Chapter 178

Of course, some people are happy and some people are sad.

Opposite the LPL player bench, the players belonging to the LCK are in a daze.

has it ended?

Looking at the screen and listening to the cheers at the scene, the eyes of everyone in the LCK were a little lost.

It feels, very deceived.

"Why is this?"

An Zhangmen can't understand now.

Obviously LPL brought out a fairly late-stage lineup, but they were taken advantage of by LPL, and at the same time, the snowball kept rolling down and killing LCK alive.

Of course, it wasn't just Head An who was puzzled, even Brother Li silently lowered his head.

Regarding the revenge of the World Championship, or at least venting anger, it failed.

The comprehension test about the new version also failed, and it was not as good as the opposite side.

even. . .He was also suppressed online.

"Could it be that I'm really old?"

Brother Li, who was obviously only 21, looked at his hands in confusion.

There is nothing wrong with it, the fingers are still so slender, and the operation is still dexterous, but times have changed.

For a while, the former Demon King also fell into thinking.

To be honest, he was not particularly interested in Rookie in the past. Although Rookie is called a small faker, a small faker is small after all. How could it be better than the real one?
And the current Rookie can no longer be called Brother Li.

He has grown to the same level as the current Li Ge. He is Rookie, the strongest mid laner in the LPL division, none of them.

This has to be admitted.

Next, waiting for everyone in the LCK is a handshake from the LPL.

To be honest, it felt pretty humiliating.

It's like a courtesy given to you by the winners. They have clearly seen the ease and joy in the eyes of everyone in the LPL.

After all, the winner of e-sports is king, and failure is failure, even in the All-Star Game, there is no reason to refute.

What is left to the audience can only be their lonely backs when they exit the stage.

But, the game is over, and the enthusiasm is not over yet.

Because there will be an interview after the game, unlike before, this time we will directly interview five people from LPL.

Everyone is looking forward to how they will evaluate.

And the people interviewed this time are very interesting.

In addition to Lin Xiu's old acquaintance, a certain foreign hostess, and the chief designer of Riot's S8 talent - Ghost Crab were also there.

He mainly wanted to hear professional players' opinions on this talent revision.

After all, the version currently used in the All-Star Game is basically confirmed, and it has not yet been fully launched on all servers.

If there are any problems, it can be modified according to the feedback of the players.

At the beginning, the painting style was quite normal. . .

such as.

Meikou: I think my teammates are playing very well, and the new version is also very interesting. I am looking forward to the follow-up performance
Puppy: I played very comfortably, and my teammates were awesome!

Rookies. .

Stop talking and keep blowing.

The factory director is basically the same, just blow it up.

Seeing that all the bosses are like this, Lin Xiu said that he is also very good, and he must also brag about his teammates.

However, before he could speak, he found that the designer in front of him was staring at him.

It was as if there was something on his face that attracted his attention, and Lin Xiu felt it more and more. . .Something is wrong. .

This is his meow.

If you were a gorgeous girl staring at me, I might be ashamed.

But this gentleman, you look at me like this, it's very strange, okay! ! !

The air felt weird.

Unexpectedly, the chief designer also seemed to find Lin Xiu's embarrassment, he sighed lightly, and then spoke a lot of English quickly.

Yu Shuang on the side gave the translator in due course.

"Our chief designer, Ghost Crab, just said, Mr. Lin Xiu, you give me a headache, even."

Yu Shuang paused for a moment, with a strange expression on her face: "Even, we really want to put you on the blacklist."

Lin Xiu:? ? ?
Lin Xiu's face was full of doubts. .
And a ghost crab scratched his head, his face looked even more bitter, and then he started to complain to Yu Shuang beside him.

It was a rather long piece of English, and it was spoken so fast that Yu Shuang didn't even have a chance to translate it simultaneously.

Not only that, but Yu Shuang's expression gradually changed from solemn to dumbfounding.

Along with the blinded audience, Ghost Crab's complaints continued.

Fortunately, the host of Fist also noticed something was wrong, and quickly poked Ghost Crab's back, this time to make Ghost Crab react.

After that, Ghost Crab looked a little embarrassed.

He waved his hand lightly, indicating to Yu Shuang to translate first.

Um. .

This tm rant has just started, and I will continue to rant after a while.

And Yu Shuang tried very hard to review what Ghost Crab said, thought for a while, and then began to translate.

"We mainly feel that your existence has had a great impact on our Riot update plan."

"After the bug gameplay that we didn't discover before appeared in your hand, it directly brought this hero into a dead end."

Typical, Sword Demon.

In the S7 finals, Lin Xiu's one-handed sword demon blood demon descended, which has become the scariest operation in the entire history of LOL.

Even after this game is over, all players will think about trying Sword Demon.

Then, try and die.

First of all, the version of Sword Demon at that time was actually older than it is now, and the ecological environment on the road was not so bad at that time.

And now, the old sword demon on the road has no possibility to continue playing.

The weakened early stage and accelerated pace have made it difficult for Sword Demon to wait until the four-piece suit is formed to save the world.

Many people have finally discovered that it is not heroes who are strong, but people.

Then, when the hero of Sword Demon is in the bottom three of the top laner win rate, Riot is going to redo Sword Demon.

However, because of players like Lin Xiu, they brought a group of new fans of Sword Demon.

On the one hand, if you don’t redo Sword Demon, it will be completely cold, and on the other hand, fans are thinking about the coming of Blood Demon all day long. This kind of intense conflict will make the fist very embarrassed.

Basically, the source of all this, Lin Xiu has to take the blame.

Lin Xiu:? ? ?
mmp, can this be my fault?

My feelings have become such an existence?
"6666, classmate Langbi, lie down."

"Does this tm count as a person sitting on a chair and the pot coming from the sky?"

"The enemy of the designer is really worthy of you."


Aside from the "gloating" of various bullet screens, in fact, this is really not an exaggeration, because the designer's cutting of heroes has never been completely in accordance with the ecological balance of passers-by, and the performance of the game is the key.

As we all know, Lin Xiu basically doesn't know how to play repeated top lanes.

Therefore, he has successfully killed all the top laners.

Then because the big brother version was abolished, those vulnerable groups in the past can use it again, thus forming a cycle.

Of course, this is not over yet.

"In addition, we have learned about player Lin Xiu's understanding of this S8 talent. One thing, beyond our imagination, our cornerstone runes may need further major changes."

All of a sudden, there was an uproar.

Many people had an idea from the alarm clock, is it possible that the cornerstone talent should be changed back this time?

In all fairness, the keystone talent change this time is very successful. It makes lol more friendly to novice players, eliminates the need for runes in the early stage, and makes the gameplay more diverse. 1
It's just that on the balance side, it really needs to be considered.

And listen to this sentence.

"That's okay too?"

Lin Xiu couldn't help it anymore: "I said, brother, you can't throw all the blame on me."

I tm, this is no longer the blame, but the head is going to be smashed with the pot for you, okay?

Probably also knew that at this point, Ghost Crab couldn't help sighing, and continued to complain.

"To be honest, we don't want to either."

Originally thought that their cornerstone talents were designed very well, but problems emerged as soon as the All-Stars hit them.

First of all, they quickly discovered that there are too few talents in the orange system.

Quick steps and deadly rhythms are obviously suitable for shooters, while strong attacks belong to a small number of fighters.

The melee of the general series seems to have no talent?

Go back and change it immediately.

Then, wolf head!
Stealing omen, it looks disgusting, but it is estimated that it needs to be strengthened, continue to change.

This tm.

See for yourself, just because of Lin Xiu, how much work has been added to Fist for no reason?

A group of employees who worked overtime and thought they could take a break were all so pissed off.

"Anyway, contestant Lin Xiu, you must be careful."

Ghost Crab blinked: "You are being targeted by Riot officials!"

Lin Xiu: 0.0
So in this regard, Lin Xiu's final choice is silence.

What else can I do?Roar loudly.

Didn't you see that the faces of everyone in the LPL next to them were about to burst into laughter?

It seems that Lin Xiu is the new generation of fist pot king.

And here, all the battles about S7 are really over.

At the end of everything, the host of the fist came to a very wonderful summary.

Looking back on the past year, LOL still brings us a lot of touch, and there are still many people fighting for their championship dream.

At the same time, we have also seen that LOL is constantly changing.

From the initial pure online personal strength, to the rise of operations, to team battle decision-making.

Now, it has evolved into an era where all tactical systems can be played, but the overall strength of the team is more considered.

In the future, LOL will continue to develop, and the tactical options left to people will only increase.

It's hard to say whether there will be people like Brother Li and Lin Xiu who can maintain their dominance for such a long time in the future.

But what we can look forward to is that tomorrow will be better.

Next, fight S8.

The seemingly vigorous All-Star Game is over, and what Riot will do next is indeed similar to what he said before. .
He began to debug various cornerstone talents, and even another orange-colored talent popped up.

That is, the conqueror.

It is precisely because of this talent experiment that the top lane pattern will soon change again.

At the beginning, although there were various talents, they were obviously not very suitable for fighters, such as ad for swift pace and deadly rhythm, and strong attack was suitable for output fighters.

Conqueror, directly let all kinds of half-meat top laners become popular.

Of course, these are things to follow.

For the players, it can be regarded as a fairly long rest period. Usually, they rely on live broadcasts to maintain their touch, and occasionally train to prepare for the Demacia Cup later.

However, this time the Demacia Cup has largely become a means for the major teams to run in.

Veteran strong teams like IG and EDG need to further consolidate their lineups to ensure sufficient competitiveness in the new season.

RNG, on the other hand, is directly preparing to run in a new lineup.

That is, the second system of RNG represented by Xiaotian and Zuohou.

In the original situation, RNG basically would definitely not do this. After all, replacing the middle field and even the top laner with a non-main lineup at one time is likely to make their record in the spring split very poor.

Yet now they have the capital to do so.

Because the strength differentiation of today's teams is very obvious, except for the old strong teams such as RNG, IG, and EDG, there are really few new teams that can do anything.

Once the younger generation was in full bloom, the newcomers behind are still growing.

This kind of situation where the strength differentiation is particularly obvious allows the top teams to go to the waves with confidence. Anyway, there is a big brother behind you to give you the bottom line, so panic.

Like Lin Xiu, she didn't even think about fighting Demacia.

You guys, do whatever you want.

Anyway, there are three places that can enter the World Championship in the end. As long as RNG can win the summer championship, it doesn't matter what happens ahead.

So in the Demacia Cup, RNG's lineup has become quite young.

The top laner letme, the jungler Xiaotian, the mid laner left hand, and the bottom lane combination is a+Xiaoming.

It can be seen that except for poor Xiao Ming who has no substitutes, all the other positions have been replaced by newcomers. I have to say that this wave is really courageous.

"As for me, I want to take this opportunity to communicate with my little girlfriend to be true."

A certain wave seemed to be thinking, with a mean smile on the corner of his mouth.

pity. . .

Whether it is RNG or LOL, the local division does not intend to let Lin Xiu rest.

You don't even look at his current live broadcast popularity, basically every live broadcast can break 1000 million.

What is this concept?
It means that even if Lin Xiu is not playing professionally now, he is still at the top of the live broadcasting industry just by live broadcasting. The traffic and popularity represented by him are too terrifying.

You don't play games?

But you fucking have to work for me. .

So, more than half a month later, the Demacia Cup. . .

A certain Lin Xiu fell into a long silence as she watched the notification sent in front of her.

"This tm, what is it?"

Lin Xiu threw the phone aside with a look of hopelessness, full of decadence.

"What's the matter with you?"

Since he had already returned to the club, the incense pot next to him couldn't help being curious when he saw Lin Xiu's ghostly appearance: "Why do you look like you are going to die."

"It's really going to die."

With that said, Lin Xiu weakly picked up the mobile phone beside her and threw it to the incense pot.

And the above information impressively wrote a paragraph.

"We sincerely invite Contestant Lin Xiu to be the special guest commentator of this Demacia Cup. At 4:[-] this afternoon, the xx gymnasium is waiting for your visit."

. . .

. . .

Silence, silence.

After a brief silence, Xiangguo let out a burst of laughter: "Hahahaha, you fucking, are you going to be a commentator?"

what! ?

It was said that it wasn't just the incense pot that moved.

Except for the few who ran out to play the game, everyone gathered around and started laughing unscrupulously.

I'm sorry, although this smile is very unkind, but Ta Meow really can't help it.

"You, as the commentator?"

The puppy who didn't go to the game wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth, "I've already imagined how you usually talk."

"One thing to say, indeed."

Xiaohu held his chin: "Obviously, Lin Xiu is not a person who is suitable to sit there and explain."

"I can't get out of my mouth full of coquettish words, do you think it's uncomfortable?"

The crowd nodded.

This is definitely uncomfortable.

This is like a stalk in the lol circle. Do you think you can't handle the LCK before?

In the final analysis, it is not a technical problem, but mainly because this group of players is a pack of Furong Wang.

Once you forcefully change your usual habits, it can make people feel uncomfortable to death.


Lin Xiu sighed, and decided to ignore his teammates: "Can you give me some warm concern?"

Sure enough, Du Tamiao was a scumbag, and he left his teammates behind for the slightest thing.

And Lin Xiu doesn't know if it's difficult to cast, but one thing Lin Xiu can be sure of is that being a cast is definitely not easier than playing a game.

After all, one action is enough.

One is to use his brain and mouth at the same time, thinking about the horror of Duta Meow.

"Give it up, boy."

Brother Feng not far away also sneered: "It's useless for you to cry now. This is the result of a joint decision by the management. Go honestly, or you will be deducted from your salary."

Lin Xiu: "..."


People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Isn't it just an explanation?"

Lin Xiu stood up silently, with a serious expression on her face: "Let's not say anything else, labor and management are really thick-skinned, let's see how labor and management will make the audience so happy."

Brother Feng:? ? ?
Incense pot:? ? ?
"What do you want?"

Brother Feng looked at Lin Xiu vigilantly: "Don't mess around, this time it's true and everyone will hear what you say."

"How is it possible to make trouble?"

Lin Xiu shook her head decisively: "I am this kind of person?"

The answer, needless to say.

Brother Feng and others on the side were looking at Lin Xiu with expressions of suspicion and contempt for a year.

Ha ha.

Is this my teammates and coach?It was so much fun.

After making preparations in her heart, Lin Xiu didn't ink.

Wearing a suit customized by the club, he rushed towards the scene of the Demacia Cup in a bored manner.

After all, she was going on stage, so no matter what, she still had to do some makeup.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu's skin is good, and her looks are handsome enough, basically it doesn't take much effort to get it done.

And what awaits him next will be the Demacia Cup final starting at 5:[-].

RNG vs. IG.

While waiting, Lin Xiu chatted with the traditional commentary doll Miller who was his partner this time. It is estimated that neither the audience nor the people who are going to watch the live broadcast expected a surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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