Chapter 168 The Stormy LPL
The following life was indeed similar to what Lin Xiu said.

After winning the championship, this time Lin Xiu can be regarded as completely relaxed. During the 3-month rest period, he didn't have to put too much pressure on himself.

At the same time, because of winning the championship, Lin Xiu's popularity has increased even more, no matter whether the live broadcast platforms are giving him higher treatment.

Everyone is not stupid.

Now Lin Xiu is not only a top professional player, but also a huge brand.

Because a person like him who has good looks, strength, live broadcast effect, and emotional intelligence is outrageous, understand? ?
You can think that this dog is very sao, but you can't deny that his influence in lpl is becoming more and more terrifying, and he seems to have a tendency to catch up with the current strongest two puppies and the factory director.

As long as he is still there, as long as he can still play, then the benefits he can create for the club are limitless.

It is also this amazing influence and ability to generate income that makes e-sports come into the eyes of some bigwigs again.

Who can imagine that this kind of battle, which seems to be on a small screen, has inadvertently become the most popular activity for young people?
The players fought hard and shed tears for it, and they were equipped with a whole set of professional teams.

They may be very different from the traditional competitions we imagined, but they also symbolize the pure competitive spirit. This is the choice of the times and the choice of young people.

"Perhaps, it's really time to consider whether to allow e-sports into the Olympic Games."

"Why don't you try it at the Asian Games next year?"

Of course, all players in the world don't know these things yet.

For Lin Xiu, all he needs to do is to maintain his state occasionally, and then spend more time with the people around him.

And make up for the progress of various other games that I have almost delayed for two weeks.


The alliance has been played too much, so Lin Xiu really likes to have more fun for herself.

"My grace, my Kallen."

"Stop talking, I'm coming."

Silently wiping her saliva, Lin Xiu was ready to start her new fishing career.

Dude played most of the season, so what's wrong with enjoying it?
But what Lin Xiu didn't know was that the LPL trading market would explode in the next few months.

Why do you say that?
Because almost all professional players are resting, and major clubs are making plans for next year.

The popularity and traffic brought by RNG's championship is obvious to all, and no one can refuse such a good thing.

Moreover, the appearance of Lin Xiu also made more clubs see the potential of domestic players.

So how to find excellent local talents during the transfer period, or how to recruit those top local stars has become a very important thing.

Especially short-term contract players like Lin Xiu have become the focus of all clubs.

Of course, at the same time, an ID popped up on the stick suit, which also brought a whole new level of enthusiasm.

That ID is, [Knight]!
You can understand it as a knight, or as a K night.

From the moment this ID appeared, it immediately climbed up with incredible speed and outrageous winning percentage, and finally reached the top with 1500 points, leaving No.2 Peanut with 150 points.

This is quite a scary statistic, because since Lin Xiu, there hasn't been a player with 1500 points in the club for a long time.

It is true that there is still a gap between him and Lin Xiu's peak score of 1700, but everyone has noticed this completely unfamiliar ID.

After all, the current club server is too scary. Almost all the top players will come to the club server for the pursuit of excitement because they have no games to play.

Its level is much higher than ever before.

At this time in previous years, almost all the top players in the lol event reached the top, but now there is such a strange thing.

The point is, do you think this is the end?


When knight reached 1500 points, he did another thing that made everyone feel outrageous.

Two weeks later, an id named [Knight9], which is Knight's trumpet.

It came to 1500 points again, and came to the second place in the stick server.

"Double 1500 points, in a month's time, occupying one, two or two of the club uniform?"

"And the overall winning rate, close to 80%??"

"What kind of monster is this tm???"

At that moment, it was no longer just about noticing.

Everyone wanted to know who he was, and some people even suspected that Lin Xiu was just playing for fun.

Because looking at the records of the entire stick suit, only the peak brother Li and the evil Lin Xiu can achieve this step.

But after they inquired many times, they were suddenly dumbfounded.

"This tm, is the rookie of the pdd team?? YM's mid laner??"


When this information was placed in front of all the teams, everyone was dumbfounded.

lck is dumbfounded, has lpl cheated like this in the past two years?
"And what the hell is that YM?"

"How do you train people to be more terrifying than the other?"

First Lin Xiu came, and then a rookie genius appeared, and his position was still mid laner?
lpl local mid laner?

That is not inferior to the top laner, even rarer than it.

God knows how many years it has been since LPL has produced such a terrifying mid laner.

"Assassins are proficient, mages are proficient, and functional forms are also proficient."

When Principal Wang saw this person, his eyes lit up immediately: "The most important thing is that he just turned 18..."

Fuck, this tm is a rare treasure.

As long as this kind of person gets a good environment and enough reasonable guidance, his future is absolutely limitless.

So for this kind of person, the big bosses almost only use one word to treat them.

That is, buy! ! !
You have to buy it back for me even if you sell everything! !

This kind of investment may bring the club a prosperous future for many years to come. Who wouldn't want to pick up another Lin Xiu? ?
So the golden left hand officially entered the panic buying stage, and pdd died of suffering.

Obviously, he was still recuperating, and all kinds of calls almost didn't blow up his mobile phone.

Especially those wealthy teams.

EDG, RNG, IG, and SN, which is about to spend a lot of money next year, are all contacting him.

They all offer a price that is enough to make any boss's heart beat, and maybe any player will be tempted when he sees the extremely generous reward.

However, PDD is more tangled while enduring the pain.

It's true who in the team doesn't want to make money?

It's just that PDD is really not short of money now, the money he earns is enough for him to live for a lifetime, and he founded YM at the beginning because he pinned his hopes on them.

I hope that they can realize their dreams for themselves and give those talented local players a chance.

It's a pity that YM didn't live up to it, or it was fate.

Their talented players can't always awaken in a period.

When Xiao Ming and Ning Fengsheng got together, their left hands began to ride Juechen.

If these people are really formed into a team now, it is estimated that it will directly become one of the strongest teams in LPL.

It's a pity that pdd is a good boss, not a good boss. When he saw YM's failure, he didn't choose to delay them, but gave them freedom.

The delivery of top talents one by one finally made YM the famous Huangfu Military Academy.

"Then for the future of the left hand, we must respect his own choice. Who should I recommend him to?"

pdd, continue to struggle.

Then, seeing that the bid failed, the smarter team began to have other thoughts.

For example, EDG started to establish a relationship with PDD.

IG, directly persuaded by the old club.

SN, continue to change the contract, the more outrageous kind.

At the beginning, RNG's approach was similar to that of EDG, but I don't know who gave the boss an idea.

Their first concern now seems to be how to get Lin Xiu to stay.

Just a few days later, Lin Xiu, who was still a little confused, looked at her new contract in front of her with question marks all over her face.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Xiu browsed through the contract again, put it down gently, and stared at Brother Feng in front of him.

"Brother Feng, you mean this contract was given to me??"


As a coach, Brother Feng, who has been involved in this matter, looked helpless: "I know this is outrageous, but it is indeed your new contract."

Why is that contract outrageous?

The fee went up all at once, and it became a signing fee of 1500 million, and a liquidated damages of 4500 million.

Compared with Lin Xiu's six-figure signing fee last year, it is indeed a huge increase in social status.

Not only that, but RNG's pie is much more than that. In addition to these most intuitive changes, there is also a supplementary explanation.

"Party A, Lin Xiu, has obtained 5% of the equity of the RNG club."

He, the boss of RNG, gave Lin Xiu 5% of the shares? ?

Not only that, but Xiaogou also enjoys this treatment, and his contract also increases the shareholding by 5%.

"Good pie."

Lin Xiu almost laughed out loud when she saw this contract.

If someone else saw this contract, they would almost kneel down and kowtow to the boss Bai Xin, and then say thank you Brother Bai.

But for Lin Xiu, there are only three words - don't make trouble.

The reason is very simple. On the one hand, it is because the club RNG is not pure.

Although they seem to be involved in e-sports now, in fact, the boss has been using various methods to disperse his assets.

RNG is now his cash cow, but it is also a reminder.

Because next, Baixin will use the money earned by RNG to invest in new events such as Xunong and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Of course, the final outcome can only be said to be understandable.

So even if Lin Xiu signed the contract now, what he got was just a blank check that was almost meaningless.

On the other hand, Lin Xiu is very clear that RNG is definitely not a place to stay forever.

"If you can go, buddy will go."

"After all, I also want to see the outside world."

Lin Xiu smiled and pushed back the contract in her hand.

Brother Feng: "..."

"In that case, I will convey your thoughts to the club."

Brother Feng let out a sigh of relief, his expression did not show any regrets, on the contrary he even looked a little relaxed.

To be honest, Brother Feng was actually very worried that Lin Xiu would sign this contract.

Beneath this seemingly lucrative profit, there are actually various outrageous contract terms hidden.

If Lin Xiu really signs this contract, then Lin Xiu will not be able to switch to any club for at least the next five years, and at the same time, all clubs with Lin Xiu as the core of the income will take away their share.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in LPL where various systems have not yet been standardized.

And that would be like ruining a player's future.

After all, no one can guarantee what the league will look like five years from now, and whether it can continue to maintain its current popularity.

It's a pity that Brother Feng has no way to comment on this kind of thing. He can only hope that Lin Xiu can understand it. Fortunately, Lin Xiu was not blinded by short-term benefits.

At the same time, the conflict between Lin Xiu and RNG was already completely in front of our eyes.

From the previous situations, it can be seen that RNG has always wanted to weaken Lin Xiu's sense of existence.

You must know that according to personal strength, Lin Xiu has already fully proved that she can hold down Letme steadily, but the actual situation is that Lin Xiu is often forced to rotate.

The good name is to train each other, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that RNG doesn't like Lin Xiu.

After all, Lin Xiu is very disobedient.

From the very beginning, when RNG tried to sign a commercial contract with Lin Xiu, it could be seen that Lin Xiu was too detached.

Unlike those players who have played games since childhood and have little knowledge of the world and the world, Lin Xiu is more mature in terms of experience and thinking.

It would be quite difficult to trick such a guy into being a dog for himself.

And according to RNG's original plan, they are actually not ready to really win the championship.

The main thing they have to do is to increase the popularity and exposure of players, so as to bring more commercial value to themselves.

If it wasn't for Lin Xiuzhen and the RNG players to make the final move, then obedient players like Letme would obviously be the first consideration for RNG.

Of course, what will happen next is not what Lin Xiu wants to care about now.

Now, he has to go out.

A certain Xiaoming seemed to have something to discuss with PDD, so he also called Lin Xiu by the way.

It happened that Lin Xiu also had some questions and wanted to ask Teacher Piao for advice, and by the way, he also wanted to see what the future ranking killer King K would be like.

So not long after, the two came to YM's training base.

Almost without anyone pointing it out, Lin Xiu found the left hand who was sitting in the farthest corner, silently pressing the ranking.

The reason.

Do you know why knight is called left hand?
Because he is a left-hander, and he is an out-and-out left-hander who has not undergone any forced correction.

So when he plays games, it is completely opposite to our normal people's habits.

He's using the crossed-hands pose, which looks really weird.

Then, seeing that the left hand was doing ranking, pdd and Lin Xiu didn't make a sound.

The two of them stood silently behind the left hand, waiting for his game to end.

After all, he was left-handed. His status in the rankings during this period of time can be described as terrifying. Obviously, this ranking has not been long since the beginning, but it took 15 minutes for the opponent to surrender.

can only say.

The rank level shown by this guy at the end of S7 is too outrageous.

It's completely a dimensionality reduction strike. Whether it's facing a professional player or a top-notch brother, this guy can use his most brutal way to directly blow up the line.

It is also this terrible rank level that makes everyone choose to believe that his game level will not be too low.

However, this young player did not grow to the extent he imagined in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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