As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 176 The Three Stars Are All Actresses

Chapter 176
To be honest, not to mention Anzhangmen and Wither, even the LCK audience watching this game almost died of anger. .
What the fuck is that.

Why is that dog so courageous and dare to fight back with such a little blood?

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand that it is useless even if you are angry.

The first is the current status of the two top laners in the LCK.

The big tree and the wine barrel don't have any skills now. If they want to fight back, they will find that the cooldown time of the skills is not enough.

Dashu's W skill has a CD of 13 seconds in the early stage.

The E skill of the wine barrel has a CD of 16 seconds in the early stage.

Even if the two chased Lin Xiu for a while, the actual result was still nearly half of the time until the cooldown improved.

For such a long time, why can't people fight you back?
Not to mention the most important point, Angel's experience is leading at this time.

When Lin Xiu took a few more steps forward, a burst of light blue light appeared, and the level of the angel reached level 2, and the w skill was learned in seconds.

A mouthful of golden light flashed, and the angel's blood volume was not only boosted, but also its movement speed was increased.

"Director, let's go!"

Lin Xiu didn't care how bad her blood volume was, and continued to press forward.

At the same time, his fingers quickly cut the screen.

Well, Rookie is smart this time around.

What are you most afraid of at this time?What I'm most afraid of is that Li Ge will suddenly wander around on the road. The hero Zoe is too easy to play on the side road with complicated terrain, even if he is only level 2.

Rookie's approach to this is cool.

Because from the beginning of 1, he learned the e skill, and after he had the q skill at level 2, after throwing a shot, the e skill was passively stacked.

Then the e skill was added to the flat a, and the corrosive potion was forced to push the line against the attack of the soldiers.

As a result, this push game, which was originally Zoe's advantage, was stumped by Kassadin.

Zoe, who was caught by the soldiers and didn't carry the teleportation, couldn't support the road at all, which laid the capital for Lin Xiu and the factory manager to make trouble.

"I'll go first."

The factory manager glanced at the barrels and trees that were retreating.

Because the position I walked up to was similar to the wine barrel before, and I started my journey from the river, so from this position, I could just buy two people.

After calculating the position, Zhumei's q skill was released directly.

I saw the pig's head arched forward all of a sudden, and it stood between the big tree and the wine barrel impartially.

"This old guy."

Seeing the factory director's operation, An Zhangmen couldn't help frowning.

Although the factory manager and himself are both old, it stands to reason that such a veteran should have retired from the stage of history long ago, but he didn't expect the factory manager's condition to remain so good.

This q skill alone directly brought into full play the experience accumulated by the factory manager over the years.

It was like a wedge, hitting between the two of them, making it extremely uncomfortable, and it also caused the big tree with only level 1 to be directly attacked.

Then, Lin Xiu's e skill has also improved at this time.

It is worth mentioning that the judgment of the old version E.

The e skill lasts for ten seconds after it is activated, and the cooldown time has already begun to count when he activates the e skill.

Therefore, for a first-level angel, it only takes 10 seconds for the E skill cd to improve.

Counting from just now to now, it is enough.

The angel's flame slapped the wine barrel's face again, and at the same time, Zhumei's w skill was charged for a short period of time, and the whip hit Dashu's face with a whip.

Under this double sky of ice and fire, the wine barrel has become even worse because of the fact that the wild monsters are not at full health.

In just an instant, his blood volume reached half blood.

Of course, you have to ignore the money that Lin Xiu unknowingly obtained by relying on her e-skills and burglary omens.

Just Ta Meow, I feel very uncomfortable.

The most annoying thing is to wait for Dashu's w to turn around after a long time. When they want to fight back, they realize that Lin Xiu's position is too well grasped.

It was as if he had calculated that the big tree might turn back at this time, so he also started to pull back to keep himself and the big tree at the farthest distance.

And the w distance of the big tree is only 525.

With a casting distance of 525, facing the angel of 575, there is a gap that can never be bridged between the two.

Not to mention that there is also the factory director, relying on his pigskin, to act as a spoiler among the crowd.

"No, if this goes on, we're really in danger."

Even if Zhumei is not a carnivorous jungler, this guy is red after all, coupled with w's deceleration and Zhumei's first hit damage is really not low.

Keg also knew he had to make a judgment call now.

There are still 5 seconds left for his E skill, and his blood volume has reached about one-third.

"Siba, if you don't tell me again, I might tell you here."

Nima, this is really getting more and more angry.

Why did I catch you at level 2, but you beat me like this?
Now it is impossible to retreat, nor to advance.

In desperation, he could only call out his flash, so as to completely stay away from the two women who were playing ice and fire.

Who can resist this fucking meow? ? ?

Withered also cursed secretly, while protecting the wine barrel and continuing to retreat, he hid in the defense tower and went home.


Seeing the ghostly appearance on the top lane, Brother Li, who was already in a hurry in the middle lane, let out a long sigh.

Damn, our home Ueno exploded again.

When you come back later, one of your wine barrels is gone, and the big tree is only at level 1 to fight a level 3 angel.

How do you guys play? ?

The most important thing is that you give a big c in the later stage, and get this advantage in the early stage.

When Kassadin reaches level [-], as long as the LPL side dies in the top lane, and the bottom lane continues to rely on personal strength to press the line, the LCK will be completely passive.

And it's the kind of scene that drags on and gets more passive.

You guys can fight well honestly, okay?If you have nothing to do, find another way.

Sure enough, Samsung guys are poisonous! !
Ta Meow is playing me!

An angry cry from a certain Li brother! !
Then a very strange situation appeared in the situation on the court. .
First of all, because of Rookie's excellent laning ability and situation judgment in the middle, he abruptly made Zoe, who was supposed to be roaming, unable to run.

Because the hero Zoe wants to push the line quickly, he has to release skills at a high frequency, so he just fell into the trap of Kassadin's main e skill before level [-].

And Li Ge, who was trapped, had no way to support the upper and lower lanes in time, which made the laning extremely uncomfortable.

On the road, not much to say.

Leading by a flash, while directly teleporting online and continuing to suppress, Angel Linlang almost crushed this big tree into a fool.

Level 4, hit level 1. .

You read that right, this is what it looks like on the road now.

Because after returning, Lin Xiu took out a dark seal, which further enhanced the damage of the corrosive potion.

Coupled with the continuous long-range attack of the E skill, Dashu really couldn't bear it within ten seconds.

The most annoyed was that Lin Xiu even poured out a miniature witchcraft potion for nothing.

The angel after the addition of spells, it is really not difficult to bully a small short-handed big tree, but the withering can only be extremely aggrieved, looking at the angel from a distance.

If he took half a step forward, he would be slapped by the angels in various ways, and such a situation was formed in the end.

And at this time, the wine barrels and the big trees are also good.

They know that they must not step forward, otherwise, once they are squatted back, Ueno, who has not flashed, will definitely not be able to beat the LPL duo.

Coupled with Zhumei's constant control of the upper half of the field of vision, this top lane is basically about to enter a long period of time when there is no way to match up normally.

In the same way, the situation is not much better.

Although the cooperation between Xiaogou and Xiaoming is very good, but after all, Meikou is also a top player who has assisted deft.

To some extent, he is even better than Xiao Ming now.

Therefore, the bottom lane cooperation of these two people is quite tacit, and they play extremely brutally.

Especially the dog's ad is a female gun with an outrageous burst in the early stage, and there is also a female tank with a stronger damage premise than the tm female gun.

Jhin, who was praying on the opposite side, didn't dare to move forward at all.

Because he knew that as long as he was pointed out by the female tank fairy, he would definitely not be able to bear any damage.

On the other hand, because the wine barrel does not flash, it is difficult to cause a kill when it comes down, which further increases the capital of the puppy to press the line.

So naturally laning, the puppy has already pressed the knife for 20 knives.

Together with the top road, RNG's opening economy lead is close to 600 yuan, and this 600 yuan is the result of hard tm's personal strength.

It was also at this time that the audience of lck had to admit that the personal strength of LPL players is indeed not inferior to that of LCK.

They didn't work before, more because of version and operation problems.

However, in this version of active personal strength and small-scale fights, lck feels a little unsustainable.

"No, we have to act now."

Brother Li said coldly: "If they continue to delay, let alone wait until 20 minutes, we will start to fight very hard after 15 minutes."

First of all, the attribute of the first dragon is too bad.

It's just a wind dragon.

Even if LKC will be a little stronger after reaching level [-], LPL can still avoid battles perfectly and continue to develop.

The second is that the middle and lower equipment is gradually widening the gap.

Seeing that it has reached level six, the puppy directly took out the attack speed shoes + double Dolan + extraction blade after returning home, and the angel on the road took out the tooth of Little Nasher after returning home.

Their growth rate is really too fast.

"In that case, let's swim a wave and hit the road."

Gorilla glanced at her ad.

Jhin, go back to the city to replenish equipment.

Taking advantage of this time, he also returned to the city, and then went straight on the road.

"No matter what, that angel doesn't have displacement skills after all, and we can beat a wave even if there is a flash."


Withered faintly sighed: "But I..."

"There's nothing to be desired!"

Head An, who has reached level 5, is manipulating the wine barrel to move up the road, "The game can be lost, but Langbi must die!!"

Anyway, labor and management are going to arrest him!
Grab hard! ! ! !

Very helpless, but unable to refute his old captain.

The withered tree had no choice but to maintain his state more carefully. Although the tree hadn't reached six, through unremitting efforts, he finally narrowed the level difference to less than 2 levels.

Now it's level 5 playing level 7. .

Anyway, Ta Meow can see it.

"Remember to wait for me, or you won't have enough control and damage."

Brother Li's Zoe first pretended to go back to the city, then disappeared from Rookie's eyes, and rushed on the road at the same time.

Unlike other mid laners, most people may think that Li Ge should go back to replenish equipment at this time, but Rookie obviously knows Li Ge very well.

Almost 2 seconds after Zoe disappeared, he started signaling frantically.

"Be careful, Zoe is gone!"

Rookie was in a hurry: "Don't press it too hard, I don't have enough cds now, I can't clear him!"

Everyone:. . .

Well, although Zoe's big move can't directly add any damage, it can still successfully increase the damage by lengthening the flight trajectory.

However, as mentioned above, as long as LPL does not give too many opportunities, Kassadin with teleportation can be supported immediately.

Therefore, Lin Xiu and Xiaogou are retreating subconsciously.

"However, they should come to arrest me again."

Also retreating, Lin Xiu noticed the view of the river on the way down.

There is an eye position in the grass in the center of the river, and the real eye on it is still lying quietly, and has never seen the LCK people coming.

It is absolutely impossible for a blue side to catch the red side without passing through here.

Instead, hit the road. . .

"Maybe... it's time to come."

Obviously without any vision, Lin Xiu suddenly gave herself an acceleration.

The angel's body first took a step forward in the air, and then quickly turned its head.

The faint golden light made the angel's figure look very agile, just passing by the hypnotic bubbles that popped out of nowhere in front of him.

"This shit, how is it possible?"

Brother Li was full of disbelief. After returning home, he had already replaced the accessories on his body with scans. He could be sure that there was absolutely no problem with his E skill, which was elongated according to the terrain by the triangle grass on the road from the red side.

As long as Lin Xiu takes one more step forward, this angel with no movement and no shoes will definitely suffer.

However, he escaped?
this awareness. . .

"It's okay, I can still kill!"

At this time, it wasn't just Li Ge, the wine barrel from the Dragon Pit waited for the cd, and the explosive fruit jumped directly to the red square stone man, forming a double-team for Lin Xiu.

The gems on the bottom road and the big tree ahead are also in place.

As if there was some deep hatred with Lin Xiu, everyone in the LCK started to mobilize except for the absence of an ad in the bottom lane.

The goal is to hit the road, an angel who has been stealing money and has been developing steadily.

"Die to labor, you dog!!"

Did it come?
Unlike ordinary players, Lin Xiu has an unusually wide field of vision when observing the map.

So the wine barrel had just popped out, and he had noticed it the next moment.

Then analyze it in your mind.

A wine barrel, a wine barrel that didn't flash, went directly to the back, and it hadn't reached level six yet.

This can only show one thing, the people here are definitely not just Li Ge who just threw the hypnotic bubble and the two junglers on the opposite side.

The assistant is also there.

"Rookie! Can I have a wave!"

It is not realistic to ask the factory manager for help at this time.

Because the factory manager is already rushing desperately, although now he is still doing a fateful duel on his own F4 side.

And Rookie looked at the time.

5 minutes 45 seconds.

There is still a 15-second cooldown until the stopwatch talent I clicked improves.

"Forget it, forget it!"

"Lin Xiu, you have to protect me!!"

"I know!"

Almost at the same time, Rookie and Lin Xiu clicked on a piece of equipment in each other's stature equipment column.

That is. . .stopwatch.

Both of them noticed that the stopwatch that they had given as a gift for pointing out the perfect timing was about to improve the cooldown time.

These 15 seconds are not easy for a Kassadin who only has a lunch box in the early stage.

But Rookie knew very well that he must move at this time.

Maybe some people think that if Brother Li goes up for a swim, at worst, he will buy Lin Xiu, and Kassadin will go to develop a wave, or support a wave of bots.

If this is the case, then Rookie is not worthy of being selected as the All-Star mid laner.

He understands very well that the current LPL side needs to maintain this delicate balance. If you go to the bottom lane, you will never be able to catch a Jhin who hides in the second tower and kills the Qing soldiers.

If the death of Lin Xiu on the road led to the loss of the canyon vanguard, the first tower, and all the resources, then he would be the real blood loss.

and so.

Shouting, accompanied by the teleportation of blue light, Rookie's Kassadin has chosen the defensive tower on the road.

And Lin Xiu's angel continued to walk around the pillar with King Qin after twisting Li Ge Zoe's E skill.

"Besides, don't panic!"

Lin Xiu looked very calm: "I just turned Zoe's sleeper off, and the wine barrel didn't flash. There is only one possibility for them to jump over the tower and kill us in seconds."

The answer is obvious.

The two set their eyes on the support who had also caught up from the triangular grass. . .

gem. .

This hero has a very brainless E flash.

Cooperating with Dashu's w skill, it can basically form a control chain of nearly 3 seconds.

And this is the key.

So just avoid him!
The blue light gradually disappeared, and everyone in the LCK stared at everything calmly.

"Don't worry, try to control 2, and see who the angel's big move is for!"


While concentrating on it, Kassadin crashed down.

The hammer that had been waiting for a long time appeared at some point, and the faint starlight condensed on the arm, and then, flashed out.

"Just waiting for you to come down, die for me!"

Gorilla can be sure that there will be absolutely no problems with this tm.

There has always been a saying about the gem card points of labor and capital.

Too bad, Rookie reacts faster.

The moment he landed, he came out and flashed directly, even if he already had the R skill on him, he didn't need it.

Because the R skill actually has a very short casting time, which may be less than half a second.

However, as long as it is not instant, it means that his R skill may be interrupted, so out of the safest way of playing, just come out and dodge!

The same Lin Xiu is still holding on to her skills and relying on her own positioning.

The movement of the gemstone was obviously predicted by him, so it was also missed.

"Have you been dodged..."

Brother Li frowned slightly: "As expected of the strongest operation monsters in the upper two positions in the LPL."

One Lin Xiu, one Rookie.

These two people represent the strongest operation level in the world at the same time.

The strongest operator in the middle lane may have been called Li Ge in the past, but with the growth of Li Ge's age and the maturity of Rookie, now Rookie deserves this title.

So since there are two operating monsters, the next step is to operate.

"They, it is estimated that they will still surpass!"

Rookie clearly saw that the big tree and the wine barrel had no intention of retreating.


Lin Xiu quickly tapped the floor: "Don't forget Zoe's W skill."

Her W, to put it bluntly, is to pick up skills.

Now there are two more flashes on the ground, one belongs to Rookie and the other belongs to gems.

In addition, I have a total of three flashing Zoe, why can't I operate it?
"So, let's hit the big tree first!"

"it is good!"

Speaking of which, Lin Xiu and Rookie didn't intend to retreat at all. Instead, they turned around again and walked towards the big tree and the gemstone.

To be reasonable, if your gems are out of control, a big tree alone is not enough.

And no matter whether Dashu has reached six or not in this version, his frankness has been reduced a lot, let alone a top laner who is about to be crushed by Lin Xiu.

Corrosive Potion + Dark Seal + Dolan Ring.

This kind of cheap equipment made for laning has no frankness at all except that it is more cost-effective.

Just do his shit and be done.

Immediately afterwards, Rookie jumped directly to Dashu's face with R skill, W turned on, and stabbed Dashu with a knife.

The mana recovery effect + the damage effect are triggered together.

"This shit, not only is Angel a lunatic, but Kassadin is also crazy?"

Wither seriously doubts that as long as he stays with Lin Xiu for a long time, everyone will be waved.

But he has no reason to be cowardly.

A Kassadin of yours has come to the face of labor and management.

W tied up and walked up, and after landing, he ate a Q from Kassadin, and his blood volume reached about 70%.

Fortunately, it didn't hurt very much.

Withering in the anti-tower, but I feel like I am a little fleshier than I imagined: "You guys, hurry up!"


Li Ge looked at the action of withering, and he was dumbfounded: "Xiba, don't call me w!!"


"I forgot to say, this Kassadin, Lord E's!!"

withered:! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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