As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 173 Violent Lolita and Troubled Male Knife

Chapter 173 Violent Lolita and Troubled Male Knife
Looking at the frustrated An Zhangmen, Brother Li, an old opponent, asked in a low voice.



"I just noticed something."

Brother Li clicked on an extra item in his equipment bar: "Have you ordered the perfect timing?"

"Perfect timing?"

Head An thought for a while: "What is that? A new talent, I ordered the green + orange talent."

Greens, aftershocks, explosions, overgrowth, bone plating, and more.

These things are things that can increase frankness at first glance, and they are definitely very suitable for pig girls.

As for the orange series, it has the talent of increasing resistance and the functional talent of Triumph, which is estimated to be very strong in the later stage.


Hearing this, Brother Li sighed helplessly: "Then I can only say, you go."

Head An: "???"

"Ann, the perfect timing is to give you a little golden body for free."

Expressed that he couldn't stand it anymore and prayed for a friendly reminder.

Head An: "..."

Perfect timing now, this talent is really quite shameless.

Unlike the previous 10 minutes before it can be used, now 6 minutes can be directly used to buy a stopwatch, and then you can consider synthesizing Chunge or Zhongya in the later stage.

Whether it's cost-effective, or using the golden body to absorb a wave of damage at critical times, this item has well-deservedly become the most imba existence in the version.

It's a pity that the head of a certain security didn't notice this thing.

Then the next pig girl, even if the time has passed 6 minutes, without the help of a stopwatch, and she is not frank, she can declare that the early stage is completely cool.

I'm afraid his only role is to throw a big move.

But it doesn't make much sense, because the younger sister's buckle is the unsealed cheat book.

After the first wave of teleportation is used up, go home and change the summoner skills, and get a teleportation.

In the later stage, the toad will produce a mercury ribbon by itself, and then add a purification, it will be fine for anyone on the LPL side to be opened, just swallow the toad in the belly to save his life.

"Then, I'm really done for this one."

Head An, silently closed his eyes.

His wild area was cleared before everyone in the LPL retreated, leaving only the first half of the wild area.

But you want him to go wild in the upper half of the field. .


Take a look at what Anne produced.

Demon Codex + Ether Essence?

One reduces the cooling time, the other increases the movement speed of the magic power, coupled with Annie's own wolf head talent.

Head An can swear that as long as he dares to go in, all kinds of strange things will be waiting for him in the next second.

Maybe together with the LPL bottom lane Verus + Tamm can drive to quickly support.

In the end, is it necessary to play it safe and not mess around for a while, or to send a wave of friendship to make the factory director who is about to be level 7 feel happy?

The answer to this question needs no further explanation.

So, keep going.

And lpl has been waiting for Lin Xiu's equipment and summoner skills.

Rookie: "By the way, Lin Xiu, how long is your flash?"

"It will be over soon, and let me send some money by the way."

Lin Xiu glanced at the money, yes, it's already 500 yuan, another wave of soldiers will leave directly.

Brother Li, who is more familiar with mage equipment, actually had a feeling in his heart when Lin Xiu took out these two items.

"I always feel that the top laner on the opposite side will blow us up completely in the early stage."

"According to this logic, this guy's equipment..."

Half a minute later, the answer came out.

Twin Shadows.

When it comes to the most cost-effective series of legal equipment in the early stage, this equipment is definitely among the best.

Funding is required, 2400 yuan.

It can provide 70 points of magic power, 7% movement speed bonus, and 10% cooling reduction.

At the same time, it also comes with an active effect, referred to as the little devil's death.

The only active. Specter kills:

Summons 2 terrifying ghosts that hunt nearby heroes, revealing them upon contact and haunting them.Haunted enemies are slowed by 40% for a duration based on the distance the ghost has traveled, up to a maximum of 5 seconds.

"We can start working."

Lin Xiu chuckled and started to move towards the middle.

"Is it all right?"

Rookie looked at Lin Xiu's outfit curiously, and doubts appeared on his face: "By the way, you don't need to be in such a hurry. It would be better to spend some money to produce a ghost book, right?"

Anyway, it's only a few hundred dollars.


Lin Xiu shook her head: "The purpose of mine is to be a dog for you."

Rookie: "???"

"Don't laugh, you're just being a dog."

Lin Xiudao: "Annie is a hero whose fault tolerance rate in the late stage is too low. If you want to win the game, the easiest way is to maximize your strength in the early stage."

The essence of the so-called wolf head's early game is to use the movement speed as a flash to blow up your mentality abruptly.

"Ether Essence 7% acceleration, talent water walking, movement speed bonus, five-speed shoes, at this time, Langmou has easily broken through 500 points of movement speed even if he does not turn on the wolf head."

"According to the theory of canyon speed relativity, if I slow you down, it can be regarded as accelerating myself."

"It is known that the enemy is slowed down by 40% by me, and the wolf's head is accelerated by 45%, so round it up..."

Then wouldn't I almost become three times the speed of this pig girl?
Faced with Lin Xiu's theory, Rookie always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find any reason to refute it.

"Forget it, just follow him to do things."

Anyway, I am also a troublesome boy.

After pushing the line strongly, Anne once again disappeared from the sight of everyone in the LCK.

For a while, all kinds of exclamation marks almost covered all the invisible places of LCK.

"Captain, run quickly!"

Wither roared: "That Annie is gone again, I can't see him!"

"And that male knife too!!"

Brother Li is also in a panic. The equipment of this male sword is actually more exaggerated than that of Annie.

He is now wearing five-speed shoes + sawtooth dagger + Tiamat.

In terms of value, these equipment are equivalent to five-speed shoes + Youmeng, but Rookie's outfit is what makes Li even more headache.

After all, pushing the line is too fast.

Originally, the male sword had to w twice, but now, the soldiers behind W will die.

Melee soldiers A+Q+A+Tiamat, all disappeared in a second.

As soon as the male sword line was launched, no one could restrain it with the most agile gank method in the canyon.

Those dogs and men hiding in the dark. .

Oh no.

Assassins and witches, are they going to act again? ?

But it's also interesting to talk about the process. .
Just like just now, everyone felt that lpl would continue to chase and beat the pig girl to death, but the implementation situation was not the case.

First of all, there are two factors in the current field that made lpl change its strategy.

First, the level of the pig girl is really too low.

If it were an incense pot, Mr. An might be able to develop again after being messed up like this, but he was facing the factory director.

With the factory manager's ability to control, once he gains an advantage, Miss Zhu shouldn't think about growing up.

All resources in the wild area were destroyed.

Things like river scuttle crabs will not be left behind.

Now there is only a pig girl at level 4, and there is no place to develop at all, and if he wants to gain experience on the pawn line, it will inevitably affect the development of his teammates.

This level 7 scorpion beats a level 4 pig girl. In the next 3 minutes, spending energy on him will greatly reduce the benefits.

On the contrary, at this moment, the most noteworthy person on the field is Brother Li.

Although the development of his teammates has been more or less affected, his own development is still very good.

In the final analysis, Brother Li is too much of a dog.

Summoner skills, flash + purification, can prevent Annie or Scorpion's flash big move, and even because 6 minutes have passed, he has a stopwatch on his body.

"If we don't suppress him anymore, then the desert emperor will really grow without pressure."

As one of the strongest mages in the later stage, and also the desert emperor named [Faker], lpl must respect him and completely eliminate all possible risks.

Therefore, as soon as the wolf head opened, LPL went to the middle field and directly caught it.


Brother Li, who was planning to see if he wanted to protect the pig girl, felt something was wrong. .

Because in a corner that I couldn't see, a dead corner of the f4 terrain, a young ghost suddenly drilled out.

That is, the initiative of the twin shadows?

Wait, they are not going to find the head of An, they are going to find me? ?

Brother Li, who suddenly realized that something was wrong, didn't dare to hand over the qe, and ran desperately towards the bottom of his tower.

But Lin Xiu's active effect is really tricky.

He was stuck in a dead corner of the map, and at the same time it was the closest place to Brother Li.

It's also a good thing Li Ge didn't hand over the qe, otherwise his ending would still be the same as now, being entangled by the kid.

Immediately, the 40% deceleration was directly hung up.

Even though the desert emperor had a pair of magic shoes on his body, it was still too slow compared to the LPL with three wolf heads.

Soon, the scorpion appeared in the field of vision.

"It may be necessary to flash the big self."

"And it's hard for me to hide."

This tm, once the scorpion wolf's head of the quicksilver shoe is removed, W will do it again, which is not much worse than Annie.

He can pull himself back without flashing.

So under such circumstances, Brother Li did not lose his mind.

All skills, continue to not hand in.

"Wait for me to go first!"

The factory manager said he was not in a hurry.

A joke, if you don't pay, I won't pay. Anyway, when the wolf's head rings, I have the world.

In the end, the desert emperor has entered the range of the scorpion's ultimate move.

It's now!

Unexpectedly, Brother Li made his own big move.

It was almost the limit distance, and the scorpion's R skill was about to make a move, but it was still forced back.

That sand wall perfectly separated the distance between the two of them.

Then Brother Li handed over his qe at this time, and the ultra-long-distance elegant is about to start.

"Brother Li's handling here is beautiful!"

Seeing Brother Li's operations and still on his way, Head An couldn't help but praise him.

Although he continued to look unhappy after the praise, after all, Brother Li was the most hated guy in his career.

But even so, Brother Li's calmness cannot be denied.

With this wave of kneading skills, he was stunned that he hadn't handed over any summoner skills so far.

Flash, purification, and stopwatch are all there. At first glance, it seems that LPL has no way to continue to touch Li Ge.

"Unfortunately, you are floating."

Maybe someone else would have given up at this time, but Lin Xiu wouldn't.

To be honest, if the desert emperor directly flashes this wave, Lin Xiu doesn't plan to continue, but Li Ge insists on saving skills, then you must pay the price.

Unexpectedly, in the process of the desert emperor flying, Annie, who had just recovered from Flash, suddenly followed Flash.


"Give me a bear hug!"

Anne's big move with the dizzy vortex smashed down.

Then. . .

What the fuck? ? ?

Those who were paying attention to the middle road were stunned, and Brother Li, who was about to leave in a rather free and easy manner, stood there in a daze.

In front of him was a gigantic giant bear with flames all over its body. It didn't have the simple, honest and cute look in Annie's hands at all, it was fierce and cruel.

"So this tm is, the big bear stops the dragon car???"

During the process of qe, the desert emperor was stunned and cut off?


Rookie roared: "Hurry up, factory manager, let's follow!"

"it is good!!"

As soon as the words fell, the scorpion and the male knife began to move on.

"This reaction speed."

To be honest, even Brother Li himself was a little bit perplexed.

The desert emperor's drifting speed is definitely not slow, even if it is so, he dared to rely on the movement speed plus flash to force the stop, besides Lin Xiu, he really could not think of another person who would dare to play like this.

"This tm, I might blow up this wave!"

Brother Li's instinct is calling.

When used for purification, the Desert Emperor will get rid of dizziness in seconds, but even so, he still suffers the qw damage from Lin Xiu's heels.

At this time, Annie's explosion was quite impressive. The Desert Emperor, who had hit all three output skills, had no magic resistance, and his HP was directly hit by about 40%.

At the same time, at this time, the male knife who handed over the flash to cross the sand wall and the e skill to cross the sand wall has already followed.

Especially the male sword, Rookie cleverly used the male sword's e skill.

At first glance, it seems that the desert emperor's ultimate move is a shield, but in fact, this thing can be regarded as a terrain, so as long as it is terrain, such as the prince's r, phoenix's w, and the desert emperor's r skill, the male sword can be turned over.

At the same time, the effect of the wolf head and the five-speed shoes on the male sword did not disappear because the scorpion was fighting the tower.

Even without flashing, the desert emperor without a big move has already entered the assassination field of male swords.

"Don't you have a stopwatch, hand it over to me!"

Seeing Brother Li's blood volume and the improvement of his body, Rookie adopted the simplest and most violent combo. .
With a big move, he accelerated further.

Use this acceleration q skill to thrust close.

Not to mention anything else, just from the outrageous outburst of the hero Nan Dao, with the current body of the Desert Emperor, he really can't handle it.

Even if it only takes the second-stage follow-up damage of a QA+ big move, the passive desert emperor that is played can be said to be dead.

"no solution anymore."

Brother Li watched the big moves spread out, but the male sword that appeared under the real vision of the defense tower gave up his position helplessly.

Because moving positions is obviously only a waste of time, and even gives the male sword a chance to adjust the output.

So, ding. . .There was a crisp sound.

The desert emperor in front of him turned on the first small stopwatch given by him in 6 minutes, thus completely turning into a golden crispy chicken.

But it's useless.

The 2.5-second stagnation time belonging to Central Asia is enough for the scorpion on the side to walk to the Tsar.

"Be careful, don't force it in the second tower, take it from f4."

Lin Xiu glanced at their positions, and quickly marked the birthplace of the edge of the raptor.

After all, everyone's current level is not particularly high. If you force the defense tower to fight down, in case you are rushed by the bot lane bull head + skateboard shoes combination that has lost your vision, the loss outweighs the gain.

"I know."

Hearing this, the factory director also nodded.

Almost at the end of the Tsar's golden body, the factory director Scorpion's R skill was used.

The Tsar, who was stabbed by the poisonous thorn, was forcibly dragged and moved, and stopped completely when he reached the bushes.

Rookie still has w and q skills, and with a simple combo, Li's blood volume is completely exhausted.

"[LPL.Rookie] killed [KR.Faker]!!!"

Tsar, die!

"The eruption of this male knife is too fast!"

There is one thing to say, in fact, the actions of the LCK side are similar to Lin Xiu's worries.

At the moment just now, both Zhumei and Gnar were rushing to the middle. If Brother Li could delay the time for a few more seconds, then a 3v5 situation would have formed on the court.

It's a pity that because Lin Xiuyi wave forced the big bear to stop the dragon car, Brother Li was forced to give up all his skills in just a few seconds.

Then coupled with the eruption of the male knife, Li Ge was forcibly beaten to death when they were completely unable to catch up.

And looking at the LPL trio retreating from the red square raptor, everyone in the LCK lost their appetite.

"Can you stay for a while?"

Gorilla's Bullhead, wearing five-speed shoes, is on his way.

"I don't think so."

Gnar looked at the status of the three of them.

If you want to say that they are weak, it seems to make sense, after all, all three of them have used up their ultimate moves.

But if you want to say go straight forward, sorry for your Gnar, you really don't deserve it.

Annie's dizziness, male knife's passive, and scorpion's melee control.

When all these things come together, it is very difficult to deal with.

Seriously, Lin Xiu and the others, hurry up and come here, okay? Not to mention the middle and wild trio in this lpl, the ability of small-scale fights is directly out of the box.

As long as you damn meow dare to come over, they can only beat you to death directly.

"Xiba, this is fucking meow, the speed of support is really not as good as it is."

Watching the three leave from a distance, even though Gnar is in good condition now and his anger value has reached over 85 points, he still dare not go forward.

Can only hide behind silently, as a background board, or human eyes.

It's really not that Gnar is cowardly, it's because Gnar is now giving away his head.

Because now not only is it difficult to play online, but the male swordsman in the middle is also well developed.

As a result, whether it is AP damage or AD damage on LPL's side, it has actually reached a quite outrageous level. If you force only one resistance, it will inevitably lead to another lack of resistance, and the body is still very fragile.

Forcibly piling up HP will also appear to be quite weak when facing the broken sheep knife Verus.

After all, it is a percentage deduction of blood, and Gnar really can't stand it.

Then the chain reaction is that Gnar's outfit will be seriously delayed.

He wanted mercury shoes + a small magic-drinking knife on the one hand, and a big belt and a small wooden hammer on the other.

He even planned to add another small blue shield to make himself the ultimate parts king.

It's a pity that the live game will not give him time to continue to develop.

When Lin Xiu returned home, his choice was very simple, that is to continue to accelerate.

This acceleration not only refers to the acceleration of the game rhythm, but also to further improve one's own movement speed.

After returning, relying on the money on her body, Lin Xiu took out another ether essence.


Rookie looked at Lin Xiu's equipment and said, "You don't want to make another magic-binding orb, do you?"

After thinking about it for a while, you will know that there are really not many large pieces that can be synthesized with such a thing as ether essence.

The more practical equipment is either the Scourge of the Lich or the Magic-Binding Orb.

The former Annie is definitely not out, although she has very long hands.

Then do a simple exclusion, the best option is the latter.

"That is required."

Lin Xiu nodded, with a smile on her face: "This shit, it's just the beginning, okay?"

Since it is playing Langtou, it is necessary to fully utilize Annie's movement speed support to the mechanism, so that the characteristics of Langtou can be better brought into play.

Just imagine, this tsar who has been shot out in a flash, if you don't catch him, who will you catch?

It doesn't matter even if Annie doesn't flash.

"Brother Li, it's so pitiful."

For some reason, this idea suddenly popped up in Rookie's mind, there was no other reason, it was really outrageous.

He could already imagine how terrifying Anne was at that time.

With the acceleration effect of the river swift crab on the top road, and the special acceleration effects such as the wolf head, I am afraid that as soon as the pawn line is pushed, Lin Xiu on the top road will disappear, and then turn to the middle road to attack Brother Li.

In this situation, I am afraid that if you change to any mid laner, your mentality will collapse directly.

It's so fucking cheap.

This is indeed the case.

After returning home, Lin Xiu went online again. Although Gnar chose to target Annie with his equipment in the early stage, the right to push the line is still in Annie's hands.

The most sao thing is that the factory manager and Rookie also gave up the blue buff to Lin Xiu.

Annie, who has a blue buff and skills that can be said to be thrown at will without any pressure, can't stand it at all.

So the next tsar felt the warmth and warmth from LPL.

After all, the Tsar's purification has a CD limit, while the point control of Langtou and Annie is still strong.

Almost every one and a half minutes, once the wolf's head turns around, Anne will be dispatched.

Once or twice, the resources on the map are slowly being eaten away by lpl.

The Tsar, who was originally well-developed, was stunned to be labeled as the second-to-last in development, only a little better than a certain pig girl.

In the end, under such tremendous pressure, LCK finally couldn't stand it.

In 23 minutes, relying on the huge equipment advantage and the fast three-piece Verus, LPL won the dragon.

Then follow the trend.

It belongs to the first BO7 match of the S3 All-Star Tournament Finals, and it ends with the victory of the LPL division.

(End of this chapter)

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