Chapter 143
"Sure enough, this guy is really a BT..."
Huni looked at Lin Xiu with displeasure and admiration.

Why are you so strong in laning and can use it freely in team fights? ?
Except for his extraordinary talent and amazing BT, he really can't find any reason to explain it.

Anyway, he had never seen such a fierce laning and team fighting existence. .

So why is this guy playing top lane? ?

He went to the middle road to fight Li Ge to the death, isn't it delicious? ?

Can we leave a little life for us to go on the road? . .

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

Besides, even without Lin Xiu, there will be top laners with the same BT in the future.

After all, the so-called strong top laner on the LCK side, since the era of looper and Marin, is really just very strong.

Among them, there has never been a dominant top laner.

And now, such players appear in the LPL.

It is precisely because of Lin Xiu's cooperation with Big Chongzi's front row and Lulu's back row protection, the seemingly perfect protective formation, combined with Lin Xiu's personal ability, finally successfully attracted all the attention of Dragon Ball.

They don't seem to notice.

The blind monk who nodded his head, as if he was looking for an opportunity behind his back, had disappeared.

The incense pot circled a very large circle, and squatted in the middle of the triangular grass on the road, like a hunter waiting for a target, ready to be dispatched at any time.

"Okay, at this point, the ambush is complete."

"But that's not enough."

If you want to start a tour from this place, it is not too much to say that it is [-] miles away. .

Then continue around?

The answer is absolutely not.

There is a high probability that the triangular grass on the road will not look at the position because it is too far away, but it is absolutely impossible for Dragon Ball to go forward without putting a real eye to ensure that the grass in front of the red buff is a safe field of vision.

"So, let's drag them over!"

Xiangguo's thoughts also turned quickly: "Then, let's go directly to Dalong!!"

Whether you don't want to come or have concerns, it doesn't matter.

Labor and capital beat Dalong in front of you, I don't believe you will not be moved.

So in the next second, everyone in RNG took advantage of the river view and started to move towards the dragon pit.

Because Longkeng controls the guards, Longzhu doesn't know the situation in Longkeng at all.

"Are they rushing??"

"do not know.."



Considering the maximum speed of the dragon, it only disappeared for 5 seconds, and Dragon Ball couldn't help it.

As an AD, pray also used the team's only blue jewelry that can safely see the field of vision.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but it almost didn't kill Dragon Ball when you looked at it.

They really rushed directly, and at the same time, the speed was ridiculously fast.

The dragon's blood volume has been reduced by half.


Cuzz, hurry up. .

Half of the blood volume of this big dragon is very dangerous for Dragon Ball.

Because what they have is not only the punishment of the blind monk, but also the real wound of the big bug, and the skateboard shoe pulls the spear.

The combination of these skills is enough to deal close to 3000+ real damage.

Now, time 25 minutes.

The initial blood volume of the dragon is 8852, and then increases by 125 every minute.

It can be seen from this that the total blood volume of the big dragon is less than 9500 now, and now the remaining half of the fight is less than 4700.

In other words, as long as RNG hits more than 1600 damage, the dragon will be killed in seconds.

How long did it take them to knock out half of the blood?

But less than 10 seconds, right? ?

Therefore, the time left for Dragon Ball to react is only the last few seconds.

"Okay, force it!"

"Or fight for punishment..."

This second thought was rejected by Cuzz almost as soon as it came out. . .

He will reach the killing line at 3000 points of blood. If he manages more points, it will reach about 2500, and the damage will burst out in 3 instants. It is impossible for a Zac to fight.

Even if it's a gamble on luck, it's definitely not like that.

Fight the idea of ​​punishment, just give up.

Then there is only one method left, which is completely out of instinct. In such a short period of time, everyone in Dragon Ball made a judgment almost at the same time.

It's a pity that there was an explosive fruit that could go straight down, but Xiao Ming's careful vision found it and clicked it.

But Dragon Ball, after all, has a lot of displacement.

Needless to say, almost at the same time, everyone in Dragon Ball started to act.

BDD and Thresh circled directly from the river, Ryze made a big pass behind RNG, Zach squatted directly, and Verus threw a lantern for himself after Thresh was in position.

"They're going to move!!!"

Watching the opponent's movement, pretending to be in Dalong, RNG, who was actually concentrating on the movement of everyone in Dragon Ball, also moved.

"Stop, stop, everyone!!"


Xiangguo shouted: "Give me a view of the grass!!!"

"it is good!!"

Before the words fell, the puppy second used his blue jewelry to shine on the grass in front of the Dragon Ball Red buff, and at the same time the night blade of the incense pot was also activated.

A banshee veil, appearing on the blind monk.

There, I happened to see Pray who was waiting for Thresh Lantern.

"It's now!!"

Incense pot, in ecstasy.

That is an opportunity that can only last for a few seconds at most, oh no, even a little more than 1 second.

But this opportunity was finally found by him.

So the next moment, the blind monk, who had been silent for a long time, started to act.

He first used his Q skill to lightly land on Dalong's body.

Then, the second paragraph flew out forcefully.


Zach, who just squatted and took off, clearly used his body as a light to see the blind monk soaring in the sky.

This is? ? ?

No, no! !

Cuzz, the problem has been found to be wrong.

The flying direction of this blind monk shows that he is flying from the side, and the flying direction. .

"Brother pray! Run!!"

Pray: "???"

He still hasn't realized what's going on.

And this moment of hesitation completely declared the end of the game.

When the blind monk of Xiangguo was about to end his flight in the air, the blind monk's W skill was used to forcibly draw a huge obtuse angle in the air.

He came up from the dragon pit.

And it still looks at the outrageous span, with a huge displacement of about three flash distances.

At this time, the person in front of the Xiangguo blind monk is. .


Pray, I was shocked. .

That blind monk, why is he here? ?
"This position will be flashed by R!"

Pray, who had already reacted, desperately pressed Blink, and at the same time threw a QR double chain at the blind monk in front of him.

Speaking of which, this is already a terrifying hand speed.

Pray clearly judged that there was a shield on the blind monk, so he broke the shield with Q when he got close to him, and then imprisoned him with the R skill, so as to prevent him from being kicked back.

But he found that the blind monk on the opposite side reacted faster than him.

When Verus' R skill entangled the blind monk, the blind monk whose shield of the banshee had been broken used mercury to undo the big move in seconds.

Then, pray, he couldn't move.

The kind that can't even be handed over in a blink of an eye.

The R flash used by RNG is not the dragon wagging tail + flash of the blind monk, this kind of R flash with little delay.

Instead. .

Lulu's big, plus the blind monk's flash! !Such a seamless fit! !

Just now, at the moment when the blind monk approached Verus, Xiao Ming and Xiang Guo exchanged flashes at the same time.

If possible, Xiao Ming could turn Verus into a sheep, but the distance is not enough.

So in this case, he made another choice, which was to use Lulu's big move to cooperate with the blind monk himself to control Verus.

"Get bigger!"

That delicate voice sounded so harsh at the moment.

The blind monk with an enlarged body was already far enough for R to flash, but when the incense pot flashed behind Verus, he didn't use the dragon to swing his tail.

He forcibly knocked Verus into the air.


Pray's face was flushed red: "Help me!!"

He can't die.

He is the ad with the most explosive mid-term combat effectiveness in the current Dragon Ball. . .

The three-piece suit has been worked so hard for now.

However, the blind monk in front of him was indifferent and ruthless to pray's roar. .

"You, you can't run away..."

"Here, get off!!!!"

One library! !

Shenlong wags its tail, come out! ! !

Verus, who was still in front of the red buff, moved uncontrollably, passed through the thin wall on the edge of the dragon pit, and continued to fly.

In his eyes, he only remembered the kick just now. .

The whole process of soy sauce, self-explosion, all right.

The so-called one foot to determine the universe is now.

Even his teammates, Xiaogou was shocked when he saw Xiangguo's operation.

"This tm is also okay???"

Anyway, even in the past, the puppy had never seen such an outrageous operation on insect, the initiator of the blind monk's roundabout kick.

That is, is the sky flying blind?

The audience and players were also shocked.

The blind man seemed to be flying over the roof and walls, and all kinds of weird and bizarre operations were stunned at such a critical time.

It is also this kick, pray, including the entire Dragon Ball, that is over.


Everyone in RNG saw everything in their eyes, and at the same time operated without panic.

This blind monk has done the best he can.

He had already sent Verus, who should have been protected in the solid back row and supported by Thresh, to their faces.

If everyone in RNG can't seize the opportunity at this time, then they don't deserve to play in the semifinals.

So in the next second, before Verus landed, RNG's control chain was ready to connect.

First, when Lulu's transforming sheep was used, Naverus became a doll directly, unable to release anything.

Subsequently, the delayed Q skill of the big bug was on top.

Verus had just recovered from the state of being transformed into a sheep, and was immediately sent flying again.

"Nimma...I want to come down!!"

Pray, almost tearing apart.

To be honest, it is not easy for an ad, especially the ad of the incense burner version, to develop to this state.

The three major pieces on Verus, combined with Verus's own special effects, should have been very effective when dealing with RNG's front row.

But now, he froze and didn't release anything.

Among other things, just the blind man's kick and the big bug's knock-up directly caused Pray's blood volume to drop by about one-third.

Not to mention that there are still injuries to be picked up later.

How much control do you have in Dragon Ball?
Sorry, RNG is really no less than you.

After the big bug's knock-up, W silently followed, Verus obviously had a flash.

Obviously Thresh's lantern had been thrown in front of Verus, but he just couldn't light it.

Then, Big Chongzi's big move landed hard.

It has developed normally to this point in time, and at the same time, except for the big bug of time + green armor + glory of justice, its own big move will attach damage to the maximum life value.

That one bite almost killed pray.

Verus, only a trace of blood remains.


Puppy, see the state of Verus at this time.

Not in a hurry, not slow, A+Q+A+A.

At this time, the two of them were in three-piece suits.

The difference is that the puppy's skateboard shoes are broken + hurricane + blood drinker, and it also comes with a pickaxe.

In other words, the skateboard shoes at this time are actually higher in terms of explosion than the special effects of Verus.

So what will happen to Verus with only this little blood left? ?

When the AQA is over, the puppy gently presses the E skill.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [LZ.Pray]!!"

Verus! !

die! !

That Dragon Ball is now the most critical mid-term output point, gone! ! !


On the commentary stage, Miller suddenly became excited: "Pray is dead!! Dragon Ball is now facing the front, how can we fight RNG?"

"Do you want to start a group??"

"Sorry, you are just sending it off now!"

In fact, it is exactly so.

Because Xiangguo's magical footsteps directly ruined all possibilities for the follow-up of Dragon Ball.

Zach, who flew down, was completely smitten.

Fuck. .

Didn't it say that you guys fight dragons and I start a team or try to strengthen dragons? ?

Why did my ad die? ?
Even the Khan, who was going around the back and preparing to make a detour, looked desperate.

So, the other side already knew that we were going to come down.

Are they actually sitting on the sidelines? ?

Dare I think I'm a chance to come back from the Jedi, but I'm actually like a clown? ? ?
"Brothers, go!!"

Lin Xiu's snake girl now has no worries.

Your family's group start is very good, but there must be someone who can keep up with the damage.

Originally, what Snake Girl was afraid of was forcibly driving him away, and then cooperated with Verus to kill her in seconds.

But now, nothing to worry about.

"Let them die here!!!"

Gaze quickly across the screen.

The position of Lin Xiu at this time is very interesting. He happened to be with Ruiz behind him, and the grasshopper next to him. The three formed a triangle.

That is to say, starting from Lin Xiu's position, in the fan-shaped range, both Ryze and Grasshopper are within the range of his ultimate move.

"However, you just have to adjust the angle."

The snake girl was facing the Great Dragon Pit because she wanted to also supplement the damage done to Verus.

It's really stupid to release a big move from the front.

Simply, do it again? ?

In the air, there was a shrill scream, accompanied by a dark green light.

"R flash again??"

The audience stared at the boss: "And this time, turn around and dodge?? Forcibly change direction??"

BDD looked at his own state, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

everything. . .

Done. . .

Lin Xiu's hand speed is really incomprehensible.

Before he flashed his R, he also threw out his W skill, forcibly breaking the passive on the grasshopper.

So the next moment, Grasshopper and Ryze both petrified.

"Now, go!"

The glory of justice on Xiaohu Da Chongzi's body took the initiative to activate, and with his huge body, he rushed straight towards BDD who was in a petrified state.

As for Zack? ?
Sorry, there's really no need to worry about it now.

The current Zac is just a troublemaker, and he has no ability to change the situation of the battle.

Not to mention how calm he seemed at this moment with double c's up and down.

Both Xiaogou and Lin Xiu used their teammates as cover in time.

That Zac's q skill can't pull the two main output positions at all, and the only one he can meet is Lulu, who is basically empty of skills.

And meaty yuppie big bugs. . .

"Now, it's harvest time!"

Puppy and Lin Xiu, the division of labor between the two is very clear.

Skateboard shoes, the first to export to Ryze.

Because Ryze's physical resistance is too low, and the puppy's equipment is too good.

Run-down took a breath, a few rounds of flat a and q, which caused Ryze to lose half of his health.

Ryze wanted to flash, and Puppy followed.

The E skill is stacked to the killing line, and the spear is drawn.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [LZ.Khan]!!! Double kill!!!"

On the other side, Lin Xiu cooperated with Xiaohu's frankness and control, coupled with the disgusting clinging effect of his own ice stick, and also desperately output towards the grasshopper.

Obviously, the grasshopper couldn't stand it.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.BDD]!!!"

Dragon Ball Ueno, die! ! ! !
"Next, you are left..."

Everyone in RNG stared at Zac and Thresh.


At this moment, Gorilla didn't know why, endless cold sweat broke out on his back.

monster. .

Sure enough, these people are monsters! !
Run, I must run, that Zack. .It is impossible to save! !

Therefore, Thresh, without looking back, desperately left RNG's sight.

As for the remaining Zac, he looked desperately at the well-preserved RNG people in front of him. .

Four clones?

Sorry, can't save you either.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [LZ.CUZZ]!! Three kills!!"

RNG, the big dragon group.

0 for 4! !
On the spot, it exploded.

"This is a perfect team battle, this is an extremely magical team start! RNG played beautifully in this wave!!"

Miller was roaring: "Can you believe that at this time, RNG's Mala Xiangguo can still stand out?"

He is using actions to tell the other side, targeting me?
Sorry, it doesn't help.

As long as there is something called chance in this game, then I will definitely find it for you.

Then, as long as the incense pot creates opportunities for their teammates, they can seize them and give their opponents a fatal blow.

It is precisely because of this wave of team battles that Dragon Ball is completely finished.


Under the stage, the Dragon Ball coach slammed the table in front of him in extreme pain.

"Why, why is that so??"

Originally, Dragon Ball relied on the terrain on Dalong's side, and Dalong's own attack minus the defense of RNG people, maybe there is a chance.

But who would have thought that the jungler on the opposite side, like a precise scalpel, found the most critical point of Dragon Ball in the crowd, and gave a fatal blow.

Now, what can only Thresh do? ? ?

The current resurrection time is close to 30 seconds. When the RNG on the screen is fully equipped with the dragon, it takes less than ten seconds to accept the dragon.

They can even move on.

A tower in the middle road was declared broken.

After returning home for supplies, RNG first went to take down the fourth little dragon, which was also the second wind dragon in the field.

With the attribute bonuses of Liangtu and Liangfeng, all RNG members continued to advance.

When the mighty army, with the enhanced buff of Dragon Ball, the moment 41 pushes were launched, everyone in Dragon Ball began to fall into despair.

In the last wave, your AD did not hand over the flash.

But now in Dragon Ball, the only one still flashing is AD.

Down the road, Lin Xiu began to divide the belt.

In the middle of the road, the other four hugged each other, and the puppy went home to play money for a while, and with the team battle on the wave, he directly took out endless + mercury ribbon.

Next to it, there is Lulu who has come out of the incense burner + griddle.

These two danced unscrupulously on the side of Dragon Ball, bit by bit using the big dragon buff to eat away at the defense tower.

Can't control the bottom lane, can't hold the middle lane.

Under this extremely bad cycle, Dragon Ball's middle and lower highland towers were soon declared broken.

"Yes, this wave of RNG is making a lot of money!"

Pushing up and down, the audience's expressions became more and more relaxed.

This timing is really perfect.

Because on the Dragon Ball side, Verus is the only ad with the highest pawn-clearing efficiency in the face of the dragon buff.

Pray seemed to be exhausted, and the pawn line would always be controlled by RNG.

At the same time, no surprises, RNG's advantage will continue until the second dragon is refreshed. At that time, they can still put pressure on Dragon Ball with a wave of double dragons.

Whether it is now or in the future, it can be said that Dragon Ball is slowly dying.

"Huh? It seems something is wrong."

I thought that after RNG broke through two lanes in a row, they might go home for a wave of replenishment operations, and wait for the flash to be ready before pushing forward again.

But RNG and the others don't seem to think so at all.

"I feel like we can do another wave!!"

The incense pot, the eyes seem to be oily.

He is like a traveler who is dying of thirst in the desert, seeing an oasis in the desert.

And the prayer at this time is the kind of goal that he can't wait for.

As for whether there is a flash or not, copy the operation of the previous wave of dragons again.

He dared not think.

That, is already considered a real "world wave".

But what I need to do now is simpler. . .

That is to open up the group.

So when everyone in Dragon Ball thought that RNG would have a steady hand and fight steadily to pursue the victory of the game, everyone in RNG suddenly turned around.

"Brothers, I'll go first!!"

The one who started was still the incense pot.

This time, he didn't try to make any roundabout kicks, but directly opened the Blade of Night while retreating.

Then, the Q skill hit the red pawn line that just came out in front of the front tooth tower.

I have to say that this wave of Xiangguo's fake moves is very beautiful.

Because at first glance, no one would think there was any problem with his kick on the pawns.

After all, he is a blind monk, so it is impossible not to try it out at this time.

But only Xiang Guo knew that his wave was not a temptation.

His goal is actually here.


It's just a springboard.

As he said that, Xiangguo's blind monk flew out with a second-stage Q, because there were Thresh beside the soldier.

"Fuck, that guy is coming again!!"

Maybe it was because they were thrown out of the shadows, and everyone in Dragon Ball who didn't need such a big reaction at all became nervous like a frightened bird.

But Xiangguo also smiled: "I'm kidding you..."

At this time, I really ran up, and it was also silly.

It is impossible to give Malzaha + Ruiz + Zac a chance, even if there is a mercury ribbon.

What he wants to do is just to trick the skills out.

Almost at the moment when Thresh's E skill was about to be thrown, the blind monk in midair forcibly changed direction.

W skill, traverses out.

Dragon Ball's defensive skills, including preparing to be silent, and the grasshopper who threw the E skill were all stunned.


"No hammer!!"

Waiting for your key defensive skills to disappear.

Haven't you been silent?
Well, we still have a way to start a group! !

Xiaoming's Lulu was sucked in, and then fell on Longzhu's face.

"Come on! S Senming, start a group for my physical body!!"

=, =
Xiao Ming: "Laozi is not Pikachu!!"

But at this time, you can only go up! !

Come on, get ready to accept the physical team with the help of soft control! !

Lulu Shock! ! !

That's right, that Lulu used the big move of skateboard shoes to throw herself out.

After coming down for a moment, turn it up again and make up for the knock-up.

Then with a short knock-up, everyone in RNG turned around and started to act.

It has to be said that in this situation where neither side has flashed, RNG has the limitation of the snake girl, and it is too easy to output.

This Lin Xiu's big move doesn't care whether it can be petrified or not, if it catches someone, it will be thrown, slow down and hang up.

Coupled with the W skill of Snake Girl, it is a surprise to keep everyone in Dragon Ball.

The puppy, who already has a four-piece suit, is also giving full play to the amazing pursuit ability of the hero of skateboard shoes at this time.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [LZ.Cuzz]!!"

Zack in the front row, dead again!

At the same time, the rest of the characters also fell.

Ryze still has no armor.

This khan is so poor that he can't even take out Central Asia. In fact, he can only wait to be hunted down when he does it.

Soon, he died suddenly on the road.

The BDD in the middle lane, under such circumstances, dare not zoom in.

So the snake girl used her fangs to easily kill his life with one mouthful.

The mid laner also died! !

"Pray!! Hurry up!!"

That Thresh, Gorilla, who was an assistant, withdrew quickly, and he did not die.

He threw a lantern towards his own ad, hoping that the prayer that flashed away would survive.


Pray, very painful.

He had no choice but to light the lantern, and was dragged into the spring by Thresh.

And he is indeed still alive.

But he is now in more pain than alive.

Everyone in RNG seemed to ignore him at all.

Obviously, when he was in the big dragon pit, he had output, and RNG found him and killed him.

But now, the army is approaching and fighting head-on.

The so-called ad, even if it is the incense burner version, it is impossible to change your fate against the sky, let alone you are still a Thresh as a support.

Pray, nothing can be done.

I can only watch RNG and the pawn line push down the front tooth tower little by little.

Pray wanted to return to the spring to replenish his blood.

But at this time, Lin Xiu stepped forward again.

And this time, the snake girl is a frightening five-piece set.

Formed blazing angels, masks, ice sticks, banshees, and ghost books.

28 minutes, how terrifying is this equipment? ? ?
When Seraphim's barrier was opened, even if Pray masturbated against Lin Xiu in the spring water, his blood did not recover as fast as Snake Girl's.

If he dared to step out of the spring, what he was waiting for was the forcible killing of the snake girl.

Even Lin Xiu's Snake Girl took a position without haste, and lightly twisted Thresh's Q skill.

"Hurry up, stop!!"

Pray's eyes were red and filled with despair.

He seemed to have seen last year's finals again, how his team ROX and the Tigers died in the hands of Lin Xiu.

This year, he may have gotten stronger.

But his opponent has also become stronger.


The front tooth was broken, and Crystal's blood volume decreased little by little, and it also drained the last sliver of strength from pray.

RNG. . .

win! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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