As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 120 Look Good, This 1 Draw

Chapter 120 I'm optimistic, this draw

When everyone in RNG was still struggling, Lin Xiu jumped out straight away: "As we all know, I will draw a good lottery for you..."

In fact, it doesn't matter who is drawn, the key is that everyone doesn't want to fight in the quarterfinals.

Because once there is a civil war in the top eight, it will not only consume the internal strength of LPL, but more importantly, it will also make the fans of the two teams sad.

Who wouldn't want to see their team fight for a while longer? ?

Counting the group stage, each LPL team only played 6 games.

But after a whole year, how much effort will they have to put in for this moment, and how long will they have to wait to realize it? ?
If possible, they really hope to be able to show everything they have prepared on this world stage.

However, right after Lin Xiu finished speaking, RNG's lounge fell into a deep silence.

In the end, Xiangguo sighed and said, "Although there was a moment when I really wanted to believe you. But judging from my experience of playing poisoned milk powder with you, Ni's face."

Lin Xiu: "?"

As we all know, Lin Xiu's face is absolutely black as long as it involves probability.

He basically has a big guarantee for everything he smokes, and the abyss is all based on money.

If this guy is really asked to draw lots, I'm afraid it won't be a direct civil war.

"You guys, have to believe in science."

Lin Xiu sighed and said, "Trust me."

"Stop talking, Xiao Ming, go draw lots."


So under Lin Xiu's eyes full of resentment, the innocent Xiao Ming was pushed onto the stage.

The moment he came on stage, everyone from EDG and WE, who were also in the waiting room, stared at Xiao Ming with burning eyes.

"Ming Sang, you must work harder."

Xiye tried her best to collect the clothes in her palms.

"Can you, let us have a good fight with the Bangzi team??"

On EDG's side, Iboy is also full of expectations.

It's his tm's first time to participate in the World Championships, and he said that he hasn't shown enough, especially in front of the sticks, so please give me this opportunity.

The atmosphere at the scene also fell into silence.

Every breath sounds so disturbing right now, because in all fairness, no one wants to meet RNG in this first game.

"I don't know why the atmosphere at the scene is so weird."

Xiao Ming shook his head and didn't think too much about it.

Then he reached into the lottery box marked with the team.

In the next second, he took out a white ball with 3 letters written on it lightly.

"S, S, G??"

After a brief silence, the live LPL commentary repeated Xiao Ming's lottery again.

"SSG?? Samsung??"



The live broadcast room exploded.

"It's really unexpected that our No. [-] seed in the LPL is going to face the team that is actually the No. [-] seed in Group C, the Samsung team??"

"I feel, this is a very good result!!"

"Xiao Ming's hand is really delicious."

Everyone in RNG also laughed.

You must know that among so many teams, the best player for RNG should be Samsung.

There is no other reason, the core of this team is the leader of the jungler An.

And his style will be restrained by RNG's style.

In other words, as long as the luck is not too bad, RNG has a good chance of defeating Samsung and entering the semi-finals.

Of course, this is not over yet.

The draw is still ongoing.

In Group B, the representative of SKT drew lots to bang. He drew lightly and got FNC.

The one with the lowest strength among the top eight, the people present immediately breathed a sigh of relief.


Except for RNG, everyone in SKT doesn't want to encounter this.

Everyone knows that the winning rate of these two teams will be very low. If they can wait for one more round and see the cards between the two teams, it may be easier to play in the future.

At the same time, SKT's move also directly avoided the possibility of the LCK team's quarter-finals.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the No. [-] seeds from the two major regions of LPL and LCK have avoided civil wars, which is definitely something worth celebrating.

However, the crisis of civil war in LPL has not been eliminated.

Because on the LCK side, the remaining Samsung and SKT already have opponents, and the remaining Dragon Ball will naturally not have a civil war.

On the LPL side, the current No. [-] seed in Group B, EDG, and the No. [-] seed in Group C, WE.

These two teams still have the possibility of encountering each other.

Speaking of which, it is hard to say that these two teams really met, because WE and EDG have not actually played against each other in the summer playoffs. .

An unknown opponent like this is often even more terrifying.

The opponents who decide the quarterfinals of we and EDG are also the draws that decide the opponents of the remaining two teams. After all, it is coming soon. . .

Responsible for we lottery is WE lotion.

His hands trembled slightly, and his palms were full of sweat.

"Don't fight EDG, we don't want to attack brother teams yet..."

"Don't hit me!!"

It is a pity that many things do not proceed according to man's will.

The moment the finger of lotion touched the lottery ball, he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Then, he slowly took his hand out of the lottery box.


Everyone in the audience gasped, and some people let out long wails.

Immediately, the atmosphere at the scene became quite low.

All of this is because of the ball in Xiye's hand, on which there are three letters - "E, D, G!"


WE's Redmi coach, EDG's Abu.

The hearts of the two coaches suddenly tightened, and they were in a bad mood.

"This is what everyone doesn't want to see, after all, it's here."

On the commentary stage, Miller let out a long sigh: "In the quarterfinals, WE's opponent is EDG."

Not only that, but fans in Latin America also felt very heavy.

The previous six teams have already come out, and it is already clear who the No. [-] seed TSM in Group D will fight against.

TSM, yes, Dragon Ball.

Sure enough, the next thing is to go through the motions, and we can see that the representatives of TSM have a very bad face.

Because they are also very clear about their own side and FNC's side, not to mention whether they can explode and perform supernormally.

As mentioned earlier, Riot has made a team rating this year. For the eight teams currently on the field, their ratings are as follows.

S+ teams: LZ, SKT
S-level teams: SSG, RNG, EDG
S-team: WE
A+ teams: TSM, FNC
In terms of the overall strength of the two teams alone, they are indeed the worst team in this World Championship.

Not to mention the quarter-finals, they will meet the second seed of the LCK, Dragon Ball, which can even be said to be the strongest team in the LCK regular season.

Rao is that the TSM team is very optimistic and positive. In front of such an opponent, they really can't laugh.

As a result, the battle list for the quarter-finals has also been officially released.

Group A: RNG vs Samsung

Group B: SKT vs FNC
Group C: WE vs EDG
Group D: TSM vs LZ
Looking at the competition list, although the competition has not officially started, everyone's pictures have now come out.

The division of strength is so clearly laid out there for reference.

Especially the commentary from Latin America and the EU, with a clear tone of deep sadness: "If there is no accident, this year's semi-finals, there is a high probability that Asia will confront again."

It's a pity for LPL, WE and EDG still met in the quarterfinals.

But this also guarantees one thing, that is, there is at least one LPL spot in the quarterfinals.

As for the previous RNG vs. Samsung.

Although everyone understands that Samsung is very strong, everyone has to admit that RNG's style of play is very restrained by Samsung.

This is really not a casual talk, but something that everyone in the industry knows.

Since last year, after the LPL play style represented by RNG took shape, it is basically impossible for everyone not to study the difference between lpl and lck teams.

If SKT plays RNG, no one will know the result.

After all, if RNG is the master of this year's offensive play, then SKT is the pinnacle of this year's operating team. . .

In fact, the operation of SKT this year in history is indeed fraudulent.

What kind of scene would it be if Dragon Ball played RNG? ?

You can think about it, there is a high probability that it will become a scene where the two teams act recklessly.

Who can guarantee that there will be no accidents in that kind of reckless scene.

As for Samsung playing RNG. . .

First of all, I have to talk about the Samsung team, which is very strange in itself.

This year's Samsung is actually a combination of SKT+Dragon Ball.

When it comes to extreme operations, they are definitely not as outrageous as SKT.

But when it comes to personal strength and offensive methods, the strength of Samsung's upper midfielder and the Iron Triangle is very high.

Such a Samsung against RNG, then a very interesting thing will happen.

Samsung, which mainly focuses on the upper middle field, will just coincide with the RNG style of play that is also very powerful in the upper middle field, and even stronger.

As for Samsung's bot lane combination, Chidi + corejj, these two cannot beat Puppy + Xiao Ming.

It is precisely because of this that Samsung is uncomfortable.

Originally, when you were playing RNG, the best breakthrough was to have a strong enough mid laner, but Samsung's mid laner Crown couldn't hold Xiaohu.

In this way, on the other side, it is equivalent to an enhanced version of its own top configuration.

Facing a team that is stronger than yourself in almost every aspect, how do you fight? ?

It can be seen that as long as Samsung encountered RNG at the beginning of the World Championship last year, their basic laning would definitely be at a disadvantage.

The result of the disadvantage in laning is that there is no way to perfectly display their personal strength, which also makes them unable to play their offensive and defensive styles.

Therefore, it is really no exaggeration to say that Samsung is the most difficult to play RNG among the many teams in the LCK. .

However, there is still time for the teams.

There are 5 days to go before the quarter-finals start.

It can be imagined that the next 5 days will be bloody battles, and it will also be a time of crazy internal training in the two major regions of lpl and lck.

Since last year, represented by lck, basically everyone has formed a routine.

That is the quarterfinals, the training match, and your competition area will solve it by yourself.

In the current quarter-finals, lck and lpl each have 3 teams, counting 6 teams, directly accounting for three-quarters of the quarter-finals.

We and edg are going to have a civil war, but rng won't.

Then RNG can perfectly act as an intermediate platform, and play out the things prepared by each other.

At the same time, the three teams can also imitate the style of play of the other LCK team in their respective group matches.

"I don't know what kind of game they will bring us during these five days."

Everyone, waiting.

Time, killing time.

The quarter-finals, which will represent the future destiny of many LPL teams, is about to start.

Also because of the order of the lottery, the teams that will face each other in the first round of the quarterfinals are RNG and Samsung. .
In terms of staffing, the lineup for the quarter-finals this time can be said to be very similar to when they played against each other last year.

Only Xiao Ming, this variable, is also a newcomer, who seems to have injected a lot of vitality into the teams of both teams.

And during this period of time, the preparations made by the two teams can be said to be quite sufficient.

The research of fighting each other between teams in the same competition area has always allowed the players to maintain a very good feel.

Even during these five days, they didn't even have the mood to play with their mobile phones.

Because, this BO5 is a win or a loss, and there is no possibility of a repeat.

Even though RNG is indeed the strongest this year on paper, who can guarantee victory?
Don't forget that a proud soldier must be defeated.

The more you feel that you are awesome, the more cautious you are, otherwise failure will often meet you unexpectedly.

Lin Xiu is very clear about this.

The lessons of history and the things that should have happened in the future are all lessons of blood.

If we want to play x mockingly, of course we can, of course we must win the game first.

So, with such a mood, the day before the start of the game, everyone began to shift positions.

Quarterfinals, Yangcheng, stadium!

Speaking of this, I have to praise LPL's generosity again. The normal capacity of the Yangcheng Stadium is also over [-].

The LPL side obviously noticed the sweetness of the full stadium during the group stage, and directly expanded the seats by 3/1. In this way, the number of spectators on the scene was almost close to 1.

With such a scale and such skill, it is really a well-deserved top event in the world.

I'm afraid only LPL can do it. Although lck is very upset, but when they see the hardware conditions of lpl, they can't help showing envious expressions.

So, it's nice to have money.

Then, with the end of the opening ceremony and the reverberation of the theme song "Legend Never Dies" of this s7, the excited voices of commentators from all over the place rang out.

"Welcome everyone to the quarterfinals of the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals, I am a doll!"

"I'm Miller!"

kindness. . .familiar old friend.

Then. . .

Just beside the two of them, a thick frontier accent suddenly came out: "Hi everyone, I'm Rookie..."

Well, it seems that LPL intends to improve the professional level of game commentary.

So basically every competition will send a professional player to commentate. In this way, Rookie came directly to the scene to comment.

I have to say that Rookie's language learning ability is really strong, except for some accents, and the speed of speech is not so fast, his Chinese can be said to be quite good.

It is precisely because there is such a real boss who provides analysis on the side, the kind of pyramid-level figure among active professional players.

As the golden partner of the LPL, the Haier Brothers feel a lot easier. . .

And soon, the noise and noise of the scene gradually quieted down.

Because the spotlight on the scene is changing, the two teams are about to enter the countdown to the BP stage.

"We have to figure out how we play."

As an opponent who has played against RNG many times, Samsung's coach looked very firm: "This one, we mainly play the bottom lane..."

Everyone in Samsung did not make a sound.

This does not mean that Samsung's upper middle field is really bad. If it is about strength, you can get a glimpse of it from the world rankings of Samsung.

Top order【Cuvee】—total score: 193 points, ranking: NO.4, evaluation S-
Jungle [Ambition] - total score: 190 points, ranking: NO.3, evaluation S
Mid laner【Crown】—total score: 183 points, ranking: NO.4, evaluation S-
Bot lane [Ruler] - total score: 185 points, ranking: N0.5, evaluation A+
Support [Corejj] - total score: 189 points, ranking: NO.4, evaluation A+
Overall Team Rating: S Rank

It can be seen that the biggest advantage of the Samsung team is that they basically have no shortcomings, and it also means that their team lacks a top c position

If you force RNG to play in the middle field, this behavior has been proved by countless teams before, and it will not work.

As for the mid laner.

Don't forget the two wild kings in lpl. The factory manager's signature style of play is to catch at level 2, and Xiangguo's style of play is to catch at level 2.

As long as there is nothing to do with Lin Xiu on the road, God knows what Xiangguo will do.

After thinking about it this way, the only possible breakthrough for Samsung is the off road.

In other words, four guarantees and two guarantees to get off the road.

If someone asks you what is the scariest thing about the incense burner version, it doesn't mean that the upper limit of ad has been greatly improved, the key is that the incense burner can create a decisive strength difference.

Giving AD attack speed and lifesteal bonuses too early will directly let ad omit an attack speed equipment in the early and mid-term, and replace it with an ad attack equipment.

With this back and forth, ad's combat effectiveness in the early and mid-term will be ridiculously high.

It is precisely because of this strategy that the Samsung coach finally made such a choice.

"As long as we can develop Chidi through four packs and two packs, and then force RNG to fight with us in the mid-term."

"Then, we have a chance of winning. 1"

Samsung's coach thought: "Then, what we have to do is grab the ad position we want."

At this time, there are only so many T0-level ads outside.

Big mouth, skate shoes, Xia, mouse.

"According to our research, on Xia's side, RNG should be banned by default, so we can get rid of it."

So in this way, among the remaining T0-level ads, what Samsung has to do is to delete two more, so that it can grab the most comfortable hero.

Similarly, Samsung is thinking carefully, and the same is true for RNG.

Regarding Xia, RNG is still considering whether to expose it.

But in the end, after a little discussion, everyone decided to play dumb again.

It's not that it's a matter of looking down on it. The key is that the current RNG doesn't need to use up the routines that have worked so hard for so long.

Unless, it's really time for life and death.

After all, there are too many people paying attention to this game now, and everyone wants to see what cards the two sides have.

Once this hole card is played out, if you win the present, you will also lose the future.

It can be said that how to grasp the strength of tactical concealment has become very important.

Before the game even started, the coaches of the two sides had already started intrigue.

Whoever has the advantage in BP will directly lay a good foundation for the first game of BO5.

(End of this chapter)

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