As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 167 I want to fight with you all the time

Chapter 167 I want to fight with you all the time
Aside from the very entangled designers at this time, the atmosphere at the scene was still warm.

When Lin Xiu took the microphone from LPL host Yu Shuang, the applause was even louder.

At the same time, each platform is also flooded with various bullet screens.

"666, Xiu'er, come on stage!!"

"You finally came out."

"Well, you dog, why are you so fierce??"

. . .

Apparently, excited audiences are still everywhere.


With the light on, Lin Xiu waved her hand towards the scene calmly: "I am RNG's top laner, and everyone must call me differently, so I am too lazy to introduce myself."


Should it be said that Lin Xiu has self-knowledge or something?
Then as soon as these words were spoken, all kinds of shouts came and went on the court.

Some are nicer, and some words sound like tiger and wolf words, but in general, they are very relaxing.

Yu Shuang on the side pursed her lips and smiled: "It seems that our audience at the scene has their own understanding of our contestant Lin Xiu."


Lin Xiu touched her nose: "Auntie is right!"


The smile on Yu Shuang's face suddenly froze.

I. . .

It felt like dead memories suddenly started attacking me again.

No, no, I can't be angry, I must have the qualities a host should have.

Of course, the audience is used to it. Maybe there are many decent people in this world, but Lin Xiu will always be the unreliable but reliable guy.

If it's really serious to the end, he probably won't be him anymore.

"Well, let's not talk about this topic for now."

I saw Yu Shuang tried hard to keep the smile on her face from looking stiff: "Can you share with us the feeling of winning the championship and winning the FMVP at this moment?"

Hey. .

To be honest, even though she knew this was a process, Lin Xiu still wanted to complain.

Why can't this step be omitted?

It's completely a routine.

And to a certain extent, Lin Xiu didn't think that winning the championship must be due to how strong she is.

Because after several years of accumulation, LPL has already reached the time to rise slightly.

In contrast, the LCK is now facing a short-lived slump.

What Lin Xiu is doing now is to temporarily advance this honor a bit.

Even without him, the white-robed team in Incheon next year will still give people different surprises.

But you have to say what Lin Xiu wants to do most now.

Amidst the lights, Lin Xiu fell into a brief silence.

Among the colorful colors, his already delicate face was even more handsome.

The scene also fell into a brief silence, and they were ready for Lin Xiu to start sensational.

But it's a pity.

At this moment, there is only one thing on Lin Xiu's mind.

"Although, I think it's a bit of a disgrace to say that."

"But it's more of a temporary relief for me now."

"Because in the future, buddies can finally not touch the alliance, hahahaha."

Yu Shuang:? ? ?
audience:? ? ?
At this moment, Lin Xiu seemed to have thought of something very happy.

If I remember correctly, a certain three buns have been updated.

The official CP of Yae Sakura, Karen Kaslana, has officially arrived, and by the way, she also brought the number one assistant god of physics.

He had held back for a long time before, and finally finished the game.

Now he has to go back to the computer immediately and spend money on some rice.

"So, I hope everyone supports my teammates."


That's all work, it's over.

After speaking, Lin Xiu waved her hands, leaving everyone with a chic back.

The scene fell into a brief silence, and then there were cheery voices from both the platform and the scene.

"Good guy, Xiu'er is really Xiu."

"He actually talked about other games on Fist's side?"

"I can only say that it is indeed him."

"Don't talk about it, I can't wait for him to start broadcasting again after he goes back."

When the time comes, what kind of scene will that be?
It's very interesting to think about it, but Yu Shuang almost died of anger when she saw Lin Xiu's leaving figure, her face was a little stiff, as if she was trying to control her emotions.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

"It's obviously such a serious occasion, but he's actually thinking about this?"

The most coquettish thing is that he directly threw the scene to himself?

To be honest, if it wasn't for Yu Shuang's rich hosting experience, she would be fooled at this time.

Brother Feng was also speechless at the bottom.

This kid really is.

"When I get back, I have to beat him up."


Xiangguo nodded: "Can you have the attitude of a professional player?"

Xiaohu: "Hey."

Puppy: "Hey."

Fist seemed a little unaccustomed to this kind of scene, but fortunately, the director in the background adjusted the process in time.

The theme song belonging to League of Legends S7 sounded again.

The melodious and melodious tune, sometimes turbulent and sometimes calm, still sounds so touching now.

Some people, the legend never goes out.

But some people can only leave in desperation.

But this is e-sports, and it is also the youthful memory of everyone watching the games around the world. They want to realize their youthful yearnings one by one, so they turn their enthusiasm to each game.

The upsurge still hasn't dissipated.

Now that a certain Lin Xiu has left, the next thing to come is the interview belonging to the team, and the audience is also very interested in this point.

Because they also want to know the true thoughts of everyone in RNG now.

Xiao Ming and Xiangguo seemed very shy, although these two people are usually gay in the base, they really can't let go when they are in a big scene.

Especially the incense pot, they talk about sao all day long.

In fact, when he really stood on the podium, he was almost speechless.

He held the microphone in one hand, his arm was shaking constantly, and finally he just choked out very official words, roughly thanking his teammates and the like.

Then, it was Xiaohu's turn.

His words were better than Xiangguo's. He praised his opponent and reflected on himself, making it difficult to find faults.

However, it is this calm personality that determines Xiaohu's style of play.

In all fairness, Xiaohu's personal strength is definitely not weak. He has been ranked in the top [-] and top [-] in the club for many years.

His solid skills and rich experience make him very practical on the line, especially in the world arena.

Maybe he is not the strongest one, but he can always stabilize himself in line.

You can see RNG's game, no matter how strong the opponent is, Xiaohu can ensure that he will not blow up all the way, including against Li Ge.

This is why Li Ge will not use very strong heroes against Xiaohu.

They have also played against each other many times.

The most Li Ge can do is a little suppression. If he wants to fight the previous situation, he really can't do it in the face of the current Xiaohu.

You can say that Xiaohu dare not take risks, but he has already done what he should do in the World Championship.

On the basis of this stable and unbreakable mid lane, coupled with the linkage of his teammates, Xiaohu can finally give full play to his role.

next contestant.

Yu Shuang looked at the reminder card in her hand, it's time, puppy.

He has recovered from his trance.

Only Yu Shuang said softly: "Next it's our uzi player's turn."

"We all know that this is your fourth time participating in the League of Legends Global Finals. How do you feel at this moment?"

The puppy paused, as if thinking.

Then the audience who have not left the scene are waving puppy support flags in the distance.

Because no matter how much you criticize his immaturity, it is undeniable that this player is the real face of LPL since S3, together with the factory director.

He brought us too many surprises, but also let us lose a lot.

Now coming here for the fourth time, how will this young but veritable veteran feel? ?

I only heard that the puppy still had a smile on his face, just like the boy who had just joined the league back then.

He said: "To be honest, although I have played in many finals, every time I come here, I still feel excited."


Yu Shuang was a little curious: "Why is this? We all know that you have won many championships now, what supports you to maintain this enthusiasm?"

"Not really."

The puppy smiled: "In the final analysis, I want to win!"

For a player at the puppy level, both fame and honor are actually enough.

It doesn't matter if he really wants to retire, like S6 is already on the verge of retirement.

If he chooses to retire at that time, although there will be regrets, his popularity is enough to become a top streamer and gain more benefits.

At the beginning, old-timers like pdd and Ruofeng made such choices.

But even so, he persisted.

Just like the factory manager.

Because for them, making more money is not the most important thing, what they follow is their instinct to pursue victory and fight.

It is this persistence that makes the puppy finally realize his wish.

Of course, this harvest really did not come easily.

"I'm grateful for my teammates."

As if thinking of something, the puppy's voice obviously became lower, and his eyes were a little red: "It's them, let me prove myself again."

The puppy also knows that some labels on his body will never be washed off, and some are even very ugly.

Including the weak and crying, the team demolition maniac, bathing the dog and so on.

Even winning a championship doesn't seem to make the rhetoric go away.

As for any player, he may have been blown away by such pressure, or retired.

But all of this is over.

At the scene, there were applause and cheers, and the audience encouraged the puppy to continue talking.

The puppy took a deep breath and continued: "Here, I really want to tell everyone loudly that my teammates are really good!"

"I want to fight you! Keep fighting! Until we can't fight!"

"Really, really, thank you! S8, let's fight again!!"

It's hard to imagine that such words will come out of the puppy's mouth.

However, at this moment, no one will doubt the sincerity of the puppy, because they know that the expression on a person's face and a clean smile cannot deceive others.

At the same time, everyone will feel very lucky.

Because come to think of it, RNG's current players are still very young.

As long as such a team does not die unexpectedly, there are many days when they can continue to fight.

Maybe many years later, when these people recall the past again, they will still always remember those partners who fought side by side.

And then, the last part.

It is also a moment when everyone feels that their wallets are so painful, and at the same time they are looking forward to it.

That is about, the champion skin of S7, buy buy buy, buy several sets of the kind.

Even if they didn't give an answer directly on stage, everyone in RNG still looked forward to it.


This is not only the first set of LPL's own skin, but also the best proof to record their glory.

"So, what do you guys want to choose?"

Lin Xiu rested her chin while frowning: "Anyway, I'm very annoyed now."

Why do you say that, because, who the hell set the sb rules? ?
Why does the champion skin have to be picked from the heroes used in the finals? ?

See what Lin Xiu is playing?
Illaoi, werewolf, sword demon, all these monsters.

What about appearance?What about the figure?Where is the wife? ?

not a single one! !

The more Lin Xiu thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became.

"Could it be that I want to choose Illaoi as my skin?"

Although the tentacle mother is indeed quite strong, it is very strange no matter how you look at it.

May I ask who doesn't like pretty female characters when playing games?
And now.

My sword girl, my sword girl, my Ruiwen.

Woo woo woo, you and I are gone.

The hero I chose for the finals had to make a decision with tears in my eyes.

Except for a ferocious female man, and a screaming werewolf, the final choice has been decided to be the sword demon.

"Anyway, he's also quite domineering..."

Well, that's all I can do to comfort myself.

It's a pity that the hero himself can't speak at this time, otherwise it is probably another scene.

Make up your mind.

Jian Ji: "Bah, one wife per bite, have you ever used me in a match?"

Ruiwen: "That's right, let alone the World Championship, have you used me in the regular season recently?"

Daomei: "And me, have you forgotten me? Do you feel the tears of the times? Sure enough, men are big pigs."

What wives really love, all go away! !
. . .


The one who laughed the happiest at this time was the puppy: "Dog, I didn't expect you to have today! Fortunately, I am proud that I have prepared for it."

Zhenggong VN, I'm sorry, I'm already in my arms.

This year, I favor the imperial concubine—the policewoman.

Xia and so on are all dewy love, don't look at them.

(Xia: "???")
Xiaohu has nothing to worry about: "Don't ask, it's the plane."

Xiangguo thought for a while and made a decisive decision: "The prince has already chosen, either Qinggangying or the blind monk, choose one of the two."

This is a very philosophical multiple choice question.

Between love and friendship, your choice is.

mmp, want a hammer love?

Goodbye, woman!

"I want a blind monk!"

Although the blind monk lost in the incense pot =. =

Xiao Ming was left, he thought for a while: "If I say it, Feng Nu will do."

Sure enough, Xiao Ming still prefers protective support to offensive support.

In the end, it belongs to RNG, and the S7 champion lineup is also determined-Sword Demon, Blind Sin, Airplane, Policewoman, and Wind Girl.

(End of this chapter)

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