Chapter 153 All SKT dies

"Damn it, this is the Flying Thunder God??".
Seeing Lin Xiu's miraculous operation on the way down the road, he was also dumbfounded.

Xiao Ming also realized why Lin Xiu dared to fight back.

That's right.

If it was Lin Xiu who was so well-developed, he might be able to hold on.

As long as we hold on, we can get teammates to support us.

So at this time, I can't just run away, I have to attack! !
It coincided with the end of the time for the ultimate move of skateboard shoes, Xiao Ming, who was planning to escape towards the river, changed his direction of choice.

Goals, cards!
If we talk about who has the most stable control in the bottom lane SKT five-man group, then the single-point control card is definitely the first to bear the brunt.

So the cards must be controlled!
With the big move of skateboard shoes, he directly hit the card's face.

"This tm..."

Brother Li frowned slightly looking at everything in front of him.

Even though Xiao Ming's choice was correct, but with Brother Li's reaction speed facing Xiao Ming's Thresh's impact, everything seemed to be in slow motion.

"Although I don't know why this werewolf was able to come down, this guy must have used some kind of mechanism."

As long as the mechanism is reasonable and exists.

That means it's purely a player's personal understanding.

"And then I had to change my thinking."

Originally, I thought it would be a steady and steady fight to control the second one, but now, I have to make a quick decision.

Seeing that Thresh was about to hit his face, Brother Li moved away from his position in a flash without haste.

At the same time, throw out the yellow card aimed at the Thresh card.

"Now, we must quickly control Thresh, before he can throw the lantern!!"

If this skateboard shoe merges with Thresh, and there is a werewolf next to Rambo not far away, even though SKT still has 5 players, it will be out of touch because the bottom duo can't keep up, and it will become 3 vs 3 + 2.

A crisp sound sounded, and Thresh was stunned.

To be reasonable, this wave of control can be called precise and perfect.

But Xiao Ming's reaction speed seems to be. . .Not bad at all? ?


Brother Li was a little surprised: "This assistant, the reaction is so fast?"

Even if he was able to hold Thresh for a second, Thresh's W skill was still thrown out, and the position was extremely comfortable, just below the right side of the puppy.


To be reasonable, there is absolutely no better lantern than this location.

Although he needs the puppy to turn in a flash, this flash can be aimed at Lulu.

Why is Lulu mentioned here, because generally we want to crack Thresh's lantern in two ways.

One is to throw all the eye positions up, and forcefully prevent the ad from clicking on the lantern.

The other is to forcibly control the person picking up the lantern and not let him move.

Here, Lulu has the possibility of turning into a sheep in a flash.

Leave a flash distance for the puppy, this Lulu can't keep up.


Almost at the same time, the wolf who reacted, and the puppy flashed out together.

Lulu's sheep-changing shot directly! !

"Don't run! Give it to me, set it!!"

Accompanied by a somewhat funny sound effect, the skateboard shoe was still transformed into a sheep.

However, this is the Feitian old fat sheep! !

Because the puppy's hand speed is also outrageous, he clicked on the lantern and the judgment of Lulu turning into a sheep was synchronized.

Then he saw a sheep flying in the sky.

The kind of Yazi who forcibly flies on Thresh's lantern! !

Seeing this step, Lin Xiu completely let go of some worries that she still had.

He knew that as long as Xiao Ming and Xiaogou could stand together, there would be no one to be afraid of when they fought.

However, it's not over yet.

Now there is another control of SKT, that is Peanut!
Lin Xiu, who was still chasing Rambo while stacking his war enthusiasm and adjusting his position, suddenly appeared.

The position is between Zhumei and RNG's bot lane duo!
boom! ! !
The sound of the frost chain hitting the target.

It's just that the target of this collision is not the one that Little Peanut expected to be controlled by Zhongbu. RNG's bottom lane duo was not given to Dazhong by Zhumei.

"Damn it..."

Little Peanut looked at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him with dull eyes.

Is it him again? ?

Werewolf, Lin Xiu's werewolf!
He used his body as a shield to forcefully catch the pig girl's big dog for the puppy and the others! !
Moreover, the werewolf had a crimson shield on his body, and he also activated the e skill.

Lin Xiu's way of adding points to the werewolf is to switch to the main e after the 3rd level q, and the 8th level werewolf, at this time it is the 3rd e.

Forcibly reduces damage by 2.5% within 45 seconds.

Even if you are a pig girl, can you beat me hard? ?

Even Xia who was behind tried to add a q skill, the bloodline of this werewolf was still very healthy.

Of course, the most important thing is not these, because RNG's bot lane is facing the onslaught of SKT, really, withstood it! ?



Xiangguo and Xiaohu, who had already reached Xiaolongkeng, shouted together.

This wave is definitely the peak of teamwork and cooperation.

Whether it's Xiaoming, Xiaogou, or Lin Xiu, as long as any of them makes a mistake in judgment, then one of the RNG will definitely be killed in a flash.

In contrast now.

On SKT's side, there is no flash in the middle and auxiliary, and the bottom lane is out of touch. Although Rambo's big move is pinched, it does not hurt.

On RNG's side, the middle and wild support will be in place immediately.

The frost on Lin Xiu's werewolf body is gradually fading, and the freezing effect belonging to the pig girl's ultimate move is about to end.


Lin Xiu's eyes shone brightly: "They don't even want to leave, go for me!!!"

"Fuck!! Go!!"

"Fuck them to death!!"

Fight back, start!
RNG's bot lane duo has a clear goal.

Who is the best kill now?The answer must be this Lambo.

Because the level of this Rambo is too low, how much time does it take?

Rambo's level is actually the same as that of the bottom lane duo, and he doesn't have any defensive equipment on his body. If he doesn't kill this idiot, who will he kill?
So the attack speed shoes + Xiaobaijian's skateboard shoes have been released, and they will directly start outputting Rambo who is nearby.

The spears of revenge are poking at Rambo's mechanical body one by one.

"Drop R!"

Brother Li's tone was a bit anxious: "Big ad, big ad!!! We didn't hurt enough!!"

Why does Rambo have to come down? When the controls are all pushed off, the problem actually arises.

The explosion of everyone in SKT is obviously not enough.

What we want at this time is Rambo, a hero who can still use basic damage to brush up a wave of stats even if his equipment collapses.

"I know."

To be fair, Huni's blood volume is very unhealthy now. Lin Xiu, who followed him down, didn't hit him many times, and directly knocked out a quarter of his state.

Seeing that there are more and more spears on his body, and his blood volume is getting lower and lower, he knows very well that if he doesn't zoom in, he will soon reach the killing line of the Spear of Revenge.

"Big move, throw it!"

A fiery line of fire appeared on the ground, and it seemed to have a good momentum.

Then there is no more then.

RNG's bot lane duo didn't panic at all in the face of this situation. Xiaoming Thresh counter-E knocked him into the air, ignited it and hung it up, and then dropped his first general attack with an E special effect.

The puppy, on the other hand, relied on its superb technique to jump repeatedly and successfully stayed away from the burning range of Rambo's big move.

Finally, the E skill, draw the spear and go!

"[RNG.UZI] killed [SKT.Wolf]!!"

Rambo, die!

Me, this is dead? .
Huni stared blankly at the gray image in front of the screen, feeling very unreal.

Because from just now to now, he didn't seem to do anything after falling down.

In addition to releasing a painless big move, it was also easily avoided by the puppy.

Oh yes, and he also did a long-distance brother to help Lin Xiu get off the road quickly.

After removing all these things, this Lambo has no effect at all in this game.

And Rambo's death is just the beginning.

Due to the disjointed teams, the current situation on the court has become very unfavorable for SKT.

The two people in the bottom lane, Wolf's Lulu has already handed over her flash, and only the bang flash is left.

Then let this guy flash up and output?
Come on, Xia's equipment is not good now, all he has is a storm sword, she might be handsome if she flashes it, but she uses a hammer to output it?
SKT's disconnect in the bottom lane is still very serious.

The remaining Brother Li and Little Peanut are about to become living targets because they have almost handed over all their control skills.

"Play the cards first!"

Lin Xiu, who had been unsealed from Sending Pig Girl's big move, focused her attention on Brother Li's card.

That is a card master with 25% cd after all.

As the core control skill w, its cooling time is 6 seconds, and the cooling reduction is only about 5 seconds.

In order to prevent this guy who may play control many times in small team battles from continuing to make trouble, Brother Li, he must die.

So Lin Xiu moved directly in the direction of Brother Li.

Note that at this time, Lin Xiu still has the damage reduction effect of the e skill.

The werewolf's E skill mechanism is similar to Jax's E skill. Within 2.5 seconds, Lin Xiu can choose to continue to reduce the werewolf's damage, or it can end early to trigger the second effect of E - fear.

I saw that when Lin Xiu was about to walk to Brother Li, the second stage of her E skill exploded.

The fiery red-haired werewolf roared to the sky, and at the same time, a reddish aura burst out from around his body.

In the next second, the card was directly stunned.


Seeing that the card was charged, the puppy immediately shifted its target.

Pay attention to the details here, obviously RNG wants to get a lot of things here.

So at this moment, Spear of Vengeance's E skill and Thresh's Q skill are still there.

So to deal with such a card that doesn't flash, don't hand over all the skills.

All that is needed is for the three of them to output with all their strength.

Lin Xiu and the puppy, who were already full of war enthusiasm, immediately concentrated all the firepower of the werewolf and the Spear of Vengeance on the cards.

Brother Li, within the control time of about 1 second belonging to the werewolf, the blood volume dropped rapidly.

When the blood volume was about a quarter, the puppy poked out with a q skill and hit the card, and at the same time moved in the opposite direction, bringing the skateboard closer to the red defense tower.

Then, the E skill, pull out the spearhead.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [SKT.Faker]!!"

Cards, kill!

It's not over yet.

SKT's voice in the team was very chaotic at this time, and Peanut was yelling desperately: "Retreat, retreat, the opposite middle and field are here!!"

Nazak, already squatting.

Xiaohu's plane has also come around from the river.

But is this really useful? ?

It was too late to think of running away now.

For gank, Zac, who has always been the main E, is now a level 3 E skill.

Zach's squat distance has also undergone a qualitative change-1500 yards. .

Including the judgment of the q skill, it is about twice as much as Lin Xiu's werewolf's pounce.

What is the concept of this distance?No matter how fast SKT retreats, as long as they are still online, they will definitely be encountered by Zach.

Sure enough, after the full squat was completed, the rubber man jumped high.

That pink skin, very sao, also has a very fragrant personality.

The moment Zac hit the ground, Lulu, who hadn't had time to retreat, was hit by Zack.

"All of them, die to me!!"

Xiangguo's hands were fast, and the q skill landed on Lulu's body and on the pig girl's body at the same time.

Then, due to the mechanism of the q skill, the two were forcibly dragged together.

Although this did not cause any substantial control, this seemingly brief collision and knock-off was enough for everyone in RNG to readjust their firepower.

Not to mention that it can also make the incense pot successfully release its big move.

SKT's Nakano was coerced by Qiqi and forcibly dragged into RNG's fire circle.

The battle continues!
"I'm going to kill the support on the opposite side first, and chase the AD, don't let the pig girl run away!!"

Seeing this, Xiaohu's tacit understanding with Xiangguo for many years was also revealed.

His e skill was activated directly, and the plane that already had Yaoguang + Baijian leaned its firepower on Lulu.

But he didn't let go of w.

Because Lulu's big move is still there, Wolf still has one hand to knock him into the air.

So he output it, and you can't escape anyway.

Mixed damage, and because of the bonus of the glare, the aircraft in this time period has initially been capable of damage, and Lulu's blood volume is dropping rapidly.

"[RNG.Xiaohu] kills [SKT.Wolf]!!"

Lulu didn't even know how to hand in her ultimate move, so she died suddenly.

Now the field has become RNG 5 vs 2! !
Only sister Zhu was left, and the ad who was desperately trying to escape.

"Puppy, you kill pig girls, ad can still chase you!!"


Pig girl did still flash, but it was impossible for him to run away.

When Zac's control was given, Thresh's q skill also followed, and at the same time the big move was activated.

The deceleration effect brought by the Nether Prison is enough for the puppy to drop more Spears of Revenge on Pig Girl.

Next, in fact, wait until the line of beheading, a wave of hair plucking to end the battle.

But Lin Xiu's actions are a bit strange now.

Because he said he wanted to chase Xia, but he didn't go straight.

He moved diagonally, running towards the grass on the lower road.

He wants to get out of the war.

On the contrary, Xiaohu also handed over his w skill at this time.

He was chasing Xia Dian.

"I don't believe it, you fucking don't give in."

When the plane handed over its w to close the distance, Bang's Xia Dun was within the range of the plane. .
To be honest, these two heroes should not laugh at each other as Ads, they are both short-handed.

Even the 550-yard attack distance of the aircraft is longer than the 525-yard attack distance of Zhixia.

Also because of this problem, when Xia faced the plane, Bang had to consider whether to fight back.

It's dangerous if you don't fight back.

After all, Xia's control skills can only be used after accumulating enough feathers.

If you don't turn around and use your q skill, and use w's passive to superimpose a little feather, this plane will take advantage of the range advantage to hit Xia in vain.

But if Xia flashes directly, then the plane will follow suit.

Anyway, the plane is in very good condition, and in order to target pig girls and cards, the summoner skills are equipped with purification.

Even if Xia uses the big backhook and purifies it, the plane that has finally been controlled can still fight.

"Siba, why are these people still so crazy after playing for so long??"

It should be regarded as a bang running away, I really don't understand it.

RNG is now 0 for 4! !
It took only a few minutes to change 0 to 4. Counting the resources that RNG may obtain in the future, there is no doubt that this wave of RNG will earn a lot.

Why, do you have to kill them all?
After all, we are also a Xia with all skills, can you respect me, an ad with very life-saving skills? ?
If it were any normal strong team, I am afraid that at this time they will directly retreat and allocate resources.

Still, that's RNG right now.

If they give up this kind of offensive play that if you don't sing, you will be crazy, then they are no longer them.

Also, to deal with the lck team, the only way to kill them all and completely convince you in terms of mentality and momentum is the best way.

So, keep chasing! !

With enough rockets in store, and the level difference of one level higher in the single lane in the middle, Xiaohu really chased after Xia and fought again.

Even if Xia has handed over her own treatment, the blood volume of the two will eventually be equal.

Shuangshuang, reached the state of [-]% blood line.

"No, we have to withdraw!"

This blood volume is very dangerous for an ADC without auxiliary protection.

"I must, let myself have as much room to escape as possible!"

Saving skills is not the key, the main thing is that Xia is dead, and the rhythm of all development points on SKT's side is really broken.

If bang doesn't die, at least he can continue to develop, go to the middle lane to squeeze out time to develop desperately.

After all, now Xia has become the last hero of SKT who may stand out in the later stage.

So despite struggling for a long time, Xia still made a big move.

Flying feathers all over the sky walked up, successfully avoiding all subsequent damage.

And with the help of the time in the air released by the ultimate move, Xia flashed and made a step-back jumper.

"In this way, you and Shan are useless."

Next, Xia has already fallen into the attack range of the defense tower, if the plane flashes again, it will no longer be a pursuit, but will give the bang a head.

After all, once all the feathers scattered on the ground are hooked back, regardless of the restraint and control, the damage cannot be ignored.

I saw that Xia pulled the hook backwards, directly reducing Xiaohu's blood volume to about one-fifth of his blood.

Using it for purification, even though Xiaohu got rid of the shackles at the first time, it stopped here.

Obviously, the situation ahead is not that his plane, which is only level 7, can continue.

"In this way, it should be enough, right?"

Bang, who had already suffered a little nervous breakdown, looked at Xiaohu who had stopped and started to retreat with lingering fear.

Thanks to Xiaohu, he didn't move.

With the current blood volume of the plane, if he rushes up again, it will not be called brave, it should be called the brain and blood series.

However, the battle belonging to Xiaohu is over, and the pursuit belonging to Bang is not over yet!

"You thought, you ran away??"

Lin Xiu, who had been acting strangely from the very beginning, grinned.

He looked at his state silently.

Very good, with the buffer of 3 bushes, the current werewolf has successfully escaped the battle.

At this time, he lightly pressed his finger on a skill that he hadn't used until now.

W skill!
In the sky of the canyon, there was a desolate and wild roar.


Immediately, I thought I was safe, and Bang shuddered; "What, what's going on??"

On Naxia's head, a scarlet wolf head appeared.

Even the edge of the screen with the bang was stained a weird red.

Accompanied by the thrilling BGM with its own special effects for some unknown reason, it feels unusually scary.

This is, the W skill of the werewolf! 【Blood Hunt】! !

【Blood Hunt】

Active Effect: Warwick temporarily senses all enemies.


Skill Scope: Global!

In layman's terms, this thing is the ultimate endorsement of immortality.

As long as your blood is around 50% and you are the closest to the werewolf, the werewolf will mark you directly.

Unless time has passed, or one of the two sides dies, the global marker range will continue to hang on your head.

And now there is one and only one closest to the werewolf on the field, and that is the only surviving character of SKT, Xia!
The eyes of the werewolf who was still in the grass turned red, and the way of walking also changed from walking upright on two feet at the beginning to running on four legs in the most primitive way.

Movement speed is directly increased by 35%.

The current werewolf has a movement speed close to 500 without any shoes.

On the other hand, Xia, because she didn't have any shoes in the lane, her movement speed is only the most basic 325.

With a speed difference close to 200, the distance between Lin Xiu and Xia is rapidly closing.


"You, don't come here!!"

Seeing the werewolf getting closer and closer to him, Bang's pupils almost shrank into a small spot.

Lin Xiu this time is no longer a dog than Lin Xiu,

because. .

He really became a mad dog.

Werewolves are dogs anyway.

"You are, absolutely can't escape!"

Admittedly bang's choice is very smart.

Maybe someone else would fight back under the tower, but bang knows that he doesn't have any skills now, and it's not safe to go under the tower.

The only correct choice is to continue to retreat.

Nai He still didn't work.

The werewolf's movement speed is too fast.

The distance between the two is still closing.

Unlike the plane, Lin Xiu's current level has reached level 9 because of the experience gained from killing. .

A level 9 werewolf, chasing a level 6 Xia. .

Do you think the defense tower will be useful for this werewolf who still has about 70% health?
It's not a problem for this guy to resist 5 towers, okay? ?
When Lin Xiu directly crossed the range of the defensive tower, he even still had 3/1 of his health.

Due to the difference in level, Lin Xiu with this blood volume is still more resistant to beating than Xia.

At this time, everyone in RNG is a melon-eating audience, although they can't give any help.

But it's okay for them to shout a few words at the same time.

"Dog thief!! Don't let him run!! It's almost there!"

"Give labor and capital chase after it!"

"Damn! Kill that ad!!"

""The prodigal son!Go! ! "

Everything is as you wish! !

Lin Xiu's werewolf finally approached.

Adsorb q, use.

Originally, there was still a little distance to disappear directly, and the werewolf appeared behind Xia.

Now Xia has come to the second tower of her house.

As long as she takes two more steps, the defensive towers belonging to the second tower will also start to output attacks, but all of this is useless, because Lin Xiu's a, start!
One knife, one knife, Tiamat, one knife, one more knife!

Full of enthusiasm for war!

Defense tower attack?
It's ok.

As I said before, the werewolf you learn is the scariest werewolf.

This first attack from the defense tower was not even as much as the werewolf's one-shot response.

On the contrary, it was Xia, who only had the last flat a.

"Go and accompany your teammates well!"

Lin Xiu's operation is still precise and efficient, without any procrastination and extremely clean moves a quietly swung.

The crimson eyes drew a long trajectory in the air.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [SKT.Bang]!!"

Xia is dead! !
"The group is destroyed!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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