As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 180 The next stop, where are you going?

Chapter 180 Next stop, where to go?

Regarding the answer to this question, Lin Xiu is also thinking about it. From the current point of view, he has actually received a lot of club invitations.

Including IG, WE, EDG, etc., have all sent me invitations to Lin Xiu.

After all, apart from IG, these teams lack top laners, but apart from Lin Xiu's almost prophetic commentary, everyone also found a problem.

It's just that the RNG on the field seems to be much more tenacious than imagined.

Obviously, whether the situation is good or the laning is good, basically all roads can't take advantage of it, but they can last much longer than expected.

The most obvious ones are the middle and upper roads.

It is indeed difficult to suppress the peak Rookie with his left hand, but it is also difficult for the same Rookie to suppress his left hand.

After all, besides his left hand, he has never had stage fright.

Not having stage fright means daring to play, and daring to play means having unlimited possibilities. It feels a bit like a top mid laner in the future.

As for letme, it is even more wonderful.

Obviously TheShy can't wait to stand in the top defense tower of RNG and suppress people, but letme's development has not been left behind.

It's as if TheShy's current suppression is actually only superficial suppression. Even if it looks beautiful, it actually has no real effect.

And at this time, everyone finally discovered that the RNG substitute top laner who had been hiding under Lin Xiu's halo.

"One thing to say, although the score is already 2-1 on IG's side, but letme's game is really okay."

"Actually, you know it when you think about it. After all, he is the guy who can be that Langby's substitute."

"That's right, the shy man is very strong, but I think he's at the same level as Lin Xiu at most. Letme definitely has experience in dealing with this kind of top laner."

Think about it too.

If anyone had been abused by Lin Xiu for so long, even an idiot would be able to sum up his own experience, let alone a professional player.

And what letme has to do is also very simple, just treat TheShy as if he is playing with his solo Lin Xiu.

We don't want to kill you, but we must be able to live steadily, and then fight for support.

It was precisely because of this that the shy man was very annoyed.

"Why is this guy on the other side so difficult?"

Obviously he has always had the upper hand, the shy man was full of displeasure while waiting for the start of the IG match point.

It was as if I had touched a piece of brown sugar.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hurt him, but I was disgusted by his Tai Chi.

"Is my knife not sharp enough, or is this guy too strong?"

For a moment, the shy man himself fell into thinking.

"It seems that the last one will be more interesting."

Maybe others don't know, but Lin Xiu, who is in the commentary booth at this time, definitely understands the feeling of the top laner on both sides.

Can the shy man at the peak beat the letme at the peak?

That's talking nonsense, the letme operation is definitely no match.

But LOL is a team game after all, it is impossible for a shy man to go up and press down like a fool without any worries.

If you really play like that, once the IG Nakano rhythm fails, TheShy will become a cash machine, and you will die once you catch it.

It is precisely because of this subconscious restriction in the heart that TheShy's combat power has been directly reduced, while letme has been beaten with confidence.

You will feel that I don't seem to need to fully resist pressure?
"Then, next, there is a high probability that both sides will choose a hero that can be used alone."

Lin Xiu seemed very determined: "Moreover, there is still the existence of the fault tolerance rate and the later stage."

Although they didn't know the truth, the doll and Miller next to him subconsciously moved away from Lin Xiu.

What is this called?
For the fear of omniscience and omnipotence?
Then. .

The last one, letme Qinggangying, TheShy Sword Fairy.

Immediately, the audience on the field and watching the commentary were all in an uproar.

"It was predicted by him again."

The doll who no longer wanted to complain about anything continued to shrink back: "In short, this guy is terrifying."

"Yeah, it feels like the mind of a professional player is not hidden in front of him at all."

Miller also looked terrified.

To be reasonable, such a person sitting on the commentary platform is a kind of torture for the commentary.

The doll Miller duo, who could have been called the golden partner, had no use at all and were directly downgraded to amateur commentary.

And the choice of these two heroes, if you think about it afterwards, you will know that it is very suitable for the current needs of both parties.

The choices of both sides are two very strong offensive top laners in the current version. Among them, Qinggangying is strengthened because of the strong attack, and Jianji is able to survive the early stage because of the indestructible grip and fast pace.

And TheShy's sword girl naturally restrains Qinggangying as a hero, and Qinggangying is even more powerful when fighting in groups with gank.

One is to give full play to personal strength, and the other is to maintain stability while maintaining the later stage, which is quite appropriate.

Of course, it's not over yet.

It seems that because both sides are angry, Nakano is also extremely unrestrained.

The mid laner is Rookie's Enchantress, against Zoe on the left.

The jungler is King Ning's blind monk, and he is facing off against Xiaotian's prince. The early confrontation can be imagined.

"No matter what, the last one should be pretty good."

This is the thinking of most of the audience at this time. After all, both sides are taking a head-to-head lineup, which shows that small-scale team battles and early matchups are very interesting.

However, Lin Xiu next to her silently rubbed her hands: "Well, I'm ready to start spraying."

Crowd: ? ? ?
This tm, what do you mean?
Then, within a few minutes, Lin Xiu was about to run away from the commentary stand.

"Fuck, what is this letme calling?"

"Sword Fairy came up to q you, won't you get a little closer and use passive exchange blood??"

"Also why don't you learn the w skill at the first level, and why do you have to learn a q? I don't know if the first level of the w skill can make this sword girl disgusting?"

"Don't be cowardly, go up and fuck him!!"

Lin Xiu's expression became more and more awkward: "Another boy!! I feel like you're teasing me. You usually play rank so hard. Why are you sleepwalking?"

"You can't catch the enchantress if she has the w skill? You can see Zoe if you don't catch her?"

"You still have to go to A, and you are delivering it again, so you can't be more careful?"

"Sure enough, Xiao Ming is not good enough, the rookie AD can't hold back, he must be disciplined when he goes back!!"

baby:. . .

Miller: . . .

We dare not speak.

If it were someone else, they might have to remind them in a low voice, but the players on the stage are RNG's own players, so no matter what he says, it's also a housework.

Ah Choo, Ah Choo.

Anyway, now the RNG players are sneezing crazily and feeling crazily uncomfortable at the same time.

Although the situation on the court was terribly ugly and terribly true as Lin Xiu said, RNG's fourth selection of a troublesome lineup had no effect at all.

Except for the left hand not collapsed, basically every lane is at a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, the audience was dying of laughter.

"Why do I have a feeling that Langby is gradually letting himself go?"

"It's more than that, this guy almost regards this as his live broadcast room."

"So baby Miller, hurry up and hold him down, or he might really end up fighting!!"

On the other side, God knows how black-faced Brother Feng is in the audience.

"This guy, can't you save me some face?"

Brother Feng gritted his teeth: "It feels like this guy is secretly scolding me!!"

In front of the public, all kinds of teammates who hurt themselves, and only this wave ratio can do it. It's like a traitor popping out among us.

Suddenly, I regretted that I shouldn't bring this dog thing to the commentary. If I do it again in the future, I'm afraid that it won't be RNG's face.

"Anyway, I have to watch him next time, or I'll be a fool."

Silently, Feng Ge explained in his heart that Lin Xiu was sentenced to life imprisonment.

And the final result of the game did not exceed Lin Xiu's expectations. In 23 minutes, IG brought various unscientific team battles with its online advantage, and finally tied the RNG rookie lineup strongly. .
The total score was 3 to 1.

IG successfully won the Demacia Cup.

And he showed his strength with a rather domineering attitude, smashing the new lineup of RNG, which is not weak, to pieces.

Neither the RNG players on the stage nor the RNG seniors watching the game off the stage had anything to be sad about.

This is a necessary sacrifice to train the next generation.

What's more, they didn't expect RNG to enter the finals. They thought that the top 4 would be the end, but they didn't expect to advance to the finals with a sigh of relief.

For many rookies in RNG at this time, this is enough to be called a glorious defeat.

Of course, regardless of the RNG matter, everyone in IG on the field seemed very happy.

This is my first championship in IG, right?

Not counting the All-Stars, Rookie looked at the German Cup trophy, which was actually very simple, with tears in his eyes.

Although the gold content is not very high, the meaning it represents is really too important.

Since the introduction of stick aid in S5, kakao's rapid decline, Rookie has continued to grow and serve as the dean.

Time has changed, and it has come to the fourth year that Rookie has entered the lpl competition.

He didn't know how the puppy could withstand the pressure of not having a champion for so many years. Anyway, he was very happy at this moment.

While holding the trophy, he hugged his teammates fiercely.

"Brother Yijin."

TheShy didn't seem used to this warm hug, but he didn't push Rookie away.

Then, with regret and fighting spirit, he turned to the glass window not far away.

Although winning today is a win, it's a pity that the opponent I want is not the one I expected.

And the shy man also knew that it wasn't just his own performance that won him today.

More importantly, his teammates are very strong.

The strength of this kind of team suppresses TheShy's own shortcomings, and it looks very good.

Of course, there will be opportunities in the future.

At this time, the commentators and the audience all sent their blessings to IG.

"Let us once again congratulate IG with applause, they have really had a hard time these years."

"Although we all know that the current RNG is obviously not perfect, but everyone can see how terrifying this year's IG is."

While congratulating IG, Wa Wa sighed: "And looking at this IG in the German Cup, I even have a feeling that I saw RNG last year."

Neither Lin Xiu nor Miller denied this.

In last year's German Cup RNG, it can be said that except for Xiao Ming who is a rookie, the momentum and strength of the entire team have reached a peak level.

At that time, they were the only one in the entire league.

No matter who stands in front of him, it will be people blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

Even though EDG and WE are still powerful, they can only be regarded as first-class or even close to super-first-class. Compared with RNG, which is infinitely close to the phantom team, there is still a distance.

Today, in IG, it can already be seen that it has a dominant level of combat power.

Top laner TheShy, who used to be called Xiao Linxiu, has now shed this title.

This is a sharp sword that is not omnipotent, but its sharpness is quite terrifying.

After honing his edge for a whole year, he has become the most peak player in the LPL, and even in the entire world, in single-player.

Except for Lin Xiu, basically no one can take advantage of TheShy who is in this posture on the line.

Maybe you will hurt yourself, but the high risk brings more terrible benefits.

Then Rookie, the mid laner, is still stable, and he is dubbed by the audience as one of the few Allah-level players in the world.

Ah Shui in the lower lane, although Baolan's strength is not top-notch, she can always stand up in the later stage.

There is also the engine of the rhythm of team battles, and King Ning's style is becoming more and more obvious.

It can be said that the trident tactic that all teams dream of has really been perfectly realized on them.

As long as IG can inherit this style and learn the lessons of last year's failure, then this year they are bound to be able to advance by leaps and bounds in the new season.

Then face such an opponent.

An IG with unlimited potential and explosive combat power, the eyes of everyone who did not play RNG are all shining.

Not to mention this tm, just watching it on the stage makes the blood boil.

Almost every player has begun to look forward to what kind of sparks the two perfect teams will collide in the future.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Lin Xiu who is beside us."

As if thinking of something, Miller sent a heartfelt thank you to Lin Xiu who was next to him: "It feels like Lin Xiu's arrival has really turned the entire LPL top lane upside down."

Lin Xiu: "Huh??"

Someone wondered for a year: "You two, why are you bragging about me?? I didn't play the game."

"No such thing."

The corner of Miller's mouth twitched slightly: "Be serious, okay?"

Lin Xiu: ╮(╯_╰)╭

In the past, we often said that LPL is rich in AD.

In fact, I have to say that the puppy played a big role in this.

Because anyone who wants to play in the LPL will definitely line up to Xiaogou. The more you can't fight, the more you are abused by him, the more you can grow in this environment.

Similarly, the current top laner of LPL is also like this.

When they played against Lin Xiu, tm looked like he was going to die, but the overall level was also rising.

You are a bastard, then anyone can fuck you up.

You only have to keep getting stronger, and finding your own position is the key. Don't you see that Jun Ze, who is just a substitute, already has the style of a general.

It is precisely because of this atmosphere that LPL is now in a fairly healthy upward state.

Then, what will the future look like? Everything is worth looking forward to.

So the ones who should go home continue to go home, the training that should be trained.

One month later, when the ice melts and the snow melts and spring returns to the earth, the spring competition will begin soon.

(End of this chapter)

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