As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 146 Rich Woman Happy Whip?

Chapter 146 Rich Woman Happy Whip?
But RNG is very happy here, and SKT, especially Huni, has a headache. .
"Mom Octopus, Illaoi??"

Komma glanced at Huni: "You, do you know how to fight?"


Facing Komma's question, Huni scratched his head: "I'm sorry, how do you fight this hero???"

Komma: "..."


Obviously I asked you, why do you ask me back? ?
Of course, leave this aside.

Anyway, as far as Huni is concerned, he is now fooled, because of the hero Illaoi, he has basically never seen it in high-score, and it is impossible to say that he knows how to play this top laner.

It's not that this hero is not strong, on the contrary, this hero is not difficult to operate.

But this hero really, really tests the user's awareness and judgment.

If it is used well, she will become what Lin Xiu said, and she will not lose in the lane.

play group. .

I'm sorry, I don't know if you have heard a sentence, the hero Illaoi can't fight alone in a group, and you may all die if you play together.

Once this twitching hand is stacked and a big move is made, it will really destroy the world.

Even when this hand came out, the robot was stupid.

"This guy is here, in case of a group, don't I have to avoid this guy?"

The hero Illaoi has no displacement, but what if wolf's brains twitch and hook this guy into the crowd?

The result? ?

Are you afraid that you will be killed by your teammates? ? ?

Obviously wolf is afraid of death, he swallowed silently, thinking about how to use the robot's ability to decide q and roam in the future.

"Why does this guy always like to bring out some weird things? Has this guy never worried about it?"

It is true that surprises can often have miraculous effects in competitions, especially in competitions.

But the point is, Lin Xiu doesn't seem to have any worries.

He never seemed to have thought that if he ruined the victory of a game because of his sao operation, it is very likely that the entire BO5 battle will be reversed.

What is this so-called self-confidence?

Also said that this guy is really too strong? ?
Huni was puzzled, and so were everyone.

"But next, I have to think about how to fight this ghost..."

Even if he hasn't played, Huni still knows the skills of the top lane hero Illaoi.

It can be said that this hero really beats his mother to his son when facing regular long-range, so when facing Illaoi, try to play a longer hero.

"So, Kenan?"

"No, this way our lineup doesn't have any ability to start a team, it's too passive..."

Although Kenan is good, the hero Kenan must not enter the field immediately.

With SKT's current lineup, except for the top laner position, there is no possibility that other positions can be selected to take charge responsibility.

This is exactly why Lin Xiu dared to choose Illaoi first.

I bet you, you can't choose a hero who restrains me.

Otherwise, you are waiting to be played to death slowly with your team.

Give an RNG with the ability to take the initiative to attack, and it’s no wonder they don’t beat you like crazy. It’s absolutely impossible for any team to let themselves be so passive, let alone the experienced SKT.

"time is limited."

Li Ge, who was sitting in the middle, looked very calm: "I suggest that you better get a hero with relatively strong comprehensive ability, and it's best to be able to carry it alone."

"It doesn't matter if you can't beat it, I will support you."

Don't forget, the essence of Galio is to help his teammates.

If Brother Li wants to take Galio and the line-pushing crazy grasshopper hard, then there is something really wrong.

Seeing that the time for selecting candidates was about to pass, Huni also made a decision after what Li Ge said.

If you want to start a team and be able to play online, it is best to be able to handle it alone.

"Forget it, forget it!"

Huni gritted his teeth and finally took down his hero.

Order, be careful.

A hero whose offensive ability is not outstanding, but who is excellent in support, team-starting, and backhand.

"At least, if it's really delayed until the later stage, I can still take it alone."

"And Galio's cooperation with Shen is not weak!"

This kind of Shen's flash force and Galio's ultimate move are absolutely feasible.

And this kind of top laner and jungler's coordinated play, LPL doesn't know how many times it has shown them, so it is impossible for them not to.

How could they not learn? ? ?
As a result, the lineups of the top laners of both sides have been determined.

Blue party RNG.Illaoi is the top laner, playing Wild Boar Girl, Malzaha is in the middle lane, and Mouse+Fengnv is the bottom laner.

Red square SKT.The top laner Shen, the wild spider, the middle lane Galio, the bottom lane cannon + robot.

After the BP ended, the coaches of both sides reluctantly left their players almost at the urging of the referee.

Obviously they have too much worry, and they want to tell their players too much.

However, when the BP is over, there is only so much a coach can do in a game.

This time, whether it is Brother Feng or Komma, they have managed to prevent themselves from suffering from BP.

The next thing to do is to look forward to the performance and performance of the players themselves.

"The lineups of both sides are very strong..."

Rookie said in the commentary: "Although Illaoi is a hero, emmm, I don't know the effect yet, but the lineups of both sides basically have no obvious shortcomings."

RNG's middle field, SKT's upper middle.

These two combinations are the kind of gank ability that is extremely strong, and can cause precise strikes to help teammates establish an advantage.

"However, RNG is more inclined to fight in team battles, and has a stronger frontal impact ability."

"SKT is looking for opportunities and playing sideways."

There are two different approaches, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no distinction between who is stronger and who is weaker. The key lies in how to bring out their respective characteristics.

"Among them, the most critical thing is probably the junglers on both sides."

The factory manager pondered: "Whoever has a better rhythm can roll the snowball down infinitely, and let's see how this incense pot and the little peanut will fight..."

At this point, the coaches of the two sides have already started shaking hands.

The game is also officially entered into the loading interface.

The cheers on the field, and the sound of tens of thousands of people cheering for RNG, seemed like thunder on the ground.

Even if the players wear the best sound-proof headphones, they can still feel the momentum brought by the field.

RNG is very encouraged, while SKT is serious.

"take it easy.."

At this time, Brother Li's voice was still calm and steady. He clearly saw his teammates beside him. To be precise, the four teammates should have been more or less affected by this super away game.

Their breathing rhythms and bodies are obviously different from usual.

After all, you are still young. . .

Of course, Li Ge, who has been in the field for five years, will definitely not have such a situation, so Li Ge continued: "Everyone, don't be affected by the environment on the scene."

"The only thing before our eyes is the game, only RNG."

"Go all out, the first game, play our momentum!"

"SKT Come on!! Everyone, come on!"

However, when the game started, the junglers on both sides and the factory manager immediately began to think. .
If they want to win this game, how will the two sides fight? ?

When it comes to the jungle style, the factory manager is completely different from Xiangguo Peanut.

The factory manager takes the kind of delicate control map, and the consciousness is anti-squatting.

Unless the opportunity is particularly good, it will basically not take the initiative to attack.

On the other hand, let’s not talk about Xiangguo’s jungle style, but to describe it in the simplest words, it is aggressive, gank, and team-starting. .

That's right, this is the best summary of Xiangguo Jungle.

I don't think about brushing wild maps at all, especially since his style has become more and more obvious this year.

Opposite small peanuts.

His words are a bit like a collection of incense pot + factory director.

Invasion of the opponent's wild area, control of wild area resources, team start and gank can all be done.

So, this little peanut who is still at the peak is indeed more versatile than the incense pot. If the incense pot can't find the right idea, it is likely to be suppressed by the little peanut.

Just one thing, light is omnipotent, is it really useful? ?

Many things are impossible to be perfect, the only thing that can be done is to be more suitable than others.

"This one, I have to cooperate with Xiaohu as much as possible, and support faster than SKT."

Xiangguo murmured: "And this rhythm point, it's best to put it in the bottom lane..."

It's not that the top lane is not good, Lin Xiu's ability to carry is definitely enough, the key lies in the hero Huni chooses.

Shen, he really wants to be afraid of this thing, you can't do it with him at all.

There are taunts + sword arrays, and passive shields, he can't kill him, why do you want to deal with him? ?

Obviously impossible.

At the same time, Lin Xiu, who had already entered the game and went out after buying the corrosive potion, also said slowly: "And to be reasonable, you really shouldn't use this one..."

"Put all your attention and focus on the bottom lane, and choose a very aggressive combination like the robot cannon in the opposite bottom lane. It is impossible for the jungler and mid laner not to take the initiative to do things."

"Mom octopus is on the road, no need to go wild!!"

Incense Pot: "???"

Still, there is this theory.

But Xiangguo doesn't know, it's really not Lin Xiu's nonsense.

Because the hero Octopus Mom is very strong in laning, but because of her mechanism, she is destined to not be the kind who can effectively cooperate with the jungler.

On the contrary, playing more and playing less is what Octopus Mom is best at.

"Use myself to suppress Shen's development."

"Even attracting a lot of hatred from the enemy, this is what the octopus mother should do."

"Don't come here, just treat me like an orphan and finish it off."

In this regard, Xiangguo could only silently raise a finger.

You cheat.

But when Lin Xiu said this, Xiangguo's worries were gone, because Lin Xiu was always the most reliable one at the most critical time.

Besides, RNG's lineup is scary when you think about it.

Point control of wild spiders, strong control of robots.

This RNG's bottom lane only needs to press the line, and one who doesn't pay attention may be caught by various forces. On the other hand, it is really difficult to keep up with the gank efficiency of Zhumei.

At the same time, they can't put the line. Galio and the spider want to jump the tower, which is really too easy.

Obviously, RNG is more inclined to the bottom lane combination in the late team battle, and it will definitely become the key target of SKT.

Nakano Super Six, the bottom road is suppressed but can be stabilized, and the top road is restrained.

This is the most critical style of play for RNG in this game.

Of course, SKT also understands it very well, so this little peanut's spider directly opened the field from the upper half.

Goal, swipe all the way to the bottom lane to see if the robot can find an opportunity.

But compared to these, in the early stage of this game, everyone is still more interested in top lane.

After all, it is a hero that has never appeared before, who doesn't like to see new things? ?
Isn't it boring to watch you professional players all day long, playing back and forth with just these lineups? ?
Obviously boring.

In the end, can mother octopus be a hero in the World Championship? ?Now everyone is curious.

The summoning skills of both sides are the same, both are flash + teleportation.

The hero talent is slightly different. Lin Xiu's octopus mother chooses the passion for war, while Shen chooses the grip of indestructibility.

At the same time, in terms of outfits, Mother Octopus followed the development trend of corrosive potions, while Shen Ze chose a more interesting outfit.

ding ding ding ~~
That is.

Three blood recovery orbs, three mung beans. .

"Emmmmmm, mung bean man??"

After talking about it, Lin Xiu looked at this build and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

It seems that when the three mung beans went out, the ultimate mung bean man's gameplay was brought up by me.

However, this kind of outfit is basically announcing a message.

That is Huni doesn't want to fight.

The core of this mung bean's outfit is to rely on the development of lines, and with Shangshen's no-blue-strip feature, his stamina can be greatly increased.

Taking a step back, it would be really stupid for Zhenger Bajing to forcibly fight against the octopus mother.

It's not that Shen is playing against a counterpoint like Kled, so why be so aggressive? ?
"As long as I don't make mistakes and keep going, it will be absolutely fine to support and split with Shen in the later stage."

Huni thought to himself.

He has fully realized that it is basically impossible to suppress Huni, who is on the opposite side, in laning. He knows very well that a team should look like a team.

But at this moment, Lin Xiu's movements were a little weird.

First of all, he learned the Q skill at the first level, and then he didn't go online, and instead waited silently in different places on the road.

Every 20 seconds, strange things emerge from the otherwise empty ground.

This is Illaoi's passive [Old God Prophet].

Illaoi and the husks she creates spawn shooters on nearby impassable terrain. .

"Lin Xiu, this is the octopus whip."

Rookie looked at Lin Xiu's actions and explained: "Although I don't play a lot of heroes, I heard from my teammates that the most important thing for Illaoi to play strong is not her body but her passive. "

Many times people can't understand why Illaoi's damage is so explosive even though her equipment is not so exaggerated?

A considerable reason is that Illaoi's passive provides high damage in the early stage.

I can't beat you alone, but with my three whips, can you handle it? ?

Obviously not. .

The old lady has a lot of whips, so she is really willful.

Then, there was a waiting time of about 1 minute.

Lin Xiu set off under her own defense tower, on the left wall, and on the right wall, respectively, and set off once passively, and finally formed three twitching hands on the ground centered on Illaoi.

Between the three, a nearly closed triangle is formed.

As long as anyone came in, they would be attacked by at least two twitching hands instantly.


Lin Xiu looked at the whip array and was very satisfied.

The kid Huni on the opposite side looked like he didn't know how to hit Illaoi.

My three whips are [-]% of Dafa, which declares that I am basically invincible.

You Shen, next you have to feel the pain.

Then, after Huni's Shen officially went online, he saw Lin Xiu's position and his face was full of bitterness.

"This, what is it??"

Reasonably speaking, the hero Shen Shen is indeed not very strong in level one duel, but because he has the grip of indestructibility, and at the same time learns ridicule at level one.

He can exchange a wave of blood with the octopus mother.

After Naihe saw the three octopus feet, he immediately lost interest.

No matter how bad I am, how dare I go up and fight here? ?

Obviously not.

So before the pairing started, student Lin Xiu directly announced that the first few levels of Huni must be more stable.

Otherwise, once his blood volume is suppressed too low, it will be difficult to raise Shen's blood volume to a relatively safe position in a short time with Mung Bean's recovery speed.

At the same time, when Lin Xiu saw Huni fighting behind the pawn line so steadily, she immediately understood.

"This guy is not inexperienced at all..."

Octopus mother, when is the strongest?
There are two answers.

One is in the triangle whip array at level 1, and the other is in a melee with complete skills.

Choosing to avoid war at this time is definitely the wisest choice.

"But your avoidance of battle will also bring you a lot of trouble."

So Lin Xiu moved.

But he just stepped forward and swayed a few steps. At first glance, it seemed that he was going to hit Shen with his Q skill, but in fact he was a tail knife that was not in a hurry.

That's right.

The octopus mother who obviously had the right to push the line in the early stage, Lin Xiu did not choose to press the line. What he chose was to control the line first.

When this octopus mother is on the line, it is easy for novices to make a mistake in the early stage, that is, press too hard.

After all, the Q skill has a long judgment, low consumption, and the base damage is not low, which is very suitable as a means of early suppression.

However, this pressure line actually contradicts the triangular whip formation that Lin Xiu himself had arranged in front of him.

Once you press the line, it means you have to push forward.

The moment you push forward, the opponent may seize the opportunity to fight back, but you yourself lose the advantage you should have.

This is why Lin Xiu wants to control the pawn line here.

As a result, both Huni and Peanut felt uncomfortable.

"Xiba... This guy suddenly became so stable."

Little Peanut spat lightly.

Originally, the prudence of his spiders and Huni is due to the possibility of having a wave of level 2 Shen E flash taunts, combined with the strong damage of spiders.

However, now that Lin Xiu took a step back, he was able to return to his own safety zone, which directly made the opponent Nakano lose the idea of ​​looking for trouble.

"It's ok."

Brother Li in the middle, while facing Xiaohu's grasshopper, quickly observed the situation on the field.

"Now RNG and their bot line are not very good. If there is a chance, try to find opportunities for bot lane."

"Otherwise, the value selected by the robot is useless."

Hearing this, Little Peanut nodded: "I know."

Since level 2 is useless, it can only continue to follow the original idea.

Peanut's thinking is very clear, the spider's clearing speed in the early stage is definitely much faster than that of the pig girl.

Relying on the movement speed bonus after transformation, and his own jungle clearing speed advantage, he can completely get stuck in the timing of Zhumei's wild clearing.

"Next, it depends on whether Wolf's hook is accurate. Let's go on the road. Let's let it go for now."

With that said, he walked directly in the direction of the three wolves.

Because the experience of wild monsters has been cut, this version can't reach the third level just by playing double buffs, so Peanut has to use three wolves before he has full skills.

It was also at this moment that Lin Xiu, who was still developing steadily on the road, moved.

"According to this point in time, if the opponent's top laner still doesn't come to arrest me, then in all likelihood, he will leave or become popular."

"It's totally feasible to take advantage of this time to act!"

I saw that Lin Xiu had been promoted to level 2 at this time.

Take a look at Illaoi's passive.

Okay, it's already turned around, leaning slightly to the side terrain, because of the passive relationship, it will directly regenerate an octopus foot.

Unlike the previous laning that was absolutely safe in order to ensure level 1, this passive is obviously for offensive use.

Shen, already within the attack range of Illaoi Octopus Legs.

Then, the next moment, Illaoi jumped directly onto Shen's face.

That's Illaoi's W skill [Harsh Lesson]

In other words, his octopus mother chose the W skill for the second level.

Some people may ask, why not learn E skills? ?

The fact is that if you learn the E skill at level 2, even if it is within the range of your own whip, you will never be able to play the perfect E skill effect without the damage supplement of W.

Instead of this, it would be more straightforward to learn w directly.

But this W skill is very interesting. .

From the panel, it looks like the damage of this skill is extremely low.

The minimum damage at level 1 is only 20 points, which is not even as good as a normal attack.

But the effect of this skill is not the key.

First, Illaoi's W deals damage equal to 3% of the target's maximum health while causing nearby Octopus Legs to attack the target.

So when Lin Xiu's Illaoi came to a W+A without haste, Huni's pupils shrank slightly.

"Is the whip going to be shot?"

"No, at this point in time, I must try to maintain my blood volume as much as possible. I need to make myself healthy enough to develop with him."

In this regard, directly hand over the E skill to reverse the position.

The whip failed, and Shen Shen's blood volume only dropped a little.


Seeing this scene, Lin Xiu smiled: "You're so meow, how dare you make sex???"

Then you are really cheating, my friend.

Be careful with this hero, Lin Xiu, don't be too clear. At level 1, his E skill has a cooldown time of 18 seconds.

And for the 18 seconds, aren't you just a waste? ?

The reason why I didn't press you before was because I didn't want to give you a chance, but now, it's completely different. .

The rich woman is happy to whip and start preparing.

"Hey, hello, hello, let's control the vision of the river on the road."


The incense pot became popular, followed by three wolves, blue buff, toad, and river crab.

After returning home, he will clear up the wild farming methods in the lower half of the jungle. At this point in time, he has finished playing red and came to the upper half of the jungle. At the same time, the river swift crabs in the river have also been refreshed.

Take a look, yes, it's still there.

Then destroy it directly, and the vision in the middle of the river is controlled.

Lin Xiu herself also took two steps down, and put down her eye position in the middle of the grass and triangular grass on the road.

At this point, the defensive eye position on the road has been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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