As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 203 He Is Really Disgusting

Chapter 203 He Is Really Disgusting
In addition, Lin Xiu brought a potion of corruption when he went out, so with the effect of the potion of corruption, Ah Guang's blood volume was quickly reduced by one-third.

Ah Guang fled back to the back of his front row of soldiers embarrassingly, and the villa tower meowed to fight back, I was almost chased to death, okay?

The bronze video tape I played was a strong attack, and the only chance to exchange blood in the early stage was stuck again.

This wave, this wave is the classic comprehension suppression

Not only did the current Qinggangying not get blood, even the next replenishment can only rely on w for online duels.

But w's casting distance is much better at night than Lulu's casting, so he is particularly uncomfortable.

Once he moves forward, he will be consumed by Lin Xiu's basic attack plus q. The key is that the deceleration effect at this time does not superimpose. Instead, let Lulu use the deceleration effect of q first to keep chasing Ah Guang A.

Then, two seconds later, the deceleration effect of Glacier Amplification was triggered again, and it was another long period of deceleration effect, which made Ah Guang feel that Lin Xiu was indeed a disgusting and desperate dog.

After Lin Xiu completed all the first wave of soldiers, Ah Guang has not eaten a single soldier so far, and his blood volume has been suppressed to half.

When the second wave of pawns came, Lin Xiu repeated his old trick, forcing Ah Guang to not make up a single pawn before the second level.

This is something that can't be helped. In the early stage, at least before the third level, Ah Guang really has nothing to do with the hero in his hands, and can only be wasted in vain.

Now it seems that he can only rely on his own jungler to help him to establish a certain advantage. Otherwise, if he is an upright top laner, he may not be able to lift his head even if he is beaten by this support Lulu.

Just when Lin Xiu's level reached the second level, he simply came directly to the left rear of the front row of the blue side. This time, the bronze shadow was directly suppressed and couldn't lift his head, and he didn't dare to move forward at all. Replenishment, not even experience.

"Lin Xiu is going to be inappropriate again!"

"It feels like he has been a human before. By the way, Lin Xiu's hero pool is really deep. Even Lulu can play like this. Maybe next time I will have a chance to see Lin Xiu use a nanny to fight on the road. .”

"Haha, with Lin Xiu's character, I really can't tell."

The two commentators ridiculed the situation on the road one after another on the commentary stage. They really didn't expect that Lin Xiu's early dominance of the hero Lulu would be so strong, and Ah Guang was directly suppressed.

This is not to say that Lulu itself is strong enough, the big reason is because of the glacier boost brought by Lin Xiu.

The double deceleration effect of q+glacier boost makes Qinggangying a hero who will be stolen by Lin Xiu many times before his equipment is ready.

And the damage thing is to be pulled away in various pulling and stealing points.

So in the end, you will see that in 3 minutes, Qinggangying only used the w skill to make up 5 knives, while Lulu did not miss a single knives.

"If Ah Guang continues like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to get money for a long time, which will greatly hinder his later development."

"You must know that the hero Qing Gangying is also a hero in the middle and late stages. In the early stage, it must be developed reliably. Let's see how the RW team handles it."

Grabbing can be done, but the top lane is no longer a normal laning situation.

If the state of Qinggangying is even worse, King Ning's Zach can start jumping the tower, and Zac's passive and Lulu's sheep transformation are definitely a harmless series.

To help or not to help.

Or, still according to the original plan, the right to choose suddenly came to the husband.


Seeing Ah Guang's state, even though Ah Guang didn't say anything, Xiaofu finally made his own choice.

"Ah Guang, let me help you. You can't collapse."

As a competent jungler, Xiaofu obviously saw the embarrassing situation of Ah Guang's top laner, so he had no choice but to quickly finish fighting Toad and prepare to come to the road to support: "By the way, see if you can change with him at level 3 Get some blood, don't die."


Ah Guang didn't refuse either, all he can do now is to give up on development.

When it comes to the level 3 wave, Qinggang Ying with all skills can be operated completely.

After receiving Ah Guang's answer, Xiaofu quickly came to the river in the middle road, and took down the river crab without stopping.

In fact, Ah Guang's state is not very ideal, so he wants to forcefully fight a wave of Lulu at level [-] to exchange blood, and then he will go home, and then come back to cooperate with his jungler for a wave of gank.

There are still two bottles of corrosive potion left on Lin Xiu, and her level has reached level three, and the Bronze Shadow just used the w skill to make up 6 soldiers, and on the other hand, she has already made up nearly 20 soldiers .

When Qinggangying was at the third level, Lulu had already reached the fourth level.

"This is the chance!"

The most important thing about why Qinggangying, a hero who has been weakened so many times, can still be active in the professional arena lies in the mechanism of this hero. .
Even though his laning is very uncomfortable at this time, but because of the good skill ratio, the hero Qinggangying has a very high success rate in coordinating with the jungler gank at level 3.

As long as you get this wave first, and then cooperate with the troll's pillar and sticky ability, basically a Lulu is a must kill.

It's a pity that all these must-kills have to be rethought in front of someone.

For the training match that lasted for several months, Ah Guang finally met Lin Xiu in the first game after the Spring Festival. He has been practicing Qinggangying hard these days, and his proficiency in this hero has reached a very good level. degree.

However, even though Lin Xiu had a great advantage online, he still did not relax his vigilance.

When the avatar of Qinggangying controlled by Ah Guang showed a level of three, Lin Xiu took a few steps back, but he didn't bless himself with any skills.

"Are you here?"

The moment Qinggangying's E skill entered the grass in the first stage, Lin Xiu had already seen Ah Guang's purpose.

At this time, Aguang's control is also very detailed. The first part of the E skill will enter the grass to block Lulu's vision.When he saw that Lin Xiu was still running backwards, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth?
"Want to run? It's not that easy"

Qinggangying's second stage e has a backhand right.

At the same time, when rushing to the enemy, it can reach double the distance.

Lulu flash, he can also flash e, and it is wonderful to cooperate with the troll pillar to block the position.

"Ah Guang can't bear it anymore."

"But to be reasonable, normal people may not be able to bear it. After all, this wave of level 3 has a chance to fight back."

"If we continue to procrastinate like this, Lin Xiu has suppressed so many knives before, and it will make the subsequent matchups more difficult."

"In this wave, Qing Gang Ying must win."

The question then is, what should Lin Xiu do next.

I saw Lulu twisting her waist and leading her elf Pixar back unhurriedly, but Ah Guang didn't give him this chance, and used the second hook claw to leap out of the grass.

Just when Qinggangying's hook claws pushed towards Lulu in the second stage, a surprising scene appeared.

Ah Guang, including the two commentators, saw the scene clearly. Qinggang Ying's second skill was clearly attached to Lulu, why didn't he stun it?
But in the end, Lulu's footsteps did not stop, but rushed towards Lulu's front.

E is empty? ? ?

The commentary stand fell silent for a moment.

The professional player Qinggangying uses the grass to card vision e, basically the probability of making a mistake is zero, but the current Qinggangying looks like it was given for nothing.

They didn't understand what happened. From their God's point of view, Ah Guang's second E skill description hit Lulu very accurately, but the dizziness that should have appeared in theory did not appear. Rubbing it on Lulu's head?
"Don't worry, don't worry, let's take a closer look when the director plays it back later."

However, after the perspective came back, everyone fell silent.

This tm, what kind of bug is it? Lin Xiu relied on her w to speed up her position, and abruptly turned off Qinggangying's e skill.

After all, Lin Xiu is too familiar with Qinggangying. Her e skill seems to be easy to hit, but in fact, once Qinggangying's e skill wind enters the final judgment, it is the easiest to hit in the middle of the second stage of e skill. enemy.

If you encounter a hero with sufficient movement speed and wait for the e skill to hit your face, it is easy to miss if you move in the opposite direction, such as Lin Xiugang, that's it.

After all, Ah Guang is also an old top laner. Seeing that his second E did not stun Lulu, he soon activated his q skill and wanted to continue to force it.

He still has w, still has damage, and can continue to fight.

"Hey, why bother?"

Lin Xiu just shook his head.

From the point of view of blood volume, if he were a normal person, he would most likely retreat. After all, he was playing Lulu, and at first glance, it didn't seem like a lot of damage.

Furthermore, it's just a four-guarantee for a while, and you need to have the awareness of being a bastard on the road.

However, Lin Xiu obviously didn't think so.

The troll should be in the river, but Qinggangying has no control skills.

The uncontrolled Qinggang Ying hit a long-range shot, unless it was a flash, otherwise he didn't even have the qualifications to reach himself.

And because of the advantage in the early stage, my blood volume has always been in the leading position. As long as I keep a q skill, the troll really can't chase me to death.

so. . .

Just keep going and you're done. . .

When everyone thought Lin Xiu would retreat, he threw an e skill backhand at Qinggangying.

Originally, it was just a pure damage skill, but under the influence of the glacier boost, it became extremely disgusting, and Qing Gangying seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

Retire, and be mad by Lulu.

Lulu's basic attack damage with Pixar is definitely not low. You must know that Lulu can be played as an ad in the bottom lane before.

He wanted to chase after him, but the q skill with slightly shiny toes couldn't touch Lulu anyway.

If you want w, Lin Xiu said that you can take a deceleration, but it won't give you back blood.

As for deceleration, according to the canyon theory of relativity, when both sides are decelerating, it can be approximately regarded as no deceleration. . . →_→

"This Nima."

To be reasonable, Xiao Fu, who was planning to arrest someone, didn't want to blame Ah Guang at all at this time, he just felt outrageous in his heart.

Why do you have to play so carefully with a Lulu?
All the movements of Ah Guang's Qinggang shadow seemed to be seen through completely.

And in the flat a of the next round, Qing Gangying's blood volume is already in jeopardy, one q skill or two flat a, he will die.

"Don't think about killing me, just flash to me, flash!"

In desperation, Ah Guang could only hand over Flash.

Lin Xiu followed suit.

The w skill of the troll next to him just happened to be flashed by him, making the troll's only means of keeping people in the early stage disappear, so that the troll can continue to be ignored directly.

Then, Lulu simply continued to level a.

Once, twice.

The trajectory with Pixar took away the last bloodline of Qinggangying.

"[IG.Lin] killed [RW.mouse]!!!" One blood, got it.

"Lulu kills Qinggangying alone? Isn't that too exaggerated, ah, what? So it's Xiu'er, oh, that's normal!".
"6666, Xiu'er, it's you."

"The next road is obedient and not to shoot, and the heavy punch is a blockbuster! Brother Xiuzi finally corrected Lulu's identity today!"

At the moment when the first drop of blood erupted, all the audience off the field cheered instantly!

And the most embarrassing thing is that Lulu is still very safe in the follow-up, throwing a backhand that has never used the Q skill to slow down, King Ning came to cover, Xiaofu could only watch Lin Xiu's Lulu leave like that.

Then, helpless, helpless, and irritable.

Anyway, being bullied by Lulu like this, Xiao Fu said that he felt very uncomfortable, and of course a certain Ah Guang would feel even more uncomfortable.

This wave of his death has basically declared that he will fall into an infinite disadvantage on the road, and the follow-up can only depend on Ah Guang's own good fortune.

That’s right, it’s really heartbreaking to watch.

After returning home, Lin Xiu directly cd shoes + lost chapters.

And Ah Guang didn't make up ten soldiers when he was on the line just now, so he can only buy a small magic resistance cloak and a pair of broken straw sandals with the money now.

Is this tm really too miserable? At the same time, because Qinggangying has no way to replenish enough blood volume and does not have enough magic resistance, he still can't suffer in the next time, and can only dawdle on the edge of the experience circle.

If you are a little bit greedy, this Lulu can really come up to you without reason.

"Steady yourself first."

Coin glanced at the situation on the road with a serious expression.

As captain, he knows what to do.

"I'm going to be 6 soon. When the time comes, the three of us will come and mess with him again. He didn't dodge, right?"

Ah Guang:. . .

"You mean, come up and continue to catch him?"

Ah Guang frowned slightly: "If it doesn't work, I'll keep it steady, don't affect your development."

Hearing Ah Guang's tone, he was a little worried: "I can hang on for a while."

"No need!"

A certain coin shook his head directly.

Ah Guang: (⊙o⊙)...

Maybe in EDG, Ah Guang has already been given up, but the coins at this time can't do it.

Because whether this RW or RW's lineup, at least one who can stand up to Qing Gangying is needed to start the team battle.

If Qinggangying can't drive, then RW has no initiative power at all, so if you go on the road, you still have to go.

Besides, I’m not satisfied with the coins. I didn’t make it in lspl last year. I finally returned to LPL this year. I haven’t played against Lin Xiu seriously yet.

Is he really, so hard to catch?
I am not convinced.

After thinking about it for a while, Brother Coin decided to carry out his plan, otherwise the journey would definitely collapse.

"Ah Guang, stay on the line first, remember to leave your control skills behind!"

"I don't believe that three people can't kill him. He didn't flash this wave."

"On our side, Qinggangying + vampire + troll, isn't tower jumping the same as playing?"

It makes sense, but why do I feel that many teams have been played to death by Lin Xiu before? ?
To be reasonable, Ah Guang actually wanted to persuade them not to come at this time, and he always had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Judging by their expressions, it seemed impossible.

"Forget it, we can't, let's try again."

With a long sigh, those who are struggling continue to struggle, and those who are developing continue to develop.

It's just that RW's Ueno updated his equipment in an unusually timely manner. Almost without bullfighting, he let the economy he played on himself transform into equipment, and at the same time moved closer and closer to the top lane.

Coming here, even the commentators can already see that they are going to take action.

Almost as soon as the voice of the commentator fell, the situation on the scene had already begun to change.

"Be careful, you got a miss."

Rookie, who has been developing steadily in the middle lane, noticed that the coin disappeared on the line. Although the vampire has no ability to take the initiative to do things, this thing is over the tower. . .That's really a hand.

"I know, you don't have to worry about me, you can go down."


Lin Xiu and Rookie just communicated at the speed of light. We are old tool people. It doesn't matter if we like to catch or not. On the contrary, Rookie who came to catch me at least knows what he should do.

Besides, the old man has a good baby.

RW probably didn't even notice that Lin Xiu, who also came home and went online just now, has an extra piece of equipment on her body.

That's one piece, a suit. .

That's right, less than 8 minutes, a ready-to-wear.

Many people thought that Lin Xiu created the Lost Chapter to synthesize Luden, but Lin Xiu chose another product—Hextech GPL-800, which is commonly known as the ice gun.

This thing is quite unreasonable.

Because now the hungry GPL-800 only needs 2600, which is 600 less than Luden.

Moreover, his attributes are very fragrant, including spell power, mana value, cooling reduction, everything, and even an initiative.

If the damage is not taken into consideration, the Ice Spear is definitely one of the strongest equipment in the early stage at this time. With this item combined with CD shoes and Summoner talent, Lulu's CD reduction has reached 25% at this time.

It's really not that easy for the other side to catch himself to death.

However, it has reached this point, and it is impossible for RW to retreat.

Although Rookie in the middle is still there, Lin Xiu seems to be retreating.

Look at the next road.

Coin's face became even more serious, Ah Shui and Baolan pushed the line of troops under their own down road tower, what would happen to their ink stains at this time?As a mid laner, he definitely has this overall perspective.

If they don't catch up quickly, the opponent is likely to grab or come to support immediately. In this way, what they have to do before will be meaningless, and Qinggangying will still have a very difficult laning.


"Ah Guang, push the line!"

"I know."

Finally, after finally holding back Tiamat's green steel shadow, he finally pushed the line of troops in, and everything was ready.

When Brother Hardy saw that his line of soldiers had entered the attack range of the defense tower, and he had already used the explosive cones to come to the side of the Golem grass, he immediately started to act.

"I'll resist first, don't keep skills."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"


(End of this chapter)

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