As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 181 The spring season is about to start?

Chapter 181 The spring season is about to start?
In fact, the Spring Split is coming sooner than everyone imagined. .
Because the German Cup basically starts in December every year, and the spring split will start around mid-January.

Except for the necessary normal arrangements, basically there is not much time left for the major teams to adjust.

It is worth mentioning that the Spring Festival of the S8 season will come quite late, and it will not come until mid-February, which means that there will be nearly a full month between the start of the Spring Split and the middle of the Spring Festival.

Then after the major teams complete their winter deals, the spring split is about to begin.

Perhaps because of the popularity of the LPL competition in the past two years, and the fact that many local teams have achieved better and better results in international competitions, the entire LPL competition area has become more popular, and it has also attracted more powerful manufacturers to invest in.

So after getting rid of those veteran teams before, LPL has a lot of powerful new faces.

For example, a certain Dong invested in JD, a certain Darenshuo invested in RW, and the Taobo team invested by Hook Brand.

These teams basically have one thing in common, that is, they are not short of money. .

You can see that they will collect all the best players that can be bought in the current market for integration, and they will desperately follow the path of Lin Xiu's rise to find potential new players in the LSPL.

This makes the entire competition area more dynamic.

After simple grouping, the LPL competition area will be reshuffled and divided, and finally the following situation will be formed.

West: EDG, OMG, WE, Snake, BLG, VG, FPX
For these teams, Riot made a fairly detailed rating, including the pros and cons of these teams.

Among them, there are two S+ teams, RNG and IG.

S-rank team: EDG.

S-class team: WE.

The rest of the teams are basically around the A level.

Except Fen RNG and EDG, which ranked first and second in total points last year, were the leaders in the eastern and western divisions respectively, and the rest of the teams were ranked among them.

In terms of the final total score, in the global team rankings, LPL occupies the third place.

And looking at this division is definitely a very happy thing for the audience, because just looking at it is tm intense.

In the Eastern Division, let alone, there is basically no weak team.

Especially in this year's German Cup, the two best-performing teams RNG and IG are in the same division, which means that in the spring split, IG will encounter RNG at least twice in the regular season.

If the perfect RNG fights the perfect IG, the intensity of the fight can be expected without even imagining it.

At the same time, there is another very interesting thing about the Eastern Division, that is, their top laners are generally very strong.

RNG is still at its peak, SNG is still a bloodthirsty wolf, IG's TheShy+duke, JDG's newcomer zoom, LGD's marin, RWD's top laner Ah Guang.

They basically represent the ceiling of top laners in the entire LPL division.

It is estimated that no one thought that the top laner position in the LPL, which was once ridiculed as a sluggish and lifeless LPL, would have such a day when a hundred flowers bloomed.

Then, there is the Western Division.

If the Eastern Division seems to be about to fight all kinds of fights, then the Western Division is quite close in strength.

The current EDG is no longer the absolute dominance they used to be. Although they are still the first-class team in the LPL division, they can no longer be said to crush everything.

Then the closer the strength is, the better the game will be.

In addition, this is a fighting version, and it can already feel that various duels and massacres will begin.

Then RNG, which is the leader here, has undoubtedly been studied by various people.

I have to say that the result of training newcomers is that everyone is confused and afraid of RNG now.

Because the current ranking score of RNG everyone's stick server is too high.

The top ten are RNG's Lin Xiu, Left Hand, and Xiaohu.

Three people have four numbers, occupying four positions.

The remaining people, except for a certain hot pot player who has been lingering between diamonds and masters for many years, the rest are also above 700 points in the king.

The most outrageous thing is the puppy. He has already reached 1100 on the stick server, ranking 12th on the stick server.

If it weren't for Lao Gao who was forcibly scored because of the existence of several players in the LPL this year, he would already be in the top ten of the stick server under normal circumstances.

For a veteran, this is a very outrageous thing. After all, who would have thought that a player who has played for 6 years can still maintain such a terrifying state.

Even everyone who has faced this year's puppies has a very weird feeling in their hearts, that is,,,

This year, the Puppies seem to be stronger than ever.

In normal times, with the LPL's seniority classification, the puppy can only be regarded as a phantom god, that is, a half-step Allah level.

but now. .

Puppy, Lin Xiu, and Rookie have basically become the three default Allahs in everyone's minds.

It is the kind that will not collapse in almost any situation, you can trust him at any time, and he can always stand up at the most critical time.

Facing RNG with two players of this level at the same time, how should we deal with it?

Up and down the road has become a restricted area.

The only thing that can be done, and the most reliable option is to launch an offensive against RNG's middle and field, or learn from IG who doesn't reason with you, let's fight each other, and all kinds of unreasonable team battles will do.

And whether this idea is right or not will be confirmed immediately.

Because on January 1th, the opening match of the entire LPL is RNG vs. IG.

The two teams with the strongest comprehensive strength and regrets in the German Cup will play against each other again.

When this day comes, both teams and all the audience players will focus on this game.

In the end, what kind of tone will they set for this spring split?

However, before this day, the two teams had actually already made an appointment

That afternoon, at the base of the RNG team, Brother Feng looked at the first team players in neat uniforms with a smile on his face.

This time, it was no longer like the German Cup.

Brother Feng, who has seen the current strength of IG, is not stupid. Even if he wants to train soldiers, he must not throw those newcomers to IG in that state.

"Then everyone, today, just fight to your heart's content."

After the World Championship, what is needed is an opponent like IG.

Compared with training games and so on, problems can only be seen on the real game stage.

"Everyone, attack!"

RNG has hidden swords for a long time, and the strongest lineup that has been honed for a year is dispatched.

In the first match of the Spring Split, the full body IG vs. the full body RNG, the fight begins!
On January 1, it was still the Shanghai Sports Center. .
This e-sports stadium, which had been silent for a long time, became lively again this night. When night fell, the dazzling lights had already illuminated the entire stadium extremely brightly.

At this time, on the other side of the venue, a bus slowly stopped.

Then a group of teenagers in white shirts slowly got out of the car, with a huge traditional black "pole" tattooed on their backs.

They are one of the protagonists tonight, the IG team.

However, it was a coincidence that when IG and others got off the bus, a certain bus on the other side also stopped.

Contrary to IG's white jerseys, a group of teenagers in black also came down.

Black gold style team, RNG.

"Is it finally here?"

"After a long time, today seems to have the opportunity to play against him again."

Almost at the first glance, TheShy among the IG crowd saw the handsome young man not far away, and then there was a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes.

He is here, look at Lin Xiu.


Lin Xiu obviously also noticed TheShy's eyes.

All kinds of tension before the war, and the life-and-death struggle before the war are all fake.

All Lin Xiu had to do was wave her hand, and then give TheShy a smile, looking quite hearty and calm.

Then he turned his head and left calmly.

The corner of TheShy's mouth twitched slightly.

No, it stands to reason that seeing me being so arrogant, you should respond anyway.

I managed to speak Chinese well, so I was just waiting to say hello to you, but your tm calm made me outrageous.

"Don't think too much."

At this time, Duke on the other side patted TheShy on the shoulder earnestly: "This match is like this, calm down, as long as the players are happy."

Although Duke is considered a koi now, his time in the LPL was unforgettable.

And it's not just him, most professional players understand that there is basically no deep hatred between professional players.

Even the relationship with most professional players is quite good.

Most of the time, clubs need to learn how to restrain their own fans, don't engage in fan circle culture, and force e-sports to look like entertainment.

"So, just go ahead and fight."

duke hugged TheShy heavily again: "I'm too old to move, it's up to you next."

TheShy: "..."

Rookie: "..."

Why is there someone who can speak of salted fish so brightly? ? 】

However, I won't let you be disappointed.

TheShy clenched his fist lightly.

After a year of growth, he used to be a little inferior, but now he thinks that there is no opponent to fear in this world.

Except that man. .

Have I surpassed him now?
Or is there still a distance between me and him? ?
How can it be repaired, I can't wait.

Unknowingly, TheShy quickened his pace and walked towards the team lounge.

Then, the two teams enter the field.

As the opening match of the Spring Split, the opening ceremony had already been held for more than half an hour in the arena. In order not to add unnecessary fatigue to the players, the match was actually about to start when the two teams entered the arena.

So when the live music changed, about ten minutes later, the lights turned to the players' seats, and everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

Then, the audience cheered.

"Alright viewers, welcome to the opening match of the 2018 LPL Spring Split. I'm a doll!"

"I'm Miller!"

"I'm Zeyuan!"

It is estimated that the commentators have held back for a long time, not to mention how excited they are on their faces, after all, being able to explain a wonderful game is the key for the commentators.

Riot also understands the situation of LPL very well, so it specially arranged 3 hosts.

Because the long opening ceremony has already passed, the following process seems to be quite straightforward.

"It's an honor to be able to comment on this game."

Seeing the two teams already in place, Wawa seemed very happy: "To be honest, the tone of this game is really too high. I didn't even expect to see such a duel in the first game of the Spring Split."

Both sides may be the peak and strongest moments since the establishment of the team.

Whether it is RNG at this time, or IG at this time, they have every reason to believe that they can become the generation in other eras.

Because what they represent now is the most typical style of LPL, that kind of play that is completely different from LCK and very competitive.

And such two teams had to meet at this time.

Should I say luck, or misfortune? ?

Of course, these are all things to say. After a brief transition, the two teams directly started the BP stage.

In the first game of ban people, everyone was relatively normal.

The blue side IG banned octopus mother, vampire, and grasshopper in the first round.

The red side RNG banned Zoe, skate shoes, and blind monk in the first round.

Basically, they are heroes that both players are very good at, or version OP.

The only one worth mentioning is the hero Octopus Mother. . .

"Hey, hey, wake up the labor and management."

Lin Xiu:? ? ?
In a daze.

Xiangguo, who played in the first game, slapped Lin Xiu with closed eyes and rested his mind, and smiled wickedly.

"How can someone ban something like Octopus Mother first-hand? I've watched you a lot in World Championships from the other side."

"I don't know, don't ask me."

To be honest, this hero is really too unpopular.

Although Lin Xiu briefly set off a wave after bringing this hero to the World Championships, this hero actually has very high requirements for the overall situation and online.

A lot of people are just playing around, the kind who just blow themselves up in the early stage.

And a ban on the octopus mother fully demonstrated IG's fear of Lin Xiu. . .And, some other meanings.

"Speaking of which, I thought of something."

Looking at the IG ban person, Lin Xiu rubbed her chin: "I feel that the one on the other side is going to take out some disgusting things."


Brother Feng also nodded: "Think about it, is there any hero who is particularly afraid of the octopus mother, and then this version is particularly strong?"

Immediately, everyone thought of a certain hero who officially entered the local server at the beginning of the S7 World Championship.

A current version with the highest level of comprehensiveness and extreme imba - Aoun.

Why is it said that this version of Aoun is very imba, because this hero basically combines all the advantages of the top laner. .
He is a bit like the Qinggang Shadow that just came out before. From a mechanical point of view, he is quite a perfect existence, but at the same time he is very different.

Generally speaking, to evaluate whether a top laner hero is strong or not is to look at three points.

Lane, team start, late stage.

During the laning phase, Aoun’s unique ability to buy equipment online directly makes the hero’s strength very high. Once the hero gains an advantage, he can easily make outfits according to changes in the field situation. The line won't hurt at all.

At the same time, there is another point, the damage of this hero is outrageous.

It obviously doesn't need any output equipment, but relying on the passive-vulnerable mode of the skill.

The fiery hammer hit the other party's head, and it couldn't bear his damage at all. The so-called high damage on a batch of meat is what they are talking about.

Then start a group. .

Don't say anything.

This hero's group start is already the most shameless existence in the entire alliance. After all, there is no hero who can have such a terrifying range of group start.

Dashu's big move?
Sorry, compared with Ornn's sheep, the slow tree vines can't wait to find a crack in the ground.

The second-stage sheep will hit the air at a super long distance, and stabilize the group control, so that this hero will have no disadvantages when fighting in groups.

Finally, his ability in the later stage is also unique.

It is true that if this hero hits the back, the ability to lead the line will be very weak, basically he can only take the line of dealing with the soldiers, watching the battlefield all the time and preparing for tp.

However, the most shameless thing about this guy is that he can upgrade equipment for his teammates.

Once you reach level 14. . .

As the original version of Aoun, he can directly add 6 pieces of enhanced equipment that he took out to his teammates. This ability can forcefully break through the limitations of the grid in the later stage, and improve the overall combat effectiveness to another level.

To sum up, I really can't find a more perfect hero than this one.

Although it can be targeted, it is strong, indeed strong.

It's a pity that the hero is most afraid of the octopus mother, no matter if it's a laning team battle, he will not lie to you. If you think about it this way, the reason for banning the octopus mother can be established.

This is indeed the case.

I only saw that IG didn't hesitate at all after entering the formal selection stage, and TheShy directly locked the god of craftsman with the crimson head with one hand.

Aoun, one-choice lock.

Immediately, the problem was thrown to the next RNG.

"To be reasonable, I also have a headache when I meet this hero."

It's not that he underestimated himself, Brother Feng felt helpless when he saw TheShy take out this thing.

After all, he is a player who is no less than Lin Xiu in terms of laning operations, and he is still playing a strong hero in the version.

It is quite difficult to play absolute suppression online.

"Think about how to fight."

Brother Feng is doing Bp, while thinking quickly
"Calm down..."

Unlike Brother Feng, Lin Xiu seemed very calm at this time: "This game doesn't mean that I need to fight five with one."

As he spoke, he pointed to his teammates not far away.

"For example, in this one, I can choose a bastard like a stone man, and then bring an indestructible one. The opening armor + 5 red, it's a stroke of luck."

"Just wait for you c."

Brother Feng:? ? ?
Incense pot:? ? ?
"Fuck, where's your face?"

The puppy didn't hide his contempt at all: "Can you be more serious? If you can live on, I'll eat the computer on the spot."


Let this kind of person think about how to do things in his head all day long, dog?lie down?

It's like you told me Brother Li is going to wait for teammate C today.

"Don't think about it, hurry up and choose someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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