As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 140 Pot style gamble, please be a person

Chapter 140 Pot style gamble, please be a person
It was as if he had heard Brother Li's words at this time. .
Or he himself is very clear that the gap between him and Xiangguo does exist.

Therefore, he did not choose a more aggressive style of play, but instead continued to develop while looking for opportunities.

This incense pot, after brushing the three buffs and squatting on the road for a while, found that Zac was not there, so he had to leave the top road to continue to develop.

"On the other side, I suddenly learned a lot!!"

Xiangguo scratched his head, he couldn't find a chance and didn't say anything, and the other side didn't come to gank.

The two people are now forming a situation of mutual development, and under this situation, Zach's fault tolerance rate is obviously higher.

"If it continues like this, it's really possible that the other side will hold you back..."

Thinking of the gank machine like myself, which has almost completely lost its functions, Xiangguo is very annoying.

At this moment, Lin Xiu glanced at her state and Ryze's blood volume.

"This guy's corrosive potion has been emptied by me, and my mana is still about 30%..."

Launching an attack with this amount of mana is enough to deal the damage to Snake Girl.

so. .

"Xiangguo, don't go."

Obviously already going to the entrance of his own blue buff, he was startled when he was about to brush Toad's incense pot: "Huh?"

"Cross the tower directly."


Xiangguo's head was full of black lines: "Brother, don't mess with me, this will take 4 minutes, if you want to cross the tower, tell me earlier..."

4 minutes.

For a jungler with normal wild development, at this time they should be in the third group of wild monsters besides the buff.

According to the usual opening sequence of Zac's red side, there is a high probability that it will be in the big stone man.

That is to say, Lin Xiu, this bastard, wants me to surpass this Ryze when Zach is likely to be behind me? ?
But Lin Xiu didn't seem to be joking at all.

"Yes, come quickly!"

Lin Xiu looked very calm: "Think about it for yourself, how long has the opponent watched you play?? Do you think the opponent doesn't know your jungle habits and routines?"

Why did RNG buy a substitute jungler in S8, really only because of Xiangguo's health? ?
In fact, the bigger reason is that Xiangguo's jungle routines are indeed too distinctive, and the more distinctive the characteristics, the easier it is to be studied.

Dragon Ball is now unable to target Lin Xiu and Xiaogou, who have exploded in personal strength, but they can target Xiangguo.

After all, the position of jungler itself is inseparable from routines.

They know that your blind monk came back to squat on the road, so they didn't come to develop themselves, thus widening the development gap.

They also know that you have to develop now, so they don't even put wards on the road.

So in this case, if you want to break the deadlock, you have to continue to play cards not according to the rules.

Because when Xiangguo selected the blind monk, he had already acquiesced that he was not taking the route of controlling the map, but he was taking the aggressive style of looking for opportunities.

"Fuck, fight!"

Xiangguo thought about it for a while, and finally agreed with Lin Xiu's approach: "It's a big deal, I'll use my dog's life for your development..."

"Anyway, all I want is a kick at that critical moment!!"


After the words fell, the blind monk suddenly turned around and headed towards Ryze, who had already placed the line of soldiers under his tower.

"Don't rush."

Lin Xiu quickly said: "The next wave of soldiers will have sports cars to cross, and this wave will continue to be suppressed first."

Ryze's HP is currently over 60%.

The snake girl's blood volume is still about 80%.

The advantage of blood volume brought about Lin Xiu's capital and Ruiz's consumption.

While speaking, Lin Xiu swallowed his last layer of corruption potion, and Ryze's blood volume continued to be suppressed.

There is one thing to pay attention to here.

Although Lin Xiu fought very fiercely, he never released his W skill from the beginning to the end.

Because Snake Girl's W skill is now her core skill, the kind that is more important than her ultimate move.

A ground binding effect can be called an absolute domain, no matter how cheating you are, any displacement can be released, including flash.

If you want to kill this Ryze directly, the w skill is very important.

"It should be almost there."

Another wave of soldiers was pushed under the tower again.

At this time, Khan's Ryze mana volume has almost bottomed out, and his blood volume is only less than 50%.

"Cuzz, come up and take up the line for me later, I will go home after eating this wave of line."


Khan looked at the gold coins on his body.

650. .

good. .

Although the replenishment has collapsed a little, but after this wave of sports car soldiers eats up, you can hit 750 yuan, and you just cry when you go home.

It is acceptable for Ryze to be the first wave to go home and make the Goddess Tears.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zac, who had finished brushing the first half of the wild area, would come up soon.

The blind monk is still squatting. .

"This wave of incense pot is too hard!"

Miller on the commentary platform said: "Zac on the opposite side has done a round, but his blind monk hasn't started any meat except for buffs."

"If this wave doesn't do the job, his level will be lowered by the opponent's jungler by two levels!!"

This tm is simply a gamble.

Thanks to Lin Xiu's pressing too hard, he set his field of vision under the triangular grass seat on the red side in advance, so as to prevent the opponent's jungler from making up his eyes and he didn't know.

In case Lin Xiu fails to do this kind of suppression, and the triangular grass has the eye position of Dragon Ball at this time, RNG will directly blast through it.

"That's what I said, but don't you think, for a top laner, such a jungler is really comfortable??"

The eyes of pdd are shining: "The hero of the top lane is also worth raising!!"

"I believe that Xiangguo knows it very well, and he will definitely get something in this wave."

Jungle development?
I leave it to you.

Since I can't link up with the team, I will exchange my own development for the development of my teammates.

"It's now!"

It was also at this moment that Lin Xiu and Xiangguo moved at the same time.

When Ryze's e skill raised his hand and threw it out, Snake Girl took a step forward, and W spread out.

The angle of this W spread is very strange, almost forming a 30-degree angle with the edge of the terrain on the road. With the terrain + defensive tower, Ryze's position is completely blocked.

At the same time, the deceleration effect belonging to the W skill is also triggered.


This W's position is blocked, and there is also the posture of the opposite snake girl. .

She is fighting against the tower? ?

This bastard is definitely not trying to keep suppressing, is he trying to kill me? ?

Khan suddenly felt that the situation was wrong: "Cuzz, help!!"

"Hold on!"

Cuzz, is rushing towards the road at high speed.

Zac's position has reached the red buff, and there is an explosive fruit not far away. As long as Zac clicks on that position, he can immediately support him.

However, it was already too slow.

The action of the incense pot did not hesitate at all.

"Since you want to kill him, you have to kill him as soon as possible!"

W touches his eyes and crosses the wall on the road.

Immediately afterwards, he explained that E flashed the floor, the damage was played, and the second-stage E damage was hung up.

Coupled with the close-range hit of the Q skill, the second-stage beheading damage supplemented by the thunder trigger, Ryze's blood volume dropped directly from 50% to less than 20%.

And Ryze still couldn't escape.

The W on the ground still hasn't disappeared.

"I can resist a few more times, you just come out."


The blind monk, after playing a set, has already retreated on side A.

The snake girl is still outputting, the E skill in the poisoned state, the double damage is eating away the remaining blood of Ryze a little bit.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.Khan]!! One blood!!"

Ryze died.

That Khan, when he was dying, the only thing he could do was to try to throw an EW prisoner to the snake girl. .
It's a pity that Snake Girl's condition is too good. As an EW, the most you can do is to make her resist the third attack of the defense tower.

As for the fourth time. .


Because Lin Xiu's position was always floating on the edge of the defense tower, he could walk out without taking a few steps after the confinement ended.

After Cuzz hurried over, all he could do was watch Snake go away.

E skill long jump kill? ?
Feel sorry. .

That snake girl didn't even hand in the flash, so why should she kill her? ?
And as long as Zach's skills are empty, he will never return when he goes up, and there is a high probability that he will confess himself.

He didn't dare to gamble like this.


After Ruiz died, Xiangguo finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Anyway, I was given a chance to catch it.

Although my main role is to replenish the damage, without Lin Xiu's suppression in the early stage, this kill would have been impossible.

But now, all the waiting has paid off.

"Hey hey hey."

Lin Xiu also smiled, and at the same time, there seemed to be a hint of evil in his smile: "Do you think this is the end?? It's just the beginning..."

Dare to target my teammates?

Let's see if labor and management don't hammer your heads off. . .



Lin Xiu: "You,,, (the following hundreds of words are omitted in the fragmentary reading)..."

On the side, Xiangguo looked at the serious Lin Xiu, shaking for some reason.

Fuck, this comparison is so ruthless. .

Thanks to being teammates with him, if they were on the opposite side, they would probably go crazy. .

Um. .

Will. .

. . . .

On the Dragon Ball side, in the microphone voice, the roar never stopped. .

"Madman, this person is definitely a lunatic!"

Looking at his grayed out screen and the level of Xiangguo at this time, Khan's face was filled with disbelief.

"This guy, how long has he been on the road?? Wild? Don't level up??"

It will be 5 minutes soon, is he still level three? ?

"I can't even figure it out!! I'm going to level five, okay!! But who would have thought that he is still on the road waiting..."

Cuzz is roaring.

Originally, according to the normal rhythm, shouldn't it be him and the blind monk who developed together, and then the two sides went home peacefully to level 6 to do a wave? ?

result. .

Is this shit a gank method that a normal jungler can come up with? ?
You must know that if you don't level up with gank, you can collapse yourself in a mid-term wave.

Because things like heads can be beaten back after clearing the team battle.

The loss of development represents the passage of time.

Time is gone forever, so development can only be delayed, irreversible.

"Don't worry!!"

Gorilla, who was on the bottom lane, quickly asked as the brain of the team: "What skills did they hand in just now on the top lane?"

"The blind man used flash."

"That is not bad."

Gorilla said: "Go back this time, don't hand in the teleportation, just walk up, the next wave of blind monks won't dare to touch you."


Khan calmed down a little and was relieved.

This blind monk bullied Ryze, that is, when Ryze didn't have any equipment.

Wait a minute, Ryze at level 5 is fighting a blind monk at level 3, how dare you surpass him?

Dare to jump the tower, the blind monk is guaranteed to die much faster than Ryze.

"But the most angry thing is my money!!"

Putting the death aside for the time being, Ryze's economy at this time really pissed Khan to death.

693 fast. .

The distance from making Goddess Tears is still close to 50. .

Waiting at the spring? ?
Really, believe me, it's not infinite firepower, the natural growth rate of gold coins is very slow.

It will increase by 10.2 gold coins/5 seconds.

It is also based on this growth rate, plus the number of supplementary soldiers, generally professional players can infer the time point when their equipment is formed.

Now, if Ryze wants to wait for 50 yuan, it means wasting 25 seconds of time. .

25 seconds in the early stage, how much is the loss in the pawn line? ?

Anyone with a little brain knows that we must not wait.

"So, what does the labor and management bring to the line??"

In desperation, in the end Khan could only change his way of thinking about outfitting.

350g, Dark Seal.

Wait a few more seconds, collect 350 gold, add a blue crystal, and go online with tears. .

"This Ryze, it's too miserable..."

Wei Shen shook his head: "I haven't made Goddess Tears in 5 minutes, and he basically has no fighting power in less than 25 minutes."

"However, Lin Xiu just..."

On the other hand, Lin Xiu's Snake Girl.

Suppression of the line, first blood money, replenishment benefits.

He went home with a full 1000 yuan more than Khan.

Directly, Goddess Tears + Burst Wand + True Eyes to go out.

Ryze, who looked at the equipment, almost starved to death.

"It's also a French machine gun, why is there such a big gap?"

If you can give me this chance and change the equipment, I can also knock you out of Ryze! !

It's a pity that I can't change it.

"Bridge Bean Sacks!"

When everyone was still paying attention to the huge equipment gap between the two sides, the perspective of God changed again.

RNG's bot lane returned to the city.

And the puppy's skateboard shoes, after not coming out with attack speed shoes + white sword, took Lulu and walked directly towards the top road.



Looking at this scene, whether it's the audience or the commentator, one thing came to mind at the same time.

"RNG, is this a forced line change?? Kill them all??"

"This, Xiangguo, is playing the genre of complete self-destruction!!"

"But I think that if he does this, it is very likely that Lin Xiu will be completely developed into an ultimate boss."

Lin Xiu is now level 6.

Not only is the level superior to the audience, but the equipment is even more so.

At the same time, not only the bot duo came up in this wave, but also the blind monk who had gone home to make a quick supply and continued on.

Do you dare to imagine that after 6 minutes, the blue jungler sword has not been made, and a jungler with a pair of straw sandals and a white sword will appear in the professional arena?
Even passers-by players know that they must not play like this.

Unfortunately, that's how it all happened.

Because RNG injured four people, they still have to continue fighting. . .


"Can I show some face??"

In the audience, SKT's top laner Huni couldn't help clenching his fists when he saw RNG's actions: "This group of people are simply beasts!!"

Ryze's outfit has already stretched his development infinitely.

If he is caught by RNG again, this Ryze will be completely finished.

And this kind of targeting, honestly, is enough to make any top laner look heartbroken.

Think about it, an enemy who can hold you down and beat you just by laning, and called a bunch of brothers. .

Can you be human?

Hearing this, Coach Komma sneered coldly: "Huni, don't get me wrong, this is e-sports, and e-sports itself is a team game."

"If you want a fair fight, that's something only in the All-Star or solo games."

"Watch carefully, if you don't pay attention, the next person to be targeted like this will be yourself!!"

Huni, speechless.

An inexplicable chill came from his body.

Komma's words are realistic but true.

This is competition, not to mention friendship first and competition second. In front of the world stage, everyone is fighting for the championship.

Therefore, any legitimate means of competition is acceptable, and this is the truly cruel reality.

If you can't bear it, you can only blame yourself for being too weak, and your team is too weak.

As for this, the parties who are about to have a tragic event this time are still unaware of it.

He was still carefully recruiting soldiers, gaining experience, and looked diligent and diligent, but he didn't think that danger was coming.

"Khan-sang, run quickly!!"

This, is the only blessing that Huni can do.

Speaking of which, Khan's position was considered very careful. .
Unless the pawn line comes over, he will never take a step forward, eat as much experience as he can, and make up for the pawn line if he can, and never force it.

At first glance, it looks really cowardly.

But he can't help it. . .

The Snake Girl who reached Level [-] first because of the pawn line and kills in front of her is really terrifying.

People, I have one more Explosive Wand than myself, okay?

As long as he is hit by Q and connected to the E skill twin fangs three or four times, Ryze can even be knocked out of half of his blood directly.

And this is on the top lane, such a long pawn line means that the error tolerance rate is lower, and he can't retreat quickly when he can't fight like the mid laner Ryze.

Counseling seems to be the only way out now.

"Hold on!!"

BDD, very anxious: "When I get to six, I will help you relieve the pressure right away."

He and Xiaohu are pushing the line desperately, trying to get themselves to level 6 quickly.

Both Xiaohu and him have gone home once, and when the equipment of both sides has been replenished, the speed of pushing the line is quite fast.

So BDD is waiting.

When I reach six, use Malzaha's strength to bring back the rhythm of Dragon Ball.

At the same time, the huge disadvantage of the top lane means that Cuzz must also start moving towards the top lane after brushing the three wolves.

This is to protect the development of Khan on the one hand, and on the other hand to prevent the opposite side from overcoming the tower.

"Dragon Ball's reaction speed is very fast."

From God's perspective, Dragon Ball's coordinated defense with Nakano has to be said to be very timely.

"But the speed of RNG is significantly faster..."

Under normal circumstances, it is not impossible to play the bottom lane combination to support up, but generally, the speed will not be particularly fast.

But this RNG bot lane combination is not.

Puppy and Xiao Ming took the lead in making finished shoes after returning home.

Skateboard shoes also have Q skills to assist displacement, and Lulu also has W to accelerate herself. The speed of the two online is much faster than the general support of the bottom lane combination.

They were in place just before BDD reached six.

"Brothers, prepare to rush!!"

Lin Xiu yelled lightly: "Fuck the other side to death!"

"Rush rush!!!"

In the next second, the situation in the canyon suddenly changed.

First came the incense pot, W touched his eyes and entered the river.

Because the True Sight Guard is used as an eye-touching tool, by the way, it can also check whether there is any vision nearby.

Obviously, under the pressure of RNG, their vision cannot be so far ahead.

The blind monk is already on his way.

Lulu accelerated the skateboard shoes, and the puppy was also rushing forward.

"It's not right!!"

Although he hasn't seen anyone yet, Khan has clearly sensed that something is wrong.

Why, this snake girl, still looks like she wants to kill me?

Even though on the surface, Lin Xiuzheng was suppressing as always, but Khan was a top top laner after all.

He could feel that Lin Xiu definitely didn't want to suppress his opponent.

All the time, he was thinking about whether he could kill Khan.

After all, my laning opponent is cold, so I can develop normally, isn't it? ?

It was also because of this feeling that Khan began to back away.

"Want to go? Slow down..."

Lin Xiu kept moving.

The moment Ryze in front of him took a step back, the snake girl disappeared out of thin air, and turned her head in the air strangely.

The blue bald head not far away has completely turned into a stone statue.

Well, Lin Xiu used a very common technique, R flash.

Of course, this R flash is a bit different, even though Ryze has retreated, he was still forcibly petrified.


That is, reverse R flash!


"Wait, the snake girl reversed R flash??"

"Isn't that an operation that only Brother Li can do!!"

The audience, just because of Lin Xiu's operation is enough to be amazed.


After Wei Shen saw Lin Xiu's operation, he was full of envy: "This competition, it's actually a trick."

Reverse R flash, this thing cannot be said to be exclusive to Li Ge, it can only be said that Li Ge first brought reverse R flash into the professional arena.

In terms of operation, Wei Shen can also do this thing.

However, labor and management have never shown off like this in the World Championships! !
For a talented mid laner, who doesn't have a heart to show off? ?
Wei Shen is one of them who likes to play with flowers the most. How can he not be envious when he sees that a top laner can play so happily?
Some people may ask, why reverse R flash.

Could it be that Brother Li fought like this for the sake of showing off? ?
Obviously not. Honestly speaking, Brother Li belongs to the kind of pragmatic school, and it is impossible to use fancy but useless operations.

The reason why he did this when he played Snake Girl himself was purely because it was better to do it this way.

The distance of this thing is actually the same as the R flash, but there is an extra quick turn around.

The advantage of doing this is that you can not only omit the forward swing of Snake Girl's ultimate move, but also reduce the back swing of Snake Girl's ultimate move, and finally make the speed of this R flash much faster than ordinary R flash.

So there was a scene where Ryze clearly wanted to turn back, but was still fixed in place.

"Show, brother..."

At this time, both the puppy and the incense pot had entered Khan's field of vision.

"Blind monk, skate shoes, snake girl, and support Lulu??"

four people? ?

Nima? ?
On the road is your father? ? ?


Khan was about to go crazy, his fingers desperately pressed and flashed: "Move quickly, move quickly!!"

I really can't die anymore, if I die, everything will be over! !
But can he move? ?

He didn't even have mercury shoes, and he didn't bring purification on his body for support. He had to firmly eat the petrification of the snake girl.

"Hurry up and support!!"

BDD was also quite shocked when he saw RNG turning up this wave.

But he still had teleportation, so he took two steps back and started TP directly, Zach was also on his way.

Regardless of whether it's too late or not, now, absolutely absolutely can't let RNG go on like this.

The rhythm of Dragon Ball has become chaotic.

However, BDD's support speed, no matter how fast it is, cannot be faster than RNG's action.

After the petrification ended, the puppy incense pot had already entered their respective attack ranges.

Ryze wanted to run, and Snake Girl's W skill was only released at this time.

The puppy seemed very calm, and the Q skill directly poked Ryze forward, and at the same time moved himself forward.

Then, the skateboard shoe E skill is used, the moment the Spear of Vengeance is pulled out, it will give Ryze a deceleration effect, and with the deceleration of Snake W, it is obvious that a few steps away, you can get out of the poisonous fog.

At this moment, it seems like a world away.

I can't move at all! ! !

On this occasion, Xiangguo's Q skill also accurately hits the opponent, and the snake girl assists in output.

Ryze's blood volume dropped desperately.

His life is not long.

(End of this chapter)

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