As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 141 Carried away, carried away, another crazy one

Chapter 141 Carry away, carry away, another crazy one

"Damn, the damage on the other side!!".
Khan's blood is still falling.

It's just that the speed of this decline is very embarrassing.

With the current support speed of BDD, it seems that after the grasshoppers come down, Ryze can still survive.

"Run quickly, don't look back!!"

BDD waited for the teleportation to drop, and at the same time kept shouting: "When I come down, I can fight back."

This shit, after all, is under his own defense tower! !
Among other things, the hero Grasshopper is definitely the true god of defense tower war in the early stage.

Silent with one hand and suppressed with the other, what should I say? ?

When everyone hadn't made the mercury ribbon, this thing was unsolvable.

It is also in consideration of these, and Zach's squat and long jump is about to support. In the end, Dragon Ball did not give up the assistance to Khan.

Dragon Ball is calculating, and RNG is also very aware.

"Don't panic, you can kill him, don't overstep!"

The puppy's skate shoes are still being exported.

At first glance, it seems that the puppy's E skill has already been used, leaving Ryze to slow down, because skateboard shoes are usually the main Q in order to ensure the strength of the line, so the cooldown time of this E skill is a full 14 seconds.

If you really waited for 14 seconds, it is estimated that the top team has finished fighting.

This is exactly why many people feel that the output is not enough when they play skateboard shoes.

The key to ensuring the sustainable output of skateboard shoes is to ensure that your E skills can exert the maximum effect anytime and anywhere.

But, for an extremely seasoned skater user, would a puppy make such a low-level mistake?

You thought there was no E?

Sorry, when the skateboard shoes were chasing, the puppy actually A-ed the little soldier with blood, and then drew the spear.

In this way, the effect of the skateboard E skill can be triggered-killing a unit immediately returns the cooldown.

His E is still there.

Under Bloody Moon's skin, the red spear opened indescribably strangely.

The moment Ryze finally ran out, he flashed out and opened the distance.

The puppy also dodged, keeping the distance between himself and Ryze enough to draw the spear.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.Khan]!!"

Ryze, die! !
Puppy, not even anti-tower yet. .

"Don't worry, don't worry!! You can still fight!"

BDD finally fell, he looked at the blood volume of everyone in RNG at this time.

Xiangguo fought against the tower first, and his health was already below half, followed by Lin Xiu's defense against the tower, and he did output for the puppy, and his blood volume was not very healthy.

"Cuzz, kill the snake girl, don't let him run away!"

Without further ado, BDD threw a big move at Snake Girl.

That, after all, is a snake girl who has not flashed.

As long as the grasshopper's damage lasts for 2 seconds, the snake girl will die with the attack of the defense tower, let alone a Zack who fell from the sky.

"Brother Lang, hit it!!"

Seeing Lin Xiu being suppressed while resisting the tower, Xiao Ming, who was far behind RNG, moved.

Wasn't it because I gave the puppy the acceleration that made me a little out of touch?
It doesn't matter, flash to distance.

Then, Lulu, who is not at level 6, first used the q skill to destroy the passive banshee of the grasshopper, then used the w to turn into a sheep to interrupt her big move, and finally the E skill put a layer of shield on Lin Xiu.

Zach fell and knocked Lin Xiu into the air.

The puppy prescribes treatment, and then gives Snake a hand.

Therefore, the Snake Girl who has carried about 4 tower attacks is not dead yet.


Lin Xiu silently gave a thumbs up.

Being able to keep calm enough at this time shows that Xiao Ming's children's shoes have grown a lot in this World Championship after all.

Besides, whether you die or not is not the key, anyway, you don't have a bonus, and you get everything you should get, at most it is a small loss.

The key lies in that as long as he is still there, the confrontation with the opposite party is not over yet.

"It seems that you are finished?"

Even though she had less than 20% of her HP left, Lin Xiu turned a blind eye and said, "Brothers, keep killing!!"

As soon as the words fell, the puppy began to fight against the tower.

Snake dexterously turned off Zac's Q skill, and the Q skill continued to output in conjunction with the E skill.

"Here, come again??"

I thought gank was hopeless, but Dragon Ball Nakano, who was supposed to retreat on the opposite side, was a little confused.

The big brothers are all full of residual blood, so the murderous intention is so heavy? ?

If you are replaced by us, you will be at a loss, okay! !
It's a pity that in RNG's dictionary, there is no loss of these two words, they are still fighting. . .

Target, give priority to focusing on Malzaha who provides the main output.


BDD, panicked. .

What is labor and capital here to do? ?How do you feel about putting yourself on the line? ?

Brothers, if all the people present are counted together, the highest level is level 7.

Generally speaking, a level 7 mid laner can resist four towers with full blood, which is Lin Xiu's current state.

When fighting the tower for the fifth time, you will generally die suddenly.

But now, RNG has been entangled in the first tower on the road for a long time.

5 times?
I'm afraid it's close to 10 times in total? ?

Can you guys do the tower a favor? ?

The designer said that he would cry when he saw it. . .

Afterwards, BDD flashed and wanted to run, but was hit by Xiangguo's q skill.

At the same time, the grasshopper's E skill was attached to Xiangguo himself. . .

"Isn't it just a change, labor and management are afraid of a hammer??"

Xiangguo didn't panic at all about his dying blood volume. .

Anyway, he has already played the self-explosion style, so let the self-explosion go to the end, I want to see if I, a blind man who is almost disabled, is worth dying.

It's even worse if you, a grasshopper in the middle, are killed and delay the rhythm.

The answer to this is obvious.

Almost at the same time, two system prompts sounded from above the canyon.

"[RNG.MLXG] killed [LZ.BDD]!!!"

"[LZ.BDD] killed [RNG.MLXG]!!!"

The two exchanged.

"it is good!"

Everyone applauded: "Guo, you can go at ease, your death is valuable..."

"We successfully suppressed the rhythm of the opponent's mid laner and brought out his flash and strength."

The corner of Xiangguo's mouth twitched slightly.

Although I understand the truth, why does it sound so strange from this group of people. .

We are very united and friendly teammates, right? ? ?
Well, it must be.

. . .

the other side.

"You guys, are you all dead??"

Cuzz, I suddenly feel panicked.

There was no one around him, even standing under the defense tower, it still couldn't stop the coldness in his heart.

Soon, Zach, who was still a whole body just now, was directly smashed into pieces.

4 clones of Zac, struggling on the ground, trying to get together.

However, the final outcome was to be taken away by the RNG trio who were still staring at the battlefield.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.Cuzz]!!"

Zach, it's cold.

The Ue Nakano who belonged to Dragon Ball will be wiped out! !
. ".

On the Dragon Ball side, BDD and Cuzz looked at each other, and they saw it through each other's eyes. . .Stupid

Also, despair. . .

Yes, really desperate.

They never expected that RNG's jungler would use this method to crack their targets.

Although it is true that in the later stage, the extremely poor development of this blind monk will definitely drag down the team, but for now, he really drives all his teammates.

You must know that after the wave of kills on the top lane, not to mention the puppy got a head and two assists, Lin Xiu also threw the top lane pawn line directly to him.

In other words, this wave of support directly contributed to the line change.

The puppy stunned did not lose anything, and it was close to 1000 more economical than the opposite Ad Verus.

Snake Girl was even more exaggerated. After returning home, he actually upgraded the Explosive Wand directly. . .Turned into an ice stick? ?

8 minutes, Goddess Tears + Ice Staff Snake? ?
How do you tell labor and management to fight? ?

Anyway, Khan cried while watching it, and BDD wanted to cry after watching it. .

"Everyone, hold on, hold on!!"

Pray is in a hurry, he is on his way to the upper road.

His Varus returned to the city after his desperate skills, and then took Thresh to the road.

However, RNG fought fiercely, and when they retreated, they didn't show any signs of ink, and they didn't give Pray a chance at all.

Because the current time has passed 7 minutes, if their duo doesn't defend the top lane, with RNG's current duo pushing speed, the top lane defense tower will lose at least half of its HP.

Even, it was directly pushed away.

Look at Ryze, who is already at such a disadvantage, this road really can't collapse anymore.

Otherwise, the pressure on the sidewalk will drag down Dragon Ball alive.

"We can still fight!"

Gorilla is also working hard to calm down his teammates: "That blind monk has already been pulled down two levels by our jungler."

"As long as Zach gets fleshy, the front row frankness of our two lineups is completely incomparable!"

Originally, the only RNG players who could be regarded as the front row were the half-meat big bug and the blind monk.

The blind monk's self-explosive gameplay now declares that he no longer has any front row functions.

On the other hand, Dragon Ball, their top and middle field all have quite good frankness

You must know that this is an AD version after all, the later the team's lineup division of labor will become more obvious.

Basically, all teams will form the posture of resisting in the front row and ad output in the back row to harvest in the later stage.

Therefore, time is on Dragon Ball's side.

"But, how the hell am I going to fight!!"

The reason, Khan also understands.

The key is Lin Xiu, who is really invincible in the lane.

At this point in time, the Snake Girl with this equipment fully possesses a great deal of strength.

After the two sides switched lanes, Ryze, who was facing off lanes, still couldn't appear in Lin Xiu's field of vision.

Otherwise, he is likely to call on his jungler brother and forcibly jump over the tower.

For a hero who doesn't have Central Asia, no shield, no weakness and other defensive skills, he really, can't continue to fight.

"No, put the defense tower down!!"

Cuzz gritted his teeth fiercely: "I will just brush the second half of the wild area later, and you can grow a wave with peace of mind."

As for the first piece of equipment. .

After making up for the tears of the goddess, Ruiz didn't even want to start turning the mercury shoes.

joke. .

That Lin Xiu's damage, and the characteristics of the snake girl, can really run without moving speed? ?

"I, must endure!!"

Khan's eyes were a little crazy.

I haven't lost yet, I still have teammates, give me a little more chance, give me a little more. . .

It is also this unyielding and unwilling eyes that fell into the eyes of everyone present through the big screen, which actually made people feel sympathetic? ?

PDD sighed and expressed unspeakable pity: "Young man, you still have a long way to's a pity..."



Wei Shen and Miller on the side also shook their heads.

They have seen that look countless times on the LPL team.

But the facts tell us that fighting spirit alone cannot decide everything in front of us. The reality is far more cruel than imagined. .

From God's perspective, RNG is brewing another tragedy.

"Hopefully, this guy can withstand it."

Wei Shen said softly: "To put it bluntly, it is very likely that his mentality will be completely broken."

The audience was speechless. .

Everyone has no intention of refuting Wei Shen's evaluation.

Do you think it's over?

You, Ryze, are miserable, but at least you can develop normally? ?



In RNG's team voice, Lin Xiu and Xiaohu are giggling.

Just now, it was just forcing Ryze to type out the teleporter, and the snake girl also handed over the teleportation.

But don't forget, in the team battle on the road not long ago, Xiaohu's teleportation hadn't been handed in yet.

"The despair you thought was really just the beginning."

Lin Xiu is pressing forward, and the incense pot is winding back.

The difference is that this time the incense pot goes around the red side.

Originally, based on the terrain, it was advantageous for RNG to go down the road. With this change of lanes, the triangular grass behind Ryze directly became a more dangerous area.

"I, have to be careful."

This time Khan was actually very careful. The first thing he did when he came to the bottom lane was to look around in the triangular grass.

But this release directly opened the door to a new world. .


Khan, his face was full of horror, his pupils almost shrunk to a dot? ?
"Did I lose you, what is that??"

That is, the blind monk of Xiangguo,

At the same time, he was also a blind monk who had finally reached the sixth level after gaining experience compensation due to falling behind in level.

As for this guy's equipment, it's not much better than his own.

A blue jungler knife, a pair of five-speed shoes, and nothing else but eyes. At first glance, he looks alone.

However, it was such a blind monk that directly made Khan tremble all over.

Again? ?
Again? ? ?

Or come with five speed shoes?Do you use the money you tm spend on the road to do this? ?
As soon as the five-speed shoes came out, it directly showed one thing, that is, roaming.

For the blind monk who is already behind Zack 1500 economy, this approach. .

Forget it, no matter how outrageous it is, you have to get used to it, right? ?
But Khan really didn't understand. .

What is the deep hatred between me and you? ?Or is it that I have done something outrageous to you? ?
Why do we have to be persecuted so hard. .

Please let me go, woo woo woo. . .

Khan, I'm really going to cry. .

But the actual situation seems to be worse than Ruiz imagined. .
Although the blind monk didn't have any equipment, his operation was as precise and smooth as a machine, without any hesitation at all.

"Has it been discovered??"

Xiangguo looked at Ruiz not far away, touched his eyes decisively, and directly shortened the distance.

In front of him was another wave of soldiers, and he wanted to take advantage of this wave of soldiers to jump over the tower.

And at this point in time, Dragon Ball never thought that RNG would jump over the tower.

This is the so-called surprise, and this is the timing that Xiangguo wants to hit.

It was also the moment when the eye position was lowered, and Xiaohu, who had just returned home and replenished his equipment, started TP.

"Baby, I'm coming!!"

Xiaohu's big bug, expressing that he is bored.

After staying in the middle for so long, every time I didn't go to support, my teammates cut people off.

So now, we can only continue to find Khan to vent our anger.

Of course, what Xiangguo has to do now is to hold Ryze back and not give him his head.

Because of the five-speed shoes, the blind monk's movement speed was too fast for Khan to retreat directly.

Although his current emotions are about to reach a limit, his operation is still deeply rooted in his bones.

"You thief!!"

Ryze seemed to be making a silent and angry cry.

The first step is to start with the Q skill and play the first skill.

Then E+W strengthened the confinement, fixed the blind monk, prevented him from hitting the floor close to him, and prevented him from using his big move to lift himself to the edge of the terrain.

At the same time, with the help of the movement speed bonus triggered by Ryze's three-time release of skills, Ryze, who originally only had a pair of straw sandals, suddenly jumped to a speed similar to the maximum speed of five-speed shoes.

Take a seat!


The blind monk's Q skill is empty! !

In this process, about two seconds have passed, and there are still two seconds left for the teleportation of the big bug.

"not enough!!"

Khan, who was highly concentrated, couldn't hear the shouts of his teammates at all, and his mind was thinking quickly.

There is a snake girl with an ice stick in front, and she will definitely not be able to escape if she retreats.

And after the big bug came down, it had all skills, silence, knock-up, and a mouthful of real damage, and he couldn't bear it.

So in this case, there is only one choice I can make. .

While his thoughts were flying, there were blue ripples under Ryze's feet.

Big move, zigzagging, release!

The time required for the big bug to fall is basically the same, and this Ryze's ultimate move also requires a 2-second waiting time.

"I want to move!! Move!!"

"As long as you don't let this blind monk approach you, then your ultimate move will not be interrupted!!"

Seeing the azure blue magic circle on the ground, the color became more and more intense, and hope gradually appeared in Khan's eyes.

2 seconds.

Such a short time, but this moment is so long. .


Seeing Khan struggling hard, Lin Xiu shook her head: "Young man...are you really stupid..."

Is it difficult to interrupt Ryze's attack? ?
I saw that Lin Xiu's snake girl didn't do anything, walked towards Ryze unhurriedly, and threw a W skill.

Then. . .

The deep purple poisonous mist engulfed the azure magic circle in an instant, followed by Ryze's ultimate move, was it too stupid? ?

Khan: "..."

The rest of the Dragon Ball teammates: "???"

This. .

How big is Ryze? ? ?
"I didn't expect that, Snake Girl's W can also interrupt~~"

Do you think Ryze's big move is teleportation? ?

Sorry, if the effect cannot be produced because of teleportation, then you really underestimate the W skill of Snake Girl.

The ground binding effect produced by this deep purple poisonous mist is definitely the most annoying restrictive skill in the entire alliance.

Ryze's big?

Come straight down for me! !
Twin fangs, continuing to output. . .

At the same time, Xiaohu successfully landed.

The big bug just put a W to silence it, then the Q skill knocked it into the air, and finally bit it down.

Ryze, who had been forcibly knocked out of nearly half of his blood by Lin Xiu's snake girl, died suddenly.

Um. .

Killed twice on the top lane and once on the bottom lane.

Counting, this is the third death, right? ? ?
And in the top lane, because Ryze got an assist, this guy is still valuable.

It's easy to get 300 yuan in this way.

"[RNG.Xiaohu] killed [LZ.Khan]!!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Khan looked at the screen in front of him and suddenly laughed a few times, and at the same time, his words were indescribably miserable.

"You are cheating!!"

"I'm done, I'm done..."

Anyway, Khan now feels like he is dreaming.

He had thought about his own failure, but he never thought that he would be made like this.

On the side, Khan's teammates didn't speak.

Because they don't know how to persuade Khan, after all, Ryze's development now. .

It’s over.

"On the road, it has been declared obsolete."

In the audience, on SKT's side, Huni sighed silently.

It's almost 10 minutes, level 8 Ryze.

There is only one tear of the goddess + straw sandals + little magic cloak.

The supplementary knife is only 30 knives. .

"Is this really the rookie king of our lck summer split??"

Huni, said he couldn't believe his eyes.

Once upon a time, when he fought against Khan, he was unconvinced and shocked by Khan's super high-light operation from time to time.

As a result, such a man.

Known as the world's second top laner, in front of the world's number one top laner and his team, he was beaten like this? ?
"Keep an eye on him!"

As for Komma, his face was very serious at this time: "Although he has been beaten like this, he hasn't given up yet."

That's right.

Sad and desperate, but Khan has not lost the dignity of a professional player.

This is RNG's match point game.

It is also very likely that it will be the last round of Dragon Ball in this World Championship, so no matter how painful it is, Khan still cheers up and continues to return to the line.

For a moment, the audience at the scene didn't know what to say.

It feels like this scene is like Lin Xiu, who has directly become the ultimate villain in the novel.

Khan, the guy who tried to challenge the ultimate boss, was hammered again and again on the way to leveling.

It is not only repeated battles and repeated defeats, but also repeated defeats and repeated battles.

"And, do you know why he was beaten like this??"

Komma's voice was a little low: "The two sides have fought like this, although there is a heroic restraint relationship, but the most important thing is the coordination and personal strength of the two teams."

What are the results of your targeting at the incense pot? ?

Khan's failure can't hide that Cuzz is the ultimate bastard.

And in the top competitions, any team with bastards will definitely have problems. The current Dragon Ball is the best example
(End of this chapter)

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