As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 119 Tragic group stage, top 8 draw?

Chapter 119 Tragic group stage, draw for the quarterfinals?

Needless to say anything else, just focus on the current top spot in Group B, the team SKT. .
All players must maintain enough respect for them.

After all, this is the strongest team in the comprehensive history of lol e-sports since its popularization, and it is also the current double champion of the LOL World Finals.

As for what do you think the rich team will do this year? ?

Let me tell you a joke, the three major illusions that LPL has been widely circulated.

"SKT is down, Brother Li has changed, and LPL is invincible."

What is an illusion is the series of Wake Up Don't Think About It.

From S5 to now, I don’t know how many people feel that lck is going to be cold, and skt is going to be cold.

Even today, lpl dare not say that they are really number one in the world. This kind of cautious and modest attitude is very important for the long-term development of a competition area.

It's a pity that for some people, God knows how many times they have to be slapped in the face before they know this truth.

like now.

When everyone thought that this year's SKT was in a mediocre state, except that Brother Li was lost in all lanes, and the big daddy in the middle lane couldn't support him alone.

As a result, after the mid-season game, SKT was like a reborn.

First of all, Huni is no longer a wave.

Although this kind of Huni lacks a lot of spirituality, it also makes SKT's top lane much more stable.

Second, Bang did it again.

The reason why the bang player has been underestimated is that many people say that he is a typical system player and cannot be separated from the SKT team.

It is true that this statement may have its own truth, but it also shows that bang occupies a very important position in SKT.

As the c position in the later stage, the most important core of the team in this version, the recovery of bang's status directly added a lot of guarantees to SKT in the later stage.

Your brother Li will support you in front, and the bang will output well here and it will be over.

Finally, Little Peanut became sensible.

What kind of situation would have occurred when SKT played games before?Little Peanut doesn't know what to do, he will fall into confusion.

You must know that Peanut has always been called the most aggressive jungler in the LCK. He is one of the very few junglers in LCK who do not use anti-squatting to control the map, but instead focus on Gank suppression as the core.

But after he came to SKT, SKT almost had to implement the play style of protecting the middle lane, which directly put Peanut in a dilemma.

You said, should I continue to insist on my own characteristics, invade and suppress, or hold Brother Li's thigh tightly? ?

At the beginning, Little Peanut might hesitate, but after the mid-season game, Little Peanut also understands that at the core of SKT, there will always be only one player, and that is Brother Li.

At this point, there is actually no difference between SKT and RNG in history.

Li Ge will have many excellent teammates, and they will have many highlight moments, but can you say that they are not four guarantees and one? ?
Sorry, they also have four guarantees and one.

The difference between them and RNG is that Xiaogou plays the AD position, and his dominance still has laning in the later stage, and his teammates really have four tools in the later stage.

And Li Ge plays the mid laner, ensuring that he can revitalize the whole field, bring his teammates together, and even form a multi-core system in the later stage.

So it is also four guarantees and one, the only difference is that Li Ge's position can do much more than that of Xiaogou.

This is why skt Bao Li can always win, and RNG Bao Xiaogou always pulls when it is critical.

The most he can do by himself is to let his teammates play an advantage, but he can't completely kill the game.

After being hit hard by reality several times, Little Peanut said that he also realized tm.

Labor and capital, Brother Baoli, is it okay to be a tool man? ?
In this way, coupled with Li Ge and wolf who have always been stable, SKT, which was originally a little loose, has been highly integrated again.

Although in some positions, their players can't make the best use of their own strengths and characteristics, but in this version that still requires operational decisions, SKT's actions in this way directly make their combat effectiveness soar.

In the face of such SKT, EDG must be extra careful.

Because everyone knows that EDG's style is exactly the same as that of SKT.

Previously, Dragon Ball and RNG were brutally beaten with similar styles. If EDG is not paying attention today, it is not surprising that it was beaten by SKT, which is more holistic.

At the same time, regarding the other two teams, Lin Xiu thinks it is very necessary to remind EDG friendly.

C9 and GAM.

These two teams, one is the third seed from the LCS, and the other is the Yuenan wild card.

At first glance, these two teams are very bad, but this tm is a bo1. .

c9 among other things, the so-called artist's title is not a vain name, what this team likes to do most is to play various sao routines in BO1, directly fooling you.

Although the training conditions of GAM are hard, but because of this, the level of players is actually quite good. Don't you see that sofm from this place is already playing well in lpl.

"I hope, old buddies, give me some strength, and don't just go back to the group stage."

Anyway, Lin Xiu asked herself that there was only so much she could do.

During these times, whether it is EDG, WE, or IG, these four teams can be said to help each other on the way to prepare for the battle together. . .

And Lin Xiu didn't believe it. With EDG's strength, as long as they didn't get caught suddenly and their brains didn't get convulsed, why would they not qualify? ?
So, brother EDG, can you work harder? ?

With this S7, we must enter the quarterfinals with 3 of us!
Then, after everyone had been waiting for a long time, the match between SKT and EDG finally came as scheduled. .
I don't know if it's because of the performance of RNG, so this EDG is quite unrestrained, not at all like the top 1 team that is keen on operations.

It is precisely because of such a changed and rigorous style of play that EDG successfully defeated SKT and won the first day of the group stage.

Speaking of which, iboy in the bottom lane is especially mentioned here. He did something that shocked everyone in the game.

Yes, it was really shocking.

He ran to show the sign in front of the SKT spring water, this tm almost didn't piss everyone in SKT to death.

If you say you win, you win. It’s not like SKT has never lost to you. The defeat in the 2015 MSI is still vivid in my memory.

But you ran up to me to show the sign, what the hell is this tower meow? ?
You must know that this kind of behavior can be said to be extremely unrestrained and arrogant in the world competition, and it is not even an insult to describe it.

But that's it, SKT still has to honestly eat the ridicule from iboy.

Who told you tm lost?
If you are not convinced, you can fight back in the same way in front of me.

Although, the latter skt did successfully make EDG suffer in the second round of the group stage, but this also made everyone see the rare bloodiness of EDG.

It seems that EDG is not as calm as expected.

This group of people, or this group of EDG that has injected a lot of fresh blood, is actually very aggressive.

At the same time, when both RNG and EDG finished the first round of the group stage on the first day, it seemed that the offensive wave of LPL had started.

In the third group, although WE lost to Samsung, it ended the first round of the group stage with 2 wins and 1 loss.

Then came the second round of the group stage.

RNG still showed its terrifying dominance, with 6 wins and 0 losses, and the first place in Group A.

Even though Dragon Ball was very upset and had made many changes, it could only come second with 4 wins and 2 losses, and it qualified second in Group A.

In Group B, SKT ranked first in the group with 5 wins and 1 loss; EDG lost to SKT and then lost to C9. Fortunately, they adjusted in time, and finally got 4 wins and 2 losses, and the group came out second.

Group C is quite intense.

First of all, the team pool in Group C is very interesting. It is sorted from the No. 1 seed, namely G2, MSF, WE, and SSG.

Leaving aside the second team MSF and the team from lcs, the strength of the latter two teams is definitely not to be underestimated.

WE, the runner-up in the LPL spring competition, is a team that is almost a million points away from the mid-season competition.

SSG, not much to say, was the runner-up in the World Finals last year.

You can feel that this team is old and dying, but you can't deny that this team is still strong and wily.

Especially the captain of this team - Head An.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he started the LCK operation era, and in this season where the bottom lane is the core and requires careful operation and planning, he can play a very important role.

In the end, a rather bloody fight broke out in Group C.

Samsung, G2, WE.

All three teams were 3 wins and 3 losses, and then through playoffs, WE finally won the first place.

The second qualifying team was Samsung, which defeated G2.

It is estimated that no one thought that G2, this veteran team, the No. 16 seed of the lcs would end up in the top [-].

The final group D.

Compared with the previous three groups, it has to be said that the strength of group D is indeed the weakest overall.

Just the number one seed, FW, Lightning Wolves.

Speaking of which, the Lightning Wolves team is very interesting. When they are in China, they are phantom gods.

And it is still the level of creating gods, no one is at the same level as FW in China.

When they go out of the country, the situation will change suddenly.

If it is against an LCK team, then Flash Wolves will directly get a super buff and become yuppie.

Anti-Stick, not just talk.

But if you change the target, as long as it is a team other than lck, they will quickly pull the gap, and even no one can beat it.

What kind of operation is deformed, and the situation of the upper body of the actor is endless.

For example, in this group, logically speaking, he would not lose too badly no matter what, but the result was that the Flash Wolves easily had 5 losses and 1 win, placing them at the bottom of the group.

Successfully sent teams from lcs and NA to the line.

Therefore, the qualifying teams in Group D are TSM and FNC.

At this point, the top 8 places in the entire World Championship can be regarded as completely determined.

Then the next thing to start is the quarter-finals nearly a week later.

During the quarter-finals, there were surprises and frustrations, but the gratifying thing is that the 3 teams from the LPL really successfully qualified.

Immediately, this scene reminds people of the time when S4 and the previous LPL were still struggling, but the overall strength was quite good.

The World Championship at that time, to put it bluntly, was actually lpl vs. lck.

Today's World Championship has once again reproduced the scene of that year.

3 teams from lpl, 3 teams from lck, 1 lcs and 1 NA.

"Although the current situation is not good for us, we also have something to worry about."

When the game ended, the major commentators expressed their opinions almost at the same time.


What they are worried about at this time is the grouping of the quarterfinals.

The grouping rules of the quarter-finals are still the same as before, and there are two main rules to follow.

First, the group stage will not meet the quarter-finals of the group team.

Second, the No. [-] seeds do not meet each other.

In this way, the direct range of RNG's opponents is determined.

At present, apart from Group A, there are three other teams with the second seed on the field.

Group B, EDG.

Group C, Samsung.

Group D, FNC.

"These three teams are really difficult to deal with..."

While waiting for the draw, Lin Xiu couldn't help thinking about the past.

EDG, this team is also related to the royal family. Since S4, the royal family has often played against EDG in the World Championship. If they get EDG, they will definitely go all out.

Not much to say about Samsung, the old opponent, if he follows the original plot, he will also be the champion of this World Championship.

FNC, in the original history, played a full BO5 with RNG. Although it is nervous from time to time, its strength still exists.

"If possible, please God bless you, don't let the LPL teams meet in the TM quarter-finals."

That scene hurts just thinking about it.

Then, under this extremely complicated mood, the fate of the grouping of the next LPL quarter-finals will be handed over to the lottery. .
As far as RNG is concerned, this important task.

"Brother Feng! Choose me!"

(End of this chapter)

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