As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 145 The Final of the Bird's Nest

Chapter 145 The Final of the Bird's Nest

Among other things, the location of the finals alone is enough to make people tremble. .
On the night before the start of the game, the team members of both teams set off towards their destination.

Then, standing in front of the competition field, the members of RNG were obviously in a daze.

Xiangguo stared at the building in front of him under the night: "By the way, have you ever thought about playing games here?"

"Never had.."

It was Xiaohu who answered.

Don't look at him usually calm, but looking at the magnificent and magnificent venue in front of him, his voice trembled unconsciously.

The puppy and Xiao Ming next to him also looked very excited.

As for why everyone is like this, the reason is actually very simple.

Because at the moment in front of them is the bird's nest. .

That's right, the bird's nest! ! !
The full name is the National Stadium, and it is also the place that all the sons and daughters of Xuanhuang Sports yearn for.

This place carries too many memories, and it also carries countless brilliance belonging to the country.

As for this group of teenagers, although they keep saying that they are playing e-sports, they also know in their hearts that for most people, LOL is just a game.

Now, this project called games, which is also a youth project, has actually been able to enter this stage today.

Looking back, it is both comforting and poignant.

Does this mean that years of hard work will eventually grow one day.

Today, they are no longer just boys who play games, they are also a group of people who really strive for their dreams.

"Next, we will be here to start our last journey..."

Brother Feng, suppress the excitement in his heart.

In fact, he is also tm excited now, labor and capital have never been to the Bird's Nest, okay? .

Or most people have a wonderful emotion for the city under the bird's nest. . .

Don't look at it's only six o'clock in the evening, but the inside of the bird's nest is closed at this time, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

Because of the staff, the final preparations are being made for the opening of tomorrow's game.

I have to say that tx and Riot are really rich and powerful, and they want to make this opening ceremony beautiful and majestic.

All kinds of equipment, decorations, and scene layouts were spent without hesitation.

Anyway, good-looking, cheating, domineering will do! !

Money is nothing, so that everyone can remember the spirit that belongs to Xuanhuang.

You know, the number of people that this bird's nest can accommodate is 8 people in normal seats! ! !

Then counting the temporary seats, it can continue to increase by 1. .

What is the concept of a stage where 9 people can watch live at the same time? ? ?
Anyway, RNG and them, from the group stage to here, even counting the LPL playoffs, all the audiences may not be so many together.

This is boldness.

At the same time, it's stressful.

Just from the outside, looking at this extremely ingeniously designed bird's nest is already amazing enough.

What about when you actually play the game? ? ?

The 9 live tickets for the finals were sold out, and countless lolers were waiting for the LPL to win the championship trophy at home. Their enthusiasm was not only endless encouragement, but also a potentially fatal urging.

If you win, you will be honored.

If you lose, you will never be able to recover.

Of course, compared to SKT's serious mood now, RNG seems to be in a good overall state because of Lin Xiu's gags from time to time.

There's no need to be nervous or anything.

Everyone is an old rival, and they are very clear about each other's previous strengths and weaknesses.

And in the following BO5, the comparison will be between the two teams, whoever is more prepared and whoever handles the scene better, whoever is most likely to have the last laugh.

Tonight, neither wind nor rain.

Tomorrow, what kind of storm will be waiting? ? ?
Accompanied by the dead of night, dawn returned again, and then the sun set again.

Belonging to the last story of RNG and SKT in the fall, it is about to begin.

Bird's Nest Showdown!

2017 League of Legends Global Finals!
RNG vs SKT! !
"Hello, audience friends, welcome to the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals, the final scene.".
"I'm a commentary doll!"

"I'm the commentator Miller!"

"I'm Rookie."

"I am the promise."

Different from the previous commentary lineup, this time the global finals, LPL sent two official commentators, plus two professional player commentators.

The advantage of this is that it can not only guarantee the atmosphere of the scene, but also ensure professionalism.

The people who come at the same time are also very interesting.

I won't say much about Rookie. This guy's vision is the same as Wei Shen's, and he belongs to the kind of top player with exceptionally sharp observation skills.

And his Xinjiang-flavored Mandarin, although a bit strange, can be heard very clearly.

Therefore, Rookie deserves to be very popular in China. His professionalism will definitely make the commentary of the game more convincing.

But Rookie, compared to the blue man on the far side, is nothing worth mentioning.

That's right. .

promise! !
Factory manager! ! !

It is estimated that the people at the scene did not react, what the hell is going on. .

But if you think about it carefully, we are not going abroad. .

If this team loses, isn't it just going back to their own base? .

After EDG lost, they went back to Shanghai directly, and then heard that the final was going to be played in the north? ?

Well, one step on the high-speed train and one button to go directly, and this is the scene where Qijiang acts as a guest commentator.

"Speaking of which, what's your mood now, director?"

Doll looks very interested: "Especially after seeing the opening ceremony just now..."

I always feel that these two people are messing with each other.

"Ha ha.."

Qijiang glanced at the doll calmly.

Knowing that me and EDG have gone home with tears in my eyes, but I still have to mention these things, it really is too difficult for me.

And now I can explain on this stage, it is already very sad.

After what you said, I feel even more melancholy.

However, after all, a lot of time has passed since the failure.

No matter how much unhappiness there is in my heart, I can only bury it silently in my heart until now.

Also, re-transform into motivation.

"I can only say that I am very envious."

Qijiang sighed slightly: "But it must also be said that RNG is really strong..."

"They once again defeated the players who stood in front of them along the way and reached the final."

"They are indeed very strong, and it is absolutely convincing to come here."

Don't talk about whether there is luck in this, or whether there is no civil war, etc., in fact, this is a manifestation of strength.

Can you have a fuel-efficient lamp if you can enter the finals?

And this year's World Championship, the strength lies here. The final stage belongs to two teams, and there is nothing worth refuting.

The only difference is who will have the last laugh.

For the words of the factory manager, let Rookie beside him nod as well.

It's a pity not to enter the World Championship this year, but in all fairness, even if this year's IG enters the World Championship, will it be able to perform well in this version? ?

At times like this, we are envious and supportive and we are done.

Also, you must win for us! !
It is of great significance to help myself and LPL win the highest and easiest trophy on the highest stage at home.

Little Bangzi and LCK, please continue to lie down! !
Um. .

Probably this is the idea. .

Then, in a fairly relaxed atmosphere, and amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the camera showed the two teams on the field again.

It has to be said that the shocking feeling of playing in a bird's nest that can accommodate 9 spectators cannot be overstated.

There is almost no need to do anything, even if it is just a light shout of cheer from each fan, it can cause a huge commotion after being merged into a whole.

"Tsk tsk."

On SKT's side, Huni looked around enviously in Niannian: "This should be considered a super home court advantage. I don't know when we can enjoy such shouts."

"Oh, so what?"

The bang in the bottom lane smacked his lips lightly: "This is the home game, but if we beat them here, it will also be their funeral."

At the same time, his eyes were full of fighting spirit and anger.

Because it was the team in front of us that successfully took away the S6 trophy from the LCK last year, and also ended Bang's dream of a second consecutive championship.

And the humiliation of fishing boats. .

When everything is fused together, all that remains is endless unhappiness.

"Today, I must prove to you who is the world's number one AD."

"Why do I have more championships and honors than the little fat guy opposite, but no one is willing to admit me??"

"Now you all, please cheer to your heart's content..."

"At that time, I will definitely slap you in the face severely, so that you will always remember this moment of shame in your heart..."

The above are the ups and downs in Bang's mind at this time.

"Well said."

Wolf seems to agree with Bang's remarks, he said: "There are many people, but it doesn't mean it will be useful. Whoever hits the face will not know. We must take revenge!!"


Bang nodded: "As expected of my partner, go!!"


Brother Li next to him: "..."

Huni: "..."

Little Peanut: "..."

I always feel that the state of these two people is a little bit wrong, what's going on? ?

Komma looked at Bang and shook his head.

"These guys seem to be overexcited after holding back for too long..."

He understands Bang's feelings very well. Everyone in this world wants to be the number one in the world. At this moment, which player on the stage is not the arrogance? ?

Anyone who has achieved very high achievements is always said to be a member of the system, so it's no wonder he doesn't get angry.

Although that little fat man is really getting more and more fierce.

"I hope he won't cause trouble for me..."

"Then, about this game..."

Almost at the same time, Brother Feng and Komma looked at each other from a distance as if they had a tacit understanding.

Even if the relationship with each other is very vague, but they both feel fighting spirit between each other.

They all know that there is really only so much the players can do at present.

Now, the key is to let your team not suffer from BP, and even gain an advantage.

This is the level that a champion coach should have. All psychological counseling and character motivation must be put aside.

They must not allow their own team to lose at the starting line.

At the same time, the exciting but long, tormenting waiting time has finally come to an end.

The BGM changed suddenly, and the BP stage was about to begin. .

It was also at this moment that everyone's attention was drawn to the two teams on the stage. .
On one side is RNG of the black gold team, and on the other side is SKT in bright red robes.

At the same time, these are two teams that have won championships before, and now they collide again here.

"Is RNG defending its throne, or is SKT returning to the top??"

Everything is about to begin.

When the BP stage started, it was obvious that the players on both sides were very fast in the ban selection, without any hesitation.

After all, it is the first round after all, the first three bans, what you want is to play your own planned rhythm as much as possible.

In the first hand, RNG is the blue side.

They banned Xia, Lulu, and Wine Barrel at the beginning. . .

SKT on the red side bans skateboard shoes, Prince, and Qinggangying.

"What is rhythm??"

To be reasonable, the audience on the field looked a little bit deceived by this Ban.

Whether it is RNG or SKT, their first few bans are normal.

Like SKT, he cleverly learned the way he played against RNG in the last round of Dragon Ball.

If you can't beat your lane, then suppress your jungler.

Directly ban your best prince and Qinggangying, these two jungle heroes with first-class rhythm, and see what you can play.

But look at RNG here.

At first glance, it seems that they are only targeting SKT's better performance, but why does RNG's third hand ban wine barrels? ?
You must know that there are still many powerful junglers on the field at this time.

"I feel that this move may be for the consideration of RNG's own lineup."

On the stage, Qijiang rubbed her chin and said slowly: "This wine barrel jungler, although his gank ability and damage have been weakened, but he has a very strong effect, blasting the formation..."

"If it doesn't work out, I guess, RNG should choose Zhumei first-hand next."

The next second is the RNG selection time.

RNG, which has the right to choose first, just as the factory director said, selected Zhumei in seconds.

"Sure enough."

The factory manager is analyzing with his own experience.

The wine barrel was chipped, and he might not be able to rush in as bravely as before.

But his R skill is definitely a nightmare for all kinds of team formations.

I heard you guys are very brave in teamwork?

I'm sorry, labor and management directly blow up a wine barrel for you, let's see what you can do.

On SKT's side, Komma frowned slightly.

"Suppress Peanut's choice, and hope to suppress SKT's rhythm..."

"It seems that this group of guys think about the same as us..."

In the confrontation between these two top teams, what is needed is to pick as hard a persimmon as possible.

Obviously, Xiangguo and Xiaopeansheng are the kind of existences that occupy very important positions in their respective teams, so it is almost a common idea of ​​​​the two to fight the jungler.

Of course it is a hard persimmon, not a stone persimmon.

Like Lin Xiu, Puppy, Brother Li.

This kind of hero pool is amazing, and players who perform too well at the same time, basically don't think about it.

Then, facing RNG's pig girl, SKT is not in a hurry.

Zhumei is strong in team battles, so in this case, it is necessary to make RNG's team battle lineup less scary.

One of the key heroes is. . .

SKT's first pick, Galio!
And the second choice, Xiaopao! !
"Tut tsk tsk..."

Seeing the two heroes of SKT, Lin Xiu couldn't help being speechless: "Tui Tui bang, Jia Leo???"

This tm is really a famous scene at the beginning. . .

Of course, someone might ask why Lin Xiu didn't ban Galio even though she knew what might happen.

To put it bluntly, this is really not just ban if you want to.

In the first match, it was impossible to show all the hole cards.

Besides, Brother Li is not the kind of player who only knows about Galio.

Targeted, will definitely be targeted.

But the more important thing is how to find a way to solve Li Ge through the game. After all, Li Ge's real strength is his support and rhythmic ability.

Not to mention Brother Li's Galio Qiang.

It's the hero Galio, who is very strong in Li Ge's hands. .

So in the face of this situation, RNG thought for a while and chose a very classic bottom lane combination-mouse + wind girl.

This kind of online is not easy to die, there is output in the group, and it is perfectly suitable for the bot lane of the incense burner version.

very strong. . .

As long as there is a problem with SKT's team battle position, what awaits them may be the devastating output of the mouse.

"Sure enough, they took the mouse."

However, SKT is not very surprised by RNG's choice.

Komma said: "The mouse on the opposite AD is indeed very strong, but don't forget that the mouse has no displacement in the hero lane after all."

"That guy just wants to play elegantly, so..."

So what.

Needless to say.

If you don't put pressure on two such naive and hard-to-die hero combinations in the bot lane, you will just force them.

Because no matter how long your little gunner grows, it is absolutely impossible to grow bigger than a mouse with the same outfit.

Either rush in, or force open, this is the only choice for SKT.

In this regard, SKT chose the latter, so amidst the exclamation of the audience, SKT also chose the bottom lane combination.

auxiliary. .

robot? ? ?
"This is true, it's interesting!!"

The commentator on the field couldn't help shaking his head: "If I remember correctly, this robot is actually something produced by the Rabbit team in the group stage. It is considered a black technology."

It is very difficult for the robot to play in the later stage.

But this guy who can't make a censer is unusually restrained from the current version of ad.

Because whether it is Mouse, Dazui, or Xia, this kind of T1-level AD, they don't have movement skills.

After Xia handed in her ultimate move, it was the same.

Against these heroes with no displacement, the robot's hook is very deadly.

No one wants to be hooked by this dog, and then hit the sky. ,

If Xiaopao is hanging an E to keep up with the damage, I am afraid that it may hit the first blood at the second level.

The Rabbit team in the group stage also relied on this black technology to beat the bang rats so painfully.

And now, SKT, who has a strong learning ability, do you hope to use it in the first game? ?

"It's so annoying...".
There is one thing to say, although the puppy is still very confident in his position, otherwise he would not be often complained about by others.

But in the face of this dog thing like a robot. .

I'm a mouse, really annoying to death.

Because that thing is a real dog, God knows if it will suddenly pop out and do a justice iron fist, and then add a Q skill to pull itself to the face.

Different from rushing, this kind of forcibly dragging oneself to the enemy's den, even Feng Nu would definitely not be able to protect the mouse.

"Try to be careful."

Xiao Ming said weakly: "Big deal, I'll block Q for you??"

Well, very good, very popular. .

Lin Xiu hated iron but steel: "S Senming, where is your backbone?? Can you stop saying such heroic words in such a cowardly tone?"


Xiao Ming was also confused: "Then, what should I say??"

"You should be more impassioned, for example, if you die, I will watch, or if I die, you will watch!!"

"Fuck them to death!!"


Xiao Ming: "..."

Okay, this guy is starting to attack again, hurry up and hurry up.

Then, the second round of bans continued, and SKT was pretty normal.

Disable planes and big bugs.

Not much to say about the plane, it is one of the few and particularly fierce mid laners of Xiaohu.

Big Chongzi is considering his swing position. After all, Lin Xiu and Xiaohu are both skilled users of Big Chongzi.

But looking back at RNG, it seems a bit abnormal.

I saw RNG thinking about it.

You have banned my two junglers, I can't continue to make you comfortable, right?
Ban my prince Qinggangying?

Nothing to do, aiming at the jungler.

Well, if you don't let me live a good life, I won't let you live a good life either.

Labor and capital will make you uncomfortable to death today. .

So in the second round of ban selection, RNG once again banned two junglers, Zac and Leopard. .


Seeing this move by RNG, the always gentle little peanut cursed in a low voice.

Zac Leopard Girl, these two heroes are considered to be the best in T2, and they are also heroes that Peanut is particularly good at.

But now, these two heroes are gone? ?
In addition to the 3 junglers who were banned in the first round, and the heroes selected by Xiangguo, it is equivalent to directly removing 6 strong choices of the current version.

In this tm game, how can there be other heroes to choose from? ?

"Could it be possible that I, like him, want to choose a blind monk??"

As soon as this idea appeared in Xiao Huasheng's head, it was decisively abandoned.

The blind monk is a hero, the risk is too high.

It is basically impossible to copy the blind monk's style of play like Xiangguoshan, let alone Peanut's usual style.

So, still have to be a little more stable.

"Since I have no choice, I have no choice but to use my trump card..."

If blind monk is the representative of Xiangguo, then Little Peanut also has his own representative.

SKT's fourth hand, Spider, is sure.

The man who was once hailed as the No. [-] spider in the LCK and the No. [-] spider in the world is taking his wife with him again. . .

Oh no.

His choice, come back again.

"Next, it's the last two moves."

At this time, RNG still has no choice in the top middle.

"Currently, our lineup has counterattacks and map openings, but it is far from enough to catch orders and small-scale team battles."

Opposite, but a Galio.

Facing a hero like Galio, if the support is not in place, you are waiting for death.

"Then, I choose a rock sparrow???"

"No need."

Brother Feng decisively interrupted Xiaohu: "If there is another rock sparrow, our family's middle and lower lineup will be too stupid."

Rock sparrow, another undisturbed hero.

She may be very supportive, but her self-protection ability in team battles is also touching. .

So now RNG is looking for a mid-lane hero with excellent gank roaming ability and a certain self-protection ability.

And this hero is the mid laner Grasshopper.

A self-contained banshee with silence at the same time, a stable big move to suppress can be annoying.

In this regard, except for the top laners of both sides, the lineups of RNG and SKT have been determined.

"Then it depends on what Lin Xiu wants to use..."

At present, except for a jack-of-all-trades Jess, almost all the top lane heroes that are easy to use have been released.

Obviously SKT thinks very clearly that the hero pool has never been Lin Xiu's problem.

The most I can do is to suppress a little bit, but I absolutely can't do everything. In this case, it's better to let each other let go of themselves.

It's just that neither Huni, who was ready to go, nor SKT, who was waiting for Lin Xiu to attack, didn't think of a thing.

That is, Lin Xiu is thinking about what the opponent will take next.

The current lineup of SKT has strong opening in the bottom lane, support in the mid laner, and gank in the jungle.

But the most missing thing is to start a group.

At present, no one in SKT can even take the initiative to look for opportunities, even if the RNG lineup is not very proactive. .

"In this case, I don't think SKT will start a team, or not take the rush hero..."

"In that case, let me give you a gift..."

Then, Lin Xiu made a choice. .



Both the audience and the players were shocked.

That is, what the hell? ?
You can think that she is a heroine top laner, but looking at her size, it is estimated that she can kill most of the men in the canyon.

Because that hero is, Sea Beast Priest Illaoi! !

In layman's terms, it's the tentacle mother. . .

"What the hell kind of operation is this??"

"Illaoi, have you never been to the World Championships, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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