As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 164 God descends to earth, I will end everything

Chapter 164 God descends, I will end everything

Because, what is needed is this extremely short-lived control! ! .
Lin Xiu's sword demon was still moving, and the prince blocked it with a big move.

Not only forcibly hitting the Qinggang Shadow with blood remaining, it also cut off the possibility of Xiaopao trying to run away.

"Quickly control the sword demon!! Control him!"

Brother Li was shouting desperately, not that he didn't have a cd in his own control, but that he knew he couldn't control it alone.

The sword demon has mercury shoes on his body, and his own second taunt is not enough.

But I didn't expect that RNG wouldn't even give him this opportunity.

At the same time, the long-lost system sound came.

"Ding, the host is chasing five people alone, and the happiness value has reached the upper limit! Unlock the God of War mode! The micro-management is increased by 70%! The positioning is increased by 70%! The overall situation is increased by 100%!"

Really, I miss it.

To be honest, when Lin Xiu heard the prompt from the system, Lin Xiu almost forgot that he was also a person with golden fingers.

It's just that with the growth of strength, the role of the system seems to be less and less obvious.

But there is one thing he knows very well, that is, at this time, Lin Xiu relies on his personal ability and the system to give him bonuses.

With the two complementing each other, he is invincible at this moment!

"Xiao Ming, look at me!!"

The calm tone carried some kind of magical power, which made Xiao Ming, who was already very excited, refocus his attention immediately.

"I know! The Crucible CD is here!!"

Lin Xiu's eyes were clear, and Brother Li's actions completely fell into his eyes.

When Galio taunted in seconds, RNG Karma also flashed in seconds!

When the crucible was used, a faint white light appeared, and the ridicule belonging to Brother Li was resolved in seconds.

"This tm, okay??"

Wolf's eyes stared at the boss, and logically he couldn't figure it out, where did Karma get the money to pay for the crucible.

You must know that under normal circumstances, especially in professional competitions, the auxiliary equipment at this point in time is generally a salary-equipped eye stone + an equipment.

Like Niutou, just add an incense burner, and then all the money is spent on the eye, and a crucible is produced? ?

Sorry, let's talk about it later.

It's a pity that he won't know that Xiao Ming has no money, but his ad has money.

His crucible was squeezed out of the puppy's development, and it was this crucible that completely announced Xiaopao's death.

"Lin Xiu!! Lin Xiu!!"

Xiangguo yelled frantically from the side: "Give it to Laozi!!"

Xiaohu: "Chasing, chasing, chasing! Don't let them run away!!"

Puppy: "I'm behind you, cut directly!!"

Xiao Ming: "Brother Prodigal, go!!"


Needless to say, I know it too.

Lin Xiu was smiling happily.

If there is anything more exciting than victory, then he thought, it must be the support of his teammates at this moment.

He is not fighting alone.

And this game is a competition of five people.

"It's over!!"

Lin Xiu's clear eyes froze: "Win, it will be us!! The five of us, RNG!!"

Sword Demon, attack! ! !
Although because of SKT's very correct pulling back, the war enthusiasm and sheep knife special effects on Sword Demon have disappeared, but facing a small cannon with only one-third of the health left, why panic? ?

Q skill, 2500 cast range, is enough.

When Leap of Darkness fell from the sky, the small cannon was hit by Lin Xiu again before the knock-up was over.

Brother Li tried to rescue him with his E skill, but the prince used his body to block the direction of his E skill! !

Never before has Brother Li felt so powerless.

Obviously this prince, as long as he has E skill + level a+Q+a, the prince with residual blood will die.

In fact he did too.

There were two soft beeps from the system.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [SKT.Bang]!!"

"[SKT.Faker] killed [RNG.Mlxg]!!"

RNG and SKT, head swap.

But at this time, what's the use of the prince's death? ?
Even if SKT had been thinking about it before, what they wanted was definitely not the death of the prince.

Use a core output to exchange the opponent's front row? ?
In the end, we are the ones who suffer.

"hurry up!!"

Seeing Xiaopao's death, Huni knew very well that he had to sell it now.

With Xiaopao dead, it is impossible for SKT to beat RNG.

What about the sword demon with its scarlet blood wings? ?

Therefore, Huni directly handed over his E Flash, trying to hold back Sword Demon. As long as Qinggang Ying is still alive, SKT will have a chance to grab the dragon.

"too slow."

The sword in the sword demon's hand was still scarlet, indifferent and cruel.

In the face of Huni's e flash, Lin Xiu was extremely outrageous. He moved at a contrarian angle that no one could have imagined, and avoided Shen's ridicule without handing in any skills.

Then, E skill, dark sword energy is thrown.

The target is Qinggangying.

"He's going to kill me..."

Peanut, very desperate.

Why can you avoid Kidney's mocking flash by moving around?

In order to kill Ryze earlier, Qing Gangying had already handed over his E skill, and the flash was also hit by the prince just now, otherwise there would have been two people who just got up from the sword demon Q.

However, the established facts cannot be changed.

Full level E, 50% deceleration.

The sword demon who has turned on the ultimate move mode has an attack range of 350, and has stacked six layers of sheep knives.

At the moment when you get close to Qinggang Shadow, A+Tiamat+A directly hits W for the third special effect.


Accompanied by a soft sound that the soul was emptied, Qing Gangying fell down, only waiting for Brother Chun to continue his life.

"It's not over yet."

Looking at this green steel shadow, Lin Xiu didn't panic at all.

Brother Chun can save you, but he has to wait for four seconds, so he will come to take the dog's life after four seconds.

Lin Xiu's target switched again, the target, Galio.

At this time, Brother Li no longer has any skills, and the only W skill with the fastest cd has to wait for nearly 10 seconds.

"I hit him!!"

The demon king who came from hell in front of him made Wolf frightened, but his bull head had to act.

W turned well, he was going to fly the sword demon.

But Lin Xiu didn't intend to stop at all, his flash came out very naturally.

There doesn't seem to be any lag or delay.

At that moment, the sword demon turned into a phantom, passed through the W of the bull's head, and let himself approach Galio.

Then, the picture freezes.

On one side is the copper-colored giant statue of justice, simple and unsophisticated, which once turned the tide.

On one side is the blood-colored dark-born sword demon, evil and maddened, and the gods descend to the earth to bestow an end.

It is both antagonism and harmony, which is indescribably mixed, and it is also the last group photo of the old and new generations of kings.

With the change of kingship, the legend of the past will come to an end, and the new glory is coming.

Sword lights danced in the air! !

"[RNG.Lin] killed [SKT.Faker] with a double kill!!"

Galio, die! !

Then there is Qinggangying, after he came back to life, he seemed to want to use up the big move that was beaten and eaten by Xia before, and did not calculate the cd, and then ran away.

But he didn't want Lin Xiu's movements to be so precise and effective that it was terrifying.

With an attack distance of 350 and an attack speed of 2.5, Lin Xiuleng took advantage of Qinggang Ying's e skill to pull the wall, and crazily leveled a in just 0.5 seconds.

Walk a three times, plus Tiamat resets the basic attack.

Four basic attacks triggered the w skill twice.

The 30% blood Qinggang shadow is like paper, falling sadly in the middle of the progress of the e skill.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [SKT.Peanut] triple kill!!"

Qing Gangying, die! !


Qinggangying, Xiaopao, Galio.

When the three SKT's output targets all died under Lin Xiu's sword, RNG has no fear at this time.

Xia cooperates with Karma to output, Shen, Lin Xiu is still playing blood blast and abandoning treatment.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [SKT.Huni] four times!!"

Shen, die! !

Niutou ran desperately, trying to survive.

However, the little dog would never give him this chance. With red on his body, he flashed to keep up and continued to output.

Lin Xiu jumped up from the big dragon pit, and the bloody sword in his hand flew again.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [SKT.Wolf] pentakill!!"

SKT! !Group off! !
At the scene, the expected cheers did not appear, and the unexpected silence was brewing with greater emotions.

Then, when they saw that the three of RNG didn't fight Baron, and directly pushed forward the central pawn line, the cheers finally sounded.

In late autumn, there was a thunderstorm, which exploded for nine days.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"Five kills!! The last five kills!!"

"RNG cheats, LPL cheats!!!"

"And, this time!! They can make a wave!!"

At this time, the second tower that Lin Xiu forcibly took away in the middle lane before became a foreshadowing after all.

As soon as the line of soldiers came over, it was the high ground tower in the middle that blocked the RNG crowd.

However, Sword Demon and Xia, the two strongest AD heroes on the field are still there, how can the defense tower in the middle hold it? ?Don't forget, there are two earth dragons.

Soon, the highland tower in the middle road will be broken! !
Then, the high ground crystal in the middle, broken! ! !
Wait a moment for the pawn line, the three of RNG are demolishing SKT's highland tower!

One of the front teeth towers, broken!

"Do not!!"

Little Peanut, who is desperately typing on the keyboard at this time, can't wait to rush up and drag the RNG people with all their might
He really doesn't want to lose.

But the resurrection at this point in time is close to 40 seconds is really too long, and the only one who can do something seems to be Xiaopao.

But at the moment of rescue, Lin Xiu walked directly to the spring while walking a.

Although it was just an e-sports game, at that moment, Bang really felt a fierce aura, like, murderous? ?

The bang, who was still preparing to output, stopped his pace in a daze, and his intuition told him that if he went up, he would only be humiliated even more painfully.

As it turns out, the bang felt right.

The sword golem activated its big move like a demonstration. It was a level 3 big move, and it took less than 40 seconds to count the cooldown reduction.

Everyone in SKT hasn't been resurrected yet, and Sword Demon's second ult has turned for the better.

If Xiaopao really dared to take half a step forward just now, Lin Xiu would not mind giving herself a six-kill in the spring water.

"Really, can't you do anything??"

Bang, weakly carried out his own output, but the sword demon's heart was no longer on the killing body, all he wanted was to push down the defensive tower in front of him.

And under the protection of the defense tower, the base crystal of the blue side.

The second tooth tower is also broken!

"Hurry up, hurry up!! We will win!"

The hands of the puppy and Lin Xiu were trembling in a rare way.

You must know that these two people are veritable monsters, and this almost never happens.

But they probably don't know how crazy their walk is at this moment, as if they want to vent all their emotions on the defense tower in front of them.

In the end, accompanied by Xia's feathers and the sword demon flying sword light, cracks slowly appeared on the surface of the blue square crystal belonging to SKT.

Belongs to the last of S7, the final duel between RNG and SKT.

RNG, won.

They are, champions!

(End of this chapter)

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