As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 147 You Are Playing Finals, Stop Playing

Chapter 147 You Are Playing Finals, Stop Playing
"This Lin Xiu is probably about to start."
It was also because the camera was on the road all the time, when Lin Xiu and Xiangguo's actions were done, Rookie from the commentary stand said: "I feel that the next Shen will suffer and die because of surrendering this E skill."

ha? ?

Everyone, a little puzzled.

Isn't this an exaggeration for handing in an E skill? ?
However, Rookie has seen this happen countless times with another operator in his family.

Before the words fell, Lin Xiu, who had returned to the line, never cared about any skills.

Q has a cooldown of 10 seconds and a base damage of 120% of attack power.

Because the attack rune still has a relationship with natural growth, the attack power of the octopus mother has reached 86 points even with only one corrosive potion.

After slightly adjusting the angle, Illaoi shot directly with her octopus feet, and slapped Huni Shen's face with a precise slap.

The attack range of a full 800 yards showed amazing effects at this moment.

Because, really, it's long.

Even if Shen has pulled back, he still cannot escape the happy sanction from the rich woman.


This sound seemed to go deep into the bone marrow.

Drop ~HP-90.

By the way, it comes with the burning effect of the corrosive potion.


Looking at himself, probably directly knocked out 6/1 of his blood volume, Huni's face twitched wildly: "Is there a mistake?? This pain??"

He is just a small skill, my friend! ! !
And the consumption of this skill is only 40 MP. .

According to this method, as long as he is shot about 4 times, Shen's blood volume will be directly suppressed to half blood.

"No, I have to be careful."

Huni, who is not very clear about the interval between his q skills, understands that he must retreat at this time, otherwise he will definitely suffer a blood loss if he goes up to eat soldiers.

This Lin Xiu is still taking the effect of the corrosive potion. If you get close, the w skill with only a 4-second CD can be interspersed in the fight between the two.

Considering that these things are inside, Huni gave up eating soldiers and only eat experience.

He started to back away.

The point is that he withdrew, Lin Xiu didn't think so.

"You retreat? I'm sorry, but your land is mine now."

Because of Shen's retreat, he directly gave up the terrain in front of the tower on the red side.

Illaoi, who has only a 19-second CD, is passive, and can plant another octopus foot in the position belonging to the red side.

Directly, across the pawn line.

Illaoi, who was swaying from side to side, not only directly suppressed the kidney so that he couldn't eat soldiers, but also successfully allowed himself to occupy a favorable position.

After about a few seconds, another q skill was online.

Huni's body has no e skills, no defense equipment, and his position is predicted again.

so. .

Crack, another muffled sound.


Fuck, what a yuppie. .

Including the damage caused by the corrosive potion, this damn thing directly caused close to 200 points.

Labor level 2 kidneys have a basic life of just over 600.

Can this hold up? ?

Kidney is really painful now.

If he had a handful of Tiamat on him now, he swore he would slash Illaoi in the face.

It's a pity that he doesn't have E, and he doesn't have Tiamat either.

Therefore, he can only be beaten.

Seeing that the passivity improved, Lin Xiucao continued to move closer to the edge of the wall from Illaoi, and the offensive octopus foot was also successfully born.

The one in front of the opponent's defense tower, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Are you angry?

Please come and fight with me.

If this kidney really couldn't bear to rush over, Lin Xiu just had to throw a W out, and the octopus feet on that side would take the initiative to slap kidney's face.

The damage is basically the same as the Q skill.

Kidney, who almost lost one-third of his blood after eating two qs, may I ask you, do you dare to come? ?
Surely not.

So, I continued pressing.

I saw Lin Xiu's position, coming directly to a little distance outside the attack range of the red defense tower, while Kidney was directly suppressed under the defense tower.

It is completely unimaginable that this is the oppressive force that a top laner in the World Championship finals can play at level 2.

RNG's Illaoi seems to have become a true incarnation of the ocean.

At first glance, it looks calm, but as long as it is a little careless, it will roll up huge waves.

"Calm down, it's just the difference between heroes and I'm not very familiar with it, it can still play a role in the future."

For this reason, Huni moved in a humiliating position so that he could gain experience as much as possible, while quickly analyzing in his mind.

"His q skill cd should be every 9 seconds, and the next q will probably be good at the same time as my e."

Absolutely not, to be photographed again.

If I get hit again, my blood volume will be really unhealthy, so I have to be more cautious.


This student only saw the second floor, but Lin Xiu~~
The moment Illaoi's Q and Kidney's E improved at the same time, Illaoi shot again.

And this time Lin Xiu's position was very aggressive, basically reaching the limit of the kidney's taunt, if she was taunted, she might be taken directly into the tower.

Even so, Illaoi threw his Q without hesitation.

"That's too late."

This angle, this distance.

Huni knew very well that with Lin Xiu's aim and the way he shot it almost obliquely, he basically couldn't dodge it.

What's more, the distance between the two is less than 300 yards.

In this regard, Huni instinctively handed over the E skill again, and pulled it upwards. After all, this is the only position that does not seem to be photographed.


Lightly ring again.

Huni: "..."

Silently peeking at Little Peanut who was on the road: "..."

"Fuck, what are you doing here?"

Little Peanut was a little confused: "No one even patted your face, why are you in such a hurry to tell me?"

That's right.

Lin Xiu didn't hit Kidney in the face at all, he just slapped his pawn line in the opposite direction, so that he could be promoted to level 3 by the way.


Huni opened his mouth, a rare blush appeared on his face.

Labor and management, just now, were cheated?
The kind of being held down by someone's IQ on the ground and rubbed crazily, fighting wits with the air? ?

Anyway, Huni thinks that since his debut, he has never been wronged like this.

Nima, he fought so fiercely just now, but he didn't shoot me this time, but went to shoot soldiers? ?
Don't you know that every time he presses someone, he presses to death? ?

How did I expect this to happen? ?

fk! !
Huni covered his head, he really felt tired from playing against Lin Xiu now.

Nima, I beg you, stop playing tricks when you can use the operation, okay bro?

I'm really, really tired.

The key point is that this is not over yet. After being promoted to level 3, Lin Xiumiao learned an E skill. .
The distance of 900 yards is longer than that of q.

At the same time, it was drawn impartially on Kidney's face, and suddenly a phantom of Kidney's soul appeared directly on the ground.

"Fuck, it's finally started."

When seeing this soul appear, the audience on the field obviously felt much happier.

What's the most exciting thing about playing Illaoi?
The answer must be to draw out the soul of the opponent, and then give him a violent beating. You are so angry that you can do nothing, and you even have to bear 20% of the damage caused by Lin Xiu when the soul was blown up.

It was also at this time that the benefits of Lin Xiu's third-level skill E were revealed.

After drawing out the soul, isn't the q skill cd?

But it doesn't matter.

The W skill directly hit the soul's head, and at the same time the octopus feet on the side also began to attack the soul.

Due to the interrelationship between the soul and the body, the blood volume of the kidney, which was obviously not on Lin Xiu's side, continued to decrease.

When Kidney was finally about to go out of the soul's judgment range, Huni's blood volume had already been overwhelmed by half of it.

At the same time, due to being too far away from the soul, the judgment failed, W's sudden 80% deceleration trigger, and the octopus feet that automatically appeared on the surrounding terrain gave pressure again.

Kidney, still retreating.

And it was the kind of situation where he was directly kicked out of the experience zone.


Huni, very painful, very painful: "Why did you become like this dio??
Unreasonable! ! "

Being pushed out of the experience zone was enough shame in itself, and what was more important was his own HP, because Lin Xiu was directly suppressed to half HP in this wave.

At this time, the disadvantages of Mung Bean Man are clearly evident.

Three mung beans, natural recovery is very cheating, but now Huni wants to wait for him to recover, so he must avoid the battle as much as possible.

Otherwise, whether it is the octopus feet generated by Illaoi's E skill or the Q held by Lin Xiu himself, it will be enough to keep the blood volume of this kidney from returning.

Then under this situation, the line of this kidney will be suppressed all the time.

Kidney without any line-clearing ability and without any long-range means, how painful is it to encounter this situation? ?

Just look at the 10 last hits that are about to be made by laning, and there are 2 levels of suppression to understand.

This Huni, who clearly had the right to choose a second player in the top lane, was about to be overwhelmed.

"This is really..."

Seeing Huni's appearance, even the on-site commentator couldn't help but start complaining: "Lin Xiu, why are you playing like this?"

The role of the second hand is for better laning, and the hero Kidney has performed quite well in this World Championship.

But why does that guy unreasonably take advantage every time?
"In the words of my teammates, this top laner actually tested four aspects, the line of troops, psychology, operation, and support."

"Because it's a normal laning, so if you don't look at the last support, the main comparison is the first three items."

Rookie on the side explained in a very standard mandarin: "Then this time, there is a gap between the two in the understanding and operation of the line, but not too big."

"So what really caused everything was the psychological game."

Some people may feel the psychology of playing a game and playing with a hammer?

I'm sorry, but that's what you actually play when you play games.

You must know that breaking a person's mentality is more terrifying than letting him lose a game.

Why this Huni became like this, in the final analysis, it has to come from one. . .Nonsence.

It started when he was tricked by Lin Xiu out of his E skill.

This Kidney is actually not very afraid of fighting when he has the E skill, let alone he has the Grasp of Indestructibility.

However, Lin Xiu succeeded in making use of her superiority in skills and grasping Huni's desire to slack off the line, and successfully made him hand over his skills in vain, and then started a series of snowballs.

"If the top laner's brain is a cpu, then this Huni is probably an i9 processor."

i9 is actually pretty good.

It is definitely more than enough for normal life, and it can even be overclocked.

However, Lin Xiu is a thread tearer, and her performance is directly beaten.

Why can there be so many tricks in the things he thinks of, every seemingly cruel action seems cruel?

After playing, the opponent found that his brain was not enough. In the end, his operation was deformed, his mind couldn't match, and Zhiyuan couldn't keep up, so that a vicious circle formed.

This is why most of the top laners can't beat Lin Xiu the more they fight against each other.

Obviously Huni has fallen into this vicious circle now.

"This evaluation is very interesting."

To be fair, this is the first time the factory director has heard someone analyze Lin Xiu like this.

only. . .

The factory manager looked at Rookie curiously: "But Rookie, you are a mid laner, right? Why do you understand top lane so well?"

"The teammate you mentioned, could it be Duke??"

Think about it, the top order in IG, only Duke can have this level, right? ?

Rookie shook her head: "I'm talking about TheShy."

The Shy?

Immediately, everyone remembered that the talented boy who performed very well in the summer split and gradually replaced Duke's starting position at the same time.

Unexpectedly, his vision seemed to be very unique.

But it can be understood after a little thought.

A monster-level top laner can only be evaluated by another monster-level top laner.

At the same time, there were some things that Rookie didn't say, because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to TheShy.

In his eyes, TheShy's talent is definitely at the same level as Lin Xiu's, not even inferior.

All he needs now is more game experience and growth. When he has accumulated enough background, he will be able to reach a new peak at that time.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a fight on the next side of the road."

While everyone was discussing while watching Lin Xiu continue to suppress, the situation on the court changed suddenly.

Then RNG's bot lane, and the opposite bot lane, just start fighting?
The action of this little peanut was very decisive. After the brains of the wave of going on the road were ruined, the spider resolutely and completely gave up on the road.

Now, he came down to look for opportunities.

Everyone, following the words of the commentary, turned their eyes directly to the bottom lane. .
The bottom lane at this time is due to the two-person lane, and it has not yet reached level three at this time.

At this time, both the spider and the pig girl have reached 3.

Of course, the combat power at this time is also at the third level, and the damage of the spider and the pig girl is not a concept at all.

After all, your spider is level 3 and has 6 skills.

Labor and capital have one pig girl and three sisters, how can I fight you? ?Let alone catch it.

At the same time, it must be said that Xiangguo's jungle route is really weird. He is obviously red, and after finishing the blue, he goes straight to the bottom lane.

From Xiangguo's perspective, it can be seen that he originally planned to clean up the stone men in the bottom lane, but unfortunately, before he could do anything, SKT had already launched an attack.

After finishing the double buffs, controlling the swift crabs in the lower road, Peanut, who was heading straight down, was already in place.

Little Peanut glanced at the soldiers.

Very well, in this position, the spider can block a wave of vision and attack from the side of the river.

"Can you kill it?"

"Wait a moment!"

Wolf's robot is still twisting constantly: "I will strike first, if you strike, it will be unstable!"


Therefore, it was wolf who took the lead in doing it next.

To be reasonable, facing the robot, the puppy's position is careful enough, he will always stand in a position that almost overlaps with his own minions.

When both ADs are at level 2, his pawn line is absolutely unable to push the small cannon, so at that moment, the pawn line is loose.


As a top support, wolf is very keen to seize this gap.

To be precise, it was the small cannon's E skill that passively blew up the minions, just so that the upper left of the puppy's mouse was temporarily unblocked by the minions.

"Little Peanut, get ready!"

"it is good!"

In the next second, wolf stared at the gap, flashed and directly handed over his q skill at the same time.

Goal, puppy.


With the puppy's reaction speed, he has definitely reacted.

But the crux of the problem is that he hesitated at this moment, do you think labor and capital will be handed over? ?
In fact, the auxiliary robot handing in flash has little impact on the laning of the bottom lane. After all, SKT has the right to push the lane in the early stage. As long as SKT has a good eye in the bottom lane, the robot will not be in danger because it does not have flash before the pig girl level [-]. .

However, for an ad, especially a mouse without movement skills, this problem is very worth considering.

Swapping for Flash is definitely a blood loss.

Not to mention that the user of this ad is still a puppy, this ad player who can move as long as he can, and is almost dead unless he has to.

It was also the hesitation at this moment, the puppy, who was directly hit hard.

The mouse was hooked by the wolf impartially, and at the same time received a hammer with e skill and went straight to the sky.


Little Peanut didn't spare any skills when he saw this wave.

In order to block the field of vision, the distance between him and the bottom dog is actually not too short.

The knock-up time of the robot is only one second, and taking into account the flying speed of the e-skill in the spider-man form and the time he needs to adjust, it can be dropped directly from a long distance without losing it in seconds.

That being the case, he handed over the flash directly, and threw the E skill close to the puppy's face.

The white spider web tightly bound the puppy, and at the same time the output quickly followed.

"Can you save me??"

The little dog is frantically pressing and blinking: "Is there a q?"


Xiao Ming is also very helpless, if he can do something, he will definitely do it.

But for this old-fashioned female player, it is basically impossible to learn q at level 2.

Because whether it is the deceleration of w or the shield of e skill, it is far more practical than the almost unused Q skill.

In order to emphasize the strength of the bottom lane, Xiao Ming also chose this method of adding points, so he couldn't use the q skill to help the puppy temporarily control the opponent.

They were stuck in the third level by the jungler?
It was also this wave of little peanuts who just happened to be stuck with a beautiful level difference, so that Xiao Ming couldn't do anything besides throwing an e skill on the puppy.

"Hold on! I'm rushing! I'm rushing!!"

Seeing this, Xiangguo resolutely gave up on the Stone Fighter who was almost finished. It's impossible for tm to sell his teammates at this time.

At the same time, from God's perspective, Xiaohu and Li Ge are also moving closer to the bottom lane at the same time. Both of them are very clear that the possibility of accidents in the bottom lane is the greatest.

Unfortunately, it all seems a bit late.

There is no need for any personnel from both sides to participate, the spider carrying the thunder, coupled with the ignition of the robot, and the small cannon that has been pinching the e skill but not using the w jumping face.

The output of the three people is all poured into a small cannon that can't release any skills. What do you use to run? ?
so. . .

"[SKT.Bang] killed [RNG.UZI]!! First Blood!!"

RNG successfully sent first blood?

This tm? ?
On the commentary stage, the corner of the factory manager's mouth twitched slightly: "How do I feel that the routine on the opposite side is very familiar?"

Such a decisive gank, and such a familiar timing? ?

Isn't this the second-level catch routine that labor and management often talk about?

The point is, was it really done by them?

"Old problem, why did it happen again??"

The factory manager shook his head silently: "It should not be, it should not have made a mistake, RNG has suffered a lot this time."

Xiaopao took the first blood, even if the jungler turned in the dodge, the robot turned in all skills, because the death of the dog will directly make the bottom line lose at least two waves.

Xiao Ming's Fengnv, facing the almost full SKT bot lane duo, can't control the line at all, and will only let Xiaopao crazily push into the tower.

In this next lane, he was at a disadvantage at the beginning?

Even the advantage that Lin Xiu had gained in the early stage was gone.

At this time, the voice of SKT team. . .


All SKT members cheered.

This tm finally let out a bad breath.

If you want to cheat, why don't you catch me to death? ?

"Everything is pretty much what I thought it would be."

Komma in the audience also nodded with satisfaction: "RNG's UZI is indeed very strong, but this player often pursues the limit too much."

"Catch his habit of pinching skills very much, and the success rate of forcibly grabbing it will be very high."

Next, continue to surround bang's small cannon, let him maximize the attack of the small cannon pushing the tower, and at the same time cooperate with the first earth dragon.

This rhythm is perfect.

The other side is different from SKT, RNG is a bit dull at this time, probably no one thought that the bot lane that was supposed to be the thigh was directly cold.

"This wave, mine."

The voice of the puppy that had been resurrected was a little low: "I shouldn't have saved my skills just now."

Thinking of a show?

But in the end, he slapped the puppy cruelly.

You have already played the finals, and there is no need to go to the limit until the most critical time.

Because the opponent is SKT, the guy who will grab and punch you whenever you have an opening.

"Stop first!"

Lin Xiu, who had successfully pushed back the kidney on the road, remained calm: "It's just a size, not that exaggerated."

"Labor and capital have already pressed the opposite kidney for 20 knives!!"

20 knives is in the early stage, rounded up, it is not too much, right? ?

"There's also the incense pot, don't go shopping now! Continue to develop!!"

Even if it was just the moment when the screen was frantically cut, Lin Xiu could clearly see that Xiangguo was actually at a loss just now.

He gave up on the stone man who was about to finish beating him, but he didn't save the puppy, and even brought the stone man who was about to finish beating him after paying the penalty back to full blood.

Between coming and going, it means that nothing has been done.

For a jungler who needs level and development very much in the early stage, this kind of thing is absolutely abnormal.

Fortunately, he ate waves with Xiao Ming before the puppy came, otherwise Peanut's rhythm will get better and better from now on.

"Should it be SKT after all?"

Lin Xiu, who hadn't felt the pressure for a long time, knew that this first BO5 match seemed to be going very badly.

Let’s not talk about the middle lane, normal brushing, there is no advantage.

The bottom lane RNG is inferior.

On the road, the Kidney opposite Lin Xiu who had just been beaten home after reaching level 6, even if he didn't do anything and gave him a big move, it was enough to play a role.

"Pressure, it came suddenly..."

Lin Xiu's eyes were sharp: "Since this is the case, I will crush you until it explodes."

Let's go down the road? ?
It doesn't matter, I will force you, you must come to my way.

(End of this chapter)

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