As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 201 Spring Chapter Opening Battle

Chapter 201 Spring Festival opening match

However, for professional players, even the best days are short-lived. .
Because it didn't take long for these guys to return to the club from their respective homes.

Even though it is claimed to be the longest holiday in the whole year, Ta Meow's is actually only less than a week, and this group of people have to play ranked when they are free at home.

To be honest, no matter how much you like lol, if you don't go to this kind of professionalism, ordinary people will definitely not be able to stand such intensity.

At the same time, the end of the Spring Festival is like a starting gun for all professional teams.

Because in this Spring Festival, there have been many, many very exciting news.

For example. . .

The mid-season games and the World Championships will all be held in Baseball Country. .

Imagine for yourself how cool it would be to win the world championship in front of the sticks?

The second is another unexpected thing for everyone, lol, entering the Asian Games.

Even though the times are changing and many people's views on e-sports have changed, it is the first time that this kind of national recognition has entered the Asian Games.

Even if joining this time can only be regarded as testing the waters, no one can deny the vigorous growth of fighting spirit in your heart when the national honor falls on your shoulders.

Then the most important point that determines all these things is the champion of the spring split.

Because whether it is the mid-season competition, the World Championship, or the Asian Games, the results of the current lpl team in the spring split are the most critical evaluation criteria.

Not to mention the fact that the champion team is sent to the mid-season competition, even if the champion team in the spring split performed very poorly in the summer split, as long as they can make it to the playoffs, they can almost stabilize the world championship based on points.

What's more, a good start is half the battle.

Everyone is ready for the next battle, and so is IG.

As their first opponent in the Spring Split, it was a seemingly unfamiliar team, but they were actually quite familiar with each other.

IG, battle, RW. .

The RW team, this guy didn't exist in the LPL at all in the past, and even the club was just established at the end of 2017.

However, it is such a team, standing behind him is the current leading company among electronic hardware manufacturers - Darenshuo,,,

As a rich and powerful man, he directly bought all the best professional players that can be traded in the LPL market.

RW's current lineup on paper is actually quite strong.

Top order, mouse.

Jungle, flawless

mid laner, doinb
ad, old thief Sima
Assistant, Chiya

Shangzhong ad, these three will not be mentioned for the time being.

Because anyone who often watches games knows that although these players are not the strongest, they are definitely the strongest in their respective positions.

The c-bit paper strength composed of these three people is in the forefront of the entire LPL.

Then play wild boy.

Many people may not remember who he is, but you can't deny that he was the core jungler who, together with AJ and Athena, made IM complete the triple jump.

So although he is young and confused from time to time, the future is promising.

On the other hand, Qi Ya is a little-known rookie support.

However, the position of assisting should be regarded as the most indispensable existence in LPL now.

Because LPL has never lacked good ad, on the contrary, good ad can bring out very good support.

With Sima's old thief's level, as long as Qi Ya studies hard and cooperates, basically there is absolutely no problem with his outstanding performance this season.

And such a team is the opponent of IG one day later.

That night, all the members of IG who had returned to the team sat in the tactical training room, looking at Coach Jin whose face had returned to a calm expression.

"I hope that your level has not regressed in the past few days."

Coach Jin's voice was very calm: "I don't know if you have noticed that the opponents we are going to fight this time have completed a considerable amount of training during your rest days."

As he spoke, he tapped a screenshot lightly.

Why do you say that, the answer is obvious.

From the screenshot given by Coach Jin, everyone on IG can clearly see how hard this RW team is.

Even during the Spring Festival, this group of people seemed to have rested for half a day, and then started to rank crazily on the stick server.

doinb, played 120 ranked games. .

Sima old thief, 110 games.

mouse, 110 games.

The rest of the players are almost all around 100 games.

Calculated according to the seven-day vacation, this group of people basically spends all their time playing ranked, except for the necessary visits to relatives and friends.

It can also be seen from this how much they attach importance to this game.

After all, these people are old.

Whether it's mouse, old thief Sima, or doinb, they are already inevitably heading towards the end of their careers.

Maybe after two or three years of playing, they will retire.

It is precisely for this reason that Da Renshuo can bring this group of old c positions together.

And now someone tells them that as long as they can win the Spring Split and enter the World Championship, do you think they can stop working hard?

On the contrary, IG's efforts have been inferior, so their faces have gradually become serious.

"mmp, this group of people are too hardworking."

Rookie said seriously: "I feel like I'm pretty fierce already. I didn't expect there to be someone who is more fierce than me. They must not have girlfriends."

It must be like this.

My brother Yijin, I still have to accompany my girlfriend during the Spring Festival.

These single dogs have nothing to do and can only play ranked.

"Come on, you don't need to stop dreaming."

King Ning mercilessly interrupted Rookie's complaint: "Doinbs don't have girlfriends?"

I'm afraid you don't know what happened to Nakano Enjueyijue in QG at that time, isn't it just Doinb with various girlfriends ╮(╯_╰)╭.

"Okay, don't talk about that."

Coach Jin waved his hand: "Anyway, go all out."

After returning, especially after hearing about the arrangements for the first half of the year, Coach Jin did not hold the attitude of training easily.

So the current battle lineup has been determined, and it is the strongest lineup that IG and the others can present.

To deal with a team like RW with a group of veterans, sending newcomers will really be played to death.

They are not the IG type, the same group of newcomers face each other.

Going all out is not only a respect for the opponent, but also the minimum responsibility for IG's next game.

At this time, you must not give up the points you can get.

Especially in this version where bot lane ADs are becoming more and more important, as one of the four top ADs in LPL today, Sima Old Thieves, his team battle performance is likely to raise the upper limit of RW again.

Let Ah Shui compete with such an opponent to ensure that Ah Shui can always maintain a good state.

And soon, the match that everyone was looking forward to officially began. .
This spring game is like the first Spring Festival gift for the IG players, everyone has a bright smile on their faces.

Seeing that everyone is in good condition, Coach Jin felt relieved, but during training, he still had a serious expression on his face.

On the one hand, there are all kinds of unprepared urging players from time to time, and on the other hand, they silently pay attention to those teams that are still working hard.

All this is because Coach Jin realized a very important issue-now IG has reached a very critical period.

This period is not to say that IG is confused, but that the overall strength of IG is currently the strongest on paper, so strong that it is close to an outrageous state.

The long winning streak has led most members to think that IG is invincible, which is a big problem.The so-called arrogant soldiers must be defeated, if they continue to maintain this idea, I am afraid that there will be big problems.

This is a very correct choice. You must know that even a wealthy team needs to rotate internally to work alternately, so as to give players more adjustment status.

"Now, I just hope that these guys can keep their hearts. There is still a long way to go."

What kind of impact will the RW team, this new-type Galaxy Fleet game, have on IG?

. . .

the next day. . .

playing field. . .

It is still in the sports center of Shanghai.

This e-sports stadium did not return to calmness because of the Spring Festival, but it became more lively because of it. When the night just fell, the colorful lights had already illuminated all the stadiums.

Under the attention of many audiences, a group of teams wearing black and gold uniforms walked to the center of the stage with familiar smiles on their faces. The RW team also came to the stage in black uniforms with a red logo in the middle. In the middle of the game, members of the two teams paid tribute to all the audience present.

"Ah Guang, stay on the line for a while and hold back the prodigal son. Leave the rest to us!"

The members of both parties left the stage, and Doinb kept scanning IG's side with his eyes, and couldn't help reminding mouse again by the way.

That expression resembled all kinds of worried old fathers.


To be reasonable, Mouse himself could almost hear his ears callused, and he could only sigh with black lines all over his head: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid."

"I'll take the lead in the top lane, and the jungler can go to the middle and bottom lanes to bring the rhythm."

Everyone knows Lin Xiu's dominance, this man was unbelievably strong in the past and now.

Now he has almost become the psychological shadow of all top laners in the entire lpl theater.

Unknowingly, Lin Xiu has become an insurmountable mountain for them, but more people regard this mountain as a goal.

Theshy is like this, and mouse will naturally not be willing to lag behind. He couldn't fight before, so it's okay if I can hold on?

How do you say that I, mouse, was also evaluated by lpl officials as the light of the top laner, but in the eyes of most professional players, this is just a sarcasm. It was not until mouse broke out that everyone recognized him as the "god of light"!
And they believe that hard work will eventually pay off. As Coach Jin knew, during the Spring Festival period, RW almost only had half a day off, and the rest of the time was devoted to their own training, most of which were ranked by themselves. Look for feel.

Mouse stared closely at Lin Xiu's leaving back, and he didn't realize that it was time for the game until Brother Coin pulled him.

"Brother Prodigal, Ah Guang looked like he was going to eat you just now."

Seeing the expression on mouse, King Ning couldn't help but want to laugh.

"No way, real men are always so charming?"

Lin Xiu rubbed her nose: "Unfortunately, I don't want to engage in foundation."

But,, why does the top laner on the opposite side keep staring at me every time?This group of Qin beasts.


King Ning suddenly remembered that before going to bed last night, Coach Jin seemed to call Lin Xiu out. The two seemed to have some ulterior conversation, but unfortunately no one knew what it was about.

Lin Xiu: "???"

"Did Coach Jin call you yesterday?"

"Huh? This."

Lin Xiu waved her hand: "Don't ask, it's a secret."

King Ning: ? ? ?
Only a certain Ah Shui suddenly felt a pat on the shoulder, turned around and saw Lin Xiu smiling wickedly there.

Ah Shui: "Brother, why are you tm smiling so sharply??
Lin Xiu: "It's nothing, I just discussed it with Coach Jin yesterday, preparing for this game to surprise you, you just need to be prepared."

A water:? ? ?
I believe in your evil, do you want to say in your next sentence that everyone knows that Lin Xiu is a good person?

Fuck meow surprise.

. . .

The screen turned and returned to the stage.

The voices of the commentators sounded from the scene.

"Everyone, welcome to the site of the 2018 LPL Spring Championship. I am the commentator Miller!"

"I am Wang Duoduo!"

Maybe it's because everyone has been bored for too long during the Chinese New Year, and the commentators are also a little excited. After all, the first game is IG's game.

"Sure enough, the new year has a new atmosphere, the faces of the adults on both teams revealed a murderous look, it seems that the match brought to us by the two teams today is bound to be very exciting!

RW naturally has a lot of psychological pressure against the prosperous IG, but this does not affect the mentality of the RW players. After all, everyone has their own pride.

From the expressions on the faces of the RW players, it can be seen that they are very serious about this game, and they can't wait to spend all their money.

Whether they win or lose this first game, it is to test the results of RW's training during this period. You must know them, but they have been training throughout the Spring Festival. This is also a deliberate arrangement by Steak.

In the first game after returning from the Spring Festival, RW will face IG.

If you win, blow it and you're done.

Losing is not ashamed, after all top teams can't beat IG, RW this A-level team, losing is not ashamed.

We are not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, so it's over.

The first spring game after the Spring Festival ends, now officially begins!
Look, come to RW's side. .
At this time, there was a person of about the same size standing beside everyone in RW. . .Huge trainer.

The most eye-catching thing may be his hairstyle, after all, it is definitely quite explosive, adding a bit of trend to the entire arena.

That's right, this person is RW's current coach - Steak.

Steak is the former top laner and head coach of the FW team in the LMS division. He joined the RW club in December 2017 as the head coach.

As a former professional player and former champion coach of the division, his level is really not low.

If you never look at it, his contribution cannot be ignored. He has led the Rogue Warriors to win many honors, and supported the coaching team of the Huaxia National Team in the Jakarta Asian Games League of Legends project.

No matter Rogue Warrior's performance is high or low, he always stands behind the players to give support, and he will always have his place in the team's pre-match posters.

As Wang Duoduo announced the official start of the game, Steak and Coach Jin entered their respective roles.

(End of this chapter)

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