As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 177 The All-Stars End, The Dzogchen Ends

Chapter 177 The All-Stars End, The Dzogchen Ends

Maybe you will feel, what is the difference between main e and main q?
A toddler Kassadin anyway, but that's never the case.

In terms of basic damage alone, the E skill is already 10 points higher than the Q skill, and the cooldown time is 6 seconds at all levels, which is very comfortable. The most important thing is that hitting the target will cause a 70% deceleration effect.

There is also a detail here, that is, Rookie first W and then Q, and then released E after deceiving Dashu's W invincibility, ensuring the hit rate of the E skill.

This big tree that has handed over W can't avoid this deceleration at all.

Just tm is similar to crawling on the ground, can't walk at all, okay?


Lin Xiu narrowed her eyes slightly.

It feels very comfortable.

It's a lot of trouble to cooperate with this kind of operation monster. For example, when catching Xiaohu, his reaction and judgment are difficult to achieve this step.

This is not to belittle your teammates, but to recognize the gap.

What is the most afraid of?
What I am most afraid of is that I am not good at food, and I still think that I am awesome. The kind of person who is addicted to his own world is quite a scary thing.

At the same time, Xiaohu, who was watching the game at a certain home, sneezed suddenly, his face was full of displeasure.

"Mmp, who is the real teammate? Why does Mao feel that the cooperation between these two people is a damn tacit understanding?"

In response to Rookie, Lin Xiu also took action.

Angel's e skill is activated.

It is worth mentioning that the angel's passive.

[Holy Flame]: When Kyle attacks an enemy hero, it will lose its armor and 3% magic resistance for 5 seconds.This effect can stack up to 5 times.

The big tree that didn't have any magic resistance in the first place, was slapped down by the angel's slaps, and the magic resistance was basically reduced to an absurdly low level.

At the same time, Kassadin's E skill was also fired, and the electrocution was triggered.

Electrocution, this thing, is very similar to the previous Thunder talent in principle, but the actual performance is not the same.

The first is the triggering method of the two.

Thunder, to put it simply, is a skill or basic attack, just hit three times; while electrocution requires three independent skills to be triggered, and the cooldown time will be twice as long as Thunder.

This harsh trigger condition determines that the damage of electrocution is much higher than that of thunder.

For Kassadin at level 6, the basic damage of triggering the thunder is close to 120, and then 0.3 extra attack power + 0.1 ability power, including the value of automatic growth.

That is to say, Kassadin's love, combined with the e skill, can burst out more than 300 points of effective damage.

A big tree, although it is a tank top laner, but when the magic resistance is reduced and the blood volume is also insufficient, how can it resist?
The blood volume was directly reduced by one-third.

From a fairly healthy appearance just now, he nodded at 30%, and Lin Xiu next to him was still outputting.

Little Nash's teeth, together with the anger potion that came out of nowhere, A's huge tm hurts.

By the way, there are friendly attacks from defense towers.

"[LPL.QAQ] killed [LCK.Cuvee]!!"

One blood, the angel is here!
"Depend on!"

You tameow are you selling me?

Looking at his grayed out screen, Wither's first reaction was not to complain about the opponent, but to directly complain about his teammates.

What the hell is this tm. .

Obviously I was the last to attack, but because the first person to touch the opposite side was the big tree, the attack of the defense tower fell on the big tree.

That gem on the side, just standing there?

Gorilla also looked embarrassed when she saw this: "I'm sorry... I didn't even think about it, it would be better if you slowed down."

Hey. . .

Brother Li, I have no time to take care of this.

"Don't worry about it, you can still kill!"

Brother Li said indifferently to Head An: "Kassadin, level one R five seconds cd, don't panic!"

"I know!"

Although they are two old rivals, but at this time, Head An and Brother Li cooperated very well.

The E skill of the wine barrel and Zoe's Q plus move go straight away.

For the wine barrel, the target is very tricky, hitting the middle between the angel and Kassadin.

That Kassadin is very flexible, but as Li Ge said, the first-level R has a five-second cd. . .

This time is really too long, so long that the wine barrel without flashing can come to this position abruptly.

Even though the judgment of the wine barrel E skill has been weakened, as long as this position hits well, it can still stun two people steadily.

Not only that, but the factory director who had arrived on the other side also shouted.

He hadn't actually reached the triangle grass yet, but he saw a strange figure passing through the wall.

That's Brother Li's Zoe.

The Q skill is fully charged, the cursor is already full, and the next step is to force the big move to stick to the face to further shorten the distance of the Q skill.

"You guys, quickly hide!"

Hypnotic Blistering is a miss, but being hit by this kind of Q skill that is full of momentum, with the bodies of Angel and Kassadin, at least half of the health will be lost in one hit.

Including the ignition on the gemstone, it was enough to kill a person in seconds.

"It's not that easy."

Although there is no displacement skill, the movements of the head of An are really very slow in Lin Xiu's opinion.

Just when Wine Barrel's E skill was about to hit the two of them, Lin Xiu pressed it out and flashed.Fen
A faint light flickered, and he directly shuttled over.

Then a golden light appeared on Kassadin impartially when the barrel's e skill and Zoe's q skill damage hit together. 1
That is, the ultimate move of an angel.

In the entire alliance, the most perfect invincible skill in the true sense.

There are no trigger conditions, only the target needs to be selected, absolutely invincible, except that it will be subject to point control.

But that's enough.


Rookie's hand holding the mouse tightened a little.

The timing of the release of this tm is really tricky.

The skill of invincibility does not necessarily have to save one's life, the key is to resist the most critical damage.

And this wave of Linxiu has successfully achieved this, and all the skills that fell on Kassadin have been wiped out.


While Lin Xiu walked a with a not exaggerated attack speed, a faint killing intent appeared in her eyes.

"Don't thank me in advance!! Cut them all down before we talk!! Chong Chong!!!"

Rookie: "..."

Although for professional players, they can grasp the attack gap of the defensive tower very accurately, so that the damage can be distributed reasonably and the effect of resisting the tower can be enhanced. .
But the premise of all this is to complete the kill before the opponent's defense tower can kill yourself with the amount of damage.

If it is not operated properly, it is easy to overturn when everyone has insufficient blood in the early stage.

Just like now. .

I don't care how accurate your damage calculation is, is it useful?
Angel's big move directly exempts everything.

This caused the LCK people who were chasing Kassadin and Angel to become very awkward.

The current situation on the field is that except for Zoe's flash, everyone in the LCK does not have a flash, and at the same time, there are no key skills such as the barrel's ultimate move and the gem's ultimate move.

It's useless even if Brother Li picked up Rookie's flash when he crossed the wall with his ultimate move.

The no-threat LCK people are extremely vulnerable under the attack of the defense tower on the red side.

Their blood volume dropped rapidly, and at the same time, because of the appearance of the factory manager behind them, it could be said that they directly cut off their way of retreat.

So a rather tragic hunt began.

Although Kassadin's current continuous damage ability is still much worse than that of the late stage, his harvesting ability is still quite well reflected at this time.

I saw the factory manager with a pig's head coming over, successfully sealing the grass in front of the stone man's birthplace.

Let the wine barrel who was still under attack because of the attack on Kassadin be unable to retreat, Lin Xiu was still outputting, and Kassadin waited for a few seconds before catching up with an R skill in due course.

"[LPL.Rookie] killed [LCK.Ambition]!!"

Kassadin, get a head.

"This tm."

Seeing that his Ueno family was dead, Brother Li, who has always been good-tempered, couldn't help but complain.

How can this tm be fixed?
Why did you die again? ? ?
Why, according to lck's accumulated experience over the years, it shouldn't be that we kill people smoothly and take off, and then the operation takes off. How did it become like this all at once?

Just tm, unreasonable! !

And now he can't go.

Because if he doesn't help the remaining gems resist the tower, he may die three times on the road.

Therefore, after returning from the ultimate move, Brother Li had to use the flash he picked up to cross the wall to help fight the tower, and by the way, pick up the second flash skill used by the gem.

"so far so good."

Thanks to Brother Li, Gorilla, who thought she was going to die, finally survived, and followed Brother Li away from the battlefield without looking back.

"But in this wave, LPL still made a lot of money."

On the commentary stage, Miller and the others couldn't help but patted the table: "This wave of LPL's mid-to-top cooperation doesn't look like a temporary break-in at all!"

"It's really amazing."

"Such a high level of tacit understanding combined with the calm thinking of the two people finally formed a wave of beautiful 2v4."

Wawa sighed: "Or, is this the tacit understanding between the operation monsters?"

Sure enough, we don't understand the master's thinking.

I felt that they played very relaxed, and all kinds of things began to show unconsciously.

Then the result is that Angel on the top lane and Kassadin in the middle lane each get a kill, which supplements the economy of these two heroes who need to be developed very much in the early stage.

In addition, the more serious ones are yet to come.

"You... blow up labor and capital."

Pray went off the road and let out a tragic complaint.

He is really miserable, facing the double six-level female tank + female gun alone in the bottom lane, how dare he defend the tower?
I'm afraid it wasn't the female tank who threw a big move from [-] miles away, and then an immortal showed the way, and then slapped her unconscious twice.

Then the female gun came to take a long-distance shower, and he was long gone.

So in this situation, he can only be cowardly.

Two waves of soldiers came down, and the next tower of the blue side seemed to be in jeopardy.

7 minutes has passed.

After returning home, Lin Xiu directly used the re-converted TP to protect the runners. The three began to forcibly demolish them, and then Xiao Ming walked away silently, giving the economy of the One Blood Tower to Xiaogou and Lin Xiu.

"This wave was handled very well."

Although it was not the factory director who issued this command, it will not prevent the factory director from making a judgment.

Lin Xiu came down in time, not only to help LPL quickly get the next tower, but also to avoid staying on the road.

This angel, who has not flashed and has not yet reached the stage of being able to form a group, is still fragile.

On the contrary, after coming down, relying on the first wind dragon that was taken away, the LPL's bot lane can be said to be very safe.

The safe road was left to Lin Xiu for development, and Xiao Ming, the puppy who had almost crushed the opposite head, went on the road.

Tossing and changing lines, let the rhythm stabilize again.


Under the stage, Coach Komma glanced at the scene in front of him and slowly closed his eyes.

Feeling, so be it.

All the BPs belonging to my S7 seem to be coming to an end.

He is very clear that whether it is the situation on the court or the mentality of the players at this time, the LCK has a lot of problems now.

In this new version, they obviously did not integrate faster than LPL.

On the contrary, LPL's consistent fighting style can be described as a fish in water in this version, giving them an advantage for a time.

"Let a big late lineup play so comfortably in the early stage, I really don't know what to play."

Silently complaining, komma recorded all the problems in his heart.

He knew that after returning, he had to pass these lessons on to his players, otherwise it would be Ick and the others who would suffer in the next World Championship.

Then, the subsequent situation was no different from what komma imagined.

In about 10 minutes, the angel who had already made the first complete set of Nasher's Fang + attack speed shoes hugged a small group and took down the canyon pioneer.

Then take advantage of the trend to the middle.

Relying on the good development of the female gun and the moving position of the puppy, the female gun is in front of everyone in the LCK.

Are you angry?

I'm sorry, Head An and the others can only be angry.

The speed of the puppy's female gun is exaggerated, plus the reaction speed of the puppy and Lin Xiu's angel is behind, even if you and Zoe are so angry that you can't force the female gun to fire.

I'm afraid that either the opening or the puppy will easily twist everything away, and then LCK will continue to enter the time period without rhythm.

Therefore, the middle lane, with the canyon pioneer, is free.

Both sides continue to develop.

And at this time, your Lin Xiu's talent for stealing money gradually shows its benefits.

Getting Nasher's Tooth + Attack Speed ​​Boots too early made the Angel equip too quickly.

In 16 minutes, there was obviously no more head kills, but the angel was already in the hands of Nasher's Fang + Lich's Scourge.

The equipment of the same Kassadin and female gun is also updated synchronously.

In this way, with the growing gap in development and lck's still biased style of operation, lpl hardly did anything.

Really kind of boring.

The whole game was playing in the late stage, until all the three cores were in 3-piece suits, and the big dragons hugged each other and forced them to fight.

The three cs exploded output, took down the big dragon, and pushed forward.

In the end, in this rhythm, LPL won the match point game of the All-Star Game.

All the official games of the All-Star Game ended here.

When the game ended, everyone in lpl stood up.

The five of them clapped together in a tacit understanding.

"This tm experience card is too wonderful!"

The factory manager was envious.

To be reasonable, until now, even the factory director has never experienced such a high-configuration lineup.

In other words, this should be called the top match in the true sense.

In this match, he felt very comfortable lying down.

What he has to do is very simple, rely on his online advantage to eat resources in the opposite wild area, get ahead in team battles, and then throw a big move.

Don't worry about anything else.

Sufficient literacy endows these players with high execution ability, and their team battles can be said to be perfect, basically without any chaotic and confused scenes.

It can be said that this is the most comprehensive and compatible combination that lpl can come up with at present, and it can be called the perfect trident tactic.

Especially worth mentioning is Rookie.

To know the trident strategy, it does not mean that the three points must consume resources to go to the extreme, the key lies in the reasonable allocation of resources.

In this game, Lin Xiu and Rookie are actually eating the resources, and the puppy relies on the advantage of laning.

Wait until Rookie and Lin Xiu have enough fighting power, and then let the resources go to the puppy.

Through such a reasonable allocation reduction, each C position will neither quarrel because of robbing resources, nor be in a dilemma because of forcibly counting on a certain person.

And this tactic also made the eyes of all the teams that were just watching and playing shine.

Undoubtedly, that is definitely the most ideal ratio for the current development of LOL e-sports.

It's a pity that it's just an experience card after all.

The end of the All-Star Game means that these players have to go back to their own clubs, and the top match experience has expired.

Of course, there are some people who are very passionate.

Such as Rookie and Lin Xiu.

What Rookie thinks is that if TheShy can correct some problems in the future and become as flawless as Lin Xiu, then IG will definitely take off.

Many duels have proved that TheShy's potential is no less than that of Lin Xiu, and Ah Shui's future is absolutely bright.

As long as these two can grow up, then IG can replicate this system.

The same idea also appeared on Lin Xiu.

Although it is impossible for Xiaohu to reach the height of Rookie, Zuo Shou and Xiaotian have a promising future.

If these two people can also grow up, then RNG will also change from a twin-turbo system to a classic trident lineup.

Suddenly, I feel that S8 has become quite promising.

(End of this chapter)

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