As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 108 You Don't Cherish The Opportunity, Treasure

Chapter 108 You Don't Cherish The Opportunity, Treasure

But unfortunately, Letme's final performance still did not surprise everyone.

There is nothing wrong with the hero he selected, Shen, who is the top laner, is very stable and there is nothing wrong with it.

But what he overlooked is that Ah Guang has been forced by Lin Xiu to play all kinds of output top laners.

So facing Letme's Shen, Ah Guang directly took out a Rambo from his pocket, and beat Letme backhandedly.

This is a failure, not to mention the audience, Letme himself can't hold back.

So in the fourth game, Lin Xiu played again.

Seeing this scene, the commentators were speechless.

"Although each team has its own tactical arrangements."

"But RNG's management team, isn't it a bit too sloppy?"

Anyway, this is the LPL 2017 Summer Finals, you should respect your opponent and your efforts anyway.

As a result, Lin Xiu had to go for a stroll before coming back, forcibly increasing the difficulty of the game, right?
After being chased back for a round, although the expressions of the RNG people did not change much, the mood was naturally more serious.

Even the atmosphere in the players' seats on the field has become much more dignified.

Brother Feng didn't say anything, just patted Lin Xiu on the shoulder.

Even if some words need not be said very clearly, Lin Xiu is very clear about what he wants to say.

Of course, it didn't matter to Lin Xiu.

Anyway, he should just do what he should do, but this fourth round, if possible, it is best to win it directly.

The lights start to change.

Amidst the suddenly tense music, the fourth round of the final is about to begin.

The prohibition of RNG is still very simple, skateboard shoes, Luo, wine barrel.

EDG banned the backhand, the policewoman, Galio, and pig girl.

It can be seen that the two sides still spent a lot of energy on how to control the laning in the bottom lane.

As for the blue side EDG, the first hero locked is the auxiliary Tamm.

"No matter what Lin Xiu plays, this hero must be right."

Meikou still has lingering fears about the first match.

If it weren't for his Tamm bringing a lot of obstacles to Lin Xiu, they would only lose faster in the first round.

As the first choice for protecting ad in the current version, Tahm has nothing to say.

RNG took down Spider and Verus with a backhand to ensure the strength of the confrontation in the field.

"Has Verus been robbed?"

Abu and Iboy discussed in a low voice, and at the same time asked mouse to take down Ike, and scout to take down the ice girl.

"This is mine, do you want to choose a hero for the guardians?"

Xiaohu asked tentatively.


Lin Xiu and Xiangguo spoke almost in unison.

Let's put it this way, as long as Xiaohu and Lin Xiu are teammates, he will never allow Xiaohu to mess around.

Besides, this wild spider will be useless after playing it.

So Xiaohu must not choose a bastard, or he will be beaten violently in the later stage.

"Then, this one."

Xiaohu thought for a while, and continued to take a wind.

Xiao Ming guessed what he said, and chose Bron.

Then edg made the last two moves-male gun and female.

The final blue edg lineup is: top laner Ike, jungler Gunner, mid laner Ice Girl, bottom laner Big Mouth + Tamm.

"Reasonably, this definitely strengthens our lineup."

There is a clockwork AOE, and there is also a combination that is very stable first hand and backhand in the bottom lane.

"That is to say."

"This one, what I have to do is to choose a guy who can play a pinch and get into the opponent's crowd."

"In addition, it is best to be the kind of character that can make the opponent annoyed to death, and then my teammates can develop happily."

in this way.

Hey hey hey.

A smirk appeared on Lin Xiu's face.

Suddenly, I thought of a very happy, very happy, very happy man.

The pointer stopped in front of a bald head.

"Would you like a drink?"


Then, the skin, Samsung White.

From this, the red RNG lineup is also determined: top laner Alchemy, wild spider, mid laner clockwork, bottom laner Verus + Bron.

looper, this one, show someone is going to play with you. . . 23333
"Fuck, Xiu'er, this one didn't play the offensive top laner, and he actually knows how to do alchemy??!".
"What do you mean, do you look down on me, Xiu'er? A hero who is as good as Alchemy, is a perfect match for his style, okay, you must!!"

"Ah, I don't know why, but I already feel happy, and I want to swing with Alchemy."

Lin Xiu's move definitely stunned everyone present.

Of course, this does not include the crowd of RNG.

It's not like they haven't seen Lin Xiu play this hero.

Speaking of playing this hero, Lin Xiu deliberately watched the video of a former RNG top laner looper.

Although the version has changed, alchemy has actually been strengthened several times silently.

"This Lin Xiu."

The originally tense atmosphere on the commentary stage suddenly relaxed.

Miller's eyes were a little strange.

"To be reasonable, the hero Alchemy hasn't played in the arena for a long, long time."

"The last time I saw him, he should have been in RNG."

"But at that time RNG's top laner was looper, and Alchemy was also his representative."

"So, Lin Xiu is playing with his teammates?"

"Hey, hey, you have to pay attention to the influence of the public."

Senior Colonel Guan jokingly said, "What do you mean Lin Xiu played with his teammates? You will be said to be like this, although this three-star white alchemy is too symbolic."

Miller was quite calm, "Leave aside the symbolic meaning of this hero, from the perspective of the lineup alone, this alchemy actually has room to play."

"The lineup of edg has a very serious problem, that is, the bottom lane is not flexible enough."

"If Alchemy really used his big move to rush into the crowd, the opponent's ad would have a headache."

"Similarly, the Ice Girl must not hand over control skills to Alchemy casually, because she will not die if she controls it. On the contrary, if she does this, the disruptive effect of Alchemy will be further amplified."

"Don't forget the clockwork."

Colonel Guan kindly reminded, "A clockwork acceleration dribbling combined with alchemy's brainless rush will be very annoying."

"Having said so much, the key still depends on the player's performance. We all know that Lin Xiu is a very aggressive top laner. It's really surprising that he chose a developmental player like Alchemy."

Miller ended the discussion, "So, let's look forward to it and see how Lin Xiu will bring out the characteristics of this hero."

"Don't forget, the most outstanding alchemist in the world, his teammates are still watching him silently below."


Watch silently.

It's always a weird feeling not to make something.

Soon, in a somewhat joyful and relaxed atmosphere, edg team RNG, the last game of the summer finals, officially started.

The summoner skill Lin Xiu chooses is teleportation + sprint.

The talent is Touch of Fire.

"To be fair, I'm a little flustered right now."

Mouse, who was supposed to have the advantage in the lane, now has a serious face, "You guys, what kind of alchemy does Lin Xiu want to play? With his temper, I really can't imagine that he will develop well with me, and then wait until the later stage to be disgusting. "

"Don't pay too much attention to these."

The factory manager also had a headache seeing this alchemy.

It's too tm hard to catch.

He has seen Lin Xiu move more than once.

If Alchemy moved faster, he would be able to sneak away to death in a matter of minutes.

"Then, do we still need to change the line on this one?"

My sister asked her own question.

The first change of their line has been resolved by Xiaohu and Lin Xiu's mid-top swap.

If you do it again, you must be prepared to fail.

"Let's try it first."

The factory manager hesitated for a moment and replied, "The other side, nine times out of ten, will take precautions. Although the possibility is unlikely, don't forget the process that should be followed. Be prepared for the online eyes."


Both sides, began to leave the spring water.

"Brothers, hurry up and come with me!!!"

Lin Xiu moved quickly. He bought a bottle of corrosive potion and waited silently to go out.

Xiangguo looked confused, "What are you doing? There's no need for us to be with you as an eyeliner."

"Xiaogou and Xiaoming just need to do a reverse on the opposite side, so don't worry too much about changing lines."

"I didn't say that."

Lin Xiudao, "On the other side, they must be thinking about catching me in the lane, so why can't we have a friendly meeting with them in the wild?"

"Don't forget, our first-level regiment, hehehe."

One level.

RNG here.

Verus + Bloom.

With just one combination, it can hit 80.00% of the first-level combinations.

If the first level really fights, this is the pro-father series.

"So, come with me!!"

"it is good!!"

Everyone in RNG thought about it, and they were right.

At worst, the incense pot will immediately turn red.

A little delay in the next road will not affect the eating experience.

Under the leadership of Lin Xiu, the five of them rushed towards their own red buff in a very strange and efficient route.

Afterwards, they crouched in the grass between the red buff and the big dragon pit.

The triangular grass and the grass above are all placed with free eyes.

As long as the opposite side wants to be an online scout eye on the road, they will definitely pass by here.

"When the time comes, don't panic, find the target and kill."

"it is good!!"

So the five began to wait quietly.

"66666, RNG, these five old yins, feel that edg will be severely punished at the first level."

"You people who watch edg!!"

On the screen, the male gun is moving up with Ike and the auxiliary Tamm.

They made their way through the triangular grass and pushed on.

Just as they were about to pass through the grass above the red buff, Lin Xiu said in a deep voice, "Go, target, male gun!! Break his rhythm!!"


The RNG crowd who wanted to come out several times finally made a move.

The first to come out is the incense pot.

This guy is really ruthless, and no matter what the jungler behind him is, he directly learned the e skill Cocoon at the beginning.

The precise skill release allowed Yu Yu to hit the male gun in one fell swoop.

The first control is out!

"Fuck, these guys are squatting on us!! Let's go!!"

Seeing his state, the factory manager felt a chill in his heart.

The next moment, he decisively learned the e skill.

However, Bron's q skill has already flown out, putting a passive on the male gun who is still unable to move.

Clockwork and Verus took two steps forward and directly started to level a.

A few long-range general attacks landed, and the male gun that was about to move was stunned again.

First blood, about to explode!
"Shit, I'm going to die!!"

The factory manager is in a hurry.

He has learned the e skill sliding step instead.

However, Burunga Spider's chain control made him unable to move at all.

The blood line has been reduced to only one-third.

"Don't panic."

Sister Kou directly learned how to eat fast, which is the so-called swallowing of people.

This is a bit unconventional, but it doesn't affect the normal alignment.

After all, using w to devour minions, and then spit them out, the online consumption is not bad.

Of course, doing this is definitely not as easy as learning q skills at the first level.

"I will protect you."

With that said, Tam swallowed the director in one gulp.

At the same time, he turned his head and ran towards the thin wall near the Dalong Pit.

But he almost trembled with fright.

Lin Xiu had already arrived here at some point.

His appearance was as if he wanted to hold his sister back.

I don't know if the first level of alchemy will be able to learn an e skill from a beast, but he knows that he can't bet on it.

So Meikou directly handed over the flash and passed through the wall.


The puppy looked fierce, "Don't be afraid, keep up, my Q skill is useless."

His Verus has been holding back this hand, just to chase.

It's all here, is it so easy to leave?
The wild area of ​​my house, is it that you can randomly enter?

Ever since, Verus, Bron, and Clockwork.

Three people flashed out directly through the wall.

"Nimma, these people are crazy!!"

Tam stared straight.

This tm is the last game of the summer finals, dear.

It's not for ranking, why are you so obsessed with first blood.

The remaining three of EDG are still far away.

The ice girl didn't have the displacement of the e skill in the middle, so she didn't have time to come over, and the day lily was cold when she came over.

Iboy himself is in the bottom lane.

RNG is extremely determined to kill.

Puppy and Braum's flashes are well placed.

Xiao Ming didn't even have to wait for the cooling time of the q skill, the passive had already been hooked by the sister who turned around and left.

Also comes with a kindle.

Puppy, continue to level a.

The clockwork is close, and the damage is supplemented with the very short q skill of the first level cd.

Finally, an exciting voice sounded.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [EDG.meiko]!! One blood!!"

At this time, the male gun fell from Toad's belly.

He hastily handed over his e skills and flash.

However, this distance is really not enough in front of Verus.

The dog Verus's w all arrows finally shot.

Faint hoarfrost appeared under the factory manager's feet.

He was slowed down.

Continue to follow up and eventually get into your own range.

"Director, wait for me!!"

Scout is in a hurry, he is rushing to the wild area desperately.

But with the factory manager's flash, the position of the male gun was pulled too far.

Unless the Ice Maiden flashes through the wall of the blue buff, it won't help him at all.

"Don't come here!!"

Seeing the puppy getting closer, the factory manager gave up his resistance.

"You came here, and you were chased to death in the end, and you sold me directly!"


In the past, it meant that the ice girl had to learn the w skill at the first level.

Still playing lightly on the first level? ? ?


Maybe a little cruel.

But Scout could only retreat silently, watching the factory manager leave.

Three seconds of silence. . .

"[RNG.UZI] killed [EDG.Clearlove7]!! Double kill!!"

This is not over yet, the three of them turned on and chased after mouse.

Mouse is also a sensible person, knowing that he must die.

Walk on the road soldier line, the line is so long that you can't run away.

Flashing to Xialongkeng, the opposite side is there.

Besides, he doesn't keep his skills like the factory manager, he has already learned q at the first level of skills.

The spiders and alchemists on the road kept chasing him.

"Now, I can only send less assists, and try not to let the head on the puppy."

First blood + second blood.

The puppy already has an extra 700 yuan.

His head is his again.

Ha ha.

After returning home, the puppy will start with an 875 pickaxe.

This kind of Verus doesn't smash Iboy's head.

In the end, his head fell into Lin Xiu's hands with deliberate humility.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [EDG.mouse]!!"

Level [-], edg wants to be an online eye.

The end result was that three heads were sent.

This tm is going to be a big deal.

Looking at the blacked out screen, and the flash of himself entering the CD.

The factory manager wants to cry now.

Laozi, why do you come to accompany you to make online eye contact.

If you don’t read it, why should labor and capital try to change the line?

Don't think about those sao operations, why target Lin Xiu?How can there be such a ghost in normal laning! ! !

"Edg really underestimated RNG in this wave."

The explanation from God's perspective makes everything very clear.

Miller kept shaking his head, "Facing a strong team like RNG, how could they play so recklessly?"

"Because they want to mess with Lin Xiu."

Miller directly pointed out the reason, "I have observed their play style in the first game, and they also went to the opposite side to do line eyes at the first level."

"They wanted to target Lin Xiu too much, but they just fell into Lin Xiu's disadvantage."


Miller nodded, "As far as e-sports is concerned, we must not take it lightly at any time, let alone arrogance!"

"We must forget the previous big victories. If edg doesn't get nervous again, RNG will make them collapse!"

But fortunately, RNG's middle and lower flashes have all been explained.

If the timing is right, edg's upper-middle linkage will still have a good chance to fight back the disadvantages.

"Iboy, you go up, or the mouse is very dangerous."

In the current situation, the factory manager has a high probability of starting with a single buff.

After all, after chasing and killing people, the spider can take advantage of the situation and hit edg's blue.

Then clear your own red and blue.

On the other hand, Male Spear, he didn't dare to change buffs.

Not to mention that it doesn't hurt after learning e, and the male gun doesn't even flash now.

Get caught again, and the wild area will really blow through.

"I see."

Iboy just doesn't want to lane with the puppy either.

After all, it is a puppy with two heads at the first level.

The strength of the two of them was originally equal to each other, so there was such a difference in equipment.

I can't stand it. I can't stand it.

"Sister-in-law, come with me."


Iboy chooses to go home, and Sister Kou is resurrected.

The two walked up together.

The first wave of soldiers has come out.

Then, they found a problem.

In front of the second pagoda of his own house, a bald head seemed to emerge.

Bridge Bean Sacks! ! !

That's alchemy.

Why did Lin Xiu change the line by herself?
(End of this chapter)

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