As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 139 Started to Sweat, Is This Also Called Top Order?

Chapter 139 Started to Sweat, Is This Also Called Top Order?
Then, come to the selection stage of Dragon Ball again. .

BDD looked at his coach, his face was full of determination: "Just follow the original plan??"


Dragon Ball coach nodded: "That's it, if you don't use it now, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in the future."

"it is good!!"

Therefore, during the communication, the fourth player of Dragon Ball suddenly selected a hero.

Wandering Mage-Ryze. .


Xiaohu was a little surprised when he looked at the fourth hand on the opposite side: "BDD, you didn't take heroes like Syndra again."

The hero Ryze is not weak in the current version, nor is it very strong.

He can say that he belongs to the kind of hero who is tepid, needs development, and is very powerful in late support and single belt.

But you can't ignore the weakness of this hero in the early stage.

"BDD, this is sacrificing one's own oppressive power. Whose team is more effective than Xiaohu in the later stage??"

To be reasonable, everyone disagrees with the idea of ​​BDD.

This little tiger doesn't say anything else, as long as he is developing normally, he is really unambiguous when fighting together.

Now that everyone has reached this point, there is no such thing as underestimating the enemy and being careless.

It looks stupid to force it like this.

"Don't jump to conclusions."

Brother Feng calmly analyzed: "Now the hero Ryze is still not sure which way to fight."

"It's really easy to deal with in the middle, but once Ryze is on the road, he will be very disgusting when dealing with melee heroes."

"And now our lineup really has too few ways to start a team... There is only a roundabout kick from a blind monk."

According to the normal style of play, Lin Xiu should choose a top laner melee hero to help RNG make up for the shortcomings of the lineup. Therefore, this hand Ryze is a swing position.

"In that case..."

Lin Xiu's eyes were shining, and she quickly communicated with Xiaohu. .

You fucking meow, have you learned our swing BP? ?

That's OK. .

Labor and management will also give you a surprise.

Next, RNG's fourth hand, Snake Girl; fifth hand, Big Chongzi.

The two legal heroes are also very powerful in the lane, and can basically deal with various situations.

"Big bug, snake girl..."

On the Dragon Ball side, there was a little surprise.

Because their original intention was indeed to make Ryze a swing position, and the reason was the same as Brother Feng thought.

But when these two heroes come out, Ryze can only go on the road.

After all, when Ryze met the snake girl, he was really pressed and beaten from the beginning to the end.

A laning hero who doesn't need to fight, is crazy on the line, and has stronger output team battles. What can Ryze do against Snake Girl?
"It seems, Khan, you're going to use Ryze now..."

"Don't ask for suppression, just develop normally with that big bug. In the later stage, our single belt and support capabilities are far stronger than the opponent's."

"Then mid laner..."

In the fifth hand, Dragon Ball also made up its own choice.

Fifth hand, Malzahar.

At this point, the lineups of both sides have been decided.

"At first glance, the alignment of this hand seems to be about five or five."

Wei Shen began to analyze: "But RNG's team start is still too weak. They are more inclined to backhand, or the amazing jio of Xiangguo..."

Who can be sure about something so unstable? ?

However, when the summoners on both sides were adjusting their talents, Wei Shen discovered a problem.

"Wait a minute, what is this Lin Xiu doing with this Underworld Fire Touch?"

The big bug of the touch of fire? ?

Even if you are a pure AP big bug, you can't play like this.

Thunder increases the burst, isn't it fragrant? ?
"Ha ha.."

The pdd on the side obviously noticed the problem: "Look at what Xiaohu's talent is, you taste it, taste it carefully..."

Xiaohu, Thunder Snake Girl.



Wei Shen was in awe: "These guys are really cheating, they are playing gaudy..."

The Thunder Snake is obviously sick too.

But what if the summoner's talent remains the same, and the upper and lower lanes suddenly switch positions? ?
So, almost at the last second, RNG's top center was changed. . .

so. .

Top lane snake girl, mid lane big bug?

Dragon Ball Coach: "..."

Khan: "..."

BDD: "..."

Nima. .

Lao Capital thought he had already seen the third floor, but he didn't expect that the gang of RNG thieves actually counted to the fifth and sixth floors? ?
Is this really top lane playing a snake? ?

"Labor and management are now suffering from a headache."

Khan rubbed his head desperately: "I play Ryze top laner, and I'm not a particularly partial hero, but you can even play Snake Girl??"

Think about Lin Xiu, how many wonderful heroes have he produced? ?
Victor is on the order, and Snake is on the order.

You said why don't you go to the middle lane and challenge Li Ge's throne, but you ran to the top lane and acted like a demon.

As soon as he expected that his own Ryze would hit the snake girl, he felt angina.

"Hope, nothing will happen to him!!"

"This is really our strongest state."

For some reason, Khan is a little flustered now.

Next, winning or losing will completely change the fate of him and his team.

At such a critical and difficult moment, the performance of the players is particularly important.

As a result, the lineups of the two sides have also been officially determined.

Blue Fang RNG, top laner Snake, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Big Chongzi, bottom laner Skate + Lulu.

Red Fang Longzhu, top laner Ryze, jungler Zac, mid laner Grasshopper, bottom lane Verus + Thresh.

"Their guts are really big..."

"Snake Girl can also come out to fight the top lane. This change of lane in the middle really caught us off guard."

"But in this way, you still haven't solved the most critical problem, which is the jungler..."

You are a blind monk, the opportunities you need to find are really too difficult.

On the other hand, BDD's hand suddenly pulled out a single grasshopper in the functional form, and cooperated with Zac.

The gank efficiency of the two is too stable, much better than that of the blind monk.

"Now, your laning may be stable, but in the future, how will you link up??"

"Just let me take a good look..."

Amidst the gloomy and complicated gazes of the coaches of both sides, they shook hands, left the field, and prepared for the start of the game.

It is also RNG's first match point game.

At the scene, the music slowly changed, and the game was about to officially start.

With the deafening cheers at the scene, the interface has officially entered Summoner's Canyon. .
Classmate Xiangguo silently looked at the map in front of him and sighed.

"This is to say that we want to play the blind monk, but if we really fight, it's too fucking hard to fight!!"

Top, middle, bottom! !
There is no point that can cooperate with stable gank in the early stage, not a single one! !
Because whether it is the snake girl or the big bug, their control is unstable.

Finally, there may be a chance when BDD makes a mistake in the middle lane, but the hero Malzaha has a layer of banshee on him.

Going back and forth means that Xiangguo can't do anything in the early stage.

"Could it be possible, I want to start brushing the whole field??"

Xiangguo was lost in thought, but he quickly denied this idea by himself.

"No, this swipe will definitely cause a big accident..."

At first glance, it seems that this version is not fast-paced, but why are heroes such as the male gun and the leopard female who are extremely fast in the field, useless?
This is because the wild monsters in the wild now can deal more damage to the heroes in the early stage.

For those former brush heroes, it hurts to clear the wild in the early stage.

On the contrary, the thick-skinned and thick-skinned tanks have higher growth ability.

These leopard women and men can't even brush guns. You, a blind monk who is weaker than them in wild farming, why do you fight against Rou Zac?
Obviously not.

Therefore, Xiangguo can't just develop the whole audience, he must find opportunities as much as possible.

Even if this chance is very slim.

He also had to try to find it.

However, at this time, Lin Xiu, who had already bought the Dolan ring and went out, walked towards the road unsteadily, and said indifferently: "I said pot, can you relax a little?"

Incense Pot: "???"

"You're fucking sweating already, alright!!"

Incense Pot: "..."

Is there? ?
Xiangguo reached out and touched his hair, at this time his bangs were completely wet.

The magic capital in November should have been a little cold, but he felt like a stove.

This Lin Xiu is sitting on the right side of the incense pot.

Even if the distance between the two is not too close, he can feel the faint heat emanating from Xiangguo's body at this moment.

Taking a closer look, the sweat betrayed Xiangguo's heart at this time.

He is not nervous or afraid now, he just feels pressured.

Because any player doesn't want to ruin the victory of his teammates because of himself, let alone a player like Xiangguo who has a strong gap between victory and defeat.

"rest assured."

Lin Xiu expressed that he understood Xiangguo's mood very well, he said with a chuckle: "The opposite side obviously wants you to move and force you to brush."

"Then you, develop as much as possible."

"This time, labor and management will push them down to autism..."

Incense Pot: "..."

Fuck, are you cheating like this? ?
But looking at Lin Xiu's words, he doesn't seem to be lying.

To be honest, it's not that Lin Xiu looks down on Khan, but that the hero, Snake Girl, is really easy to beat Ryze.

Since the revision of the hero Snake Girl, although she can't make shoes, she has gained unparalleled online suppression because of this.

She is on the road, not playing around.

It is indeed a style of play, targeting all short-handed and melee heroes.

If we talk about this game, if Cuzz doesn't come up to help this Ryze, and such a long line on the road, Ryze will be directly beaten to autism.

Not to mention, the user of Snake Girl is also an ultimate manipulator.

At the same time, the puppy in the bottom lane also said: "I think we also have a great advantage in the bottom lane."

"This skateboard shoe plus Lulu, who can stand it??"

Your Verus' hand length advantage is really not worth mentioning in front of the high mobility and high damage of skateboard shoes.

"In this game, we originally chose the laning lineup, and what we want is to play the laning advantage as soon as possible."

"So you don't have to worry about whether you can bring the rhythm up."

"When you reach level six, it's time for us to attack like crazy."

It doesn't matter whether he is targeting the jungler or not, I believe that the blind monk of Xiangguo will find an opportunity.

What you can do as a teammate is the simplest and most brutal online suppression.

Use unreasonable and direct crushing in exchange for the most comfortable situation you want.

"All right..."

It seems that it was precisely because of the declaration of his own top and bottom laners, who were super domineering and super cheating, Xiangguo was very moved for a while.

It turned out that his teammates were so reliable.

but. . .


Xiaohu: "???"

"What about you, what about you??"

Xiang Guo's face was full of anticipation: "Could it be that at this time, shouldn't you also make a domineering declaration?"

Xiaohu: "..."

Silence for a second.

Silence for two seconds.

Silence for three seconds. . .

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

"Hey, hey, brother, don't make trouble, why are you cowardly?"

"I cowardly??"

Xiaohu sighed softly: "I'm giving you a hammer, labor and management will beat Malzaha, how do you want me to suppress him?"

"His descendants, I may not necessarily deal with birds."

"Are you expecting me to suppress it?? Wake up, okay?? You're a fucking member of the Demon Cult..."

Incense Pot: "..."

You are a real person. .

I can't say that. .

Then, in the happy and short discussion 2 minutes ago, everyone in RNG also completely established the tone of the whole game.

Repress, repress, repress.

This is how to play!
After going online, the E skill learned by Lin Xiu's Snake Girl at the first level is far away from Ryze on the opposite side.

On the other hand, Ryze, he also learned the E skill.

When the snake girl faced Ryze, both of them learned E, but their functions were completely different.

Ryze learned E, in order to push the line.

And the snake girl pushes the line in order to suppress.

So when Khan's Ryze was just about to use the E skill to make up the knife, or when Ping A was approaching, Lin Xiu's Snake Girl would throw an E skill unexpectedly.

The E skill originally had a short delay.

However, under Lin Xiu's extremely weird prediction, Khan was in the middle of a mad attack.

No way, he has no shoes! !Windy sao can't be twisted. .

And his E can only clear soldiers, and can't do anything else. The so-called barefoot who is not afraid of wearing shoes is probably this Yazi. .

At first glance, the damage of E is not very high. With the continuous damage and ghost fire, the consumption is quite considerable.

The blood volume of Ryze who went out of the crystal bottle was constantly decreasing, and soon he directly shot out Ryze's first bottle of medicine.

Now, the two sides have not yet reached 2.

"It seems that Khan's position was completely seen through by Lin Xiu."

As a player of Ryze for several years, Wei Shen pushed his glasses and said: "This snake girl beats Ryze, and it is so overwhelming at the first level, that is, there is a gap in the positioning of the two sides."

"You have been suppressed like this at the first level. After learning the W and E skills of Snake Girl, what do you use to fight her?"

"For Khan-sang, mourn in advance..."

In fact, as the level increases, Snake Girl's terrifying suppression of Ryze is more and more manifested. .
Originally, the hero Ryze was not very weak in laning, but now Khan didn't even think about it after Snake Girl reached the second level, and immediately turned around.


Lin Xiu's bastard, Khan, who has the Q skill, has already fully experienced it.

Not to mention a 100% hit, but the success rate is absolutely astonishing.

As for whether the hero Snake Girl plays well, the most important thing to look at is the release accuracy of the Q skill.

Not to mention that after the Q skill poisons people, the damage of the E skill will cause double the effect.

The more critical point is that this Q skill is actually the capital of Snake Girl's fight.

Why do you say that, because as we all know, the revised Snake Girl has no shoes to buy, and also does not have any displacement skills.

If you want to play explosive output in team battles, or pull with people, the main thing you rely on is your movement speed.

Q skill, [Plague Explosion].

When this skill hits the opponent, it can provide Snake Girl with 30% movement speed, and it can even directly explode to 50% after the full level.

If another ice stick is produced, it will be based on the relativity theory of canyon movement speed. . .

The snake girl's movement speed can almost double the movement speed of her opponents.

Therefore, the Q skill is very important.

No one wants to be hung up by the snake girl with the Q skill, and then chased by the e skill.

Didn't see just that one, Ryze's blood volume was knocked out by one-third under the healing effect of the corrosive potion? ?
"This tm, it's really hard to fight!!"

Khan is mad right now.

But at this point in time, nothing can help him.

Zac on the red side is a hero who needs level 3 to gank, and it will be at least 1 minute after he brushes up all the way.

Then, switch lanes with Malzaha in the middle? ?
Feel sorry. . .

If Huzhen and Malzaha switch lanes, Khan may feel better, but if the BDD grasshopper is selected, the strong middle-field bond that can be achieved will completely disappear.

You, a grasshopper on the road, what else can you do besides be afraid of losing your son? ?

It's just rats. . .

So even if BDD and cuzz know that Khan is playing hard now, they won't be helpless.

"Khan-sang, hold on!!"

BDD said: "I will definitely get to level 6 as soon as possible, and then help you relieve stress. It is impossible for that snake girl to produce a mercury ribbon."


Cuzz also nodded: "You, you must hold on!! Our heroes are all slow-paced, so don't let the opponent take advantage of it!!"

Now is the time to take a look at your top laner strength!
For the team's victory, endure! ! !
Khan: "TAT"

That being said, it really works. . .

too difficult.

Soon, both sides reached the third level at the same time.

The oppressive force given by Lin Xiu still exists.

Maybe his mana is not very sufficient, but the key point is that Ryze can't bear it even more when the snake girl fights.

As a result, the line of soldiers was directly suppressed in front of the red defense tower.

Ruiz is also very clear that as long as he takes two more steps forward, death may be waiting for him.

Snake girl, she is really the kind of hero who catches the opportunity to bite you to death.

Even if she doesn't seem to have a high output.

At this time, Lin Xiu did not miss a wave of soldiers, 4 waves of soldiers, 25 knives, and it was steady.

On Ryze's side, it's only 9 knives.

Without doing anything, the advantage of laning has already been played out.

Don't underestimate the seemingly small number of dozens of knives. These knives mean Snake Girl and Ryze, two developmental magic machine guns with similar positioning.

Snake Girl will make her own core development outfit earlier than Ryze, and the period when her combat power reaches its peak will also be earlier.

That kind of situation is definitely not what Dragon Ball wants to see.

At this time, the audience was still very lively.

Everyone in SKT has no intention of playing scrims at all.

This semi-final, they must watch carefully.

No matter who wins the game in the end, it means that that team will become their confidant enemy.

Seeing Lin Xiu's more and more unscrupulous suppression, SKT's top laner Huni was a little puzzled.

"Hello, Brother Li."


Brother Li didn't speak, but looked at Huni next to him with some doubts.

Huni thought for a while and asked: "By the way, his snake girl, isn't he afraid of being caught by the wild when he is so suppressed?"

The time now has come to 3 and a half minutes. .

Any experienced veteran jungler should know that it is too easy to hit the opponent's jungler at this point in time.

Today, Lin Xiu has raised her oppressive power to the limit, and at the same time put her position too far ahead. At this time, Zach, who has the ability to gank at a super long distance, can make a wave of the snake girl blood horse blow through. ? ?

"You think too much."

It's also thanks to his teammates, otherwise Brother Li probably wouldn't bother to explain, he sorted out his words and said: "His snake girl played very well, very well..."

"It's hard to imagine that a top laner can play this."

Whether it is the control of the pawn line or the positioning.

For a moment, Brother Li had an illusion that he was a player of the same level as himself, and he had nothing to do to bully Khan on the road.

This is clearly a contest between the kings of France, the difference is that the place where it happened is not in the conventional middle lane.

You know, when playing Snake Girl in the middle, don't think that the opponent won't catch you from the very beginning.

On the contrary, you should hold the mentality that I will wait for you to catch me, use suppression to attract ridicule, and force a dozen more.

There is nothing you can do about it.

This is the real reason why Snake Girl is a line bully.

"Like now, Cuzz, he absolutely dare not come up, nor can he come up."

"Because he doesn't know the location of the blind monk at all, what if the blind monk is squatting back in the grass behind the snake girl?"

This incense pot can't take the initiative to gank, but can he squat back?

Going on the road is like a huge lightning rod, attracting most of the angry thunderbolts in Dragon Ball. ?

"Once it is reversed, it is very likely that Dragon Ball will lose the game. How dare you take this risk?"

Let alone Dragon Ball, which is entering the World Championship for the first time, even SKT has to admit cowardice in such a big scene.

That, after all, is the key to life and death.

"Therefore, what Khan can do now, or the best he can do, is to grow carefully and don't die."

Brother Li said in a deep voice: "If you don't die now, you still have a chance to fight back."

"Zac must also not wander around in the vicinity. It's only level three, so there's nothing to be afraid of. Only after reaching level six, it's the correct way to play in conjunction with Malzahar."

(End of this chapter)

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