terror of Verus in the later stage is not inferior to that of Xia. At present, the output of EDG is seriously insufficient."


EDG doesn't know what the audience thinks.

But at the scene, the previous defense that was quite exhausting and could be called a tight fit no longer existed.

Because at this time, the players of EDG are thinking about the next game in their hearts, and what to use to establish their own advantages.

"They, did they choose to give up tactically?"

As opponents at this time, RNG's feelings are probably more obvious than anyone else watching.

Originally, RNG still didn't dare to be careless at all, and wanted to continue to accumulate strength, and then wait for a wave to directly kill EDG.

But who knew, EDG just acted like they didn't want to play.

I saw Xiaohu curled his lips: "Please, can you stop doing this, I finally managed to cudgel, give me some space to play?"

In the past, every time a game was played, the head was either stolen by Lin Xiu's dog or taken by a puppy.

I am a tiger, all I can do is eat leftovers and pick up heads by the way.

Take a look at your own record.


Equipped with Luden's echo + magic shoes + hat + magic stick, it is directly ahead of Scout's plane by a whole big piece.

With the addition of equipment like the rock sparrow, I am afraid that the big tree on the opposite side will become disabled if he catches a set and rolls it off.

But who would have imagined that this game would be able to show its power, and prove that RNG is a trident strategy instead of a twin-turbo system, and everything is coming to an end? ?
In the following plot, there is almost no suspense under EDG's conservative style of play.

The third little dragon, Earth Dragon, was in the bag.

At this time, RNG is holding a fire dragon + two earth dragons, plus a sheep knife + dilapidated Verus, and Lin Xiu with 6 layers of ultimate moves. This is a direct big dragon fight, basically foolproof.

Even EDG is still hesitating whether to try to compete for it, everything in front of it is over.

After the big dragon buff appeared, RNG's lineup seemed even more unsolvable when they pushed forward together.

On the front, just leave it to Lin Xiu who took out Central Asia + time + big hat + mercury shoes.

Relying on the natural blood volume growth given by Big Chongzi's ultimate move, and the damage avoidance given by Zhongya, he dared not go up even with pure output equipment EDG.


It should be said that the current EDG must be careful about Lin Xiu's sudden attack.

In the front, people relied on their own skills to hurt, and Iboy, who had 3/2 blood, gave it a second.

Now, I'm afraid that if this ratio comes with another w flash, his back row will probably be sprayed half blood by his 0.7 AP bonus w, and because of the silence effect, he can't resist.

That scene was just a headache.

In addition, the incense pot is completely liberated.

Although he was dressed in meat clothes, Lin Xiu's front row deterrence was large enough, so he didn't have to appear in front at all.

RNG and EDG are entangled in front of the Highland Tower, and his Zach squats directly on the side of the three wolves.

Nazak's E skill [Rubber Band Slingshot], also known as squat standing long jump, has a full-level casting distance of 1800 yards.

Counting the 300-yard range when landing, Zach's effective control distance is 1950 yards.

This is close to a distance of 2000 yards, which is the distance of about 4 flashes.

Well, that's all.

It's a pity that everyone on EDG can barely run so far with displacement skills. . .

The invisible incense pot suddenly became an invisible and deadly fear, and no one wanted to be caught by Zach and even brought out the ultimate move.

But as a result of being so timid, the EDG mid-lane highland defense tower was easily dismantled.

The middle road is broken.

With the same rhythm, RNG continued to move up and down, taking advantage of the big dragon buff before disappearing, up and down, and also failed.

Then, while waiting for the three groups of super soldiers to press close together, the huge number of strengthened soldiers made everyone in EDG have a headache.

"Shall we do it one last time?"

The factory manager tentatively asked his teammates: "My wine barrel still has e flashing."


The corner of Ah Guang's mouth twitched slightly: "See for yourself if the other side will give you a chance!!"

As he said that, the factory manager cast his gaze in front of him.

The positions of the RNG people did not relax in the slightest, and only their front row could be encountered within the range of the factory manager's e-flash.

The back row with Puppies and Tigers as the core is well protected and completely inaccessible.

Even Xiaohu, who was still unsatisfied, used his big move to forcibly isolate everyone in EDG behind the front tooth tower.

As for RNG et al. . .

What a joke, you are not ready to fight me anymore, why should I continue to waste time? ?
RNG has no plans to continue killing time with EDG, as that would have an impact on the status of both players.

So adhering to the attitude of being able to kill and never staying behind, just push it away! !

In the end, even the last wave of confrontation did not happen. EDG was flatly pushed away by RNG in 24 minutes.

As a result, RNG played against EDG in the final.

RNG, leading 2 to 0.

At the scene, the lights were turned on again.

There were celebratory shouts and loud curses in the auditorium, which made people feel a little dizzy.

And when the words "victory" and "failure" appeared on the screens of the two teams, the players of both teams paused in their seats for a few seconds tacitly.

They all know that the next step is match point.

As long as RNG goes one step further, the puppy will be able to win his first championship in the LPL.

And if EDG goes one step further, it means that they may continue to delay the rhythm.

Therefore, their emotions at this moment are quite complicated.

Of course, the emotions are more complicated at the moment and the coaches of both sides.

At this time, the camera was shown backstage, and the performance of the coaches of the two teams was completely different at the moment.

Although Brother Feng tried his best to remain serious, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be hidden after all.

After all, RNG is great right now.

On the other side, Abu from EDG had a serious face. He lowered his head and didn't look at the screen, as if he was thinking about something.

Obviously, the coaches and players of both sides must carefully consider the next step.

Then, they got up and walked towards their own lounges.

"I don't know how the two coaches will fight next."

Miller said softly: "After all, the next game is EDG's life and death game, and RNG holds 3 match points."

Even if this battle does not have much impact on the two teams' World Championship places, as long as they are alliance players, they will have the desire to win.

The summer split is a test of their efforts throughout the year.

In any case, EDG does not want to end their summer journey in China so rashly.

"Furthermore, this is also an advance preparation for the World Championship."

Coach Abu was also very clear about this, and he didn't have time to be polite, so he quickly got to know the thoughts of the team members just now, and directly started to deploy the next round of the game.

"Although the current situation is very unfavorable to us, we are not hopeless."

Abu said: "The problem just now is mainly because Scout in the middle lane can't give timely support to the bottom lane, and then the support side emphasizes too much on offense, and the protection for ad is not in place."

Recall what Scout picked last time.


For a plane, you need the same three-piece set of equipment as Xia, which can be called a hero in the middle and late stages.

There are two mid-to-late game heroes in the lineup at the same time, but it happens to run into an aggressive team like RNG, and it is very normal for accidents to happen.

As for the support side, when Abramovich said this, Ben bowed his head in shame.

Because Ben is a player, he is not the kind of all-rounder like Xiao Ming, he is the kind of support who looks for opportunities to wander around and do things.

This is due to Ben's young, extremely fast reaction speed, and quite sharp operation.

You can see many EDG games. When ben is on the court, the burden of starting a team will be relieved a lot from the mid laner and jungler. In the last round, he chose Luo, and the first one was Tau. This way.

However, he found that against RNG's bot lane, he simply couldn't leave casually.

Because as soon as he leaves, everyone in RNG will definitely come to make trouble if they seize the opportunity.

In this way, he just dragged a support who is good at roaming to the line. If he can be forced to play that kind of protection support, RNG will probably laugh more happily.

"Then, in order to adjust the tactics here, it will be more reliable, so meiko."

Abu's tone paused slightly: "Next game, don't just swim away!"


Iboy's eyes light up slightly.


Meiko's roaming style of play is very effective at certain times, and it can also help EDG win more easily.

Now, however, EDG needs to prevent Iboy from being suppressed by RNG online, so zero, who tends to protect the line and fight in groups, has become a better candidate.

In this way, the adjustment of EDG's new lineup is completed.

"This time, our tactics can still be similar to the previous one to win Xia and Dazui, the ads that Iboy is good at."

"Then remember, Scout has to move, give support in the early stage!"

"Ah Guang, you can't be too weak in the lane, you need to make up for damage in team battles!"

"The factory manager continues to grasp your own rhythm, don't be led away by the Ueno team on the opposite side!!"

"Go down the road last! We must stabilize the development, the team battle in the middle and late stages is our biggest advantage of EDG!!"

Listening to Abu's serious and methodical arrangement, everyone in EDG gradually relaxed their nervous expressions.

Speaking of which, there is nothing to say at this point.

Last year, because of an eye position, EDG lost the place to enter the World Championship, and finally fulfilled IM's triple jump.

This year, no matter how difficult it is, I will never let go of any opportunity easily.

"So! EDG, go!!"

"Come on, everybody!!"

"come on!!"

Everyone in EDG raises their fists and cheers! !
. . .

Leaving aside the EDG lounge, which is in full swing and full of fighting spirit, RNG is very calm at present.

Only Lin Xiu seems to have been discussing something with Brother Feng.

This made Letme, who was still wearing a naive smile, shudder involuntarily while typing rank while watching the replay.

What's the matter? ?
Why do I have a bad feeling. . .

Then, Lin Xiu really walked over with a smirk on her face: "Ze'er~~"

Letme (Junze) shrank subconsciously: "Why?"

"Can you play the next game?"


Letme expressed a look of confusion: "Me? Why do you want me to go, it's too late, can't you just go up and do it??"

That is to say, and letme is also very clear that the gap between himself and Lin Xiu has been narrowed a little bit.

But only a little bit.

He has become stronger, but Lin Xiu seems to be stronger than before.

Even if he is allowed to go up at this point in time, he will never move, because everything is for the team's victory.

But who would have thought that Lin Xiu didn't care after saying this, she just pulled the chair away and found the most comfortable position to get down.

"Anyway, I'm just telling you, I don't care about the next game, you come on."


Letme frowned: "What's wrong with you? Where is it uncomfortable??"


Lin Xiu looked very relaxed: "I just think that you shouldn't lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

What kind of situation best exercises the player's mentality?
That kind of game is definitely not a smooth game.

On the contrary, only life-and-death games and win-loss games, such games that can directly determine the fate of a team, will train people more.

And this is precisely the type that letme rarely played in the past, after all, he is still a substitute.

Maybe letme still thinks he can't do it, even a little cowardly.

But Lin Xiu knows that he has now grown into a top laner at the Ah Guang level, and even if he has not reached the peak of later generations, he is definitely not ashamed.

Lin Xiu, I really want to see if the peak Rangdi can come back.

If such an opportunity is obliterated by oneself, it is completely unnecessary.

Anyway. .

It's really not good, after you lose, won't it be over if I go up again?
Just hit it and you're done.

It seems that under the influence of Lin Xiu's words and the encouragement of his teammates, Letme was a little shaken.

At this time, Brother Feng's words also announced the final decision: "Junze, you can go up, we have 3 match points, and we have enough capital to take risks."

"So, don't be cowardly, just do it!!"

"I want the whole world to know that RNG is not just strong with just one lineup, we are still a top team with you here!!"

. . .

letme, gradually clenched the palm on the side of the trousers.

I saw him take a deep breath, his eyes became firm and confident: "Don't worry, I won't waste any match point, I want to win the next game!!"

very good. .
Looking at Letme who suddenly became excited, Brother Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't even mention it, Lin Xiu, a stinky brat, knows how to make troubles. Jun Ze, an introverted person, has become so motivated to fight after being teased by him twice."

In fact, Brother Feng has always been watching Letme's progress and performance.

In his mind, the most suitable template for letme is to take the all-round route like looper. In fact, letme in the future will indeed reach a level infinitely close to looper for a while.

Today, he is considered the kind of little looper with a level above 65%.

If letme can grow faster through these few times of continuous experience, then the double T0-level top laner rotation system, which is a headache for all teams, will be very easy.

and so.

"Boys, work hard!!"

Brother Feng patted everyone on the shoulder: "Details about your teammates, believe in yourself, I look forward to your next game, and directly pick the fruits of victory!"

Um! !

Everyone in RNG nodded.

Just at this time, the staff outside began to knock on the door to remind the game that the game was about to start, and saw Lin Xiu pull out a bottle of Ice Kuo Le out of nowhere, and waved with a smile: "Don't worry, I will work hard."

For some reason, Xiaohu in the middle lane suddenly felt envious when he saw Lin Xiuyou's leisurely manner.

Speaking of which, why only Xiao Ming and I didn't take turns.

When will we be able to paddle in the hot summer lounge with a Coke in our hands? ?Cry for a second. . .

(End of this chapter)

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