As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 154 The match point is here, one step away from the championship

Chapter 154 The match point arrives, one step away from the championship

When Xia's death and the system of group destruction finally sounded, the commentary on the scene, or the players couldn't help cheering.

"It's a pleasing cooperation! Everyone handled it extremely calmly! Also, it belongs to the LPL style of hearty play!"

Miller's eyes were full of excitement: "This is our LPL style!!"

If we really fight hard, we may be tortured by you, and we may even lose the game.

The loss in the previous second game was precisely because of this relationship.

But if you fight with us.

I am sorry.

When it comes to fighting against lpl, the team has never been afraid of anyone!
After all, every team, every player, they have been honed over time in the professional arena.

In their bones, there is an instinct of how to fight.

LCK took the initiative to launch an attack, which is actually exactly what RNG wanted to see the most! !
And in this wave of bot lane 5v5 team battles, RNG really made too much money.

There is no doubt that this wave of team battles directly laid the foundation for RNG to win this game.

They not only completely smashed the opponent with a 0-for-5 head swap on paper, but also brought a chain reaction after this wave of team battles.

The most important of these is the change in the player's mentality and the subsequent loss of resources.

Let's not talk about the mentality here for now, let's talk about the result after losing this wave of team battles.

Mainly at this point in time, it's too embarrassing.

A little over 7 minutes.

This wave of bottom lane caused SKT to lose one tower in the bottom lane, and the first small dragon, Fire Dragon. Naturally, half of the defensive towers in the top lane lost blood, and all resources in the wild area were wiped out.

In this regard, SKT, which has been revived one by one, has no way to stop the loss. All they can do is to quickly focus on their own upper and middle lanes to avoid further loss of map resources.

But this cannot solve the problem at all.

After the defensive towers in the lower lane are pushed, and the upper and lower lanes of the two sides start to split, RNG's advantage will become even greater.

First of all, the duo I put on, the puppy's skate shoes, are too fat.

After a wave of going down the road, he directly harvested 3 heads, plus the rest of the economy, and directly took out the small broken + recurve bow after returning home.

He only needs to fight for a while, and he can beat out the broken pieces in less than 10 minutes.

Facing such skate shoes, how to align? ?
The SKT duo without double moves can only hide behind the pawn line very carefully. After all, as long as Thresh hooks a skateboard shoe to keep up with the damage, that person may be killed in seconds.

It is said to be defending the tower, but SKT is actually resisting pressure.

It's still the kind of series that needs to be very careful.

The same is true for the middle lane, Xiaohu also supplemented his equipment because of this wave, and the cards that were drawn out to wear shoes + small wooden hammer to make the gank route in the early stage could not bear the consumption of the plane.

Of course, it is difficult to kill the card alone, but it is not a problem to hold this card.

At the same time, the current plane still has one hand to go back to the city to pick up the explosive package, which can greatly improve the plane.

The last is to get off the road.

After returning home, Lin Xiu went straight to Mercury Shoes + Tiamat + Yaoguang + Double Dolan, and her level was even more outstanding.

In the next relatively stable money-making time, werewolves will always occupy an absolute active position
By the way, because Lin Xiu came down in an extremely weird way, he just hitchhiked, the kind who flew Thunder God to Shuttle Dafa.

In this way, the werewolf can save a teleportation.

After a while, his teleportation will improve.

At that time, in the solo lane, this 2/0/4 werewolf was too terrifying.

Whether you are a card in the middle or a wild pig girl, you can't catch people at will. Once the werewolf is teleported, no one can handle his damage.

As for whether the opponent should come to catch the werewolf itself.

I am sorry.

This werewolf may not be able to catch someone in seconds, but if he wants to leave, no one can stop him from moving directly with his big move.

Under the ebb and flow, the Rambo who dared not even eat even lost all his functions in the end.

Now, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a useless person.

Through the big screen, one could clearly see that Huni was shaking, because he really didn't know why he became like this.


Rookie looked at Huni at this time with sympathy in his eyes: "I don't know the result of this match, but from now on, Huni will probably live under Lin Xiu's shadow all the time."

This is not a version where the top laner is king.

Compared with the heyday of S5, and the previous top laner positioning, the current top laner can be said to be a change in the development of the game League of Legends, which has become more and more simplistic.

For a normal top order, all you need to do is a functional front row.

However, even in this version, that guy still played all the things that a top laner can do.

Online suppression is also good, team support is also required, and there are also team battles in the later stage.

The crushing of every comprehensive quality will make Huni feel desperate.

Not to mention that the SKT team is really too quiet now.

No one had any communication, but Huni could clearly feel the resentment of his teammates.

To be reasonable, anyone would behave like this.

Originally, the other two lanes were doing well, but Huni just collapsed along the way? ? ?

It's a good start at the beginning, and it can't even be used later.

Let me ask you, no matter how good-tempered a person is in this situation, they will be upset. They have come to this point. Who doesn't want to win? ? ?
As a result, the invisible pressure from all around fell on Huni, enough to make him collapse.

In the end, it was Brother Li who was the first to break this deathly silence.

"Our game is over."

Brother Li's voice was very low.

It's not that this lolNo.1 has lost confidence here, but he is also very aware of the characteristics of both lineups.

On RNG's side, it belongs to a very solid lineup in the early, middle and late stages, and there are no shortcomings at the same time.

Let such a lineup gain such a big advantage in the early stage, and it is controlled by a strong team with considerable experience.

It is really impossible for RNG to give you a chance.

So the next time also becomes garbage time.

With the expansion of split push, the update of equipment, and the continuous growth of the lineup, SKT's living space has been reduced a little bit.

It even becomes very difficult for them to do vision in the jungle, because RNG's initiative is too strong, as long as there is a chance, they will definitely be opened.

It is precisely because of this that under the strong pressure from RN, SKT was the first to collapse.

The flaw was caught, and it was completely unreasonable and brainless.

At this time, the suppression effect of the werewolf's ultimate move became the last straw for the SKT people who had no money to pay for mercury.

In the final 24 minutes, in the third game of BO5, RNG won.

The score came to 2-1.

RNG took the lead and came to the match point first.

Then when the game ended, SKT fully realized what is called the terrifying home court advantage. .
Their ears were about to be blown up by the cheers from the scene.

The next RNG will directly hold two match points, that is to say, as long as RNG wins the next game, RNG will be able to win this very commemorative trophy at home.

For this reason, how can everyone not cheer?
The deafening cheers almost made everyone in SKT even more confused.

Even the battle-tested Brother Li couldn't help but close his eyes when he saw everything in front of him, rubbing his brows desperately.

"Although it is understandable, after all, we are similar when lck holds competitions."

"But now, it's really too difficult..."

Nowadays, SKT seems to be making an enemy of the whole world in every action. It is said to be respectful. How can Li Ge not understand that the idea of ​​nearly 10 people is to hope that SKT will lose? ?

Also, the most unstable factor in his own team at present. . . Huni.

Brother Li glanced at Huni behind him as he walked towards the lounge.

This guy himself is really uncomfortable, his face is pale, his head is covered with sweat, and his clothes are even more soaked, as if he came out of the water.

"It cannot be said that he is poor. He has worked hard, but the gap still exists."

Seeing Huni like this, Brother Li suddenly remembered those mid laners who had been slaughtered by him.

Those people were either directly beaten and retired by themselves, or they would live forever in Brother Li's shadow.

Today's Huni is going through the path of his former opponents.

It's really sad to be in the same position and the same era as some players who are too BT.

"By the way, I suddenly miss Marui very much at this moment..."

For some reason, this idea popped up in Brother Li's mind inexplicably.

During the S5 period, the man who used his personal strength to open up a world for SKT on the road.

If he was still there, even if he couldn't beat Lin Xiu, he would definitely not collapse like this.

Or if bengi is there, it's fine.

If it was really SKT in its heyday, Li Ge would not hesitate to believe that they are the strongest.

Now they can't go back to the past after all.

So now, apart from his teammates, Brother Li can only rely on himself.

I just hope my teammates will give me a chance.

Even just one chance! !

I will definitely be able to c up too! !
Because, he is Lee Sang Hyuk.

A man who has created countless miracles, a guy who will never admit defeat even when he is on the verge of extinction.

Before Brother Li could think about it, an extremely calm voice came from the lounge: "You guys, have you given up already?"

The person who spoke was Coach Komma.


Everyone in SKT looked at komma and lowered their heads silently.

In the last match, he lost too badly.

Obviously, coach Komma gave a lot of precautions before the game, but when it came to the most intense moment of the game, they still failed to abide by it.

As a result, he finally swallowed endless bitterness.

Now, the time left for SKT is running out.

But as soon as Komma finished speaking, Little Peanut raised his head silently: "No, everything is not over yet..."

He gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes full of unwillingness: "Obviously, the game is not over yet, isn't it?"

That's right, it's not over yet.

In addition, Little Peanut really didn't want to lose again.

Who knows the bitterness after the Tigers' disastrous defeat last year? ? ?

What everyone remembers is just the glamor of No.1, and who knows the team behind No.1 who have worked as hard as them, but the gap in strength still exists? ?

All of them are trying their best to save their own strength.

Really want to say what to prove, in fact, not.

To put it bluntly, everyone just doesn't want to lose again, they want to prove that they are not inferior to others.

"very good."

Komma nodded after hearing Peanut's words, and there was some helplessness in her words: "It seems that some of you still want to win."

Everyone in SKT: "..."

in silence.

This tm is not talking nonsense, every day they say that friendship is first and competition is second, but if the competition is not to determine the strongest, then what is the meaning of competition? ?

Everyone in SKT may feel powerless now, but the fighting spirit in their hearts has definitely not faded.

Of course, after one person's enthusiasm was raised, it quickly and slowly declined.

That person is Huni.

He really, really wanted to win.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such an embarrassing behavior of reporting Lin Xiu's cheating.

In fact, if you think about it a little bit, you can see how someone could do such a thing on the stage of the global finals.

But, a guy who is almost more terrifying than a foreign G, can he really beat him?
Can he really finish the game well without dragging down his teammates? ?

Doubts and uneasiness fluctuated in Huni's heart.

"look at me!"

Unexpectedly, Komma let out a light drink, directly pulling Huni's spirit back.

When Huni raised his head, what he saw was Komma's eyes that seemed to be calm and peaceful forever.

"Coach, I..."

Huni's eyes are dodging, he is very guilty now.

"What's the use of hiding??"

Komma's words were unusually cold: "If you can bring me back a championship if you dodge, then you can continue!"

"But now, is it useful?"

If it is the regular season, according to Huni's current state, it is reasonable not to use him.

But now it's the World Championship.

In this world championship, SKT has a substitute player, but the substitute player is blank, the jungler.

"I have told you many times, trust your teammates and find your own position."

"But now, where do you throw all these words?"

"You know you can't beat others with hard skills, but you insist on being tough, do you think you're handsome?"

"The promise you once said, where is it now??"

The tone is not very high, in Komma's calm description, it pokes Huni's heart again and again.

He wants to cry now.

Because anyway, he is just a 20-year-old boy.

"It should be better if you really give up at this point."

This is the real thought in Huni's heart at this time, as expected, playing professionally is too tiring.

However, at this moment, Coach Komma's tone gradually softened, he raised his head, and rubbed Huni's head vigorously.

"Well, even though I have said so much about you, I know that in your heart, you still long for victory."

Komma looked at the astonished Huni: "Now we don't have a top laner substitute."

"SKT has also reached the extreme edge of life and death, and next, there are two match points."

Thinking of this, it is actually really uncomfortable.Fen
Obviously, I have struggled for a whole year and defeated so many powerful enemies. All my hard work is now hoping to bear fruit.

But the reality is always so cruel, and if SKT is not careful, all their efforts will come to naught.

For e-sports, this No.2 is really no different from being eliminated in the group stage.

Because what everyone remembers is always the appearance of the victors when they cheered, who would care about the losers? ?
Regarding this point, whether it is lpl, which has been suppressed for n years, or LCK, which has declined in recent years, they all have a deep understanding.

"Now, I leave the choice to you."

Komma said softly: "It's just that you need to ask yourself, do you want to be a cowardly deserter, or do you want to do your best and fight with dignity until the last moment?"

Regarding the answer to this question, there is no doubt that Huni must choose the latter.

He is also a generation of arrogance, why is he not proud in his heart? ?
"Of course, I can't give up!!"

Huni suddenly raised his hands, and slapped himself hard on both mouths.

Because of the excessive force, not only the bright red handprints appeared on the face, but also some blood stains on the corners of the mouth.

And the pain caused by the excessive force made Huni's eyes much firmer than before. .

He is not fighting alone, there are his teammates behind him.

Failed, nothing really.

In competition, there are bound to be winners and losers, but an individual victory definitely does not represent a team victory.

"Even if I can only be a very useless blue-collar top laner, I can't give up now."

"It's only 2 to 1, SKT, haven't lost yet!"

"If I can't beat him, I will use my basic skills and team operation to drag him down!"

Similarly, with Huni recovering, the rest of the group gradually began to recover.

The previous discomfort has all disappeared.

They folded their hands silently, encouraging themselves.

I can still fight! !
Everything is not over yet! !
(End of this chapter)

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