Chapter 179
And soon, this surprise came to everyone.

Like some fans.

Originally, I wanted to see how IG beat the training RNG, or looked forward to how RNG's new recruits would show themselves, but found a handsome figure on the commentary stage.

It was a rather handsome young man, and his figure looked even more handsome with a decent suit.

And in his eyes, there was helplessness on the one hand, and light on the other.

Looking at the familiar face and the wicked smile on the corner of the mouth, everyone fell into a short-term shutdown state like hell.

Then. . .

"Lying trough? Lying trough!"

"Goubi Linxiu is here to explain today?"

"Did I read tm wrong? He can also explain it??"

"You have lived a long life!!"

Um. .

No matter what, it is clear that Langbi's attraction is enough.

It was supposed to be a platform where the barrage would skyrocket only when the game was in the exciting part, because of the early appearance of the commentary station, it suddenly became lively.

Even the audience at the scene were quite surprised.

After all, no matter how young RNG's players are, they still have too little accumulation in popularity. Compared with Lin Xiu, who has been famous for two years, they are still more willing to support veteran players.

Lin Xiu could only helplessly wave her hand towards the close-up shot given.


Labor and management are just here to play a cameo, okay? Can we be normal?

At this time, Wawa and Miller smiled at each other and began to talk.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the final scene of the Demacia Cup, I am a doll!"

"I'm Miller."

"I'm Lin Xiu."

"It seems that our Lin Xiu's popularity is quite guaranteed no matter where he goes."

Seems to be talking about the performance just now, the baby said this half-jokingly, and Miller's performance was similar.

"That's right, this is a rare guest, we must listen carefully to what our classmate Lang has to say."

To be honest, Lin Xiu may be the one with the most terrifying achievements and strength among the guest commentators who came here so far.

If it weren't for RNG training troops, it would be absolutely impossible for everyone to see him here.

Hey. .

Hearing this, Lin Xiu sighed faintly: "I don't dare to take my opinion..."

"But if I can't hold back, I will definitely start spraying directly."

"Especially RNG."

Lin Xiu's eyes seemed to be shining brightly: "I originally planned to be a melon eater, but now that I'm here, I will definitely show no mercy."

"If you don't fight well, you see, I won't spray them to death."

Doll Miller: ? ? ?
The five people present on the field are all fucking Lin Xiu's juniors, and they are also good friends.

If I don't spray you, who will I spray?

I don't give you face at all, okay?

And to put it bluntly, it's better to be woken up by your teammates now than to be beaten and blinded in the future, and then others will chase you and scold you.

In this regard.

Wawa and Miller could only give a thumbs up silently, you cheated.

Although the current LPL has not yet formed such a disgusting fandom culture, if you do any commentary, you must not dare to provoke these two teams, otherwise their fans will explode your scarf every minute.

It's a pity that the person who is going to make trouble now is Lin Xiu.

An existence who was able to directly shoot map guns at the sunspots of the whole network, and even deceive people.

You can't help it when you meet this kind of person.

"Then, let's take a look at this game."

Sighing silently, Wawa and Miller pulled their focus back wisely.

And at this time, whether it was the coaches of the two teams in the audience or the people on the stage, they all swept over Lin Xiu intentionally or unintentionally.

Not far away, through the glass, they could clearly see Lin Xiuduan sitting there.

"Is he here?"

A shy man saw Lin Xiu from a distance, his eyes were filled with passion and regret: "But why are you sitting there!! Come down and fight for me!!"

He was hot because he wanted to fight Lin Xiu, but unfortunately because he failed to fight him in this game.

God knows how long he has held back.

You must know that the shy man is not a person who likes to play rank, he prefers to use his talent to show his talents in the big fight.

However, in order to be able to meet Lin Xiu, he ranked crazily quite rarely, pushing his score above 1000 points, so that he would have a high probability of meeting Lin Xiu when he was ranked.

pity. . .

Lin Xiu doesn't play stick server in winter, he has a good time playing on the local server.

So with such a mood, he could only wait for the Demacia Cup to come, but he didn't expect that it was Letme standing in front of him.

That kind of feeling is very similar to the martial idiot in martial arts novels who seeks a fight but fails, and is about to suffocate to death.

Rookie also understood the mood of the shy man very well. As the big brother in the team, he said softly through voice: "Chenglu, I know what you think, but you must not be careless."

As a person who participated in the All-Star Game with Lin Xiu, he knows what a person like Lin Xiu is to a manipulation monster like TheShy.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the goal in mind.

In fact, Rookie also hopes that TheShy can grow to the point where Lin Xiu is now.

This growth is not in operation, but in his overall quality, including team battle support, anti-gank awareness, and calm mentality at critical times.

But obviously, there is still a gap between TheShy and Lin Xiu today.

It can even be said that apart from laning and suppressing ability, his role is not necessarily greater than Lin Xiu's substitute on the opposite side.

How to say letme is also a rookie who has been to the World Championships and performed quite well.

If you are careless, this IG's future top laner is likely to suffer a dull loss.

After hearing the words, TheShy couldn't refute, so he could only reply dully.

"I see."

He raised his head again and silently glanced at Lin Xiu.

Xiba, if I can't fight you this time, I don't believe that S8 won't be able to meet you for a whole year.


Lin Xiu actually noticed TheShy's expression, and the doll beside him smiled and said, "Hey, Lin Xiu, do you really want to go to the game too?"

"It's natural."

Lin Xiu nodded.

Just as TheShy hopes to defeat Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu is also eager for an opponent.

If there is really someone who can play as oppressively as Lin Xiu online, then this candidate, Lin Xiu will definitely give TheShy, especially TheShy who has grown up for a year.

"So, letme hurry up and give me a good fight!"

Lin Xiuqing cleared her throat with a serious face.

Immediately, the expressions of the audience on and off the stage also became very relieved: "Before I knew it, Lin Xiu also took on the responsibility."

Because I could hear Lin Xiu's commentary, Letme's expression became more and more moved. He is really a good teammate.

pity. .

They were disappointed.

As soon as the words finished, Lin Xiu added another sentence lightly: "If the fight is not good, I'll just go down and kick him away, and do it myself!"

"My hands are itchy too."

letme:. . .

audience:. . .

Anyway, most people have never seen such a shameless commentary. .
But thinking about who is sitting on the commentary stage now, everyone is relieved.

After all, it is obviously impossible for you to expect Lin Xiu to be serious.

"However, for now let's focus on the game."

Although Baby really wants to listen to Lin Xiu for a while, but the game is still going on, and the two teams currently on stage can be said to represent the most vigorous combat power in the LPL.

Winning or losing may not be easy to say, but from the perspective of watching, basically it will not be too bad.

And because of the official launch of the game version and the cornerstone runes, the current game is getting closer and closer to the current mode. The only difference is that the darling of the version is different.

For example now.

Even if you are not a commentator or a professional player, you can know which heroes cannot be played in the current version with a little brainstorming.

It can be seen that it is almost the beginning, and Zoe is banned.

Even the various strong heroes of LPL and LCK in the All-Star event are similar, and then the two sides come to the selection stage.

"By the way, Lin Xiu, what kind of lineup do you think the two sides will come up with in the first match?"

Based on years of commentary experience, Miller knows that it is best to leave this professional issue to professionals at this time.

It's just that Lin Xiu's focus is a little strange.

He didn't give an answer directly, but stared at the screen carefully, observing the close-ups when the live camera swept across the two teams.

Then, he opened his mouth slowly.

"I reckon that in the first round, the two sides should fight more boldly."

"The top laner letme should choose a more stable fighter, while TheShy will be more aggressive."

"The middle and wild words will be very confrontational, and there is a high probability that they will confront mages with explosive damage in the early stage."

"As for the bottom lane... that's it, it should be a regular ad choice."

The first two are fine, but what the hell is the last one?

However, it's not that Lin Xiu looks down on RNG's bot lane, it's purely that as a newcomer, there is a real gap in his status compared to the newcomer Ah Shui on the other side.

And you can say that S9's Baolan is quite good, but it is undeniable that S8's Baolan can be regarded as above-average in the local support.

With such a lineup comparison, it is obvious that Xiao Ming will fall into a disadvantage if he adds A.

It also seems to be to prove Lin Xiu's point of view, the lineup selected by the two sides almost followed Lin Xiu's script.

Letme's Shen on the top lane is against TheShy's Qinggangying.

Nakano RNG's Enchantress + Blind Sin, against IG's Syndra + Prince.

The bottom lane is RNG's Ice + Tam, against IG's Verus + Karma.

It can be said that the decision of basically every position is similar to what Lin Xiu thought.

"That's okay too?"

The doll is full of disbelief.

Because at the beginning, he thought Lin Xiu was talking nonsense, but who would have thought that this guy was like a clairvoyant?
"Actually, don't be surprised."

As if seeing Doll's experience, Lin Xiu said lightly: "Didn't you notice that the players on both sides are very excited right now?"

baby:? ? ?
Think for yourself.

On one side is IG who hasn't won the championship yet, but has been running in for a year, and their strength and lineup are quite terrifying.

On the other side is the RNG rookie who is not afraid of tigers.

You let them coward, is it possible?
So don't think about it. Basically, all you can play is want to rush, and give full play to your strength on the field.

"But it's a pity."

Lin Xiu watched from a distance as the coaches of the two sides had finished shaking hands, and the expression on the ready-to-start game was meaningful: "I think RNG will lose with a high probability in this one."

Doll, continue to be dazed.

Silently, Miller, who had a similar expression, looked at each other, and a question popped up in the hearts of both of them, how did you know it again?
Is this person a professional or a cultivator?

"A little curious."

Miller pushed his glasses: "Don't you support your teammates at this time?"

"I am very persistent in my heart, and the reality is cruel."

Lin Xiu said softly: "Don't forget, Zuo Shou and Xiao Tian have just come out of LSPL after all."

With that said, Lin Xiu began to analyze softly.

Both of these are rank monsters, but they are far from growing to their limit.

And such a middle field is facing Rookie at the peak of IG, and King Ning at the peak, even if they are explosive, it is difficult to defeat them.

Once this kind of wild confrontation fails, it will start to radiate other paths infinitely.

At that time, TheShy's problem of being easily caught will be covered up infinitely, because the middle field will attract unlimited firepower and support for himself, and TheShy only needs to hold down letme firmly.

Kill, but can't kill.

However, as long as Qinggangying can get through the most difficult period ahead, the following games will be played very well.

The same is true for the bottom lane. Verus, who is developing normally, will start to suppress the ice after entering the mid-term. At that time, IG's most ideal trident system will be fully formed.

"To sum up, it is estimated that RNG has a slight advantage of half a point in the early stage, and then something goes wrong in the mid-term. The overall winning rate is [-]% for RNG and [-]% for IG."

Um. .

This is the result of my show someone's prediction.


The game officially enters the interface.

It just so happened that the artificial intelligence colonel came out of nowhere and made a prediction. After reading it, everyone fell silent.

"Fuck, this is indeed a monster."

Some team members at the base, while listening to Lin Xiu's explanation, looked at the colonel's analysis results and their faces turned black.



"Sure enough, those who play the top lane are old coins."

This tm, the colonel's prediction is almost exactly the same as Lin Xiu's, even the timing of the strength is almost the same.

"No wonder this guy is so difficult to deal with."

A factory director who had been eliminated looked at Lin Xiu and sighed faintly.

That guy has grown from an operation monster to a whole new level.

His big picture view and analysis are really scary.

You may not believe it, but recently Lin Xiu is still maintaining the Hanbok ranking that is maintained every day.

But the problem is, this guy won't lose in ranked.

Even if it only increased by 10 points every day, he suddenly scored another 2 points in the two months before the end of the World Championship.

So the current Lin Xiu, directly touched the fish and broke the Hanbok record.

1800 points.

Even looking at all champion top laners.

Than he can fight, no.

There is no one with more coins than him.

Although RNG's rookie team did not surprise them, they still looked at RNG with fear.

"So, now, he should be the ideal and perfect embodiment of top laner Fen in LOL."

"As long as this man is still around... and a puppy with the same bt."

"Then the RNG of S8."

To be reasonable, if everything is really as everyone thinks, it can be said that RNG will be quite scary next year.

Puppy, who is still in hot form, and Lin Xiu, who directly broke the Hanbok record, and the teamwork that has become more and more tacit.

When these are gathered together, it is enough to explode with amazing power.

But will everything really go so smoothly?
(End of this chapter)

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