As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 165 We Are the Champions

Chapter 165 We Are the Champions

Everyone in RNG pushed their chairs away and jumped up together.

They threw aside the expensive earphone peripherals, and the referee beside them felt distressed.

Then the five hugged each other desperately, jumping and jumping, happily like a group of children who didn't grow up.

This scene looks extremely funny, but this is the simplest and most direct way of expression.

"Let's congratulate RNG together!"

Miller's voice was choked with sobs, "At this moment, I can shout loudly, we are the champions!"

When the SKT base exploded, no matter whether it was the on-site commentary or the audience, everyone's emotions could no longer be controlled.

"This is a difficult battle, but RNG and the others have successfully defeated their opponents with their own efforts!"

Even though the big screen at the scene stopped replaying the previous wave, everyone knew that this was a victory that truly belonged to their team.

Lin Xiu's wave of gods descending to earth, one against four is certainly very handsome.

But if Xiangguo didn't enter the arena decisively, and Xiaohu forcibly involved, where would the last wave of victory come from? ?

There is also the dog's desperate output every second, Xiao Ming's calm response and super fast response.

They are a whole.

And this is a competition of five people.

That scene is still being replayed reluctantly by everyone, and it finally shows that the team's victory is precious.

"Also, I can finally do such a damn thing!"

The doll's eyes were red, and he fumbled to take something out of his pocket.

Then he opened it carefully and solemnly, his eyes full of longing.

That is.

A bright red Chinese flag.

Then he desperately opened the flag and let it fly in the air.

"It is here, in our own home court, that I can proudly call out that LPL is the strongest."

"LPL is cheating!! RNG is cheating!!!"

That touch of Huaxia Red looks so exciting and makes people proud.

Cheers, keep going.

On the commentary stage, the factory manager looked at the RNG people who were hugging together on the screen.

While applauding his former opponent sincerely, his nose felt so sore for some reason.

Perhaps, he was envious.

But what he knows more is that his dream is also over.

All his youthful memories can only be left on the edge of this stage, but it is a pity that he is not the one who won the championship.

Of course, it's not just the factory manager who feels the pain at this time.

Everyone in SKT is no longer as calm as before.

All of them, tears flowed down without knowing why.

"I, did I lose again??"

Little Peanut tried his best to stand up while wiping his tears, but he couldn't see anything clearly.

His emotions, and the verge of collapse.

I can't remember how many times I was defeated by the same opponent. No matter how time goes by, I still can't change the result in the end.

As for the other top and bottom trio, their emotional control is no better than that of Peanut.

Or lying on the table and not wanting to move, or crying silently.

It belongs to a whole year in which a professional player has worked hard with all his strength. What he wants is the recognition and value realization obtained at the last moment.

But at this moment, there will always be only one foot away.

After the RNG people shook hands with them, they were still in a trance, as if they couldn't accept what happened before them.

"We, it's time to go."

At this time, a hoarse voice came slowly.

That person is Brother Li.

It's not that he wants to leave, but that the loser is no longer worthy to stay in the arena in the following time.

The handshake session is over, and all the loser needs to do is leave consciously.

Li Ge hugged his teammates very hard with his not strong body, as if he wanted to give them some comfort and support.

Then, he led his teammates away slowly with the attitude of a qualified loser.

It's just that Brother Li's sadness can no longer be expressed in words.

As a favorite of the league, since he was born, he has only missed one World Championship in the five years since his birth.

I thought that the first two championships would start a dynasty belonging to SKT, but I didn't expect them to lose to the same opponent for two consecutive years.

In all fairness, SKT is not perfect.

This kind of SKT has also played everything that they can currently play. Although this is a failure, it is not an outrageous defeat.

But if it is possible.

These losers really want to stay on stage for a while, even if it's just for a second.

When SKT's bright red uniform left the field slowly, they knew that the story belonging to this autumn was over.

Listening to the roar of the mountains and the tsunami behind them, it was almost crazy to cheer, and everyone in SKT walked past the familiar Champions Cup.

One step, another step.

Li Ge didn't know why, the sentimentality in his heart became more wanton.

In fact, he himself knows very well that in S7, he still has the ability and may bring 1 to 4, but what about in the future? ?
The times are changing too fast, and newcomers are making too much progress.

Not to mention the upright young LPL teams in front of us, the talented youngsters in the LCK are also constantly appearing.

If Brother Li can be 3 years younger, he still has the confidence to fight again next year.

It's a pity that age is always the biggest enemy of e-sports.

He didn't know if he still had the chance to take revenge.

He even had a feeling that if he left like this, he might never have the chance to see the Summoner's Cup so closely again.

So he slowed down.

Every time he took an extra step, he turned his head, wanting to see the glory that belonged to the champion again, but tears had already wet the frame of his glasses at some point.

In the end, everyone is left with a lonely and sad back.

This is the end of an era.

It symbolizes that the era of LOL ruled by SKT's red is really, over.

At that moment everyone knew that Brother Li was not a god either.

The so-called hero's end, the king's twilight, probably is like this.

However, if the old king falls, there will be a new king.

When everyone in RNG not far away struggled to hold the trophy again in front of everyone in the world, the sky suddenly began to rain again.

In this nest, under this dome.

It was a golden rain, and then, it was really, really beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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