As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 172 She Really, I Cry To Death

Chapter 172 She Really, I Cry To Death


After successfully winning the first blood, Rookie couldn't help giving Lin Xiu a thumbs up.

"This wave of invasion rhythm, it's so good to find it!"

"Hey hey hey."

Lin Xiu smiled happily: "Calm down, don't you see a certain factory, are you going to die of panic?"

Factory Manager: "..."

I tm, can you not be in a hurry?

How can there be a top laner who runs to roam at level 3?

Thanks to Lin Xiu's success, otherwise God knows what kind of loss it will cause.

"Do you want me to make you famous?"


The head, the broiler with the blue buff can be said to be very happy, regardless of lck's eyes that are about to kill.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the red buff that Pig Girl had hit halfway was pulled out to hit, and Annie took it.

The early rhythm is perfect.

And lck here.

Depend on!
From the perspective given by his teammates, he saw that his redness disappeared instantly, and the face of head An also completely darkened: "I tm lost this wave!!"

"What the hell are these people doing??"

No matter how I think about it, I can't understand why a level 3 top laner dares to bring a level 3 mid laner to invade their own jungle.

What's even more annoying is that they successfully invaded?
Then the next problem will be big!
Because the timing Lin Xiu found was really too tricky, and the result was that the LCK people, who were dealing with the pawn line at the middle and upper levels, couldn't support it in time.

Afterwards, Rookie's male sword happily brought the fresh blue buff on the pig girl, and Anne took away the red buff from the pig girl.

"This wave, the LCK is blown up."

Wawa said: "In 3 minutes, LPL not only succeeded in getting the first blood, but also completely broke Zhumei's jungle rhythm."

"Not only that, but next you go to the middle lane, how do you match up?"

Annie, who already has long hands, took a red and kept biubiubiu hitting you, how do you hit?
In the early stage of the middle lane, there is still a man who lacks blue in the first blood and has a blue buff in his hand. In the next 3 minutes, the czar of the mid laner can't hold back at all.

All of a sudden, lck simply fell into a deadlock that they didn't know how to solve.

"Don't worry yet."

Brother Li looked at the pig girl who went out again and knew that he was very uncomfortable: "A little bit of steady growth, and I can still fight."

"Pay attention to Xiaolong, that scorpion can solo Xiaolong if he finds a chance."

Hey. .

Although the head of An is usually very upset with Li Ge, and even his number one black fan, but now, it seems that it can only be like this.

"But Annie didn't flash, we can find a chance to see if we can call back."

Seeing that his old team leader was in such a miserable situation, Wither said that he also wanted to help.

Head An nodded rather perfunctorily.

God knows if that guy will give himself a chance.

In fact, Lin Xiu did not give it.

After taking the red, he went up to force Bonnar's blood volume again, and at the same time, the speed of light wiped out all his blue.

In the next second, go back to the city directly.

With him is Rookie.

After all, the advantage has been obtained before, and the most effective way to expand the advantage is to quickly transform into an equipment lead.

It was Rookie who watched the store get tangled up.

On him, more than 900 yuan?
The kind that is almost 1000 yuan.

"This money is a bit embarrassing."

Rookie was lost in thought.

The ideal situation is a pair of straw sandals + two white swords for a male sword, or a jagged dagger directly.

However, no matter which solution Rookie chooses, it seems that it is not so economical.

Then I should just buy more spectacles?

After thinking about it for a while, this plan was directly rejected.

Because the mid laner's male sword flash is still there, and he has the right to push the line, relying on Zhumei and Tsar, he will definitely not be able to kill himself if he is less than level six.

It would be a waste of time to forcibly arrange the eye position, so it is better to hand over this responsibility to the factory manager who does not have any developmental pressure.

"I have a suggestion, do you want to come?

Just when Rookie was still thinking, Lin Xiu suddenly added something.

Rookie: "???"

"You can consider directly selling the equipment on my body."


Rookie glanced at Lin Xiu's equipment, and felt that this person had serious mental problems.

At this time, Annie's money could have been used to make up for Dolan, and then get some eye positions, but Lin Xiu, did he just take out a pair of five-speed shoes from home?

4 minutes, what are the five-speed shoes?

Even if Rookie brought a wolf head himself, if he wanted to start roaming, he would only wait until 6.

"Don't worry, just trust me."

"What we want with this one is to completely destroy the opposite wild area."

"Maybe if you get a five-speed shoe, the damage will be lower, but with me here, it's definitely enough."

Rookie understands it. This dog has never thought of being a good human being since the beginning when Annie was chosen to lead the wolf.

According to what he meant, he wanted to go all the way to the opposite wild area.

No wonder he would be crazy about Amway himself and the factory director to also wear wolf heads before the selection, if this ideal rhythm really picks up.


Rookie silently mourned for a second for the pig girl who was still tearing up beating the stone man.

That guy must know how to explode mentality and games.

It's a pity that when the All-Star Division finals began, there was no reason for them to show mercy.

"Master An, don't blame me."

So the male knife is also the first five-speed shoe.

In 4 minutes, lpl hit the middle double c, and the double five-speed shoes made their debut.


Miller looked at the doll, and the doll looked at Miller.

"Could it be that these two are trying to go online quickly? After all, the five-speed shoes have a strong ability to run maps in the early stage."

"It should be like this. Of course, this may also bring hidden dangers. If Annie is caught a few times, his advantage of roaming in the early stage will disappear."

After all, these five-speed shoes can only go with the wind or find opportunities, and its risk-return difference is really big.

The two of them could only try their best to find some excuses for their own players, even though they themselves didn't really believe in this excuse.

Only Coach Komma, who was silently watching the game, shook his head in pain. He had clearly seen the intention of the LPL.

Unlimited suppression, will you completely destroy your pig girl?

"This game, whether it's in the wild or online, we're going to be done."

It's not that Komma is overly worried, but that the situation may be worse than imagined. .
Especially when Lin Xiu and Rookie went online at the same time, Brother Li and Wither started to signal frantically almost at the same time.

"You guys, be careful!"

"The opponent's middle and top are all straight-forward five-speed shoes. We couldn't push the lane in the early stage. It is very likely that they will be linked!"

Security head:. . .

For some reason, Zhumei, who had just finished beating the stone man and was about to go to see the situation on the next road, shivered.

Feeling murderous?
Fortunately, he clearly saw Lin Xiu and Rookie appearing on the line, otherwise he would be frightened when he went down the river.

But when he went down, he found himself even more confused.

The river crab on the next road was also controlled by the factory manager.

In this way, sister pig will fall into a rather embarrassing situation.

He had just finished the first round of wild monsters, and the wild area was empty.

The third line is suppressed, and it is not easy to arrest the pig girl who has not flashed.

All neutral resources were charged except Xiaolong.

This pig girl can't do anything except wander around the wild area and play cover.

"It's really annoying."

Mr. An's head is full of bags now: "Two middle and upper class who are particularly capable of doing things, and a factory director with super chart control ability."

The dual pressures of online and wild areas hardly allow lck to find any respite.

"I have to hurry up to six, otherwise the rhythm of this game will move closer to lpl."

Waiting for the wild area to refresh, and occasionally helping teammates to make up the line, this is all An Zhangmen can do.

It's a pity that he still overlooked one point, that is, the lpl has clearly understood the thoughts of head An.

When the time came to nearly 5 minutes, Rookie and Lin Xiu looked at their red buff wild area.

Well, Raptor is about to be reborn.

In contrast, the second round of wild monsters in the opposite blue buff wild area should also come out.

"Rookie, then let's go."

"you know."

"Hey Hey.."

As the two smiled knowingly, the tacit understanding between men was vividly displayed, but it sounded tm evil.

The rest of the LPL:. . .

"It feels like Rookie is gradually disappearing, what's going on?"

The puppy sighed faintly, at this time the bottom lane was still in the tense and exciting matchup. . .

Immediately afterwards, Annie and Nandao, who took the opportunity to return to the city, were already rushing towards the wild area of ​​the LCK.

At this time, both Annie and Nandao had reached six.

"Here, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

He thought he was very careful, and even placed all kinds of defensive eye positions along the way, and the head of An carefully waited for his wild area to refresh.

He was really afraid of being harassed by male knives or Tam, and poor development would make this pig girl much more vulnerable than imagined.

"Don't be afraid!"

Gorilla vowed to give An Zhang a look: "You brush the wild area in the second half, I can give you support, nothing will happen!"

"I'll watch for you too."

Brother Li said softly: "I'm at six, I can't make it to the other side!"

Tsar's R, and bull's head.

I hope these two people can give me some warmth.

Head An sighed silently, this tm was really aggrieved, what the hell he was.

Not daring to hand in the q skill, he carefully threw the whip in his hand onto the newborn toad.

"If everything goes well and I'm allowed to swipe down a wave, I guess the situation will change a lot."

but. . .


This tm doesn't know if he doesn't do it, and the pupils of the head of An's pupil shrink into a dot.

He really dared to hit Toad, dear, he didn't even fully attract Toad's hatred.

But guess what?

That ghost Annie, the male knife, is here again?

Moreover, the routes taken by the two of them can be described as extremely tricky. Annie didn't take the river, he came around from above the lck blue buff.

The male knife is more simple and rude, still twisting?Around a hammer.

Go over the wall directly, and by the way, the wolf head on Nan Dao's body has also been activated, which means that his first attack will receive a bonus damage from the wolf head.

Where the blade is directed, it cuts grass and roots.

"Xiba! These two people are going to be this crazy even in the All-Star game??"

Head An was on the verge of collapse, he could only run away and yell: "Gorilla, help!!"


Gorilla didn't dare to speak, always felt like he was poisoned by him?
Forget it, forget it!

They were all at home, so there was really no reason for Niutou not to go to the rescue, and even pray's skate shoes started to move.

They all know that Zhumei really can't die anymore, otherwise the jungler position will be forced to 2~3 levels later.

It's a pity that Toad's birthplace is relatively far away from Yita, and the bull's head and skate shoes still have to wait for a while to walk there.

As for whether they can fight back, everyone in the LCK doesn't even consider it.


Anne at the sixth level, male knife at the sixth level.

If you don’t fall behind in level, you can’t bear to hit your face directly with the skill, so decisively Q skill rides on the pig’s head and leaves quickly.

But she overlooked one point, that is Anne's speed.

She was really, really fast.

Driving the five-speed shoes of the wolf head, directly pulling Annie's movement speed to 700+, can your pig girl run over the wall?
I saw that Lin Xiu's walking route did not change, and continued to move forward.

When the pig girl crossed the wall and was about to retreat, Annie had already circled around his face.

Without further ado, Tibbers hit his face with the stunned R skill, Tibbers' anger was burning, and the pig girl was stunned in place.

At the same time, he also took the damage of Annie q+w, and his blood volume directly reached about half blood.

Take this opportunity for Rookie's male knife to keep up at that time.

Niutou wanted to flash qw to rescue, Rookie flashed behind the wall and avoided it perfectly.

"Give me, die!"

There is no plan to save skills at all, basically nothing but flashes.

W two-stage scraping, A+Q+A+R+A.

At the moment when the eight flying knives were closed, the blood volume of Zhumei evaporated directly, and the screen went dark again.

"[CN.Rookie] killed [KR.Ambiton]!!"


Pig sister, died again.

"Fuck, this guy's reaction speed is so fast."

Gorilla watched the male knife flying away with bags all over his head.

It can only be said that it is indeed Rookie who was once known as the little Faker. This kind of competitive state, even if it is placed among all the current mid laners, is among the best.

"Now is not the time to think about this!!"

Withering on the top lane was struggling to build up his anger, while paying attention to the bottom lane: "Hurry up and retreat, the other side will overtake you!!"


On one side is Anne who calls out all the bears, and on the other side is Tamga Verus, a bot lane combination that is in excellent condition.

Not to mention that the LCK bottom lane has not yet reached level six, even if it reaches level six, I am afraid it will not be an opponent of LPL. .

If they want to jump the tower, they will pay almost no price and cost.

"I know this too!!"

So not only Li Ge, but also Pray, who was already under the tower, were quickly adjusting their positions.

It's just that LPL didn't intend to give them any certain respite.

"Go and fight, I will contain the Tsar."

The factory manager who has arrived has a very clear mind.

He knew who his primary target was at this time, that's right, it was the czar who had also reached level six.

According to the current frankness of lpl, once the czar releases a perfect big move under the tower, the consequences are really hard to say.

So in this case, it would be great if the scorpion could target the czar.

The detail worth mentioning is that Scorpion's current level is almost level six, and the first thing he did after he came to the blue buff was to use punishment to quickly clear the blue buff.

A faint blue light appeared, and the scorpion reached the sixth level, and found Li Ge's position in the upper barrier.

"This guy."

Brother Li frowned: "It's very troublesome."

Level [-] shoes, and a fresh red buff on your body, you, a tsar, may not be able to run away once a scorpion gets close to you in such a narrow terrain.

But no matter what he can do.

Therefore, what Brother Li can do is to try to entangle and pull on the blue buff.

It is this little time that gives you enough preparation for lpl.

Lin Xiu's Annie didn't flash, but it wasn't a big problem.

He was dizzy with his big move, and with QWE, the dizziness has stacked 3 layers.

With the q skill in less than 4 seconds, throw another one on Toad, the stun is ready, and the target is directly at the skateboard shoes.

Even though the change of shoes had flashed out, Annie was still stunned.

Xiaogou and Meikou didn't hesitate when they saw this, they both flashed and approached.

Toad's ignition is hung up, Verus A+E+A, stacking 3 layers of W passive in seconds, followed by a Q skill cloud piercing arrow, the blood volume of the skateboard is close to residual blood.

In the end, Lin Xiuw, who walked and ran to the face of the skateboard shoe, threw it out.

"[CN.Lin] killed [KR.Pray]!!"

Skate shoes, suddenly. . .

"Can you still run? I'm coming down."

At this time, the wither is already in tp, and he is talking to the bull head.

There is one thing to say, if the QW of Niutou is there, and with Gnar's Tathagata Palm, there is a possibility of a miraculous counterattack under the tower.

"My skill is not that fast CD!"

Gorilla actually doesn't want to work, but the bull's head CD is placed here. In order to match him with QE and point, it takes 15 seconds to send QW and two consecutive CDs.

Is the daylily cold in 15 seconds?
So I saw everyone in lpl quickly gather fire after getting rid of the skateboard shoes.

The bull's head, which was besieged by four people together, was extremely fragile, and was finally taken away by the puppy.

"[CN.UZI] killed [KR.Gorilla]!!"

So far, the three members of LCK's downfield are all dead.


Seeing this, Wither had no choice but to cancel tp.

Fortunately, the tp can still be canceled at this time, but the price is absolutely outrageous. ,

The canceled tp not only won't reduce the cooling time, but also wastes the rage that Gnar has finally built up.

That can no longer control Gnar, who is about to become bigger, whether it is pushing lines or tearing down towers, the efficiency of smaller Gnar will also be reduced, and there will be no benefits in the online game.

After killing the bottom lane, three of the five LPL players directly transferred to Baron, leaving the lane duo to continue pushing the tower.

Due to the revision of the defense tower, the current bottom tower does not have the previous 7-minute protection mechanism, and it is extremely vulnerable in the joint advancement of the duo. With a large wave of soldiers, the bottom tower is directly destroyed.

By the way, the first small dragon, Earth Dragon, was also in the bag.

"Wow, this wave, lpl blood money."

Wa Wa looked at the LPL people who had finished all the battles and started to return to the city: "After this wave, lck is too hurt, the defense tower + dragons are all lost, and they will fall into infinite passiveness in the next 5 minutes."

"And the cooperation of these five people is much better than we imagined."

Miller praised: "It doesn't look like a temporary team at all. Sure enough, the language is common, and the chemical reaction brought about by enough personal strength is so wonderful."

It is really a common language.

Although Rookie is not a local player, you cannot deny that he speaks Chinese well.

Without the slightest common obstacle, coupled with LPL's consistent fighting style, lck really can't stand it.

As for the lck players themselves.

"Siba!! Siba!! Siba!!"

After Master An was resurrected, he could only roar a few times with impotence and fury.

"It's that dog Annie, I'm really sick of it."

"What's in that dog's head? How can he fight like this with Annie, the top laner?"

From the beginning to the end, let alone the LCK going to catch him, the script was tm completely reversed.

Lin Xiu frantically did things in a rhythmic manner, and knocked down a pig girl in a daze.

Today, the scorpion is at the sixth level, and the pig girl is at the fourth level.

At the same time, the scorpion is still flashing, and the shoes are already available.

At that time, Annie, the male knife, shoes, and the three wolf heads will come out together. . .


Head An didn't want to think about that scene anymore.

The wild area is really scary, I want to go online, can I do it? ?
o (╥﹏╥) o
(End of this chapter)

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