As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 144 The exhibition ends and advances to the final

Chapter 144 The exhibition ends and advances to the final

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!".
I didn't know what to say, but when the game officially ended, the incense pot next to Lin Xiu stood up.

He clenched his hands tightly and roared wildly to the sky: "We have reached the final!!"


Lin Xiu looked at the excited incense pot beside him and was a little speechless: "You're so meow, don't scare labor and capital, can you?"

Those who didn't know thought Xiangguo had won the championship.

This tm is just advancing to the finals! !
"I do not care!!"

Xiangguo completely ignored the foolish eyes of his teammates: "I'm so stupid, it's not easy!!"

Everyone in RNG: "..."

As for what. . .

Although, that seems to be the case.

The idea in Xiangguo's heart is very simple, aiming at me?
it works? ?
Even if RNG has become a thorn in the side of the big teams of lck, even if countless people are looking forward to RNG's loss, and then gloating.

But sorry. .

Your ideas never came true.

And Xiangguo has fully proved himself, he is not the green leaf covered by the light of his teammates.

He is already strong enough.

In fact, it was his style of play that made this ridiculously fierce RNG. .

In this October, in late autumn, RNG once again entered the finals of the League of Legends World Championship! !

"Alright, alright."

Lin Xiu patted her face hard, trying not to smile so wickedly: "We are happy when we are happy, but we have to do what we have to do."

"It's not over yet."


. . . .

On the other hand, Dragon Ball.

"We, have we lost again??"

Pray stared blankly at the screen, his rather simple and honest face was covered with tears at some point.

This is, the second time. .

Seeing that the dream is so close to him, but the reality has given him a hard blow.

semifinals. .

It seems that he is not far from the championship, but in fact, his distance is even more terrifying than he imagined.


On the other hand, compared to pray's silent tears, Khan was really miserable, and he really burst into tears on the spot without saying a word.

"Coach, Brother Pray, Brother Gorilla, everyone, I'm sorry."

"it's all my fault."

"I lost this game, and ended our game with my own hands..."

Dragon Ball's coach has already run to the player's side without knowing what.

The coach looked at Khan and said nothing.

It was just silent, but rubbed the players' heads very hard.

The lights flashed, and the coach could clearly be seen, and he also cried.

There is no way, whoever has worked hard to prepare for the whole year, experienced countless hopes and disappointments, and finally all of them came to naught.

That kind of taste is enough to tear one's heart.

Belonging to him and his team, 2017, the S7 season, has finally come to an end.

At the same time, to be honest, even if you watch it from the big screen, you can clearly feel Khan's self-blame at this time.

On the commentary stage, I wanted to congratulate Lin Xiu's pdd, but after seeing Khan's appearance, he thought about it and finally didn't say anything.

At first glance, this is completely different from pdd's usual escape style,

But it was also a professional top laner, so pdd can really understand Khan's mentality at this time.

When a professional player loses a game, what's the first thing to do if it's ugly? ?

Don't talk to me about self-reflection. .

That's funny. .

The first thing is definitely to throw the pot away. . .

Especially staring at the person with the worst KDA in the last game, so that the loser will feel better.

Then in this game, Ryze, who is 0/6, is definitely the most suitable candidate to take the blame.

Not to mention that the user of Ryze is a young and proud opponent like Khan.

He really can't imagine that he, who has always been the ace of the team, will one day become the "culprit" that ruined the whole team.

"It's just Ta Meow's feeling, it's very sad."

pdd touched his nose: "I think I came here like this when I was playing in IG..."

"So this one, Khan, old boy, I won't ridicule..."

"I hope he cheers up..."

Even if the nationality is different, even if there are conflicts inside and outside the arena.

But respect for a professional player who works hard, there is nothing to say.

Besides, did you say that there was a problem with Khan's last fight?
If you really want to say, there must be.

In the early stage, he underestimated the proficiency of Lin Xiu, the snake girl, so that he was suppressed from the beginning of the line, and finally formed a chain reaction.

But in the final analysis, this is not just a gap in hard power.

You have to admit the restraint of the hero itself. .

And throughout, Khan fought almost alone.

His jungler is always late, and Lin Xiu always has a trustworthy partner by his side.

Can't fight in line, support can't keep up, and team play can't work. .

In a situation like this, is it really good to force the blame to the people on the line? ?

Obviously unreasonable.

It was precisely because of this that Cuzz, who was beside Khan, looked at Khan crying bitterly, with mixed emotions in his heart.

"Did others take the initiative to take the blame and cover up their own incompetence?"

"It's really funny enough..."

However, in the future, how should we go on? ?

Cuzz's eyes were blank.

Khan, he still has hope, but Cuzz is really stumped. .

Even when RNG came to shake his hand, he was in a trance.

What was waiting for him was the fishing boat, and everything afterward was settled.

The temporary cheers of the winners and the miserable helplessness of the losers. At this time, the sports center reverberated with a kind of cruelty called competition.

. . .

"Let's go..."

"It's time for us to prepare..."

Almost at the same time, the WE and SKT teams sitting on both sides of the stage turned around and left.

While walking, komma calmly said to his team members: "Did you see, the tears left on the stage are the most incompetent things."

"Dragon Ball's opponents are strong."

"And this team is very likely to be our next enemy."

"Keep in mind the gains from watching the battle, and then deal with our next enemy..."

"SKT, must win!!!"

Um. .

The momentum is still good,

The first half of the semi-finals belonging to RNG and Dragon Ball has come to an end, and the winner is RNG.

Then the next battle will be left to WE and SKT.

Their winners will fight RNG in the final.

In the end, it is the LPL final civil war that has never been realized in LPL so far.

Or is it the usual lpl vs lck again? ?
Anyway, everyone is excited enough for it, it's exciting, and it's still going on.

After we and skt returned to their respective training rooms, their emotions and the atmosphere in the team suddenly became tense. .
"It's not just a matter of who we lose and who wins now."

"The most important thing for us now is to do the best we can."

WE is very clear that when it comes to hard power, RNG is definitely stronger than itself.

Dragon Ball. . .

Although I haven't played against each other in detail, I guess it's enough.

However, under such circumstances, RNG successfully blocked Dragon Ball 3-0 and played the cleanest semi-final ever for an LPL team.

Such gems are ahead, WE doesn't say anything else, at least they can't fall behind too much.

Taking a step back, even if WE really loses, he definitely can't end 3-0.

At this point, whether it is the team or the club, including the members themselves, they all need to show some face.

Of course, all they can do now is to adjust their state.

After all, tomorrow is the battle between SKT and WE. .

. . .

time flies.

The scene, the commentary booth, has changed personnel today.

As a special guest commentator is WE's former AD, Smile, also known as Dawang. .

"To be honest, I feel that WE should not be very good at playing."

Smile, expressing that he likes WE very much and wants to play it very much.

But he knew that if he didn't tell his truth at this time, if WE had an unexpected result in the end, he and WE would suffer severely.

"This year's WE has indeed made great progress."

"But for this freshman WE, their experience in competitions is still too little..."

Here, look at the only competition experience of WE members so far or this year's mid-season competition.

But unfortunately, he was beaten violently.

"I can only say that I hope WE will never be nervous or worry about anything."

There is both worry and expectation in the smiling eyes: "They are not weak, but the key is to play out their own style."

otherwise. .

In front, Dragon Ball, whose style is very similar to RNG but immature, is the best example.

In the world arena, either you have extremely high talent, or your team has very distinctive characteristics.

Because of this competitive game, for the LCK, the least fear is playing routines and operations.

If you want to break the shadow that has shrouded many LPL teams for many years, the key point is to stick to your own characteristics, and then blast the sky.

For WE, their style of play is steady and team fighting.

Maybe they are not the strongest in the lane, but they are difficult to collapse.

Then, relying on the integrity of the WE team members and the reliability of the brother-in-law at critical times, he finally exerted incredible power in this version of the incense burner.

This is the style of play that belongs to WE.

On the other hand, SKT on the other side, the current SKT may have less routines than before, but more invasions.

They are not only pursuing online suppression, but also team support.

Basically a team without any obvious shortcomings, versatile and experienced.

The two teams with such styles, what kind of sparks will be produced after the fight, everyone does not know, and they are also very curious. .

It was in this anticipation that the game officially started.

However, the final result is neither surprising, but also regrettable enough.

SKT defeated WE 3-1. . .

This WE, worked very hard to stick to his own style of play, but never expected to meet SKT's outrageous mid-field combination.

And Huni who just hit it off.

To be reasonable, 957 himself was a little skeptical, whether this Huni had taken drugs.

Because of this Huni, his personal strength is good, but it is rare to be able to play such a dominant performance online.

957, which has always been stable, was actually beaten for 2 rounds in a row.

Fortunately, the Redmi coach is also very good. He adjusted his strategy in time to allow 957 to get more powerful heroes in the line, instead of picking some big trees for the team.

In this way, it is worthwhile to make a comeback.

It's a pity that SKT, which lost a round, will only become more ruthless. They took no time to rush, and finally won their own victory.

In the end, 3 to 1, SKT beat WE lightly.

That is, 10 days later, the final.

Soon to belong to SKT and RNG.

At this time, everyone in SKT did not have any joy after approaching the finals, because they knew very well that the tough battle was still ahead.

"My lords, our real battle is about to begin."

SKT team, in the training room.

At this time, Komma still looked calm and calm, but his eyes clearly shone with a light called flame.

SKT is destined to become a dynasty.

so. . .

"Next, we must continue to fight in full glory..."

Komma's voice seemed to carry some kind of abnormal magic power, and the eyes of all SKT players were also full of flames of war.

"Everyone, let's start preparing for the battle..."

. . .

Um. .

Prepare for battle.

Ten days is not long, nor is it short.

With the learning ability of a professional player, ten days can even directly improve one's competitive level, so how to prepare accurately and effectively before the game is very important.

What this requires is not that you have everything, but that it is enough for you to restrain the other party.

Then when it comes to preparing for the battle, in this case, SKT and RNG are really not much better on both sides.

Although they intentionally concealed their tactics during the game, they eventually exposed a lot of their cards.

On SKT's side, although it seemed easy to play against WE, it was also a headache for WE's tenacity.

Anyway, they really have never seen a team that clearly knows they are at a disadvantage, but still wants to play a team, so desperately dragging on.

Even when encountering Samsung in China, the resilience of Samsung is not so terrible.

The four rounds of the game, including the rest time, actually took a total of 5 and a half hours. On the other hand, RNG added it together, and it took less than 3 hours. .

The duration and consumption of their games are nearly doubled.

This almost paranoid tenacity is also the magic weapon commonly used by WE. In order to defeat such an extremely difficult team, SKT still paid a lot after all.

Including the rotation of their junglers, the use of heroes such as Zac.

And Li Ge's use of various support mid laners.

Although not very clear, it also gave RNG the direction of preparation.

Similarly, when RNG was playing against Dragon Ball, it exposed its own problems. .

They're strong, but not perfect.

The importance of the incense pot as a connection point and the uniqueness of the hero pool have become big issues before us.

Not much to say about the hero pool, Qing Gangying and Prince Jungle.

These two heroes have become the signatures of Xiangguo. It can be said that unless there is a major strategic decision, the other party will never release it.

As for the rest of the jungler, although Xiangguo is not bad at playing, it is very difficult for him to play enough suppression.

If you can't find a way to solve this point, Xiangguo's hero pool will be very uncomfortable.

Because when you play Dragon Ball, Cuzz really can't do it.

But what Xiang Guo met was Peanut, the young man who has gone through a trough and is still the first jungler in the LCK. .

And don't forget, last year, RNG faced the Tigers.

Although Little Peanut and the others lost in the end, Little Peanut's performance was definitely a highlight throughout the process, and even suppressed the incense pot throughout the process.

Facing such an opponent, not having an advantage is equal to a disadvantage.

It was precisely because of that time that Xiang Guo figured it out, and finally formed his own extreme style of play.

Meeting Peanut again, will he continue to be suppressed, or can he fight back? ?
In addition, there is an even bigger hidden danger. . .It is Xiaohu's middle road. .

The biggest illusion in this lol is that Brother Li is dead, but it still applies.

Even Xiaohu was fierce once, but if he was to face Brother Li, it would be really difficult for him to gain an advantage, and of course it would be very difficult for him to collapse.

However, Li Ge is a person whose ability to seize opportunities is not too strong.

When there is a balance of power, he can look for opportunities.

Xiaohu still had to hold on to the line.

If the middle lane explodes, the rhythm radiating from the middle field will forcibly overwhelm rng.

They can't stand the offensive of SKT.

After all, SKT's Nakano's combat and support capabilities are really fierce.

With Nakano as the core, they can quickly radiate to the bottom lane.

The so-called two fists can't beat four hands, and two against two can't do it, then four packs two, no brains. .

You, Lin Xiu, are fierce, aren't you? ?

But you, after all, can't bring the rhythm up in 5 minutes.

The top laner is a snowball road. What he needs is extremely delicate technical ability, and slowly expands his advantage to death, and eventually becomes an existence that cannot be solved by a single player in the later stage.

As for Nakano, it is completely different. They can really move early.

This rhythm is controlled sooner or later, which determines that Nakano will always be the most important rhythm core of lol.

After being influenced by his own Nakano's help, bang's bot lane will face the puppy's bot lane, and the situation that is not much different will be completely different.

Because although the bang is not so fierce in the lane, they are strong in team play.

In the case of a win or lose between the two, whoever has more support from his teammates will be stronger.

How to let the puppy maximize its online suppression and late-stage harvesting strength is the biggest problem left for RNG in the bottom lane.

Of course, going on the road is probably the biggest advantage of RNG at this time.

At this point in the World Championship, student Lin Xiu has fully proved his strength, and no one will doubt whether he is worthy of his name.

The number one top order in the world really didn't come out of it.

He was fighting top laners one after another, walking out of countless bones, and the remains of losers were all under his feet.

Really, it's hard typed, it's useless if you are not convinced.

Because you are not convinced, I will continue to beat you until you are convinced.

It is absolutely impossible to find someone who can play better than this guy.

Huni is also self-aware about this point, unless there is a set of support tactics specifically for Huni, Lin Xiu will definitely not be able to suppress him.

This is the value of top players.

Don't worry, be safe. .

Coupled with Lin Xiu's outrageous heroic universe, it is even more impossible to target. . .

How to continue to bring out the dual-core system that RNG is most proud of, and give the opponent enough suppression, this is what RNG needs to do most now.

Not to mention, RNG exposed some, but still hid a lot.

For example, Xia the puppy. .

Sorry, he really does. .

Every time in the bottom lane and Lin Xiu solo, this puppy can't and won't do it. . .

Then there is Lin Xiu herself.

So far, most of the heroes he has taken are very strange top laners, so in the finals, doesn't he have his own trump card? . .

Anyway, if you beat someone from SKT to death, he won't believe it. . .

So in the various intrigues between the two sides, time is passing. . .

The final battle is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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