As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 202 The Great Inventor Comes Again

Chapter 202 The Great Inventor Comes Again

Look, come to RW's side. .
At this time, there was a person of about the same size standing beside everyone in RW. . .Huge trainer.

The most eye-catching thing may be his hairstyle, after all, it is definitely quite explosive, adding a bit of trend to the entire arena.

That's right, this person is RW's current coach - Steak.

Steak is the former top laner and head coach of the FW team in the LMS division. He joined the RW club in December 2017 as the head coach.

As a former professional player and former champion coach of the division, his level is really not low.

If you never look at it, his contribution cannot be ignored. He has led the Rogue Warriors to win many honors, and supported the coaching team of the Huaxia National Team in the Jakarta Asian Games League of Legends project.

No matter Rogue Warrior's performance is high or low, he always stands behind the players to give support, and he will always have his place in the team's pre-match posters.

As Wang Duoduo announced the official start of the game, Steak and Coach Jin entered their respective roles.

I have mentioned the importance of bp many times before, but now it can be said that the coach will not ban and lose half of the game.

Invisibly, there has been a huge spark of friction between Steak and Coach Jin.

In Game 1, IG players were top laner Lin Xiu, jungler Ning Wang, mid laner Rookie, ADC Ah Shui, and support Baolan.

As I said before, the first game, the strongest lineup.

On the other hand, look at RW.

The top laner is A Guang, the jungler is Xiaofu, the mid laner is Coin Brother, the ADC position is Sima Old Thief, and the support is Qi Ya.

On the surface, it seems that these players are definitely not as gorgeous as the all-stars like IG, but they are quite outstanding players in each position. The lack of shortcomings can be said to be the biggest advantage of this RW.

Entering the bp link, IG, as the red side, first banned Morgana, Niutou, and Olaf. The first two moves were obviously studied by Qi Ya, and the latter was because the Olaf version was too strong.

Steak looked at Coach Jin, and then he fell into short-term thinking, but soon he also gave a clear ban position.

Policewoman, Verus, Tam Toad.

Steak's idea is very simple, since you give the strong support to bp, then I will make you feel uncomfortable in the bottom lane, just kill your two strongest ad in the lane, and then give the strong toad to bp, so that You have no choice.

Seeing this result, Coach Jin frowned slightly.

"Ah Shui, you have to pay attention to this round, the opponent should want to target you specifically."

Ah Shui frowned when he heard what Coach Jin said.

The combination of Ah Shui and Shi Senming is definitely the strongest bottom lane in the world at present, and no team can penetrate the bottom lane.

Even if Ah Shui gets an unpopular version of AD, then Ah Shui can still press the opponent under the tower and cannot get out, but if Ah Shui gets a strong AD, then Ah Shui is simply like a god possessed, even more so. Make the other side unable to lift his head.

This is Ah Shui's strength, just like Lin Xiu, both of them have become two-way mountains.

An insurmountable mountain.

No matter which team encountered them, they would feel extremely headaches, wishing to target them to death.

But because of version reasons, the bottom lane is much better than the top lane, and once a few heroes are banned, you will feel very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, there are mage top laners, meat tank top laners, support top laners, shooter top laners, wild top laners, and assassin top laners.

The key is that every time Lin Xiu's selected heroes can effectively suppress the opponent, making them feel hopeless. The man with his own hero universe can't be provoked, so he has to ask Ah Shui to do the surgery. After all, the old thief Sima can also be trusted.

BP continues.

Soon Lan conveniently selected the guy that no one could think of.

Green Steel Shadow?
It is true that at the beginning of the new season, Qinggangying did not suffer too much weakening, but this is the beginning of the game. Is it the top laner or the jungler?

IG didn't know, only mouse's eyes were slightly bright. . .

Let me show you, the result of the old man's hard training all winter.

My light sauce is single Qinggangying, Wu Di.

After thinking about it for a while, the first hero behind IG is Xiaopao, followed by Zach.

Under Steak's opinion, the red side took out trolls and vampires.

IG chose a Galio in the third hand. The ultra-long-distance support ensures that they can support the team in time while waiting.

In the second round of bans, IG started to target the jungler, and Prince Mantis was knocked out, and RW's bp knocked out Gnar and the captain.

Seeing this IG, I immediately understood that these two tm are purely Qinggangying heroes who are particularly uncomfortable in the lane, so is Ah Guang going to use Qinggangying?
"That's pretty interesting."

Seeing this scene, Duoduo couldn't help but raise his voice a little: "This time, mouse chose to face Lin Xiu head-on. We all know that the win rate of mouse against Lin Xiu has always been ridiculously low. His change, let us I saw his completely different style from when he was in EDG."

The light of the EDG period, that is, it's over when it's stable, how can there be a moment when you want to be c?
Now coming to RW, it can be called the liberation of light, the freedom of light.

It's a pity that someone just kept changing heroes calmly, seeming to be thinking about something, and didn't respond directly.

The bp in front of me is still going on.

After the second round of ban selection, IG snatched Luo support from the most likely Xialuo combination outside to prevent RW from getting it in the bottom lane.

Immediately afterwards, RW made up Xia and Bron.

The last move came to Lin Xiu's side. The old practice belongs to his counter position, which is also enough trust in the key players.

"Although I really want to have a fight with you, but this one, Lang has his own arrangements."

Lin Xiuta's meow is also the old Qinggangying. In a real fight, he can choose Jian Ji, who can naturally kill Qinggangying, to go up the road.

But he won't.

I saw Lin Xiu kept moving on the screen, and the familiar smirk appeared on his face again: "This time, I don't arrange the lights, because I want to arrange my teammates."

Everyone on IG:? ? ?
Rookie: What did he just say?

Ah Shui: I don't know
Ning Wang: I seem to be sick again

Baolan: trembling┭┮﹏┭┮
Coach Kim: →_→

Except for a certain Jin coach, the other four looked at the choice Lin Xiu took out and locked in with bewildered faces. . .

That thing is.

Lulu? ?
What the fuck?

Are you tm kidding me, IG, this tm is to play four guarantees and one? !
Quick, take off your team uniforms, buddies want to see what you are really made of.

But after seeing Lin Xiu take out Lulu as the top laner, everyone felt it more, it was very strange.

Because since Lin Xiu joined the IG team, he rarely used a 4-1 lineup in the game. After all, Lin Xiu's existence, the IG team mostly adopted the twin-turbo style of play, which not only increased the fault tolerance rate, but also The weakness of the whole team will be infinitely reduced.

But no tactic is invincible. Even with the twin-turbo system, more and more opponents have figured out how to deal with it.

Not only Coach Jin, but Lin Xiu is also keenly aware of this problem. Once the opponent is aware of this problem, it will be easy for the IG team to fall into a passive position, and the opponent will find a breakthrough point.

So in the face of this, the easiest way is to continue to diversify IG's tactics.

The long-standing but still strong four-guarantee-one tactic is a very good choice, and this version of Lulu's top laner can already be played.

Before the Conqueror comes out, anyone who can develop disgusting players can be qualified for the top lane position, and at the same time, they can carry out the four guarantees and one strategy to the end.

In the end, the lineups of both sides were completely determined.

Red Fangfang IG.Top laner Lulu, jungler Zac, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Xiaopao + Luo

Blue Fang RW.Top lane Qing Gangying, jungle troll, mid lane vampire, bottom lane Xia + Bron
However, in the eyes of Ah Guang, including the eyes of the RW team, this tactic simply looks down on them.

Even if you have 4 guarantees and 1, you can't do this. It's a naked humiliation to them.

However, I don't panic about the IG team's four guarantees and one tactic RW.

The original purpose was to target the bottom lane of the IG team, that is, the combination of Ah Shui and Baolan.

As long as they are destroyed, no matter how well the other roads are developed, they will be limited to a certain extent.For the four guarantees and one tactic, once their CV is destroyed, the whole game should be over, and there is no suspense at all.

"Wow, Ah Guang, do you think this Lin Xiu looks down on you? How can I play Lulu as the top laner? I have never encountered such a thing, but this support type hero really won't be blocked by you. Get blown up?"

"Ha ha."

Facing Coin's complaints, Ah Guang just glanced at him lightly.

Laozi believed in your evil.

God tm chooses a support hero and I can beat him to death. To be fair, if the jungler doesn't come to help, Ah Guang is almost ready to stock up on the opponent.

Lulu is a hero who kills people, it's very difficult.

But if you want to kill her, it's even harder.

Even under Lin Xiu's control, Ah Guang never doubted that he would be at the disadvantage of being short-handed versus long-handed.

Is it popular to play support top laners in League of Legends now?Have you lost track of the times?But this is not important anymore.

"So, I'd better stay on the line and make the other shots when it's time to make shots."

So I'm sorry, today the RW team is in a shambles and must win the first round as the first big gift of the New Year.

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield!"

With an exciting sound over the canyon, the first match between the RW team and the IG team officially began.

The ADs of the bottom laners arrived at the lane respectively, and they didn't intend to go into the jungle to help their junglers do anything. It seems that they are all looking for a stable development and don't want to do anything in the early stage.

Instead, King Ning and Rookie brought Baolan to the opponent's blue buff, but they did nothing but place an inspection guard, and then the three immediately returned to the city in order to occupy the vision here.

"First of all, I won't care about yours."

While talking to Lin Xiu next to him, King Ning replaced the scout guard with a scan, and returned to the red buff of his home.

Seeing King Ning's action, Lin Xiu understood what King Ning was going to do next.

The opponent is the troll jungler, and Zac is the jungler on your side. In fact, the difference in jungler speed between the two sides is not that big, but there are some differences in the role of dry classes and anti-dry classes.

The big monster team brought out the troll to target Zac, but if the two sides collide in the wild, usually neither can take the other, so both sides plan to develop peacefully for a period of time.

Here Lin Xiu is on the road, quietly squatting in the second grass on the road.

"Hey, Lin Xiu is going to start messing around again! It's over, Ah Guang will be squatted by Lin Xiu today."

When Miller saw Lin Xiu's action on the commentary stage, he couldn't help but joked.

"By the way, Lin Xiu's talent is also very interesting... Is this a glacier boost?"

"Isn't this version discarded talent?"

"That's right, he shouldn't be able to beat Qinggang Ying in online games like this. Ah Guang has been practicing Qinggang Ying hard these days. It seems that he should have some achievements. Now he should be able to catch Lulu easily. But what Lulu brought was glacier growth, and she didn't have an absolute advantage in the lane, it might as well bring comets."

To be reasonable, many people don't know the use of glacier boost.

The damage is not as good as Comet, and the auxiliary effect is not as good as Alley.

"It seems that Lin Xiu is really going to give us a unique trick today."

On the contrary, looking at Qing Gangying, he is honestly carrying a strong attack. He doesn't dare to create some inexplicable heroes with some inexplicable talents like Lin Xiu.

After the two sides waited for about 20 seconds, the minions of both sides finally came to the line, and the front row soldiers held axes to each other to attack A.

Seeing that Lulu hadn't come out yet, Ah Guang took a step forward involuntarily, preparing to consume the front row soldiers, and then push his own line forward a little, so as to gain his own line right.

But the moment she walked forward, suddenly a dwarf holding a magic wand slowly ran out of the grass on the left side of her.

"Nice to meet you!"

Ah Guang:? ? ?
What the hell is this tm, to be reasonable, this one is already very cowardly.

He chose Dolan Shield as his starting outfit, fearing that the first level would be consumed by Lin Xiu.

However, what he never thought of was that Lulu would dare to squat against him at the first level. You must know that any mage's suppression of fighters basically appears in the lane. solo.

Is he sending it?
As for the result, Ah Guang will know soon. .
After confirming his position, Ah Guang was ready to go up to exchange blood.

After all, at the first level, I use the w skill. Although my attack range is shorter than that of the deer, as long as Lulu dares to chase me, then I can rely on w to slow down in the opposite direction and absorb part of the blood. .

This can't change much blood.Although his w skill only has a distance of 610 yards, it is only about 500 yards away from the opponent's three frontline soldiers, and this wave is sure to make a profit.

Unfortunately, many things backfired.

The shining spear hit Ah Guang's body with incomparable precision, and finally Ah Guang was seriously slowed down.

Lulu's q skill is a skill with high damage in the early stage and the most disgusting effect. Lulu and Pix each launch a piercing missile, causing a severe deceleration effect on the hit enemies.

An enemy will only be damaged by one missile.The range is 925, and the cooling effect is only seven seconds.

Lulu and Pix each launch a piercing missile, causing 80.00% deceleration to the hit enemies, up to one second, but as the level grows, the final deceleration time is up to two seconds.

Sure enough, Ah Guang couldn't move an inch after he got this q skill.At this moment, Ah Guang also moved forward quickly, and at the same time, he immediately pressed his w skill.

Ah Guang, who was knocked out by Lin Xiu's q skill and a level A just now about 100 points of blood, instantly relied on w to restore his blood volume to almost full state, but w did not attack Lin Xiu, so Ah Guang was a little bit Feel sorry.

But he thought that the matter should end here, so he moved back slowly, but the speed of his moving back was not as fast as he imagined.

At this time, Lin Xiu saw Ah Guang cleverly using a w skill to use the soldiers to restore blood, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It seems that Ah Guang has really worked hard during this time.

If Ah Guang heard this, he would definitely not be able to resist talking nonsense, but I spent seven or eight nights all through the night to see all the details of your recent battle clearly.

Just now, Ah Guang's w skill did not slow down Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu's slowing effect lasted for two seconds, up to 80% of the slowing effect, making it difficult for Qing Gangying to move forward.

Just when Ah Guang thought that the deceleration effect was finally coming to an end, he didn't expect Lulu to follow up unhurriedly.

"Let's go!"

When Lu Lu said these words, Lin Xiu also pressed a like emoji in a timely manner.

One shot was fired from Lulu and Pix respectively, and hit Ah Guang.

The effect of Ordinary Blessing was triggered by the basic attack at once, and then the deceleration effect lasted for two seconds, acting on Ah Guang again.

"What the hell! This dog is wearing a glacier boost!"

(End of this chapter)

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