Chapter 166 Our Youth

"Here, let us once again congratulate rng with applause, and congratulate them for winning the s7 global finals!"

The hostess of Fist GF came slowly.

To be honest, she is also in a complicated mood now.

I really didn't expect that rng would make trouble all the way, make great progress all the way, and finally defeated everyone.

So, now she's going to conduct a post-match interview with everyone on rng's side.

At the same time, the fact that rng won the championship directly hit the top of the headlines in just a few minutes. .
no way.

When you think it's just a game, you've already lost.

Regarding lol, how many audiences there are is really beyond the imagination of many people.

Enthusiastic audiences and fans have long been eager to tell this news to every little friend they know.

Like various university dormitories, all kinds of shouts almost did not disturb the campus in the early morning.

You have to know how many people love this game, not just for entertainment, but also attracted by the charm of this e-sports.

It is also today, how many people who have been heartbroken by s5 and dare not open lol again have returned to the canyon.

Various forums and bullet screens are being refreshed overwhelmingly.

"Really, it's not easy!!! After waiting for so many years, we finally have the highest glory that belongs to lpl."

"To be honest, rng is cheating, all the staff are cheating, this tm Samsung is really being beaten."

"The career of playing Dragon Ball, defeating Samsung, and beating SKTRNG in this World Championship is really legendary. This tm is definitely the most valuable way to win the championship!"

"Not bad!! Speaking of which, Xiu'er is really cheating. How many people did this guy defeat along the way?? In the entire World Championship, this guy's performance is just a monster!!"

To be honest, this is a very scary result.

He was invincible when he debuted, suppressed everyone in his position, and reached the top of the world.

Looking at the entire competition, there should be only one person who can really do this.

That is active lolNo.1, Brother Li.

"I feel that Brother Li must be in a very complicated mood now. He himself has witnessed the rise of another invincible being."

"Huh? Are you sure that the reason why Brother Li is in a complicated mood is not because he lost Enjing and won the championship??"

"mmp, the person in front is really a devil, Brother Li's champion is gone, now you want to pierce his heart??"


. . .

Looking back on the field, I have to say that the feelings of everyone on rng's side are really good.

Usually, when winning the cup, the championship team will reserve the most glorious moment for the core of their team.

The same is true for rng.

Originally, they hoped that the puppy could hold the trophy on their behalf.

But the puppy shook his head directly.

"It's not my credit to be able to get to where I am today, this trophy belongs to all of us!"

He is very satisfied now.

And he also knew that if it wasn't for the mutual support of these teammates, and the continuous preparation of the staff behind the rng scene, it would not be easy to win this championship.

After all, this is a team game of five people.

The strength of one person may lead the team to go very far.

But if you really want to climb to the top, you must work together and work together.

So from the beginning to the end, they were five people holding the trophy together.

This look of unity brought relief to the faces of many people.

Of course, there is also an honor, live, all the fans of lol who have watched the live broadcast are very curious.

That highest personal honor.


Who is it?

The big screen at the scene that has not yet calmed down, the picture is constantly changing, and the result is brewing.

To be honest, this one is kind of hard to give.

If you want to say FMVP, just refer to the last game, it really can't be given.

On RNG's side, almost every point has already played out what they need to play.

But everyone knew in their hearts who this FMVP would be for.

Rookie said slowly: "We all know it's not the top laner version this year, but what about Lin Xiu?"

Everyone knows that this is the incense burner version, and the top laner's positioning is more about support and team talk.

However, no one expected that an upper unit would play such a huge role in Lin Xiu's hands.

Just the heroes he brought out in this World Championship are enough to make people feel scary.

There was the non-mainstream top laner Victor, as well as the unpopular top laner Octopus Mom and Sword Demon. The most sao thing was that the werewolf who had never been on any professional arena was also eliminated by him.

Note that it has never been on the field.

These heroes may be seen in the ranks, but in the game, these heroes are too idealistic.

If it wasn't for Lin Xiu's personal ability and the mature system of the entire team, if another team used RNG's same routine, it would definitely blow through.

It is also Lin Xiu's innovative gameplay that finally opened up a new world in this version that is not the top laner

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a strange yet familiar name appeared on the big screen at the scene.

【RNG. Lin】! !

At this moment, everyone knew that the handsome young man on the stage had unknowingly grown into the strongest player with legendary aptitude.

That guy used his own unique style of play and a special way to let the audience see a different LPL.

And the luxurious data on it represented Lin Xiu's performance in the World Championship.

Under normal circumstances, the fist is used to measure the level of a player, and the five-corner scoring method will be used.

Wujiao refers to five reference data - 15-minute CS, carry rate, average team participation rate, winning line rate, and average KDA.

By compiling these five items of data, an intuitive pentagonal diagram is finally formed.

As for Lin Xiu,That tm is really a pentagon.

Every item of data is ranked first in the top laner position, and the values ​​are infinitely close to the top.

In more intuitive terms, the five abilities are all S+.

Especially the carry green, winning line rate, and average KDA are signs that tm is breaking the chart.

It's normal to think about it.

In this World Championship, Lin Xiu basically did two things.

Otherwise, bring your teammates to defeat the opponent.

Otherwise, defeat yourself to attract the firepower of the audience.

Therefore, this also leads to the most puzzling average participation rate.

Maybe you don't believe it, Lin Xiu's team participation rate is the highest among all top laners.

Is it very incomprehensible?

After all, in many people's minds, Lin Xiu is the kind of player who plays online. What he often does is to use his own hero pool and techniques to create enough suppression for himself.

But who would have thought that such a hero who is similar to playing lines would have such a high participation rate.

It seems that he also noticed that this data is indeed a bit outrageous, so Fen, an official Riot official, also explained it.

"I know you may be a little confused about the data."

"But statistics don't lie."

"Because we found that player Lin Xiu's level of ridicule seems a bit excessive."

"Because he was either on the way to be chased by the opposing group, or he led his teammates to chase and kill the entire opponent..."

"In other words, in rng's game, team battles are basically fought around this guy."

audience:. . . .


Can you play like this? ?
How much hatred does this guy provoke, so much so that most of the opponents in team battles have to stare at this Lin Xiu.

No wonder, a guy who plays the top laner at the offensive c position all day long can have such a high participation rate.

"It is strongly recommended to add another attribute value to Lin Xiu! Ridiculous degree!!"

"Yes, you must attack the team member with taunt."

And when the fmvp selection is over, all the honors about the s series will come to an end.

What followed was an awards ceremony that rng had seen many times, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

For everyone in rng this year, they have won many awards.

But no award is more precious than the medals around their necks and the Summoner's Cup in front of them.

On the screen, the imprinter rng everyone's young faces.

Everyone excitedly waved their hands forward.

That picture, I don't know why it makes people look a little sad.

Like the factory manager, this moment is both happy and lonely.

I am happy because that is the honor of lpl.

The reason for being lonely is that I am not the one standing on the stage, even if rng can get to this point, it cannot be done without the hard work and selfless dedication of the factory manager.

But at this moment, whether they were professional players or ordinary fans, they could all be sure of one thing.

That is, their lpl will not be weaker than others.

And they can defeat lck and win the championship they want.

And some teams really regret it now.

You look at the screen and look at the commentary booth.

The boss of EDG, Ed Zhu, is really angry to death now.

"This tm, I heard that Lin Xiu's first trial team is EDG??"

Facing the boss's question, the EDG management staff answered in a low voice.


"if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate."

Edzhu really regrets it now: "We are not short of money now, if we know that this guy has such potential."

"Even if I'm trying to sell the iron, I still have to build a team with him as the core."

Abu next to him was also very helpless, after all he paid by mistake.

Now, all they can do is send blessings to RNG from the sidelines, and look forward to the next season by the way.

At this time, the RNG players did not have the slightest jealousy.

Xiao Ming smiled happily, as if he had won the FMVP.

"calm down."

In this regard, Lin Xiu waved her hand: "It's all a routine operation, don't get excited."

"Why don't you go to heaven."

Xiangguo patted Lin Xiu on the shoulder: "Go back, we must treat you!":
"It's easy to say, it just so happens that we haven't been to the capital yet, so we'll go out for a stroll later."

Perhaps, this is the benefit of playing at home.

After the Bird's Nest competition, there is no need to rush to arrange anything, just go out and surf.

Xiaohu complained: "Speaking of which, didn't you see that my dog ​​brother's face became bitter??"


The little dog who was still distracted heard this and shook his head decisively: "You're talking nonsense, I'm just in a daze, okay?? Compared to FMVP, what can smell like a champion??"


Xiaohu suddenly didn't want to talk, why can't he cooperate? ?

And the puppy is really in a daze now, he is a little in a trance.

Reach out and touch the cold trophy.

Taking another look at the Summoner's Cup, Puppy felt extremely satisfied.

Really, champion.

At the same time, he is still the champion that the puppy yearns for and misses the most.

Although this year's Puppy didn't have a big lead over the other opponents like Lin Xiu, his strength was still unquestionable.

Especially, with the newcomer Xiao Ming.

In this world competition, Xiao Ming actually still has many shortcomings, such as being prone to confusion at critical moments, and not being able to do a good job of supporting the overall perspective.

But even so, do you dare to say who can really beat RNG's bot lane? ? ?

I believe that with these two people working together well, next year they will definitely become even more terrifying.

"Alright, alright."

Brother Feng at the side gave everyone a shudder in silence: "Stop arguing, if you want to quarrel, wait until the cutscene is over, Lin Xiu!"


"Go up and give a speech!"


Lin Xiu nodded. Riot gave the LPL host enough face this time. The award was given by the regional president of Riot LPL. The hostess basically had to do simultaneous translation, and the heavy responsibility of on-site interviews was handed over to LPL's own host.

However, after the district president presented the award to Lin Xiu, besides already looking like he was at the scene of the Chinese New Year, someone had a bitter expression on his face.

That is, the mysterious fist designer.

The kind of existence that no matter what you do, you will be scolded for everything.

This guy looked at Lin Xiu from a distance and felt very annoying.

Of course, it's not that I hate him, but because of Lin Xiu's wave, it directly caused a big problem for all Riot designers including him.

That is, what should I do with the order? ?What about the next version? ?

Originally thought that the ad of the incense burner version was already deformed, but I didn't expect someone to do it for me? ?

"If someone tells me at this time, the designer looks at him, I'll fucking kill him!!"

Don't make me watch, I'm wondering what to do myself!
As we all know, the style of play in the World Championship basically represents the essence and evolution of the LOL strategy throughout the year.

The overall tone of this year is actually centered around bot lane and Xiaolong, thus extending the LCK series operation flow like SKT, and the strong fighting team battle flow like RNG.

"So what should I do? After this person finishes the World Championship, should I continue to cut all the top laners?"

"But if this is the case, isn't the top laner too weak? After all, the top laner is already miserable now, and they are all played by a group of tanks. If they are cut again, they will probably be blown up."

"There's also the hero Sword Demon. Obviously, according to various statistics, this guy is already at the bottom of the top laner. Why does he appear to be so fraudulent this time?"

"What the hell, should I consider the progress of remaking Sword Demon?? Ahhh!! Headache!!"

All kinds of ideas made the designer's head ache all of a sudden.

I always feel that after the S match, the Riot Design Department needs to fry the pot.

If the audience at the scene knew that this wave of Lin Xiu and the others had changed the entire ecology and gameplay of LOL in the future, God knows what they would do.

(End of this chapter)

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